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Now what?

Hey ACP!

I haven’t been posting much recently, and that’s going to change, i’ve been busy with family things etc, but you don’t want my life story! This will be a quite short post, so yeah! Read on.

1. Now What?

Congratulations ACP! If you haven’t noticed, we re-claimed 1st from CPAC, but since we have sort of stopped with our daily activites.. But we can’t stop now! It’s the time for summer, and summer is where every army rises, we need to rise to stay on top of our game, and on top of the CP army world.

I think a lot of parties would be a very nice thing to do as well, as it seems that we have been fighting VERY hard over the last few weeks, so it’s time to relax.. That’s why we have appointed Albaro with a summer of fun!

So, the big question for this topic is, Now What? Comment below with your opinions!

Name: Flipper

ACP Rank: Supreme Commander

Now What: Well, I’d like to see some more action taken against PR, perhaps more parties like you suggested, and maybe some parties on other game for a bit of fun?

^^ That was an example and not specifically my point of view.

2. 4 Million Hits!

If you have been checking the sidebar recently, you would notice that we are nearing 4,000,000 views from soldiers and enemies alike! As far as I know we are the most viewed Army in Club Penguin! We were possibly thinking we could have several parties related to this.

Maybe a 5,000 hits day when we are close to 4 Million? Then on the day of 4M we could have that killer 10k day, and see if we can get more than 10,000 hits on ACP site in a day! That would be an astonishing record for everyone, to know that you were apart of that.

At the parties there will be real awesome prizes for everyone! It will be  quite exciting and we will have great fun participating in them. Comment your views on what we should do leading up to the massive 4M hits day.

3. PR

A big problem that has swept across CP Armies is in the form of PR, the Purple Republic. We personally are split in what to do, Some of the soldiers don’t wan tto fight, we should just let them get bored  and eventually they would leave anyway, but that might take ages.

The other option was fight! There are many alliances against PR, and we could join one. the reasons for this is that some soldiers don’t want us to sit still and watch them take over, we’ve got to do something, we are the biggest Army in club Penguin, we must fight for what’s right.

But what is your opinion? We have been waiting in the shadows fo rlong enough, deciding what to do, and we can’t decide – So it’s up to you ACP, what shall we do with PR?

Name: Flipper7706

ACP Rank: Supreme Commander

PR: Fight/Wait We must fight! We cannot wait.

24 Responses

  1. hmm…

  2. Name: Albaro Lord
    Rank: General
    Now What: We need to party more and have fun

    Name: Albaro Lord
    PR: Leave the noobs be

  3. Name: Carcal

    ACP Rank: Brigadier general
    Now what: I think we should schedule a big patrol

  4. Name: Carcal
    Rank: Brigadier general
    PR: forget about it, eh?

  5. Penny550
    We should have a BIG ACP party and make the server full

  6. Penny550
    PR: Let them be and don’t attack them

  7. Name: Mosh345

    Rank: General

    Now what?: There should be a day of patrol, And get rid of swat! (Y’know, the noobs?)

    They get on my nerves

  8. Name: snow jedi 6

    Rank: 1st luitenent

    Now what?: We should more events period. more events means we dont even have to do stupid recruiting

    PR: fight fight fight! those noobs are just getting tell people the truth means they wont join em!

  9. Name: Bird Pingu
    Rank: Colonel
    Now What: I think we should have a MAJOR party. After all i think that all of the soldiers (including me) deserve a break.
    PR: FIGHT. If we don’t fight they will rise to big for even ACP to take down. We have to think of Club Penguins sake. We MUST FIGHT.

  10. Agent233
    LT Col
    Patay xats and days give away
    PR is no threat they are just noobs

  11. Name: Splasher99
    Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
    Just ignore PR, there are no longer any Lliances actually fighting PR. They aren’t doing anything that can harm us, just drilling.

  12. Stew20

    Division General

    1. Leave PR alone, and let them come to us

    2. Id love to see a TFM or any game party for xats or a power or something

  13. 1.Nich55555
    2.Staff Seargeant
    3Uhh.. What flipped said. xD

  14. 1.Nich55555
    2.Staff Seargeant
    3Uhh.. What flipped ALSO said. xD

    (But there still noobs.)

  16. name bigboy8910
    rank corpral
    PR fight so they dont fill up the servers and rooms

  17. i read a post that is if we ignore pr they might hack us. but its justs shabs opionion

  18. Name:
    Great Alex12
    ACP Rank:
    Now What:
    We should have a wat against Nachos . PR will die soon . We don’t need to waste our time with them .

  19. Name: Emaccoux
    Rank: Field General
    Now What: Lets have some chat rallies with questions for xats, days, and/or powers. AND LOTS OF ‘EM.
    PR: Let’s not fight, OK?

  20. Name:Feey1

    ACP Rank: Un-ranked 🙁

    Now What: More tactic sessions, and parties! And I agree we fight PR, they need to be given a piece of their own medicine!

  21. 1. Saku1234
    2. Retired Staff Seargent
    3. PR: I’m not in Acp anymore, but I’m just suggesting, that you fight PR. Their number of troops are growing and if you give them a month or two, they might even be able to beat you guys. Which is going to be a tragedy.

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