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ACP The Takedown Filming.

Hey guys! Sorry we havent filmed in awhile! So here is the info.

Date: Tommorow

Time: 1 PM EST (if anyone can add more times please do so or comment them.)

Chat: Xat.com/ACPTVZ

10 Responses

  1. 1st!

  2. 2nd!

  3. 2nd! I can make it 8)

  4. ASDDSAfsuio

  5. CST is 12pm

  6. WHAT time is PST?

  7. 1pm EST
    12pm CST
    11am MST
    10am PST
    6pm GMT

  8. wait what?

  9. cool probaly cant make it though got swimming lessons 🙂

  10. ya i cant make it at 10 am 🙁

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