Retirement of Saddle24660

Here is the retirement of Saddle24660, you will be missed:

Hey ACP, You don’t really know me well you’ve probably seen me on chat or something. Well my penguins name is Saddle24660. I’m a Warrant Officer in the ACP but I’m retiring. Here’s a little time line about me in the ACP.

July 2010(i think)
I Joined ACP When Matre10 Was Leader.

Months After July 2010 To November 2010
During the months I was not active I was working with my army but I still kept my rank.

November 2010
I became active to ACP then I retired on this day.

Well it was short now here are some people i wanna thank.
>Bobcatboy10:Bob you were a great leader to me and a nice one I wanna thank you so much.
>Matre10:Thank you for leading me when I joined.
>Twingy:Thank you for leading the ACPTR when I was in it.
>Oagalthorp:Thank you for creating the ACP without you I wouldn’t have such a great time in the ACP!
>All Of The ACP:Thank you for being great members and friends of mine.
You may find me on the chat
Or you may find me on
I will still go on chat. Now here are some people who want to thank me.
>Mark38681:First of all I wanna say thanks for serving.We will miss you during your retirement.And second of all thanks for your help. You helped alot.
>Adamsapple4:You were such a great friend.
>Cooldude:Saddle was the funniest guy in the ACP and he was my best friend in the ACP. I’ll miss you saddle!
>Bobcatboy10:Saddle you were a great soldier, I didn’t know you long. You were a brave person, great on chat no trouble. Thank you for being an awesome soldier 😀

Bye to all the ACP! I will be on chat still i’ll miss you all!

19 Responses

  1. well, er i guess bye then saddle

  2. cya saddle

  3. bye saddle


  4. adios
    Smart Alec

  5. Adios amigo..
    Transalation: bye bye friend

  6. saddle i dont know you but Goodbye

  7. Bye

  8. Good luck!

  9. Sienara.

  10. Good bye Saddle, I’m sorry that I never got a chance to really know you.

  11. Bob didnt tell me that I wasnt naughty on chat. I only get in fights once a day bob, ur hurting me.
    My fights have reason
    remember, profession, not cuss.

  12. … bye

  13. *waves*

  14. goodbye saddle you should have stayed longer

  15. Goodbye Saddle.

  16. Excuse me sir’s, how can u help me to be in d game, i want to be an army, but very hard to get dere, plz help me out, this my numb 07066347960, or u send a mail to ,
    i will be expecting to hear 4rm u, bye sir

  17. omfg thats private Some1 remove the comment

  18. @Sir Freddy
    This was just my old retirement post. But you were great on chat I think. P.S. I aint retired anymore

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