Hello ACP,
We are going to help the Nachos defend Fjord while they are off invading some other servers. Come on guys, our Nacho friends need our help. I know some of you may not want to help the Nachos at first but they have been there for us a couple of times so we should help them out this time. The Nachos haven’t been doing so well in the past few days so we have to help get them back on their feet. They have been really nice to us in the past few weeks as well.
Besides ACP needs more events going on and this will be perfect for us. Just imagine we are defending Breeze. The Nachos will also be returning the favor next time we need help and may even give us a server or two they captured so don’t think this is one sided. The Nachos will make good allies with the ACP in the future. We also might have events together in the future as well. Promotion Day is April 30th so this will increase your chances of getting one!
Defense of Fjord
Server: Fjord
Date: Saturday, April 30th, 2011
Time: 2 PM PST
This is the day the April 2011 Promotions will be released! We will be taking pictures of who is there so we can do the promotions! If you come you will have an extremely high chance of a promotion!
Comment if you can come! Commenting helps toward promotions too!
Filed under: ACP |
First I can make it
I’m going to use RR-256
Ken, I believe we shouldn’t get involved in helping Nachos.
They brought it, themselves. By declaring war on 3-4 armies just for fun.
I think they will be useful to us as allies once they grow a bit bigger again.
Cry some moar.
I’m not ”crying”, knowing that I’m not part of those armies.
Kenneth, if we become allies with Nachos, ACP will no longer have a big challenge in a way of war.
I dont see why we are entering this war, it’s pointless and I prefer a bit of rivalry with the only army today about our size, it’s intresting rather than cp’s two biggest armies vs uma and some other people, which aren’t as big as us two, the war will be a bit one sided and boring, I prefer the size against NW a month or two ago when we were equal, it was thrilling but now I know the outcome of this war.
I’ll be there
My comments rule oh yeah 8)
Why do I always look at times after I comment 🙁 can’t come
Yes we will, its good to become allies with the Nachos because that would mean we both benifit
STFU KEN@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
ill probably be there
Srry i cant make it cause of a soccer game D:but am i able to get a promo for previous events?i havent gotten one in two months so im hoping for one,thx if im able to get a promo and 2nd comment!
Ok, Im most sure I will make it. About 92% sure I can be there. Also, sorry I have been not very active, I have not been able to get on computer so thats my reason. So see ya then guys! 5th comment! ALL HAIL ACP!!
Im going to make it this time! I hope I get promoted because i havent been promoted before.
Ive been active alot too!
If nachos can’t beat armies that they are bigger than, that’s there own fault, they shouldn’t come crying for their arch rival to come get them out of deep sh!t
I can make it
so were in a declaration of war I’ll try to come
i can make it go acp!!!!!!
Yes!!! im coming
these things are fun on cp
Im still on spring break anyway lol 😀
I think i can make it but im not sure
I found interesting this battle will actually pit ACP against DCP…
I’m almost 100% sure I can go!
ya i can make it
I’ll be there! Been to every event so far! 😉
~Adamsapple4 -=Major General=- [ACP]
I will try my best, but there is a 5% chance I might not be able to make it, but I will try!
Yay love you Ken 😀
idk if i can come
The DCP is the enemy right now on this battle
I am Darkrai44779 and i will SOO be there!
Laptops still awY so I don know
i can
Cant come sorry
If im not there i will be in chicago. which wont be happening!!!
bru ha ha haaaa i have a brilliant plan to take over ACP and other major armies.trust nobody.
Your notoriously sinister adversary,Rawkinman.
Following the battle, can we become close allies with the Nachos, both armies will benefit!
i have to go because i missed the last event 😉
I will be there!
Expect my arrival! I’ll take a few pictures!
And maybe even a video… 😀
Aw, DARN. Going to a sleepover. Guess I can’t come, unless they allow me on their comp or somethin’…
I never leave anyone hanging, so as usual, ServiceSpy will be there. Can’t wait for promotions, as I would love to go up a rank or two 🙂
I can come.
Nachos = 25-50 ACP = 35 – 75
Min. = 60. Max = 100
Big numbers 😮
I’m coming.
I am 99% sure I can come I may not be able to because I may have a playdate but I don’t think so.
well i will try to come
I will be there.
Finally end the comnunist menace known as UMA
Back from holiday and I’ll see if I can’t I’ll be there on phone to help out.
Were Helping Nachos?
Sorry I can’t come i’ll be asleep at that time (hehe)
~Purple slime4
what’s gmt time? i need to know i can make almost anytime even midnight
It is unlikely I can make it.
I will almost definetely not be able to make it.
i can maybe come only if you tell me what GMT time it is!!!
whats GMT time?
I can come for sure but what is the gmt time?
cant come as i will be at alton towers
wait but theres no GMT times so isnt that harsh for gmt troops since im GMT
i can makie it i hope. If i cant make it im extremely sorry.
i think it is really respectfull to help the nachos.
how come theres no GMT time like the other comment said? i live in the UK o now i dont know which time it is? can you please post GMT time or reply for me?
I might be able to come if I can find out what time it is in GMT
Meano4 can make it!!!!!!
Hi i will make this one for sure i only missed a practice battle with nachos so far thats ok.
i need GMT time for this event.
Hey look! its a guy! no its a general! and he’s Happy! NO MY FRIENDS IT IS ALL OF THEM….. HAPPYMAN444 SHALL BE THERE!!!!!!!!
General Of The ACP~Happyman444
I’ll be there. Just like always. Will this help me be a mod already?
I WILL be there 😀
No gmt time must mean we dont have to come
Yours Sincerly
Gordon Edward
P.S: I have an ACP email its gordonedwardacp@gmail.com
If your from the ACP please send an email
Or create one yourself by going on google and go on Gmail
GMT excused?
can you please put GMT up there?
I just patrolled mammoth grizzly alpine and tundra
wheres uk time ????
your afraid to fall and i am not. RRA is ready to fight you but your not. prepare to fight for your lives.
ill be there
I will be there.
Can’t come.. Sorry. Hopefully I get promoted still. D:
Im GMT so i cant
Yay! I think I can finally come to an event. I think its good where helping the Nachos, as long as where not betrayed, which i have nooo idea if they would do.
i am coming to the event my name is spy88756
I will try and come. My name is Berries30009, I have only just joined so you may not recognise me. 🙂
I think the Nachos are reasonably nice so I’m happy to help!
i think i can come
sorry i ant come because the gmt time is not up, but i would have came if i knew the GMT time, so please count me as being there.
I can come. (today is it :D)
i can’t come there is this brabique at local sports club and i have to go soz i can’t make it but would be there so can u promo me plz
Can prob make it but 1 question is this against DCP or UMA?
i can come
I will make it 😀
i may make it but just about everthing i have is on that day
i hsould make it but im not to sure
I should be there! (:
This is unfair if i don’t get a promo, I am UMA and also these times aren’t the best for GMT, so it’s unfair for GMT
Yeah, that’s unfair. I’m UK and yu’ve just pretty much ruined y cnances of getting a promo this month.
I can’t come, I’m GMT, also I was on holidays (I’m on hotel comp) I’ll be back today
if your GMT why are you on at 1 25 am?
umm… well im from night warriors can i help?
Yea you can help!
Who Are We Fighting? i can make it prob
Be there
I’ll be able to come but I’ll be kinda late.
I might make it
UK are excused if you made the last battle then that is okay.
Ok then
im so there
I think I can make it.
I can Go!
I can come
i might actually not be there because i actually am not supposed to be on the computer since my mom grounded me for going to detention and i hope you understand im really sorry!
i will be there
What time is it GMT? I really need to know so I can tell you if I could come. Thanks
I can’t come. 10 pm is too late for me. Sorry!
Derosario23 is SAS Commando’s WP account.
How many names do you have or need
Aww man…10PM is really late.. I’ll try and come but it is really hard because of the time. Next time can we have a better time for UK?
I can make it. I haven’t been promoted lately and I think it’s unfair because I have been to every acp event since I joined and I patrol at least an hour a day. I am currently owed 2 promos plus a promo that may be coming up.
I’ve went to the fight as long as I could before I had to have dinner. THIS IS ONLY MY SECOND DAY- Please consider this in promotions!
Guys – come on! I have been on CP and chat for ages…WE MUST BE READY
Im there right now 😀
i am there
NO i missed it
can i get promo
i was at battle
i was there even though i said i couldn’t i did 🙂
I was at the battle and fought until the end.
i was there
I was there here’s proof
i was there
i know i am late but i was there and i was with slider
I was at the battle. Luigibro8963 saw me at the battle and I was with him.
I was there an in case Im not in a picture i want you all to know that I participated. ACP ROCKS!!
I was there and helped out. GO ACP!
I came
i made it and the picture should prove it. also my friend toook a pic of us there.
This is the 171 000 comment on the ACP Site!
I made it, but I had to go to my cousin’s bday party with 14 mins. left.
I came
i made it it was really cool when the yellow army invaded 🙂