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Asd’s Retirement

And now, my final bow will be taken shortly. Obviously, no one is going to care about my history in CP, so, I’ll just cut it short and take it to the thank yous, and farewells.

Totojess1- We start together, and we end together. Feels like yesterday that we just graduated from ACPTR in the same brigade or team or class or whatever its called. I can remember when you agreed to help me with CPAHO; the fallen news site. We’ll hopefully see each other and be in contact, Toto. Good luck to you, as well as me.

Bunkerbumble, and KieranFB- I still think I brought you both together, but apparently, I’m wrong. My two best UK friends. Bunker, I wish you the best of luck in boarding school. Kieran, I hope you find your endeavors successful. Good luck to both of you, in whatever you may do.

TheBrain81 and Woogiman2- The chances of you reading this are nearly impossible, but, you two were very strong in my heart was we began CPAHO. Thank you, and good luck in life.

Emaccoux/Kidking63 and Spear/Lighton155- I always thought of you two as twins. Ema, your GFX is epic, I must say that. We’re bestest of friends, right? And don’t you ever say “Coolio” or any of my words/phrases again! Hear me? Aha, good luck. Lighton, I finally found out that you were Spear. I knew it.

Jujuflower- Aha, Leading Buddeh, it is time for our streak to meet the end of the line. Good luck in ACP, Miss Xat Fairy. Please, always remember me when you lead a raid or a battler, recruiting or tactics session.

Matre10- My first leader, and an inspirational one. I highly doubt you are reading this, and if you are, just hopefully remember me, the noob of noobiness.

Boomer20- BLEH!

Oagalthorp- I just have to say a few things. I BEAT YOU IN THE CPAC TOURNAMENT!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *points in face and laughs at* Okay. All good.

Cait- The first person I EVER met in ACP. Now retired, one of the best females ACP has ever had. I wish you, and her, a very good life, especially with any of your boyfriends. BTW, do you remember Indie500? I think that was his name…

Smartuin and Capncook- Surprised? You two were my inspirational sources in ACP. Especially you, Smartuin. You’re my ‘idol,’ if you will. Capn, you were just the first person who made me a member on chat.

Skloops- You inspired me to create my very own news site, CPAHO. I personally think of you has a very legend.

Marcus- Haven’t seen you in some time… but, thanks for the GFX for CPAHO! I really appreciate it!

Drigo2 and Carter- You’re right, CPAHO did benefit from you too.

McHappy- My first memory of you- I was on CP, and I claimed I was the leader. Apparently, you were there (when you were a 3ic) leading the entire raid or something. Once I came on chat for the first time, I apologized to you thinking that you were not Icey Cold 27…. So, blah.


Bobert- Sorry for being REALLY mean to you when you started your first term as leader. I guess I was blinded by the fact that I loved Matre so much… so, blah.

And thats about it. If I forget you, you’ll probably be in the comments. Ciao!

~Asdfghjkl888, Asd, Former ACP Senate and Field General

And There He Goes….

(I will still be on xat and I MIGHT return soon… so, blah)

16 Responses


  2. 🙁 Why does everyone retire in the summer!!?!?!?! 🙁

    You will be missed

  3. Two retirements in one day! This doesn’t look good at all. Anyway goobye Asd.

  4. Bye asd! I honestly dont remember you being mean to me, unless im not the “bobert” your talking about 😛

  5. Alot of people are starting to retire, and I’m one of them. Anyways goodbye Asd.

  6. Bye Asd 🙁

  7. Bye Asd, You were an awesome friend, that’s most of CPAHO originals gone now =/

    • Ah, Bunkstah. If you didn’t read the bottom, I MIGHT COME BACK!!! Chances are, I will come back. Just taking a short break from all the stress of the ranks. So, I’m technically not gone….

  8. Bye, Asd. Thanks for being a great soldier!

  9. OMG, remember our revolution on AR when bigbuy was leader and letting it fail eariler in the year.
    You need to get your butt back here to ACP asap, because we still need to carry out our plans as co-leaders. It will happen someday I know it.

  10. Well, I do read the ACP site often 😀 Anyway Asd, even though we didn’t get to know eachother a lot I see you made really good friends in ACP, and you were even in ACPTR! Hope you have a great life we’ll meet up on chat soon 😉

  11. Crap! I remember when Asd was like a Corporal xD Man time flies when you are sitting around and watching other people retire and go do something with their lives.

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