April 2011 Promotions

Flipper: Guys, when you do the join page, please do not just do your day, if there are any comments before on the other day, please finish them off. If no-one has added them, you can complain to the leaders, but still, please don’t leave anyone out. I have a couple of owners I think haven’t been doing join page – I’m watching.

Shab: Dry I gotta talk to you whenever you’re on chat.

Ken: Leaders add new recruits to this post!

Flipper: I have made it my duty that after the brilliant month we have had, at least everyone who came to the PB with Nachos, and the Defence of Fjord, should get a promotion! Including the lower ranks, who may not even need to fill out a form. For their brilliant service this month, corporals will most likely be promoted to Staff Sergeants, as a little treat!

This is the day you are all waiting for… Btw Flip edit in promotions for the UK people who are active who I might have missed.

Important: If you have not noticed already, soldiers between the ranks of Warrant Officer and Corporal have not been promoted yet. If you are a soldier with the rank of Corporal, Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, or Warrant Officer you can comment with the form below to receive a promotion if you are active. Soldiers who also think they really really deserve a promotion can comment as well. I have seriously missed a lot of people. Congratulations to those who have received a promotion! You have 2 days to comment for a promotion. Comments will be closed on May 2nd 2011, 6:00 EST.

CP Name:

ACP Rank:

Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted:

What events/battles you have come to (Provide pictures to get a higher chance of promotion):



How to find your rank:

For Windows Users: Hold down the “Ctrl” key and then press “F” on your keyboard. This opens a Find window. Type in your CP Name (the one on the ranks). Click the “Next” button if necessary. It should highlight your name on the ranks. Then just check what rank you are listed under.

For Mac Users: Hold down the Apple/Command key and then press “F” on your keyboard. This opens a Find window. Type in your CP Name (the one on the ranks). Click the “Next” button if necessary. It should highlight your name on the ranks. Then just check what rank you are listed under.

If you still cannot find your rank and it has been a few days since you commented, click HERE and we will have someone help you take care of it. Welcome to ACP!

Green = Handpicked Mods

Bold = Promoted

Italicized = Demoted

Supreme Commander: Kenneth1000, Flipper7706

Head General (2ic): Bobcatboy10, Noka8

Commander General (3ic): Johny4, K H I M O, Slider568

——Owner Line——

Field Marshal (7): BuckleyBeans (ACPTR), Lillie Rose (Echo), Jcapp64[MFM] (Alpha),  Jordi30267 (Alpha), Monsterfully[MFM] (Delta), Ryan[Toon] (Echo), Totojess1 (Delta)

General (14): 12Declan12 , Cg2916, Drigo2, Flaminguin1, Jet,  Ladtom2Lorenzo Bean, Lucario9046, Nathancool1, Rainy, Sercan 44444, Smartuin, Speeder109, Stew20, Jackie202

Field General (20): 57toAlbaro Lord, Emaccoux, Fiasco 121, Frankbode, Freddy257,  Ganger0, Happyman444, Kieranfb, Klimster, Lighton155, Linkin55 MrMrMr8, Nicjackson, Noseycjr, Saw, Skyfish, Tylov5

Lt. General (26):Adamsapple4, Asdfghjkll888, Alfrondo1465, Bluesockwa2, Casiusbrutus, Caitlynann4, Cewan, Chapa23, Dj Yaseen, Donut67890, Ekpenguin9,  Great Alex12, Hurricanex1Joker, Jujuflower , Kieranfb Kingfunks4, Leoblue33, Master Kyl, Mosh345, Mrtchy, Peguin21795, Scampi Bri, Shift, Smsm3, Thebester5, Wenny123abc, Wwebestfan, Yanksrule14

Major General: 24Keyser, 9ooo, Adster, AninjaboyAero Master, AcpSoldier7,  Alyassa1, Army122899, Dan91123, Doodygirl1, Elite 910/Mcnuggetjr, Escargo, Funkikiflurry, Holo2,  Jupiter5, Karakoran, King John, King Kobra54, Lucario564, Mr Deedledoo, Mr Dunning, Neds2912, Oberst543, Obi Wan4321, Olympus 104, Paint5278, Penny91, Phipy, Pokemonlove4, Sas Commando, Sky Warrior, Smart Alec4,  Swimmerboy01, Super Paco24, Rapid867, Reddavis1998, Rkjcbo, Twitch/Chrisangel64, Ryconnormeg, Tylund1, Wiggle Nn/Patrick, Wyoskyguy, Xfallen, Xxvendettaxx, Jigsaw

——Hand Picked Mod Line——

Brigadier General: 31Drake, Adioboard, AcRobe0919, Ajman9011, Anirko11, Big Guy28, Blacktoons, Blacky24782, Buritodaily, Camboj, Carcal, Charizard58, Chrisi Blule, Coolto5, Cooper30, Dan Popper, Dasher999, Elimz, Feathers15, Gordonedward, Grillchz200, Hemto, Jd222, Joee125, Kong7, Lild423, Lsund, Lucario12321, Magic077, Martion231, Mrmachado200, Mr GoOfF, Edd64 (Mr Eddy2), Odudley,Puddle0101 (Joker),  Rapidy, Readd 145, RMStitanic94, Ronaldy3, Saddle24660, Schwambach1, Scythmaster9, Shadowclub6, Soccergal688, Skater12312, Sliper765, Sms3, Snopper1999, Snowballpink, Sofia011, Spyguy202, Steel Star3, Superfroggyd, Talex831, Teadan, Tom4749, Tydog1999, Tymatt44, Waddlebox123, Waggy567, Wizzyjake1, Woogiman2, Wurburt45348

Colonel: 3ilocon, Agent Samalo, Amr1312, Belak001, Bighead2496, Bja Tc Md Gd, Bludeoxys23, Blupichu, Bobbyzachk, Btime6, Carter157,   Cooldude7401, Dalek Cam, Danthemanr1, Edwadu, Egger60, Elvis1342, Ethnicz, Flames181, Fruitface 89,GH Daniel, Gill1225, Girlz43112, Greeniedude1, Hypermext54, Kiopyt, Lilhuk, Lordmuch200, Max9207, Mcwofin123, Mew2red, Monster47345, Morrisons2, Mustapha10, Pet Penguin5, Skull1100, Snickers4763, Spartansoldi, WweFreak123, Shark119, Skater123412, Tannerboss, Tes7, Torch12, Vinny, Wilbur5700, Zzmasterchf

Lt. Colonel: 11cartoons77, Abdurahman2, Acprule1, Acptroop123, Archerist444, Bearsandcubs, Bluebirds19, Bmf7364, Bobcatboy20, Butchaman27, Change, Charliem21, Commando202, Coollove152, Cpt Awesome3, Crazyboy86, Coffee1000, Dozy12, Drath1, Dykgraaf, Fabby201, Flameflyer6, Flappy112, Ford Perfect, Frostbeetle8, Grant42, Halo Freak, Heatblast401,Ironhide24, J55559, Jim430, Jlm435, Lafonpie, Little Juice, Omar Bsaibes, Pink23art, Pte Baron, Soundbooth, Snow Man, Strong35472, Talon 57, TheKid, Ttttooootty, Vicky Grant, Xcheeto, Waddles0, Zach11

Major: Aaman2, Alex Mac3,Agent233, Beeky128778, Bengi912, Blackyoshi, Blizzardbox, Boydog, Callum47968, Chaos42, Coldbob12, Coldflamez37, Connor, Dirt55, Eagleeye5600, Earth11221, Glassgood, Greenblah904, Fever1836, Flip 36907, Flurrz, Frigido, Fronjo4, G Crocousci, Goofysoccer, Hamthy, Ianroach, Igdogjr916, Jackpot88, J Arsenal,  Joeyred56, Jrobert5, Julia7070, Lcfc1,Liy7890,Lilrj21, Lootking,  Luckey 007, Maggie Nolte, Maxsue, Mirrie3, MJGREICO, Mommacat, Natalie Gt, Orangdude95, Patchy99, Penguinfur1, PicklePie34, Pingubird,Purpledoo123, Raymondsix, Redwingnum14, Rrupe1, Sblingsnail, Seasoning 7/Baggieboy,Seer2345, Snow Nick, Soccer793, Sunshineglas, Superbuck21, Tayto, Trooper7890, Uberkind, Unakia Rokio, UsArmy34,Weatherboy1, Zamman5

Captain: Ace51, Agentrds, Aninjaboy, Anther97, Army Cody, B5745, Bionclex, Bobbe 234, Cademan12, Caelancox, Caleb29304, Camwoodstock, Clother,  Darthburp, Dash Dev1, Dcpt1 , Djryan, Dj Shane1, Duncanbh, Elspongebob, Ericfeild, Grandel46, Grayrocket, Greenfarow, Greedo85, Hayley Alien, Haystacks DD, Jerm22nieb, John409, Joshua M14, Keith09, Kiko 9989, Kkneat, Louie76533, Master3848, Meano4,  Moe85, Mtl Pete, Ninja sense1, Orion Metal3, Pattiboy100, Raptorz116, Roy2165, Rjm Rox, Slapshot Pen, Smashmac, Snow Furry, Snow Nick, Sterio, Stoked90,Sunburst216, Thebrain81, Therad, Tntclay, Tycharp,Vacumpencil, Wiomard, WweChamp8035, Xbox JT1 Yacole, Zohal4321, Zwind

1st Lieutenant: 11jb22 Cp, 1Goblinguy, 7car, A 189, Acester1, Andrewwha1, Andreas 14, Andyspins, Ardicuno, Bartsimp52, Bcookiesv, Becca43321, Blake50000, Blizzard880, Bobtiger, Brownieman7, Bond6, Carrit10, Casanova9, Chipy8910, Cip Stuart, Cjonthemove, Coffe Guy 9, Bluebird721,  Danny68229, Eettuuyy, Elnino999, Fatman6, Fireball732, Freeze Bird7, Fern1232, Gaara14357, Gamer7171, Golden280,Hwhwk, Jason3900, Joesocool1Karatekel, Ktonboy98, Leafs20, Lilcam61, Lookydude, Icugg, Mar 5, Mario601, Mario 9879,Mjspw, Moks4, Mamuti56, Maxx speedd, Moe85, Mud Dragon, Mumble85151, Naruto60000, Noahrexct, Pengy1220, Pinkey Girl, Plutarch, Podsta, Ponchieoo, Porcupine999, Raptor SOS, Rey626, Rhinon9187, Rock Thrill,Rottenstein, Sapphire2010, Simon6789, SnoopSnoopy,Soljuiboy3456, Soxpitcher, Stricker443, SwAgDuGi,Taipan1998, Timmy607, Waddles855, Yellowie 25, Yoshi0721

2nd Lieutenant: 77Row, Actionboy07, Andre9765, Batman5020, Beavergirl, Billyb1000, Big Boss19, Big boss 121, Bluedude392, Blue Raven7, Blazing Dude 12, Bogoba, Buyouth, Chris8342, Coco Pop2503, Coldbob1, Cool82228,Crashband459, Cubonman 5, Datruth, Dex Dude, Dvt2000, Dr Pepper 11, Eminem Bozo Empoleon7667, Etale,  Firehiba, Flyers43, Francisco546, Free 8, Greeniscool, GVP234, Ice8389, Iceberg49869, ImAndreas, Indyashwin, Jed Pen, J Kid2, James30072, James5891,
Jman88894, Jmax09,  Joe cool 437, Kiten23, Korinna901, Lilshimmer, Lilritrulezz, Loopi45, Lunabear1111, Manik6, Matt7864, Mirmir12894, Monkeyboy388, Mooshti100 Moswick, Mt1234, Mugz145, Nate5678, Naruhinafan4, Naruto4605, Nolan32, P73376481, P77154689, Peg12356, Penguin D 27, Peppercool2, Pingu56780, Rhiannon, Rkeading, Sardine390, Skullcure, Smoco, Soda356, Smoovie1, Sorceror 365, ?spiderboy26, Soxpitcher, Slippy Fins,Spacedude 90, Spike Jr 24, Stamperix, Sweet 3ngle,Tanveer16, Tilgen,Themaster13, Tommy88697, Tufguy6, Tuner777, Toppboy, Trover9, Ubucomet, Waddle61788, Wii7191fan, Wolfy10130, WweChamp8035, Xxshadowxxh

Warrant Officer: 100Thninja, 25j75, 515224we, 81raider81, 8rockhopper1, Abdurahim, Ace567 35, Aeckenrode, Aimee2334, Airplane26, Actuary, Amichael1, AngelRune55, Aust9000, Avenge10, Awesome088, Bennynel12, Berrynic3, Blackbeard76, Bluetike, Bluey Bts35, Bluey Mic12, Bob9872, Bobbyisfun, Boofgall1, Branblue2000,  cale53,  Catmanfish12, Chadrocknrol, Cheeseball9, CJ0Q, Cool95424, Coolpenguin8, Cp231, Craightonman, Hotdot123, Hudsonhornet, Daniel2205, Double N3, Dj2748, Dialga078, Diegobg, Dinoguy9, Dr Foo2, Duck827, Elvis885, Emily7070, EricI98, Evan65702, Fever5121, Fluffiers, Fred1809, Freeze Bird7, Frylinjr, Funkeytan, Galaxie3, Gary19513, Ghebre, Goliath619, Grant42, Gukko1, Cutie188466, Ghtervd, Gurgle528, H1N1akaTHING, Harrison, Hbk300, Hotrodjim, Icer667, Icewarrior62, Icicle78,  Icy739, Icy cold351, ItchyFuzz, I Tots, Janzen567, Jman88894, Johnny86098, Jonny nitro9, Jooeric, Jumbo1201, Kaiki3, Khalgar1, Kot Sad 111,Leafpool51, Litning Miq, Louislou, Lucas08730, 
Luigibro8963, Luisloseda, Luluabc, Macita23, Maddyjonas55, Magma781, Mario12357, Medal Head1, Mewtwo562, Moka Fuzz, Moses106, Mtair, Mizzvampy7, Monkeytrees, Mrchatterbox, Mrgpv, Musashi205, Nono 8, Noober man, Nr Rr, Nzbradley7, Onest, Orange Spi, Otisdiver, Pakman345, Pinguquack5, Penblue9292, Peep128, Penger 1, Payton8873, Penguin 3992, Pestyfly2, Pie Gut, Pilot1215, Pizzafac161, Pokemon26693, Pokebanjo, Prosk8r Bam, Pufpuf103, Redsnapper39, Rareninja345, Rexrulz, RobbyBobby, Rockboy421, RockGirl980, Ryan12342,Ryana54, Sailor4722, Sarajane2, Saterday3, Side Kick, Sk8r023, Sliperdiper2, Smallpeni12, Snowman417, Sonicrush55, Speedy4063, Splasher99, Spy Derek, Stamperix, Stargeseeker, Stephon86, Strong Boy75, Sourbeans, Super Pal 1, Sydainty1, Tangy7667, Tinkerminka2, Three Masons, Thuan8, Usa army10, Vader51299, Vanuatuboy, Venom4324, Vtron, Warrior1005, Water Peng24, Werynt1, Wildcard1234, Wolves25, Wohoo123, Yo its key, Zipyman, Zippy0201, Zack3166

Staff Sergeant: 123john3, 21pantherboy, 5Awsomeguy1, Agent86, Agent Text, Altheae, Alliy44, Ajs541, Alli27248, Apollorange, Army scout7, Ashneha, Azza1000,
B5745, Babiblue202, Bailycuty, Bat12356, B Batman3, Bbmc, Bebo56486, Bignose16, Bimbi421, Blade 7 434, Blueoutof24, Bluepawer, Blahblah1928, Bloomac10000, Blossom889, Bo202, Bob3335, Bobflea, Boo Boo 010, Bradly024, Brawler 101, Bubbles63112, Cademan12, Caitlyn1898, Captincool, Catcatjacob, Cenakill2, Chain57, Chase470, Chippy101, Chirox1, Clarins1, Cool2933, Cowboy Keef, Cp Player1, Crosbycody87,Darkrai44779, Darthrobby0, Dctuna007, Ddog453, Dessie 7, Df27, Dialga 613, Djmaxi, Doctorwho733, Dolly688, Doshmaster, Drago 360, Dragon9685, Duncanbh,Drwwe1234,  Dx2005, Ebido, Estrella88/Cjas6, Fastcar006, Fireball5484, Fiona43, Fireninja668, Flipper88874, Flippy78987, Flst, Flurry Mafia, Fundude68, Gamerguy1, General alec, Giantrocks66, Gistha2, Gorkyr, Greener161, Grievous1000, Groukoray, Hayden70389, High 76155, Hockeyman520, Hussain77, Icblaster77, Igor1117, Ijneb9, Ilikebacon97, Indiana400, iPod58, Isaccp2, Jaks224, Laser 126, Jackie360, JangoFett456, Jonathan1215, Jordan6452, Jonny 313, Flymaster1, Jat33, Jungle900, Jwalker897, Kdrp, Kell65, Kenny11018, Kerouaz, Kirby86495, KooolMonster, Kopaka100, Kress2, Latis275,  Liam7997, LegoDude0419, Lollypoppa10, Louiebug, Lordcody56, LtColonel90, Ljjacob, Lugiadx, Lum Dave, Mann21440, Mar5, Matt30321, Mattg0874, Maverick50, Max75321, Meowclops, Milesprowler, Mini Buffalo, Mirrie3, Mn74,  Mollymoo91, Monkeyboy838, Monkeyelvis, Mkju574743, Mr Freezeguy, Mrbru3,Mr Cool 3866, Mypuffin, Nate315, Nano60469, Nfl03, Nick14233, Keyser5, Ninadoggy, ninja bob755, O bryan, Omar7,  Oscar237, Oscer 347, P138502766, Panda King2, Peace Girl, Pegasaurus2, Penblue9292, Peng James 1, Penguin73435853, Pinfinder456, Pinkle1028, Pinkster1077, , Polarfan, Police 501, Popcornsix, Poppop99946, Porsheeuno, Pringleprint, Prinplup969, Quiquebg, RagSix, Red Raptor1, Ric77, Ricardo05272, Rickybob100, Robot98, Rock4, Rocky25721, Rockydrew98, Saku1234, Samanna1, Sarge12158, Scyther554, Sensei5673, Sirscotty1, Sgt1221, Shayne619, Skyjet3, Slicks5291, Slippy Fins, Slug5, Slush7557, Snowball5771, Snowboard236, Snow jedi 6, Sonic286, Speedee9, Stuntdog773, Sunflower118, Super Pal 3, Supernova903, The hammers, Stpope, Stick Dude 0, Stone1414, SpookyLad,Spy88756, Spy Derek, Taig8, Theroberto01, Thestriker20, Tesha988, Tiger25449, Tikkabilka, Togglery66, Tony4574, Tootsicle7, Trevhawk5, Trisme1, Tuesday100, Uscfan 1, Utahpio456, Volcanic Fire, Vonchiefer, Vulcan23, Waddlepal68, Wario9876, Webcatz, Wery12345, Wicked Team, William Holt, Wizzfizz1, Xalexer, Xeriox, Xiao 4, X Otto X, XtremeGhost, X Technology, Xxlostxxx, Yosiah, Yovillian, Zayer, Zero9207, Zestron, Acpwarior

Sergeant: 04Shayna, 159flores, 1999jacko, 314guy, 321 Dude, 3Ig 3Ird, 42jamster42, 8000Harryice, 8877cat, 9ih6r, 99kane, Aatix, Ajboyrocks, Ace175, Anakin14575, Agent 144, Agent Flip7, Aido8, Ajman9011, Agentfj Chop, Albert81653, Alien Dude28, Aman20234, AngelLove66, Anikinbloop, Anirono, Annoying20, Arigatoo99, Asdqw231, Aswsome J, Aqua992, Aquapenguin8, Bandgeek05, Bap0298, Baseballer13, Bebe32992, Beddall, BenTenMan123, Bentenvolcano0, Bencar02, Betostar, Bilbobagins5, Bionicboy, Bird121, Bird24, Blanche89, Blueboy1067, Bobafett1997, Bwpenguin1, Bobey55, Boobear0731, Boook1, Bows013, Brownieman10, Bryce1247, Bumblebee151, Benceltic, Bvjgbjbgh, Bwjack 5000, Cash And Me1, Clubhot, CANDOSJANG, Carnage467, Carsdcarsd, Cartyoo, Carrotqueen4, Cbl Dude, Cena1204, Ch789, Cheeseball9, Chewyice, Chickenman31, Chimichunga9, Chimpgreen, China doll5, Chtr bx2, Chris26878, Chukchuc, Chuckfalay, Cleo711, Cody88885, Cokemanz, Cometi, Conankun01, Coolie887, Cool buddy57, Cool Cat 334, Coolstuff10, Coop20883, Sc8er8er, Cpisawesome1, Crazy Jarod, Crazy chiper 2, Croc122, Crzydd, Csm814, Cuddles49855, Cutiefun17, Cvberndes, Dan3298, Dannshun543, Dany1010, Darkdog924, Dash Dev, Dawnmagic, Delta1O1, Dhruv05, Dianac99, Dil348, Dizzy Ducky, Dj Pingy8, Dj Pudding, Dojo Fire 3, DolfinQueen, Doome2, Dukester97, Dunno5, Dx329, Egamcj2000, Emily59004, EmilyB2001, El Rey, Emmers5487, ERIC97, Etho1004, Ffeerrbb1, Fire Man100, Firestar9003, Flamo007, Flamejumper, Flapjack590, Flash70801, Flippers7442, Flippy4212, FloRida1216, Fluffy796, Frosty10256, Funkywall E, Funnyfun16, Fuzzy52783, Gap92, Genus1, Glassyjake, Grayfire10, Greener161, Gretchen66, Gogogoluke, Gord17, Gorillabond1, Guardado 199, Halochief2, Hamie111, Haminea, Happy454, Hbqb, Heatblack98, Hello1988, Hersheylove7, Hgob, Hip Hop Slod, Hippeoples, HJK07, Hobbs555, Hotweels109, Hullboy2, Hyperflaky, Icedude01, Iceloo, I pod 58, Icey4479, Iceyboy567, Indytig10, Infernape X, Info Teddy, Interwebdude, Isaiah550, Itbit, James 1150, Jake 657, Jalig, Jaron, Jasper2570, Jeffo 02, Jet J, Jguin3916, Jimmycb1, Jjrocker123, Joey13228, Johneverett, Jolybillyjo, Kabloop, Keenan96, Kern2000, Kento 3, Kenjr2, Ketchoqueen, Killer tg, King Cool 99, King Kinn, Kman112, Kowalski711, Kooljon, K00lgurl, Koolkid269, Kostica1, Krazy dude 4, Kupa 123, LakePleasant, Lemonlime6, Lemonorama, Lena12, Leo Lu, Leonardo6355, Lil imp, Livvy200, Loganx215, Luppy234, Luke 375, Maddyjonas55, Maget4321, Maggiekid, Mar72799, Matthew27888, Maximus444, Mcw3, Mcgrowlsgirl1, Me Chris, Megatron109, Mical456, Micro ice 6, Miguel 89559, Mike1665, Mike1003,Milan226, Minifotty, Minzy127, Mon005, Moopsie Pie, Mr Cxz, Mdreinel, Mr Robac, MrFuzzley234, Msqrt, Mumbo12, Nc735, Nellax99, Nizzlean224, NOAH J D, Noah7651, Nikola1212, Ninadoggy, Ningadude97, Ninjadog64, Ninja Bob755, Oliebol97, Ollie3618, Omegawai, Omi man1, Orangeflipper, Oyo8, P124340582, P80795933, Paddymike, Patsoo1, Patrick2143, Peguin44444, Penguin51991, Penguinpal67, Pengi Mike3, Pingujj3, Pinkrson, Pinky10818, Pingu0107, Pipsqueak528, Pong23, Popey 395, Pronto4, Pvgracie, Rafipenguin, Rainbow54334, Rammy9, Red12345, Red Sox38200, Redsmileybir, Redtwo, Richie671, Riksis2, Rolly Henten, Roblox 714, Rowdie987, Rudy54322, PakPik5, Peachcrab, Pendenlul, Pendo8550, Pengasaurus2, Penger 1, Pengyslide, Pizzapie35, Police Paintboy5001, Pop2503, Prinplup445, Prohibits7, Puffball1991, Puppynangel, Pyjamas Jr, Rap2098, Ray1001, Quangdao5674, Raysnowball, Redsoxpal,Riley 2002, Robber 9, Rohail96, Romeo Orange, Rrrr55516, Ryan5124, Samrocks, Sammyso13, Sammysideup, Sandra23012, Sara9817, Sasa5152, Satycorn 2, Satch/Gator894, Sc57, Skiboy1299, Slidey98713, Steel 10, Stevo1804, ScarletRange, Science Flip, Shadow67100, Shirtisred, Skreebel789, Slimdesnipe, Snowwish2010, Soccerboy545, Sumba72, Spenca, Spiderman320, Sniffmas, Snugbunny1, Snugglebuff, Surferguy33, Smahmac, Soujaboyfan1, Sojuiboy3456, Spartan2345, Specialgirl7, Springs345, Star7796, Spiderguy22, Srgnt Acp, Stephen28, Stevie0415, Supericefree, Skeleton5274, Southy Boy, Supersky1998, Superty, Tabbypinguin, Tackytacky11, Tater61300, Tbirds1023, Tedtedted, Tetedue, The Bobster2, Thenwhatname, Thief 34 34, Tiernan815, To987, Todd3646, Tom67576, Topguyben, Tomaj99, Toogood, Tred17, Trevornator8, Tristan 07, Twintung729, Twix 231, Tylund1, Tyra700, Ubdub, Unknown Ninj, Us Marine4, Waddle3003, Waddle99915, Waggy567, Warrior1005, Wazzok1, Wiggler87179, Willcins, Wingman 11, Wolves25, Woobleguy, Woo Iwoo, Wood Eye Tye, Xandicoot, Xxnavysealxx, Yo Max Here, Young fishee, Zaboo81, Zack71108, Zack24789, Zapye, Zoroark39

Corporal: 123nai, 19992may, 1darragh615, 1mama320, 1maximus0, 1neds,1st Flight, 2008iceman, 24555Brent, 25j75, 31Jwd97, 3ilocon, 34redsox7, 32112tigeria, 5j6j, 619ki8, 7penguin4, 7piplup, 7Young1, 700ordie,8bm3, 98Barbie98,  9Dragons63, 9Puffle, Airfaws, Ant Man811, Anti aidan, alvin1104, A91597, Abby49799, Abbas166, Abhi 6, Aboy11, Acprule1, Actionboy07, Adam bridges, Adamson98, Afg Man2, Afro Ninja2, Airwalk, Agent 9909, Agent Cahill, Agentdj Chop, Aidanabba,Aj12322, Ajmg9, Alan 16298, Albert7, Albert792, Alex14140, Alexander 04, Alegopieguy9, AppleOrange Alliy44, Almond Deen, Alpha 11, Alpha390, Alrichards2208, Altheae, Aludaralol2, A 189, Amarula1, Amethset, Amileya, Anakin 4000, Angel13831, Angent p1, Anikin623, Annastar16, Anne714, Anorthosis8, Antarcticold, Anthony148, Ariel36445, Armyelite7, Army Chief, Acara3885, Aslan234, Aslan997, Aubirnrige89, Audawesome, Austria5555, Alicam6, Avatar1105,Badboykev54, Bandit265, Bargara, Baronfork, BarneyblueJr, Bartmanj13, Bart simp52, Bazza1904, Bobjr4, Banana108, Ben81498, Brolga, Bruce575, Bryc Lax 10, Bbe red, Bbmc, Bdl8, Beachgirl334, Beanhamen, Beanie Sheep, Beasts2, Beckydino, Bee61, Bella Fan 21, Bencar02, Bejewl, Ben9719, Benbase27, Benaim, Bethany 77, Bf Fire 555, Bennynel12,Berries30009, Bike687, Bikini Man, Binxis, Billy68229, Billydog619, Bigboy8910, Big G 123, Bigoi, Bingo81336, Bj Cook, Blackgrutz20, Blackops001, Black Ryo 1, Blastman204, Blastoise Jj, Blootoob, Bgman6, Blue9628, Blue3942, Bluecool128, Bluestar 257, Blablabla538, Blacklenator, BlackHawk646,Blackx1, Blake sands, Blubah111, Blue2181, Bluehobo5, Blueman98042, Bluewind5, Blue Icey, Blueychaz,  Bob93404, 80, Bn Jvi555, Blubah111, Bobdo151, Bobsledge, Boompug, Bobswatjoe, Boogeydoo, Bjm155, Bobby 2465, Boey87, Boone482, Bounder2, Boulder66, Bossk1610, Bosshog628, Bpw2002. Brains 100, Bran0220, BriChris, Bourno, Bronco43, Bubbles02017, Bubs115, Buddy86391, Bumpy99, Bryanh1234, Bryant20, Bryce75, Bryce56400, BUTTERZZ1, Calvindog200, Camdak37, Canon16, Caseys man, Cassie202, Carlos 30978, Calliflowery, Carlsluvesu, Cavey11, Cazowi, Cec6101, CDteam Jr, Cen280, Charliesmudg, Charliew8, Chatosush, ChandlerJack, Chantilly24, Chato0618, Cheezburg117, Cheese 679, Cheesence, Cheesy1325, Cherub7, Chemy24, Chevelle200, Chewwie, Chakorn1, Chilly6541, Chipney, Chico s, Chosin1, Chowder90188, Chozo, Chris99063, Chrisdog1, Christie4357, Chuck 12347, Chunkysoup99, Classya, Claw59, Clone1997, Cloudsztrife, Cman12397, Cocoa2345, Cody Clay, Cranky789, Clooba, Clone25, Coffee guy 9, Comic Kid1, Conain1, Connall2567, Cookie43595, Coolerjohn, Colman, 7000, Conboy166, Coolaidface, Cool Aid 100, Coolasice201/Joshbrand, Cool Bro12, Cool Bro13, CoolDude2574, Coolsam66, Coolio86665, Coolman5067, Cool dood569, Cool Tastic, Cool Guy505, Coolguy476, Coyash9, Cpl Polowsky, Cptva1, Crewe190, Crislt324, Champ 50000, Chris6674, Christlekaye, Crisjdm, Crumrill, Crypto911, CraZy Plank, Crzy Foot, Cublad929, Cubs85, Cuity4427, Cupcake1128, Cuteroxy3, Cutiepie0799, Cutipi108, Cvberndes,Cycolne, Cynder Spyro, Dag6, Dan00, Danjot1, Daisiymay Dog, Daleadoo, Danjoedcow, Dani flowers, Daniel x7, Danny5087, Danny4good, Dapontekylia, Dcalderon200, Dhfd, Dragon123, Dragon123343, Darkrai991, Davdaretbb, DawG HD, Dc rocks85, Deci dnsa2, DeeJayNinja1, Dessie7, Devilrythief, Disney Wish1, Dj 3000, Dj Clarkie, Do11y1, Dodobumka, Dodgecharger, Doggynev, Dolly578, Dominic, Doodle216, Downup87, Douglas0007, Doud2567, Dqdog3000,Dragon93709, Driodeka101, Dr Pineapple, Dr Pwnage, Drwwe1234, Dunno5, Dunnoanythin, Dramamama 11, Dragon4333, Drifter742, Drybones10, Dsupergirl, Dudeofpower, Duyvju, Eaden louise, Eaglex239, Ecengo23, Ecomagic, Edfred, Egamcj2000, Eliblue1, Elicaleb, Elspongebob, Elvis885, EmmaC2001, Elmo Lvr, Emily83368, Enlil225 Envirodude1, Erin Smart, Erniebert1, Erman42, Eveltux, Even96, Ewok861, Explorer2, Envirodude1, Eveltux, Eyes560, Ezio490, Ezellpropert, Ezrabean, Farmp, Fartbutt81, Faxmanboat, Ffeerrbb1, Fgambler, Filecco girl, Finn5, Finn Rid789, Fire36789, Fire Boy70, Firemanfire,Flack39418m, Flameguy02, Flameman285, Flameguy62, Flameguy81, Fashionnista,  Flamer12, Flamer1199, Flapperoonie, Flapjack590, Fling 39, Flippers 863, Flipperhezzi, Flopper008, Flosscotton, Flowergirl19, Flufbal567, Fluff Ball1, Fluffo 4, Fluffyboy3, Flume2, Firebolt72, Firemanhg, Fire Shark1, Feno9, FootyFart, Foxrocks42, Fred4802, Fredguin8, Fridrich, Frixeo, Frontfront bu, Foldez, Foot123Ball, Fosters1537,Frostband1, Frostyyyy, Fully Wully, Funkywall E, Fun Guy545, Funnyman32, Gabesophia1,Gabriela 4, Gamer72, Gamer 4424, Gammak 2, Gator2765, Gazing600000, Genyes, Gerard762, Geter6, GFLondon, Ghostguy156, Glassgood, Glassyjake, Globe Rider7, Glaze7928, GilesBob, Gijoeinwar, Ginganinja71, Girl980, Go556, Gogopat, Gozar33, G Man88992, Gold4657, Golden Tilly, Gorge 2, Gq87, Grampy1996, Grant Gerlin, Grant 1 2 3, Grasse3, Gravity19, Great 56, Gree827, Greenguy4519, Green Man995, Greeny 0006, Greeny 2100, Greg2002, Greenydude40, Greenday3698, Grekem10, Groffon, Gruha1, Gug240, Gusbus3,Guy7044, Half Calf 1, Hahahalol, Haltboy11, Hamburger567, Hammbear7676, Hannah3660, Hanacristal, Handel4, HannBonan527, Happy17440, Happyboy46, Hardironlord, Hariru1998, Hatice Kaya, Hbk399, Heavenstown1, Helper12356, Hershylove7, Hipperfeet, Hoppters, Hawk2blu, Henralito,HI HI MAN, Hi572, Hippyoyoyo, Hkaya, Hmfan12361, Holly85052, Holzzz, Honeyben, Hubaguba, Huskers1939,Hollowween, Honlun, Hotdog123, Huelagans, Huge5432, Hugeball, Huninman, Hunter4690, I Am Cool Ya, I Am The Dj3, Ice4321, Icey91831, Iceyayrton, Iceblaster77, Iceblock129, Ice Bock 000, Iceburger115, Icecube928, Icey95330, Icey Idiot, Icfc1, Iceloo, Iceblaster74, Ic Penguins, I Love Icees, Icuggg, Icyspicy3000, I Dylan I, Ilya4444, Iluvpuffles5, Im Andreas, I Mimo777 I, Ima Ninja 7, Im A Banana7, Indy575, Investigator, Innoflow999, Inwiese34, I Pod 58, Isa114, Isaac Man2, Isaan, Isaiah8906, Ivysaue1978, Izael, Jacey98penny, Jackjack4687, Jackmac5, Jackiejay13, Jjackmac5, ada, Jakai125, Jakeo3, Jakeblue4, Jamlaujamie,  Jalenjjm186, Jamesbond 1, Jam0905, JamesJames5, James and ro, Jamezone,Jammy103, Jango17302, JangoFett105, Jassy2468, Jae316, Jason67228, Jb ben10, Jazki135, Jedi Josh, Jed Pen, Jjoepenguin69, Jk996, Jeepmoab9, Jelloj, Jellyjigler, Jeffery 99, Jene567, Jerm22nieb, Jerrya, Jaden557, Jamlaujamie, Jane5989, Jason365, Jaxonh5, Jedi1108, Jenemmy, Jewlesjewles, Jman7122, Jmr989, Jobo4hobos, Joe38, Joebruce, Joeykramer, Joker 1031, Jonydude12, Johnny 2003, Johnylumber, Josph2468hel, Joshrobert24, Joshuaman12,Jguin3916, Jshultz, Jub790, Jude43909, Juchan, Juglo Ax, Jumbomonarch, J umper2004, Jumper guy, Jungle900, Justin Jake, K The Pengy, Kane Vs Sant, Karuzu, Kaylea2001, Kaeden2002, Kaiki3, Katierock336, Kauj, Kayloon, Kaysumi, Kcool 59, Keii, Keyser03, Khoak, Kill mc,Kiara505, Kimon3, King77645, King952, Kingicevar2, King592, King Conor3, King Kirby 8, Kittirocks25, Kitcatdog, Kratos6547, Kodipaw, Kooldood101, Koopa Troppa, Kou7, Kurt12348, Malando3000, Masila, Master talia, Maya900, Mollygt, Matt36445, Mrflib22, Mr Freeze3, Mybobissteve, L325, Laboy23, Lalala4u123, Lambypie007, Lao888, Larenc1239, Lary Izzo, Laryzz1, Lea914, Lego1998, Lego Indy 55, Leif1001, Lenny9801, Leonu1, Leo342, Leo Ninja4, Leo Lu, Lewi 1888, Lfcfan9torres, Liam03000, Liam 8 7 6, Liam Den, Lichboy, Lilpeper, Liloscar23, Lil red m, Lillie Jane S, Lilly2967, Lilly6008,Lily Roseee, Linkeydoo, Lis50, Littlemoomoo, Livstar4, Lizzy0611, Lkjlkj90, Loadstar, Loeanglos, Loonyloo, Lolosaurus Lopy5039, Lord Frieza1, Littlered949, Loganator626, Loliepopsnow, Lord Frieza1, Loulou429, Lovepeggy1, Lucycat6, Luckie Rocks, Luigi 443, Luigi443, Luigi 8117 , Llljj,  Luke37415, Luketrus, Lulu12250, Lunchtimepal, Lu bu 9, Luppy234, Lwh2, Lydzisbest12, 956lauri, JCW15, Juchan, Justinsc, Mack62, Made Of Cash, Madgoalie1, Meano4, Magic2643, Magnamite, Mattew722, Makinuts15, Man116 Mandy 504, Manualito, Marcsawesome, Mario15425, Marco55564, Marcus550, Marie1972, Mario12357, Marky846, Mauro2010, Master Drew, Masternoodg, Matt1427, Matthew7773, Matthew myer, Mattman02aka, Maxie2765,Max 60230, Maxy1217, Maya900, Me A Donut, Megatron59, Mecnewport, Medusa1198, Meenmonster, Megatron109, Messershmit, MetsMan9175, Mgckid44, Miami102, Michael97306, Micc3, Mifoo, Mike10152, Mike No 1, Mini Man 2, Mini17059, Miniloquito, Minkall2,Minuteman3, Mirmir12894, Mileyspy1, MissTardis, MJ4225, Mjtmaster, Mm142, Moah Moah, Money4u, Moneybigbags, Monkester, Monty772, Moofoo213, Mrsir4, Mrbooboo2, Mrcoolio65, MrDavid15, Mrdoghnut, Mr Fooseball, Mrhelpsalot, MrLife06, Muddyhen 08, Munai1, Mushlink, Mustangman15, Mutt 124, Migrane1, Misty1238, Mj4225, Muutwo, Myles, N4ch0z Rule, Naruto4605, Naruto7777, Navy Bean63, NejiHuga3, Nev284, Nextguess, Nezon, Nich117, Nicky34556, Nickizdebomb, Nickzackluke, Nico0417, Nicole52348, Night sky634,Ninja817, Nick81388, Nikeboy8, Nikinoodle1, Ninja1908, Nitrogreen,Ninniy116, Nickapic, Niktastic, Nillafrost, Ninjaboy1322, Njme1, Nshiman, Naruto 17141, Nnntttzzz123, Nojus25, Noodle08, Nonsins, Notcold 89, Ntw9, Nylesj98, Nzap, Obifinn000, Obi wan 417, Ocean 46, Ocean15216 ,Oliver469, Omadaos, Orangedude95, Orbityu, Osaido, Osd2001, Osd1000, P100443205, P12382052, P125300932, P16338394, P76154741, P60502033, Padie2, Paldog, Pancakes1029, Park2002, Parker157, Patricio2010, Patrick 1038, Peachrock44, Peapod2001, Pedro0 001, Perfectflaw, Pengi sam jr, Pengo84243, Penguin688o6, Penguinmoder, Penguinoid1, Penor343, Pengi5167, Pengwi2, Perch fish, Perrurro13, Peter20, Padewan, Pecky12389, Pendy1, Penny0009, Penguin 5862, Penguine1253, Persues 7309, Peterjbenmol, Pet Penguin5, Pfc Miller, Phantom987, Philthedude, Pi 3 14, PieAAA14, Piercey Poo2, Pica8868, Pigzrkewl, Piikaboii, Pikachu9876, Pikaman2, Pikavac, Pingo Boy 67, Pingu24882, Pinguey, Pingubird, Pingugreen6, Pingu Surfs, Pinkanator63, Pinkchan, Pink Remote, Pipsqueak528, Pizzafac161, Pleasejoey, Poalo X, Pokemonjosh6, Pookyx2, Pokedraft1234, Poi124, Polar 78, Polkie1, Polly Happy1, Pookie Two, Pop914, Poppy Cheeks, Pottypop, Princess9487, Phhs, Pickapicka45, Pirlo100, Polar268, Pokedude919, Prankster Me, President678, Prettypat4,Puck5646,Puffl2, Puffulboy,  Puffy905, Pugit2, Punchu, Purpleguizlo,Purple Guy15, purple pet1, Pufpuf103, Pyro289, Pwner Kid, Qhawk4ever, Queezlebop, R1234, R2d3c3po, R2d2ty, Racerz78, Raiders2468, Rain Bow 777, Rangerboy, Rarth, Raven1893, Raven2325, Ray88618, Raysnowball, Reanomo, Red202,  Re400, Red Crash9, Red Fire8484, Red Pc, Redbull98303, Redfreezy, Redtwoeyes, Redfame1000, Redt53, Reilly99, Rewbella12, Rex 50 1st, Rex75839, Rex36614, Rex M7, Rhin11, Rico12470, Rick117, Rickoshay, Rikku1, Rjmcd, Rockerlocker, Rockett1234, Rockinrolle, Rob573, Rockhillrock, Rocket180, Rockdude4543, Rockrocko159, Rockit0568, Rockyboy421,Rock811, Rockoper,Rogerdodger1, Roj5757, Rolaax, Rolly Henten, Rolo Rascal, Romanvader, Ronaldob1, Ronnic1, Rookie3612, Rooniedooo, Rosita33754, Roxie Poopoo, Runover19, Ruffa75, Russel36652, Rey2469, Ryan95444, Rynos99, S120, Saabsha, Saber225, Salvo208, Samakin10, Sakboy, Sam Penguin9, Sam48103, Samee123, Sammfit, Sammy54323, SammySideUp, Samuel236, Santattree, Sanuuk, Sason, Seeno2000, Scramz200, Scarr411, Seaa2, Sedme, Scullhead9, Scruffy559, Sean61063, Seanold10, Selenamiles, Secretspy95, Selggig, Sgt Spike 12, Sgt Tilgen, Shadowk30, Shadow56285, Shadowy68, Shaelee99,Sharkboy5503, Sheepy13, Sheik231, Shanoc, Shinbi, Shypenguin24, Shockin Blue, Sideswipe259, Sierra8999, Sillyguy103, Silas116, Simon6789, Simba Liam, Sjjl, Skampie8, Skelreaper, Skipper03450, Skloop87, Sky Polaris6, Slam Bot, Sledderboy, Slimey06, Slipy98632, Slm24, Sloop87, Slushy593, Slyman22q, Slug5, Skampie11, Skiboy1299, Skimo 42,Skipper408, Sk8teboyblue, Skater674, Skaterdavid, Smartydaniel, Smallpengi12, Smothe3, Sniffmas, Sninja2, Snoogie, Spooky402, Snow23175, Snozone1, Soap Srg, Softie781, Soccer Drew, So cool 7, Sonicrapid1, Sonicrush55, Sophie Em, Sorceror 365, Spark1901, Sparky94, Speedy Guy 9, Spike1228, Spyrex, Srijith1, Sonicdude204, Sonicrider, Soonmyung, Speedymike8, Spenleyter, Spike1228, Splosh007, Spookythree, Spoonsize, Spongebob057, Spongeguy97, Spotstop64, Spyro9555, Silly 26, Sillyzband38, Stanmanx, Static ABC, Stephen109, Steve69084, Steveerkle5, Stroud1, Sonicclash, Stargazzer90, Storac, Soap Sgr,  Spongylover5, Spy88756, Starfinder15, Starwars9951, Stijguin, Stojoseph, Stompgirl,  Stuffy Glove, PSk8er290, Snowy sluge, Sundae Wadd, Sunshineglas, Sun brun1, Sunny131, Super boy137, Super188 Jr Supercade000, Superesam 2, SuperSth1, Superdude229, Supe sid 619, Superdude335, Super Paco24, Suyasa, Suzy2503, Swimbuddy, Swis Chese, Swordmaster, Pup pup lego, T001, T524, Taffy pengi,Tallrock994, Tango915, TanGuy6924, Tanner11351, Targy2, Taz1725, Taylorwilson, Taylorxm2, Tdoor566, Techblade117, Tennz9, Tepinguine, Trisme1 The Rackster, Theophilos, ThesuperG8, Therealanndy, Thisgirl77, The Rackster, This is rose, Thoralaura, Thunder0622, Tiem Pen, Tiernan815,Tigerrz10, Ti99er95,  Tea Oh, Tetoca, Tj Gold, Tjicejuce, Tripel H625, Toby Keith5, Togepi123,Tomthebom234, Tomatero24, Tompack, Tomy981, Tommy0606, Tommy2k, Tomphas, Tony95123, Topher,T opsofwow, ThePenguin34, Thqs1 Jr, Todd3646, Toothlessw, Tripy269543, Triswill, Trollmaster7, Troop27, Tudor, Tush10, Tyler78911, Tb619, Tylersqueaky, Tymagana2, Tymmy 456, Ultimate9801, Ukblend390, Uxie11, Vampire405, Vanny11111, Venom4324, Vexter, Vgnu, Verdesandy, Viva9626, Violet17e, victormax, Visorakchamp, Volcom891, Vyolit, Wackey500, Waczac, Waddle14396, Waddlewander, Walle73, Walwall, Watoys, Watt200, Web2011, Welch26405, WesleyJack, West899, Whabbler, Wheezboy, Willalexande, Willhopper, William17893, Wmr dictionar, Wt Now, Yourshadow1, Whiityblu, Wyldboy, Wyntir, Xivanmax, Xmrtuxedox, Xwing5555, Xd001lugia, Xtreamgirl2, Yacole, Yellowfin963, Yes And No, Yipyip61, Yky152, Yoshi1643, You Ugleh, Yoyomasta123,Yoyoman19980, Yuffo, Zacharyjosh, Zackray1, Zahandie, Zahrehsadira, Zambonie5703, Zeeks1000, Zesk3, Zhe Hao, Zoey Bell, Zmst1, Zoozool, Zxdfty, 3cena8

Master Corporal: Dryvit

Advisors:  Clintos007

ACP Janitor: Fever1836, Yanksrule14

Head of ACP Cleaning Staff: Ollie

ACP N00b: Bfan212, Mitch

ACP Graphic Designer: Pochoma123

Creator: Oagalthorp

147 Responses

  1. comment

  2. Soon I will get that promo I’ve been waiting for… 🙂

  3. 2nd and I got a promo thanks!

  4. CP Name: Xcheeto

    ACP Rank: Major

    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: I should be promoted because I have been to every battle this month but I had to leave the Defense of Fjord with 14 minutes left because a party. And I have made 2 unscheadueled events and have always followed orders. :mrgreen:

    Already promoted!

  5. CP Name: Yes
    Rank: Yes
    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: Yes

    😆 joke comment

    2ic spots are full 🙁

  6. CP Name: Splasher99
    Rank: Staff Sergeant
    I have been patrolling very often and recruiting on Mammoth, and drove out many SWAT already.


  7. CP Name: Billyb1000

    ACP Rank: Warrent Officer

    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: I deserve a promotion because I came to every event this month except the defense of fjord and one chat party. I would have came to both if I could have. I patrol on CP in my free time and go on chat even if there’s no battle or event going on.


  8. CP Name: Ryana54

    ACP Rank: Staff Sergeant

    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: I been really active and came to alot of battles


  9. CP Name: Jcapp64
    Rank: Field Marshal
    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: Because im a good leader and the people who tried to get me demoted were cyber bullies and treated me unfairly and abused me.

    Maybe next time Jcapp. There is no room for 3ic right now.

  10. cp name:luigibro8963
    rank:staff sergant
    why you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you been unfairly demoted:because i been in the battle defensive of fjord and more other battles nerly everyday i go on mammoth and battle swat.


  11. CP Name: Jet

    ACP Rank: Field General

    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: It’s not big deal but I was a a general rank and its been 3-4 months since I came back and still no promotion. Though I could understand why I wasn’t promoted at the same time.


  12. Yes! I reached mod! When I joined ACP my goal was to get to mod. Thank you! I love you guys!

  13. CP Name: Nightsky634
    ACP Rank: corporal
    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: I was at the defense of fjord and many other previous battles. I also go on mammoth and defend. I only miss battles when im busy.

    I cannot find you on the ranks.

  14. cp name:luigibro8963
    rank:staff sergant
    why do ou deserve a promotion/why do you think you have been unfairly demoted:because i was in the battle of defensive of fjord and ive been in heaps of battles and everyday im on mammoth battleing swat.

    Already given promotion!

  15. CP Name:abdurahim
    ACP Rank:staff seargeant
    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted:I helped acp allot with my division so ill try MY BEST!



  17. CP Name: 24Keyser
    ACP Rank: Brigader General
    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: Read The Join Rules In The ACP Constitution Ill Take Major Gen And Hand Picked (dhat)
    What events/battles you have come to: Lots IDK All

    You will get Maj. Gen, Mod comes later (d)

  18. CP Name: Klimster

    ACP Rank: Lieutenant General

    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: I deserve a promo because I am legitly on the chatbox every day for a couple hours. I go to most of the battles and I actually follow the orders on CP. I know im already a decent rank, but I hope you’ll consider 😀

    What events/battles you have come to: The defense today, all day. The nacho PB. The recruiting sessions, and the unscheduled things on Mammoth – I even lead one of them for a short time. chat rally. TTT Final battle and previous ones. and many more important things this month.

    I hope you atleast consider 😛

    I see you have been very active. Approved.

  19. CP Name: Karatekel

    ACP Rank: 2nd Leuitenant

    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: I deserve a promotion because I’m on chat constantly and come to every battle I can

    What events/battles you have come to: Uhh The Defense of Fjord, PB with Nachos, and some others from the month of April that I can’t remember XD


  20. Name: Agent233

    Rank: Warrdant Officer

    Why promo: I went to most of the battle including the defense of fjord I always go on chat. I am mostly AFK but when an owner do a sirenhorn I go on chat to see what happening. I made to most of the battles and unshcauld ones. I patrol everyday and fight SWAT on mammoth

    PS I was one of a grad for ACPTR and Jack said I http://armyofcp.com/2011/04/07/warning/got to a major rank. Here is the link for proof


  21. CP Name: Ryan 15

    ACP Rank: Field Marshal

    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: I am totally sexy

    What events/battles you have come to (Provide pictures to get a higher chance of promotion): All of them… 😀

  22. CP Name: Ryan 15

    ACP Rank: Field Marshal

    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: Because I am sexy

    What events/battles you have come to (Provide pictures to get a higher chance of promotion): All of them 🙂

  23. yes i got promoed, thank you ken and flip!

  24. Name: Blizzard880
    Rank: Warrant Officer
    Why?: Because I am really active and I’m hardworking when it comes to battles/war. I patrol to look out for enemies, and almost everyday I’m on ACP chat.


  25. CP Name: Blake50000
    ACP Rank: 2nd Liet.
    Why do i deserve a promotion: I showed up to the battle today and about 6 events in the past month. I showed ACP to 3 ppl and i think my bro joined. I try to patrol Mammoth at least 2 hours a week and i mostly look for SWAT. I have see them a few times lately but its mostly clear. I would really like a promotion in this army. I also put the link to this on my gravatar image as u can see. Oh and i talk on chat a lot at night.
    Well i dont know how to take pics, but in this pic taken today, u can see my name “Blake50000” near the bottom, but u cant see my penguin cause we are in a line.

    im slightly above strong boy, joo457, and Dragonitese.
    Thx ACP! hope i get a promo!


  26. thanks for the promo!


  27. Ric77
    I think I deserve a promotion because,Ive been loyal to the ACP,I attended the defense over fjord,and Im very active,too.
    Ive been in the defense battle,small battles when im patrolling,and ive been on chat alot! 😀

    Please approve and promo me thanks!


  28. 1: Louie76533
    2: 1st lieutenant.
    3: I am very active.
    4: World war V. Battle of fog, Heaps of ones. Even the liberation of mammoth. I have came to around 23 battles.


    • I have no time to fill all the stuff out but rank is captin i just want as much help as i can to get to mod flipper you know what im talking about.

  29. oooh im just crying not happy crying,sad crying ;-(

  30. CP Name: Sercan 44444

    ACP Rank: Field General/General

    Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: I’m one of the most active UK mods o_O


  31. WTF i was there why havn’t i been promoted????
    i have been to all events this month!!!!!
    Im from the UK so u might of missed me but it was 00:30 in the morring when i logged of so i should be there

  32. SAS Commando

    Brigadier General

    I came to two or three events, one at minight and on chat I am yorik, I am very active.




  34. Im major gen

  35. No one ever trusts me as mod:(

  36. Why are you suprised you are promoted:
    I only patrolled Mammooth in a whole month! 😀

  37. I didn’t get promoted even though I got on CP for the un-Sheduled battle. Maybe you just forgot to promote me or maybe the rank above is just too full, if that is the case then I fully understand your decision not to promote me.

  38. I’m one of the most active Mods from the UK and I didn’t get a promo.

  39. CP Name: Mooshti100

    ACP Rank:warrent officer

    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: Because ever since I have joined ACP I have came to all the battles
    What events/battles you have come to deffence of fojord battle with ice warriors battle with nachos and night warriors and training battle with nachos.


  40. Thank you for promoting me. I am very greatful, sir

  41. Thank you! Today is only my third day 🙂 I am from the UK so when I got on at 10PM I wasn’t allowed to stay long but I tried hard and stayed on chat the whole time.

  42. I’ve gone to every single event (Except the last event whitch was not UK friendly). Im always on the chat and I didn’t get a promotion? I’m one of the most active UK mods. 😐

  43. I am not promoted! I was yestarday at FJORD!



    Yours Sincerly
    Gordon Edward
    Brigadier General

  45. CP Name:
    Gordon Edward
    ACP Rank:
    Brigadier General
    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted:
    I aint been demoted i just want to be promoted because ive been active on the site
    What events/battles you have come to (Provide pictures to get a higher chance of promotion):

    There has not been one when i came back

    And when did you come back?

    • I came back a month ago i just aint been on chat much due to family probs

      • If you haven’t gone to events, how can you expect a promotion?

      • I have been to events read it

  46. CP Name:Great Alex12
    ACP Rank: Major General
    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: I deserve a promo because I’m very activ (one of the most activ mods ), I come to battles and I stay very much on ACP chat !
    What events/battles you have come to (Provide pictures to get a higher chance of promotion): Yesterday I was at half defence !
    And I was and at some unscheduled events !


  47. Thank you for promoting me Kenneth! 😉

    Your Welcome!

  48. CP Name: LadTom2 aka lentalsoup

    ACP Rank: Field General

    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: Its been a while back since I had a promotion and I’m beggining to give up. Since the start of this month, I have continued to show actiness thorought, and attended the battle’s which deserved a promotion, although I’m not the only one who didn’t deserve one.This is also my 3/4th month in the same rank. Maybe its the way the promotions are done, or maybe its just that people don’t like me, but sometimes I start to think that ACP don’t want me anymore.

    What events/battles you have come to (Provide pictures to get a higher chance of promotion): I could name a number of battles to , but I went to the defense of Fjord, and attended a number of recruiting sessions.

    I hope you please approve my promo and thanks 😀


    LadTom2 aka lentalsoup

  49. Woohoo! ;D

  50. yay 2nd luitenant Ty ACP Leaders

  51. Name: Emaccoux
    Rank: Lt. General

    Reason: I DID attend both the Nacho PB and the Defense of Fjord, yet I’m not promoted. BTW, I am, of course, VERY active, and I’m on ACP chat most of every day. Also, I know what the rules are on ACP chat, and I enforce them 24/7. I don’t care what kind of violation it is, and I don’t care if they say it’s abuse, if I know the person I kicked/guested/banned got kicked/guested/banned for a reason, I won’t care what everyone else says. So yes, you could say I’m stubborn, but I’m also very fun! 😀


    • I also like attending unscheduled events. Forgot about that.

  52. Cp name: kdrp
    ACP rank: sergeant
    Its been 2 months and ive been in the defense of fjord yesterday for like 15 mins cuz im gmt time. But i havent had a promo for 2 months.
    I have been in about 4-5 events arranged usualy against uma and swat


  53. CP Name snow jedi 6
    ACP Rank corporal
    Why do you deserve a promotion i have been active alot this month and last month

    What events/battles have you come to i have come to most events all through april


  54. CP Name:abdurahman2

    ACP Rank:lt colonel

    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted:Because i have patrolled in acp for weeks and i did a consecutive time of patrolling

    What events/battles you have come to (Provide pictures to get a higher chance of promotion):pb nachos,alpha army battle and defense of fjord

    P.S Who is member of the month?

  55. Congratualations to all who got promoted!

  56. Name: cool82228
    Rank: warrant officer
    Why qant to be promoted: I went to the defense of fjord the recruting sessions the TTT tournament the finels and I helped my own army with alot of battles so I think I should be promoted


  57. yES! up a rank! i love acp!

  58. Ekpenguin9
    Although being away for the majority of the month with a broken laptop I have tried to get as much time on chat and events as possible. I have also attended the senate meetings 😛 Not getting a promotion this time around would not be the biggest loss to me but I tried my best to inform higher ranks of my broken laptop 😀

  59. Hey, why am I General, lol. I should be Field Marshal.

  60. For ACPTR they said I got a major rank on the next promo



  61. Cp Name: Jackpot88

    ACP Rank: Captain

    Why I didnt get promoted?: I have no idea, Im just as active as everyone else in ACP. I’ve been to events such as Defense of Fjord,Many Defenses of Mammoth when the Nachos were not our allies,and i’ve also patrolled mammoth and breeze almost everyday!…I do think i deserve a promotion…

    Promoted already!

  62. LOOK WHO’S A MAJOR NOW. Lilys taken over lol

  63. My penguin name is soljuiboy3456
    my Rank is 2nd Lt
    ive been to the defense of fjord and ive been in acp battles and acp is the best army in cp btw im using my moms email because i forgot mine


  64. 1.spy88756
    3.i went to defence of fjord and i patroled mammoth


  65. Soon i will get a promo!
    1) seer2345
    2) captian
    3) I always be active, attend wars & help protect mammoth!


  66. 1. kerouaz
    2. corporal
    3. I have been loyal and visiting this site everyday


  67. CP Name:
    Spacedude 90
    ACP Rank:
    Warrent officer
    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: I deserve two promotions. promotion this month. Last month, i came to a few unscheldued events. But for the battles, i only came to the recuiting session and tactics, and i made the monday-thurday recuiting sessions as well. I am active on chat alot. Yes, i know i cant get out of hand but please give at least two promotions. that is all.

    What events/battles you have come to (Provide pictures to get a higher look in my paragraph i made.

    Promoted! But come to more scheduled events this month.

  68. CP Name: Mr Cool 3866

    ACP Rank: Staff Seargent

    Why do you deserve a promotion: im always active on ACP, participate in MOST of the battles, and tournaments. I also patrol probably 5 times a week.

    I came to a couple of recruiting sessions on Mammoth, and also guard and patrol our capital city, Breeze.

    Requested rank: Warrent Officer, or If you think I deserve it, 2nd Lieutenant. Thanks guys.


  69. CP name: Maelatron/Mosh345

    ACP rank: Major general

    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you were unfairly demoted?:

    I came to PB with Nachos AND Defence of fjord, Plus I have been patrolling and recruiting with fellow ACP soldiers.


  70. Thanks for the promo 😀

  71. omg im a staff sergent tx thx soooo much

  72. CP name:Weatherboy1
    CP rank:!st lieutenant
    Why should I be promoted:Actually I graduated out ACPTR and the post said that I was going to be a Major look at it http://acpbootcamp.wordpress.com/2011/04/07/warnung/ It says Major after my name

    Fixed Already!


  74. CP Name: Dasher999

    ACP Rank: Brig. General

    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: I think I’m a lower rank now because I was dealing with IW, but now that I can help out I’ll be attending events, ect.

    What events/battles you have come to (Provide pictures to get a higher chance of promotion): Emm. . .

    Maybe you will get one next month if you are active 😉


  76. cp name:Haystacks Dd
    cp rank:2nd LT
    why i should be promoted:im doing well in acp and im going to lots of events and im on chat everyday

    unschedulded events and lots of events such as yesterday agianst light troops and i come to all the events that happen.


  77. CP name: Darkrai44779



    I’m so proud of my self!
    I will be so loyal it ain’t even funny!

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!

  79. CP Name: Flaminguin1 (BunkerBumble)
    ACP Rank: Field General
    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: Ok, I do see that no one got promoted to General but I guess it’s worth a shot, I’ve been really active this month and the only time I wasn’t on chat was when I was on holidays a few days ago

    What events/battles you have come to (Provide pictures to get a higher chance of promotion): I actually never thought I had to take pictures of me at battles to get promoted… However I missed just 2 events and came to every GMT friendly event I could make, I came to Fjord battle last night, the Practice Battle with Nachos, Recruiting, Earth Day Par-tay and a lot more, they were ones out of the top of my head (expression)


  80. CP name: Darkrai44779
    ACP rank: Sergeant
    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: since i have been super active and attended every battle

    What events/battles you have come to
    ALL of April’s battles


  81. CP Name:Wenny123abc

    ACP Rank::Major general

    I deserve a promotion because I’m on everyday and I’ve been active this whole month, I’m also constantly making events like the defense of fjord


  82. i didnt get promoted to staff seargent. i attended the pb with the nachos and the defence of fjord yesterday. im coporal so can you please promote me? 🙂


  83. Name:Icicle78 Rank:Staff Sergeant Why Do You Deserve Promotion: I go on the website as much as I can and was in plenty wars, Battle of Icebraker, Battle of Fjord, Battle of Fog and alot more.Plus I go patroling every day,Its one of my favorite things to do.I have been promoted fairly.And when I look at myself, I see a future A.C.P Surpreme Commander.


  84. CP Name: Hwhwk

    ACP Rank: 1st Lieutenant

    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: I deserve a promotion because ive been to all of the events, and i only had to leave early for two of them for family events.

    What events/battles you have come to (Provide pictures to get a higher chance of promotion): I have come to all of the battles so far in april. i did take pictures for two of them, but i dont have a photobucket account. ill try to upload pics soon though

    Already given a promotion!

  85. Hey guys i have a question.
    How did you put your pages on the side of your blog in cloud form?
    Can you please answer this question because im trying to edit my blog like yours.Thanks.

    P.S.Thanks for thre promo.

  86. thanks for the promo! 🙂

  87. ACP name: Snow Jedi 6
    ACP rank: corporal
    Why I should be promoted: I think I should be promoted because I’ve been super active this April. I’ve come to almost every battle this April.

    Already given a promotion 😕

  88. CP Name:
    ACP Rank:
    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: I have been as active as possible and have been very helpful on chat.
    What events/battles you have come to (Provide pictures to get a higher chance of promotion): I have been to many, but I can’t remember what they were called.

    Where you at the Defense of Fjord and The Nacho PB?

  89. Thank you for the promotion. 🙂

  90. CP Name: James5891

    ACP Rank: Warrant Officer

    Why do you deserve a promotion: I have came to every event that i could come to, and i have worked hard to get a promotion.

    What events/battles you have come to: Fjord Defense, TTT Battle, and PB with Nachos.


  91. CP Name: zamman5

    ACP Rank:major

    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted:well i go to like all of the battles

    What events/battles you have come to (Provide pictures to get a higher chance of promotion):ive have gone to ever one since i joined

    Do you have any pictures of yourself with the ACP in battle?

  92. CP Name:Supernova903
    ACP Rank:Sergeant
    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted:I was at the events I could go to and I try to be as active as possible.
    What events/battles you have come to (Provide pictures to get a higher chance of promotion):I went to the Defense of Fjord,the TTT tourney and that PB with Nachos the week before the TTT Tourney.

  93. CP Name:

    ACP Rank:
    Field General

    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted:
    I came to both the PB with Nachos and the Defense of Fjord, you can even ask the Deltan leader Toto if I am active or not Ken. I followed exactly what you said on being active I thought I performed greatly to meet your expectations. Maybe General is just a very hard rank to achieve or the other Field Generals just aren’t active? I feel that I did my best at being active! Maybe I didn’t get promoted because I am on chat 6 out 7 days a week? 😀 I try my absolute best as a moderator!

    What events/battles you have come to (Provide pictures to get a higher chance of promotion):
    I came to Nachos PB
    Chat Rally
    Defesne of Fjord
    Pictures: I didn’t know we should take pics but I will give you five of our next event personally Ken if you would like! I am very sorry for not having any but I am sure you will take my hoinest word for being at the events.

    You will be promoted once Tal retires from the ACP cause right now we don’t have anymore room 🙁

  94. jujuflower

    Thank you for the promotion, I believe the patrolling I do almost everyday, plus attending events and being on chat has paid off.
    ACP forever

  95. CP Name: GH Daniel

    ACP Rank: Lt. Colonel

    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted:
    I think I deserve a promotion because I have been on chat for 3/4 of an hour every day for the past month. I have recruited and patrolled on Mammoth a lot too, and I have helped defeat some NW who were trying to recruit on Mammoth too.

    What events/battles you have come to (Provide pictures to get a higher chance of promotion):
    I have went to the defense ur Fjord, the Nacho capital and the other practice battle :).

    I hop I get promoted!


  96. I am sorry but I must resign from acp. Can you please take my name off the ranks?

  97. 1.Penny91
    2.Brigader General
    3. I have been to everye ACP event since I joined, and this is the 3rd time in a row I haven’t been promoted.:(. I see people like JujuFlower and AdamsApple who were the same rank as me get promoted, but I never do. I should probably be Lt. General, please
    4.I have been to every event since I joined. The end of the year battle with the IV, all of the tournament rounds, the defense of Fjord, you name it. I can’t get any pictures cuz my mom has some systemt where you need a password to take pics, so sorry. Please promote me!

    You are a Major General.

  98. CP Name: sirscotty1

    ACP Rank:corporal

    Why do you deserve a promotion:ive come to alot of battles and ive made a website at http://shareACPstories.doodlekit.com

    What events/battles you have come to:ive come to about 7 battles and a couple practice battles

    Already promoted.

  99. CP name: lucario12321
    Rank: Colonel
    Why do I deserve promotion: Im a highy active soldier getting on the chat at least 15 minutes a day.
    What battles have you been to: Not very many most interfered with my sceduele but I did make at least 5 un-scheduled


  100. CP Name: Leafpool51

    ACP Rank: Staff Sergeant

    Why do you deserve a promotion: I have been very loyal to ACP and when I was inactive for a few days durng spring break I told you guys on ACP help. Even when I’m hanging out with my friends on cp i still take time out for acp.
    What events/battles you have come to: The practice battle with the nachos. I also try to come to the defense of fjord but i had to wash the family’s car.


  101. Dj Yaseen
    Lt. General
    I have made many but not all battles, the Nachos PB, and I was at the defense of Fjord for a little while only because I had a meeting with the principal of my new high school that I will be going to nxt year.
    I have some pics(not sure if they r all in between this and last month’s promo):
    Battle of Mammoth-http://s791.photobucket.com/albums/yy198/djyaseen/ACP%20Battle%20of%20Mammoth/
    ACP vs Nachos and NW(Finals)-http://s791.photobucket.com/albums/yy198/djyaseen/ACP%20battle%20vs%20nachos%20and%20nw%20Final/
    Minor PB’s and Major ones like the NAchos PB.


    You have been given a promo already from Major General.

  102. Yall need a active count and then clean out the ranks. It’s a good idea, to get rid of those who are not here anymore.

  103. CP Name: Onest
    ACP Current Rank: Staff Sergeant (without promo)
    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: I have been very active for a while and i was totally inactive from march to late april because of a super annoying computer problem and it was not my fault I havent been participating in events


  104. 1.Empoleon7667
    2.Warrent Officer
    3.I have been very active and working very hard.Plus,I usual advise whoever is incharge on chat of what is going on on cp.(If they aren’t on cp)I patrol every single day,but I don’t post it on the patrol page.(I usually tell it to a high ranked person on chat.I have not gotten a promo in 2 months,so I’m really looking forward to one.
    Thx. ~Empoleon7667

    You’ve already been promoted!

  105. 1. Cp. Name Kress2
    2. ACP Rank: Sergeant
    3. Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: I came to alot of the battles and I was active as far as I can remember which might have been when I saw Carcal (brigader Genral) as a Sergeant. I also attended the Defense of Fjord yesterday. Thanks!
    – SGT. Kress2


  106. y cant i move up more than one rank. no one ever added medals to my name on acptr, even though i came to most of the events. iat that point, i shuldve been at least an A

  107. I am NOT In between ranks corporal and warrant officer BUT I Should have been Promoted

    CP Name: Goofysoccer (Its Gooftsoccer on the Ranks because a while ago Matre Spelled it wrong xD)

    ACP Rank: Captain

    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: I was at EVERY SINGLE BATTLE in April except The Top Ten Tackle First Round

    What events/battles you have come to (Provide pictures to get a higher chance of promotion): I was at EVERY SINGLE BATTLE in April except The Top Ten Tackle First Round


  108. CP Name: Branblue2000

    ACP Rank: U guys haven’t given me one

    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: I am on chat all the time

    What events/battles you have come to (Provide pictures to get a higher chance of promotion): i try to attend when ever i can.


  109. I have served for a while bug I’m still corporal. By the way I created recon squad

  110. CP Name:Supernova903
    ACP Rank:Sergeant
    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted:I was at the events that I could attend and I try to be as active as possible.
    What events/battles you have come to (Provide pictures to get a higher chance of promotion):I was at the Defense of Fjord,TTT Tourney,and the PB with Nachos and NW the week before the TTT tourney.
    Pictures: I am not aloud to take pictures because of my parents.
    P.S. I may have commented before but it didn’t get through so I am trying again.


  111. OMGG WHAI I NO GEET PRUMOSHUN!?!!S?!@!$!?!?!!

    Oh, I’m not a part of this army.

    My bad.

  112. Rawr. 🙂 Thank you Ken! Chuck Norris gave you the power and wisdom to promote meh! Great work in the month of April ACP; keep it up. 😆

    ~Adamsapple4 -=Lt. General=- [ACP]

  113. glad we are allies guys.

  114. Ken you missed meh comment out xP

  115. Change.


    I deserve a promotion in the army. After all I have been through, the most active troop in this army. On chat 24/7 and coming to event as possible. I would have been the first to comment but I have been away with the Scouts for a few days, sorry if I have let you down. I have been determined in ACP, I even killed my own army for this. I have retired several Major armies so I can not lose my place here. I personally think my faith in this army has been to mountain top. I have been to one to many events, I think I have fought hard, that is why I deserve a promotion.

    ~ Joe/Change.


  116. CP Name: Kieranfb
    ACP Rank: Lt.General
    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: I’m on chat every day
    What events/battles you have come to (Provide pictures to get a higher chance of promotion): All the events in the past 2 weeks/Most the events in the past month


  117. CP Name: Shift (on ranks) Also, as a side note, sorry for the late comment. I just got power in my house.

    ACP Rank: Lt. General.

    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted:

    A few reasons.
    1.) Recently was elected ACP Senator.
    2.) Have been on chat welcoming as many new recruits as possible.
    3.) Attended many unscheduled events.
    4.) Have been completely loyal to ACP, working on perfecting it through various organizations for ACPTR/ABC and the Senate.
    5.) I seriously like chicken.
    6.) I have been on chat every day that I have been accessible to a computer.

    Thanks for reviewing this comment to whichever leader does.

    What events/battles you have come to (Provide pictures to get a higher chance of promotion):

    Sorry but N/A 🙁

  118. CP Name:Bearsandcubs

    ACP Rank:Lt Colenol

    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted:Im on chat everyday

    What events/battles you have come to (Provide pictures to get a higher chance of promotion):I have attended many battles

  119. Oh. For the last question the “events/battles I have attended” were most of them other then this recent defense due to the lack of electrical power in my home after a raging storm.

  120. CP Name: Donut67890
    ACP Rank: Lt. General
    I think I deserve a promotion because I’ve been to almost every event since I signed up, I also like to moderate chat and keep order. I would occasionally patrol servers with any UK soldiers.

  121. CP Name: MrMachado200
    ACP Rank: Brigader General
    Why do you deserve a promotion/Why do you think you have been unfairly demoted: I deserve a promotion for the same reason I have said for a year now. You should know I said I dislike the portion and what not.
    What events/battles you have come to (Provide pictures to get a higher chance of promotion): Well, quite a few, but except that one that was Acp & Nachos defending Fjord in the Uma raid a while back -_-

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