My final goodbye……
- ACP I would say this is the best army ever created but that is my opinoun, People say ACP sucks but thats because your in a differn;t army…. If you were in ACP you would never hate…., Theres so many countless people in ACP, Theres so many good people that have been in the army and Retired. I hope you will stay Number 1 army forever…
- Kenneth1000: 19th Leader of ACP, Theres so many ways how excellent you are…., You actually understand me ….., you are an awesome leader and will lead us to victory. If you find another game thats like WoT ill maybe play with you 🙂 STFU KEN NOOB:)
- Bobcatboy10: 17th Leader of ACP, :Bob you have been so nice to me over the years, I Hope you can get a ps3 over the summer so we can play with Eachother.PSN: iTz0_0Matt0_0
Oagalthorp: 1st Leader, Creator of ACP :Thank you for creating this wonderful army if it wasnt for you i doubt Club Penguin armies would be they are today.
Fort57: 2nd Leader of ACP : Thank you for Being an awesome leader and i was proud to be a 3ic for you.
Dr Nono Jr: 3rd Leader of ACP: I didnt know you much but ik you like toast and have xbox so ik your pretty cool. XBOX:iMatth3w
Rapidy: 3rd Leader of ACP :You were one of the first people to get me playing runescape 🙂
Kg 007: 4th Leader of ACP :You were always cool to hang around with and still are.
Shaboomboom: 5th Leader of ACP :Shabby wabby the times you have kept me out of trouble, I love playing ps3 with you.
Boomer 20: 6th Leader of ACP :Boomer or should i call you white michael jordan you were one of the best ACP Leaders to be.
Saint1119: 7th Leader of ACP: Ik you hated me because i was always a jerk to you but you had it coming…
Dryvit: 8th Leader of ACP: You always banned me for cussing and i hated you but now you are very nice.
Seanehawk: 9th Leader of ACP: People say you were a bad leader but i think you were a good leader
Iasgae 56: 15th Leader of ACP: I love your name I-AS-GAE, You were a very funny leader.
Matre10: 16th Leader of ACP: To me you and iasgae were the same, But you were very random
Icey Cold27: 18th Leader of ACP: You were a good leader but then retired now you hate me 🙂
Flipper7706: Your a noob 🙂 jk, Well i cant say much about you.. but.. you are a very good leader and can lead acp to victory
Freddy: Your Canadian
Chase: You and freddy were like brothers 😛
Bluey: California FTW 😛
Capn: Xbox FTW, Quit WoW u noob
Buck: You crazy irish son of a bit**
Mike: Hi
Keyser: Keyser you are a good soilder and you are cool.
Speeder: It seems like you and keyser are the same 🙂
Khimo: Idk where you got ur name but you have potential to be a great leader
Noka: Ik you love nascar and your modded xbox but Your a Narb 😛
Toto: Good Luck In Delta
Alessa: Dont Denie it 🙂
Jordi: You created RT and now your in another divison thats Red Good Luck
To all of the rest of ACP, School is Number 1, Friend/Family= Number 2, ACP= Number 3
I Only written about some armies because they ment the Most to Me.
I joined Clubpenguin Armies, Right when they started to get big, During The Golden Ages. The first army i ever joined was Uma, I met so many people that became Legends and great friends From Abercombe29 to Themouse10. After a couple of years in uma i retired as Uma 2ic. I fought In all the uma wars including the one vs Acp sadly i was on umas side .
After Uma lost the War Vs Acp i joined them. I was given the Rank Corporal. During the time i joined I met many friends Nakib, Jungle N,CapnCook,Uno,Ben and alot of other people That would Take Very long to list. I fought In Alot of wars with acp as a noob rank since oagalthorp never gave promotions.By The time ive been acp for 2 years I was only 2nd Mod Rank. Then Oagalthorp Retired And Fort57 became leader. Acp Slowly Began Starting A New Generation 2nd Gen. Acp made Nations,Senate And Divisions. I applyed for a senate seat and 35 people voted for Me. Another Year Pass i became 3ic of Acp. But shortly retired with the pressure of messing up and failing for acp. Now Today Im A General Which was the Same Rank as i retired as but back then 3ic in acp was General.
Soon After joining Acp. A new army has started Called RPF. I joined them. Commando717 was Leader. I started off as a noob and began to learn the basics of clubpenguin armies. During one of first wars RPF was we had over 20+ for back then which was very good. I Got Promoted After Only 1 month in Rpf which was pretty exciting since i havent been Promoted In Uma Or Acp yet. After getting promoted i started to get more active and active in rpf. After about 8 months I became a Warlord In Rpf(Rpfs Highest Mod Rank). RPF,ACP,UMA VS WW War came and Rpf had 50+ Vs the WW+60. It was the toughest battle i ever seen and we came out with the victory. But sadly after a few months after many people retired. Then Rpf became to Fall. Then i decided to retire from Rpf as 3ic. 🙁
O joy what this army gave to me, what no army has gaven me before nachos . After i retired from Rpf i joined nachos and knew alot of people from rpf that went there. I was Given A pretty good Rank. I shortly became friends with flarry,person,terr and flameboy. Now there in a clan called RSF FOR PS3 Except person isnt in it.I was kinda a noob to everyone since i just joined nachos and they were for like 8 months longer then me but i got there. Nachos were pretty big at the time i joined. After all the recruiting sessions and tactic sessions we became an army, one of the greatest all time. Zippy500 lead us to some very big victories over some other armies. Soon after being a year in nachos I became Nachos Highest Mod Rank during the Person E.R.A. Then i retired because alot of my other friends retired and said stop playing that game and i was like k…….
CPC,LT,LGT,RT: This is the 2011 ERA for me. It all started when I Joined RT. RT was dieing, After one of there Leaders retired, I Came to RT… We started Rising 20+ but then Jordi made a decesion by merging us with LT,WCP… To make LGT, The army was an instant Success With 30+ on chat everyday… But we had like 30 owners i tried to talk to the other leaders about but no1 would listen to me. Then LGT failed and everyone merged out… RT tried to comeback but it shortly died. Ioioluk restarted BMA and then merged it into LT, Where i became a 3ic and then quit because of the negativity. After I quit LT a Former LGT 2ic still had LGTARMY.COM and Shortly after IR dieing he remade CPC which i joined because its the name. I Helped made it rise to Number 1 Medium Army but then Ajman impreached me and kinda ruined it.
- Andre you are a very good person and was always nice to me
- Tylund/TyMatt Your both cool NBA FTW
- Ajman/Blake never liked you too one Bit
- Klimster Your hella rawr no wonder you created an awesome army
- Keith your very good at making Posts and are a good Soilder
6. Zach I hope WV reaches Top Ten Again
UMA: The Friends I Made in Uma were
Pink Mafias
Jungle N
Lillie Rose
Little Guy
So Many That I cant remember
Rocket Ems
Too Many To Remember =0
Flarry Jerry
Flame Boy
The main reason while i quit was because of school i Have 1.7 GPA, The 2nd reason i was hacked and keylogged and lost alot of stuff.
This will always be the Longest Post in CP Armies ill make sure of it by spamming
XBOX: iMatth3w
PSN: iTz0_0Matt0_0
RS: FlowerDice
Dont Hate. People that like dubstep this is a good ending song
Very Sad Song My Playlist
Filed under: ACP |
So long buddy.
Tal. For the ACP part, like half of them hated you. 😛
Nah, I love you Tal. Although you were banned more times than… well, anybody, you WERE good to ACP. What was the total word count on this thing O_O
You better stay on chats. If you don’t, well screw you.
<3 Good luck with that GPA.. xD
” You better stay on chats. If you don’t, we’ll screw you. ” Agreed. 😀
Bye, We will all miss you.
Bye, i will miss you. 🙂
bye everyone will miss such a great legennd.
Oh my goodness, Tal spammed his post!
What’s with the giant spam at the end?
Goodbye, have a nice life.
Sorry to see you go, you really are a legend for everything you’ve done for so many armies. I think we’ll probably still be able to talk one way or another, but best of luck to you.
Im not in there Tal =3
taylor, RPF will never forget you
tal hated me and called me a mutha f***in b**ch on chat o_o
Tal me and you had fun in what so you called “2011 era” You, me, andre, and tymatt had good times together. Your right about Blake too LOL
Tal. You’re one fun guy. All the fun times, all the good times, you are the meaning of fun. I’d love having a laugh with you, or them times where you’ll just be like ” STFU you noob “. Tal, you’re epic. Good luck. I bestow upon you the IRISH BLESSING. Pucker Up *hello*
I don’t hate you. <3
I wish you didn’t quit, but sometimes we just have to let go. But did you know there’s a $500 fee for retiring? XD Jk, but I’ll miss you ;(
Is this seriously happening?:(We are all gonna miss you Tal.Even though idk you much XD ive heard about you and you are beast.Again goodbye.
We all gonna miss ya Tal.
Thats a very long post with a lot of @’s
Cya Bud.
Rawr. 🙂 Thank you Ken! Chuck Norris gave you the power and wisdom to promote meh! 😆
~Adamsapple4 -=Lt. General=- [ACP]
^^^CANCEL THIS COMMENT. Wrong page. Derp. Please don’t approve the one above….. 😯
Failure. I knew I pressed the back-page button. 😆
We’ll miss you Tal.
isnt the @’s a bit tooooo long ?
We’ll miss you verry much!
I’m not there 🙁
I like the @end ! 😛
TAL :'( I’ll miss ya bro
Adding you on XBL. 😉
Lol make it the longest post in CP army history xD
Cya later. (wave)
No! D;
this must be a big retirement if boomer read’s it
Cya Tal!
I love u matt.
Been a good run, kid, Hope to see ya around!
P.S.: Thanks for the message.
I’m gonna make a longer post when I’m on the ACP site.
When I retire, MY RETIREMENT POST WILL BE LONGER 😆 Well…… goodbye Matt
i can always edit it and make it longer
I’ll miss ya bro
see you
I’ll miss you Bobcat. I hope you come on chat. Man another lost dude just like Motoxjohn. 🙁 Miss ya.
Tal will never be forgotten.