Heylooo ACP!
We raided/recruited for a bit on Fjord today. Although I planned for us to recruit on Mammoth since there’s more people there, but then Bunker and some other ACP troops told me that the Nachos had raided Breeze earlier today, so I decided to return the favor by raiding Fjord 😀 The ACP had great tactics today that were performed impeccably towards the middle of the 3/4 hour battle. We outnumbered the Nachos who logged on Fjord at the Forts. The ACP then charged the Forts and lasted there till the end. The pictures are below and in no order. Click to enlarge!
Comment if you came to the raid!
Filed under: ACP |
Comment if you made it!
2nd! MADE IT
I totally made it. 8)
made it
2nd 😀
3rd made it
nvm i got 4th
i made it
I made it! I was really impressed with ACP today – you guys are amazing!
I made it; we were epic! ACP forever! 🙂
I made it (idk why I put this part :l
our docks are bigger…
I was there.
didnt make it
i came you little thing
3-2 nachos winning in raids woo hoo we can beat you any where at any time if you don’t like that talk to the hand! ACP SUCKS!! NACHOS RULE!
I so made it. 😀
I made it but I kept losing connection. =(
The dock part was Innop for woman *wary*
I love my name being mentioned in a post **wary**, of course I made it O;
i made it but i wasnt really seen …
Im in every picture! I can see my name in every picture! So, yeah, i was there 🙂
~Bird Pingu
i made it thire and stayed longer to make sure the area was clerd of nachos
I was there
I was there.
I made it
made all of them
made it
I was there, we did great! 😀
i was there!