Dryvit Edit: Senate meeting Sunday May 2, 2010 3pm eastern time
All senators MUST attend.
I asked Capn to make a senate meeting weekly yet I have seen only 1 senate meeting results get posted, leading me to believe that there has been only 1 senate meeting. Also I have no list of the senators and I have not been asked and neither has any other editor been asked to put the new senators on the nation page. Capn has not fulfilled his duties as a Grand Senator so therefore I am stripping him of his title so i can give it to someone more worthy of it who is willing to keep the senate active.
Dryvit is the new Grand Senator. Good Luck and remember to keep senate active. All Senators Please Comment On This Post
Warning: If senate does not become active I will personally get rid of it. The senators and the soldiers have the job of pushing the Grand Senator and the Vice President to have meetings weekly. If I see senate inactive in the future then it means that the majority of the senators and soldiers do not care about senate and it will be disbanded.
Filed under: ACP |
I, Timmy0000, am a senator
theres no point of having a senate in acp. all they make is holidays and rules. no influential decisions at all. i liked kt’s debate of the week dry, i think you should continue that, and im sure that the senate will make more acp influencing decisions thanks to dry 🙂
Houndy, . . . . your a . . . . 😮 a Mavs fan??? 😮
I am a senator. I can give u a list….?
Klug was elected but became 3ic right after, so div took his place. And yeah, we only had the one meeting. I asked capn multiple times on chat when we were going to have another meeting, but he either didn’t respond to me or said he didn’t know.
Thx for making changes and please don’t get rid of the senate.
Oh and btw i have a bill ready for voting on Sunday. I don’t know why I wouldn’t be there….
I am a senator (smirk)
Congrats Dry, but Shab, I think one of the reasons Senators are inactive is because the meetings are on weekends. I know that’s the only way to do it so that everyone can make it, but some people are just far too busy on weekends to do anything like this. Maybe we could change it so we have 2 meetings a week, 1 on, say, Mondays, and another on Thursday, then they get the weekend nights as a recess. But, of course, there’s school. But now, since there would be 2 meetings a week, one of them could be better for US Senators, at about 8 EST, so that it would be 5 PST, so even Middle Schoolers from the Pacific coast would be home, then the other could be at 3 EST, so that it would only be 8 UK. That way, once a week, there wouldn’t be much of an excuse at all for not making at least one of them, so everybody every week would be able to express their opinions and ideas at least once. And then there’s people like me, or other high schoolers in the Eastern Time Zone, that could make both!
I think this system would work a lot better. Even though there would be less people to give ideas at each meeting, there would be twice as many meetings xD.
Please consider 🙂
I believe there’s a way to push these two, Capn and the Senate. Getting rid of them if they are inactive is just too straight-forward and consider how much it is that is being removed. We can at least try pushing them, I believe.
FIasco retired. Find a new senator for him.
I think instead of just rushing to do this, you should hear my end of the story. To me this sounds like De ja vu or however you spell it when you kicked me out of leadership for no reason as well.
Sorry Capn, but this was YOUR fault so do not blame Shab
Skloop- two problems with that. Firstly, if we had that same schedule, I would not be able to be there on Mondays at all. Second, if we had that second meeting on any school day, I could not be there cuz I’d be in school. So yaaa, I’m available for meetings on Tuesdays after this week, later Wednesday nights, like after 6:30 cst, Thursday early afternoon, Friday later at night, Saturday all day, Sunday all day, and not at all Mondays.
Oh ya, fiasco retired! Who’s his replacement going to be?
We will select one Sunday, have a name ready to vote on.
Me Littleguy *wary*
coming 😉
Shab is right, I have seen people ask Capn all the time about senate meetings, he even told some to shut up that he ran the senate. I am glad to see Shab move forward. Capn messed up.
Yayz (GOO)
I’m still confused on this subject. I’m not a senator any more because I got promoted to 3ic, right? (scn)
Edit: Correct, Div took your spot. All Senators are now listed on the Nations page.
-Comments on post-
Nice job, Shab and step up your game, Capn. Anyways, shab check your email and make sure to respond to it.
-Monsterfully ACP Retired Legend
Good luck Dryvit
Good luck, Senators. And i think that the senators just plan future events, holidays, etc. right? I think that the polls were a good idea and we should do it more often ( 3 or 4times a month, Maybe?)
🙂 Dj Yaseen
i want to join but i cant….. how can i join