So What Happens Now? [CPAC’s Tournament!]

It’s not time to worry at all. Yes, we did lose to the Nachos in the practice battle on Grizzly. The town was resulted in a tie, but Acp failed to win the Dojo. Congratulations to the Nachos.

Now on Acp’s hand make sure you learn from this lost. Improve on it and set this as a non-example. Armies will lose battles because there is no such thing as the perfect army. It is also good to see we have competitiors not afriad to take a shot and beat us. We just came out of what some people call World War 5 so we are a little tired of battles. But playing transformice and other stuff on xat isn’t going to win us battles. I, and this goes for any club penguin army, joined Acp to become more of a soldier and fight. Most of us did.

Just know Acp we can fix the small problems and be able to fight hard again.


CPAC Tournament!

Club Penguin Army Central is having a Tournament and it kicks off this Saturday! CPAC does a great job on these tournaments and I know everyone has there minds set to win this! Usually if you win a major army tournament you become the number 1 army. That sounds nice doesn’t it? We still have a few days to train for it, but we must be prepared! Here is ACP’s battle:


ACP vs. Tacos

Date: Saturday, March 19th, 2011

Server: Klondike


  • 11:00 AM PST

  • 12:00 PM MST

  • 1:00 PM CST

  • 2:00 PM EST

  • 7:00 PM UK

Remember to be on ACP Chat!


Here are the details to this tournament:

There are 2 rounds of battles and if you win both then you go to the Championship which is a 3-way battle. There are 12 armies in this tournament, I’m guessing it is whoever the CPAC says is in the top 12 armies. ACP is in the left bracket and if you can see, Nachos is in the bottom bracket and the Night Warriors are in the right bracket (The top 3). So this will be a fair tournament.

Rules are:

  1. Take at least 5 pictures so we can properly judge.
  2. You must make each battle. If not, it’s a forfeit.
  3. Have fun!

Here is what the Brackets look like:

Another post with just the CPAC battle will be up soon!

Comment if you can make it!

Over & Out


76 Responses

  1. 1st

  2. Cant come

  3. 2nd I can come

  4. yeah I’ll come

  5. I will be able to make it!

  6. I won’t be able to make the Saturday battle hockey tournament.

  7. No more transformice. There needs to be a law on this.

  8. I’m angry for certain reasons. =.=

  9. Well TFM can stay, I just used it as an example. I never even tried it, I wonder what’s so good about it lol?

    • You should play it it’s fun but thunderbex is annoying he always shoots cannons at you and when I trick someone or they kill me I yell something not swearing but still nasty but funny.

  10. well,the recruiting event for the acptr is at the same time so we have to make the recruiting event 30 mins earlier.either that or which event should i go to?

  11. I will try my best!

  12. I will be able to defineteley make it!

  13. Nice cod pics bob!

  14. i MUST make it and i WILL

  15. most likely i can make it to the battle

    ps: today is my birthday

  16. Nachos won!!! Also nice pic. LOVE THAT GAME!

  17. i will be there because i LOVE Tournaments :p


  18. we will see you in the championship ring. 😉

  19. ur gonna pwn tacos. they vare a small army.

  20. Oh wow, Playa just wants to kick the Tacos right out xD. He doesn’t even realized that the Tacos have pretty much fallen.

  21. I’ll try to make it! We need to make up some ground after that loss, but it is still way better to admit losing than lie about winning (like some armies)…..
    Anyways, Good luck ACP!

    ~Adamsapple4 :3 -=Brig. General=- [ACP]

  22. Saturday? I can make it !

  23. If we are going against the Tacos,we will-without a doubt-slaughter them…

  24. cant make it im in acp and tacos

  25. Can we make this tournament in honour of japan?

    • Dude America can help Japan but Japan atatcked Slovakia ( Were i’m from ) Yeah don’t make fun of me I’m from Europe , but they attacked Slovakia in WWII and the Vietnam war ( Slovakia wasn’t in it , they discussed but we couldn’t help because they were in a war to and won against Russia ) and Americans fought them in Vietnam and you want us to honor Japan. No thank you.

      • U mean the Germany attacked Slovakia in WW2 Japan was never in europe dude -_-. Im German so i would know

  26. I can come.

  27. i can make it XD

    ~Meano4 over and out

  28. HOW CAN not COME!? I am DEFINITELY coming to whatever one’s we have.

  29. I think ACP is scared! xD
    Tacos will defeat us!
    Sure I can come!

  30. I should be there for atlest 15 minutes probably all of it.

  31. sorry bob, can’t come, but I wish I could. But I’ll cheer you on, and I agree we can get out of this losing streak,

  32. I’ll make it. Sorry for missing the pb but I’ll make it to this one.

  33. YES!!!!Its earlier than six,so i can come.
    p.s 6:00 is soccer practice for meh
    ~Warrant Officer Empoleon7667(Emp)

  34. Anyways, I should come.

  35. Srry can’t come

  36. ima be there…. TIME TO KICK SOME BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. I wll be there to DESTROY THIS OTHER PUNY ARMY

  38. wow so at the end is a 3-way-battle?

  39. I can come!

    Here is my predictions:

    ACP vs Tacos: Probally ACP
    IW vs FW: Its probally going to end up as Ice Warriors
    NW vs GT: NW
    UMA vs IV: It might end up as a tie,but if it isn’t, UMA will win 25 UMA 15-20 IV
    Nachos vs TG: Typical win for Nachos 😐
    DW vs WW: DW are rising VERY quick,so its probally a win for DW


    ACP vs IW: Very close battle,ACP just edges them with about 10-15 more troops
    NW vs UMA: *WARY* Night Warriors
    Nachos vs DW: A tie probally D: , If I’m wrong,Nachos won


    ACP vs Nachos vs NW: Whoa,VERY close battle, ACP has about 80-85 troops, NW has about 60-65 and nachos have around the same size as NW,ACP end up winning the tourney!

  40. im not sure if i can be there, even though i dont have a rank yet! WAIT: can I be there if i dont have a rank yet?

  41. i’ll try

  42. I might be BE able to come

  43. Yeah, I can make it.

  44. Sounds good to me.

  45. Guys,the Nachos are planing to raid Mammoth Saturday. Here is the time(s):WHAT: Raid of Mammoth
    WHERE: Start at Mammoth, Town
    WHEN: Saturday, March 19th, 2011
    TIMES: 3:00 PM EST, 4:00 PM CST, 5:00 PM MST, 6:00 PM PST, 8:00 PM UK
    LENGTH: 1 hour
    PLZ reply if we are going to defend!!!!!!

  46. Im pretty sure I can come but not quite sure, testing for green belt around tht time, but it ends like before tht i think.

  47. I’ll try to make it!

  48. wizkid will be there

  49. i need to talk to mchappy or bob asap its very inportant


  50. i need to talk to mchappy or bob asap its very inportant


  51. The picture is from Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 or Call Of Duty: Black ops ? xD

  52. Oops, I forgot to comment to actually say I can make it….. lol. I’ll be there for sure! ;D

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