Alright folks! It’s that time of year again where we have the ACP SENATE ELECTIONS! Just answer these questions if you want to run. For the penguins running, GOOD LUCK, I hope to see you in the meetings.
Penguin Name:
Xat Registered Name:
ACP Rank:
What is your MAIN Penguin Age:
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator:
How long you’ve been in ACP:
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?:
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles):
Sorry for all the questions, I just want a perfect senate this time that will not, can not, and shall not become inactive and fail which would put Ganondorf787 (The President) and I down. As for the soldiers running, remember, this isn’t a popularity contest! This is for the ACP! This is to Defend Freedom, and Preserve Justice!
– Capncook
Filed under: ACP |
Penguin Name: Fiasco 121
Xat Registered Name: Feeaskoh121
ACP Rank: Master General
What is your MAIN Penguin Age: 756
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator: I want to make ACP government perfect and active again
How long you’ve been in ACP: 1 year 2 months
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?: Yes, a lot
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles): Yes
Penguin Name: Twingy
Xat Registered Name: Overlordofcpsif
ACP Rank: Lt General
What is your MAIN Penguin Age: 1396
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator: I’ve served as a senator for quite a few months now, and if you look at you will see I have many bills ready to propose. I also think I have a lot to give to the ACP, an ACP that has given me so much, and I want to repay it. What else can I say. It is an honour to be in the ACP, and I want to honour the ACP. And this will be how I do it.
How long you’ve been in ACP: 10 and a half months or something…
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people? Yes, I have lots of good friends, and people I can just talk to and I’ll always get along with. I have a good laugh, etc.:
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles):
Yup. And O will be till i retire.
Penguin Name: Coolguy12348
Xat Registered Name: coolguy12348
ACP Rank: Master General
What is your MAIN Penguin Age: over 960 days
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator: Because I have served for the ACP for quite a while now, and I have some really good ideas to propose to the other senators. It would really be an honor to work in the senate for the ACP.
How long you’ve been in ACP: Over 2 years
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?: Oh yea, almost everyone.
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles): Of course!
Penguin Name: Johny 4
Xat Registered Name:Johny417(Don’t remember the rest.I’ve been having problems with xat and I can’t log in chat…)
ACP Rank:Major General
What is your MAIN Penguin Age:513 days old
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator:I’ve always wanted to be a senator.I want to help ACP improve.II want to live that expirience as a senator.
How long you’ve been in ACP:1 year,2 months and 17 days.
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?:I have indeed.I’ve had many friends in ACP.Most have reitred but theres still alot left.
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles):
Of course I am!
~Good luck to everybody thats runs!
Penguin Name: Jackie202 or Ninjadog4(one of my newer member penguins)
Xat Registered Name: jackie4025558
ACP Rank: Colonel
What is your MAIN Penguin Age: beyond 1000(i have been using club penguin for a while thats how i found you guys)
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator: well ever since i joined ACP i have been quite fond of clubpenguin and when i came back to ACP and found out i was part of the team i was just astonished but that was after the senate eletions were over and i was not able to pratisipate so right now is my chance to be apart of the goverment team
Branblue2000 leader of cheez its
903 days
i am very loyal, i follow orders, i don’t break rules,i love club oenguin so i can be very tustworthy,i have experiance of leading an army and/or helping leading an army.
about 5 monthes
Ya i guess
I try to be on every day,all day!
penguin name:adioboard
xat name:adioboard
ACP rank:Major General
reason:i want to be a senator because i want to be more helpful to the ACP and i think i can really help. i have some good ideas to propse too
how long have u been in ACP:since oagals rule
do you know a lot of people:yeah i know quite a few people
are you active:all the time
name: Redraym
xat name: (cd)(crown)redraym(crown)(cd)Abominable_ninjas_are_allies_with_ACP
rank: Lt. corpral
how long: about 8 months
I think i should be a senate I helped acp become allies with the Abominable Ninjas. I made acp bigger by recruiting every day. I cannot make it on every day but i will do my best as senate and thank you.
Jackie202 or Ninjadog4
i have always wanted to be apart of ACPs goverment ever since i rejoined and heard about the elections so here i am today
3 years next year is my 4
im on everyday of the week almost every hour on the hour 😉
Jackie202 or Ninjadog4
i have always wanted to be in the goverment and make some changes this could be my chance but since i might be a senator i will have to inform the president or VP
3years so far
yeah pretty much i once met oagal himself for the first time ever but he didnt answer pc
Penguin Name: Lucario564
Xat Registered Name: HellWaffle
ACP Rank: Lt. General
What is your MAIN Penguin Age: Like 1k
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator: Acp was my first army ever and since I have experiance as a Major army Leader I have ideas no one else has =o
How long you’ve been in ACP: I joined in 07
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?: Is this a trick question?
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles): I go to most battles and im usually on Acp chat
Penguin Name:Ktmkid01
Xat Registered Name:Not sure
ACP Rank:2nd Lt.
What is your MAIN Penguin Age:700 something
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator: I love ACP and I am always active.
How long you’ve been in ACP:A year
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?: No
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles): Yes sir
Penguin Name: tntclay
Xat Registered Name: tntclay
ACP Rank: Captain
What is your MAIN Penguin Age: 834 from today
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator: Im a good listener, i have great ideas for CP armies and im very loyal to ACP.
How long you’ve been in ACP: I first joined when i was a n00b in 2007 but as a n00b i was inactive so i was removed. I joined in 2008 and was inactive and then i joined in december 2009 and im still here today so you could say 3 years or 3 months
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?: no i dont go on chat that much because i have homework and stuff but i do sometimes when i have free time
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles): i go to a lot of battles and other activities but i dont go on chat that much
Penguin Name:ohohitsparks
Xat Registered Name:drewthecool1
ACP Rank:major
What is your MAIN Penguin Age:687
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator:I want to help ACP and stop its government from falling apart.
How long you’ve been in ACP:5 months and 2 weeks.
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?:Yes no not really,well I’m kind of in the middle.
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles):Yes.
4.1 1/2 years
5.Well, by becoming a senator of ACP I would be able to stop corruption, finally gain respect, and possibly, with full permission from ganondorf, publicize my army.
6. 6 months
7.Well, yes
8.Yes sir!
Penguin Name: Uno148
Xat Registered Name: NamelessLegend
ACP Rank: Master General
What is your MAIN Penguin Age: 1242
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator: I was in the Senate before and I think I can do a good job
How long you’ve been in ACP: About 29 months
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?: Yeah
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles): Yep
sorry ppl of the wordpress senator thing my wordpress wasnt working well so i accidently put thses other comments sorry yall
Penguin Name:
Xat Registered Name:
ACP Rank: General
What is your MAIN Penguin Age: about 2000 years old
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator: i think i should be a senator because i am responsible and active
How long you’ve been in ACP: almost a year
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?: i gotten to know a lot of people
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles): YESS!
oh i forgot my penguin name is kenneth1000 and my xat registered name is kenneth1000
Penguin Name: jwdog 3
Xat Registered Name: jwdog 3
ACP Rank: 1st ltn.
What is your MAIN Penguin Age: 1123
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator: I want to make ACP government as good as it was in the beginning and to be able to help people that need help becoming the best soldier they can How long you’ve been in ACP: 2 years
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?: Yes, a lot i would name some but its too much!
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles): Yes i am and awlays will until i retire
Penguin Name:
Xat Registered Name:
ACP Rank:
Brig. Gen
What is your MAIN Penguin Age:
I think 400
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator:
The reason I should be senator is because, I have ran for senator before, but I am more experienced now, and now know what the CP Army World is all about.
How long you’ve been in ACP:
Over a Year
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?:
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles):
In a way, yeah.
Penguin Name: Sticks On
Xat Registered Name: SimEscapes (I use the name Stick On.)
ACP Rank: Warren Officer
What is your MAIN Penguin Age: 421
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator: I’m good at making decisions, I am very smart, and I respect everyone. I am an SP student (Scholars Program). I can even make good leadership decisions and I like to be active in the chat and battles.
How long you’ve been in ACP: Since January 17th, almost 2 months.
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?: Yes of course especially in chat.
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles): Of course and I spend a long time in the chat. I’ve been to 3-6 or 7 battles. I love to participate.
Penguin Name:Greeniedude1
Xat Registered Name:Greeniedude1
ACP Rank:Brigadier General
What is your MAIN Penguin Age:1086
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator:I think i should be senator because i am expirienced in CP armies, know ALOT about politics and laws, and i will do my best to be the most active in ACP as i can.
How long you’ve been in ACP:About a year.
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?: Well, not really, but i hope i can meet new people soon.
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles): Not very, but i promise i will be alot more active. 😀
Lieutenant General
I should be a senator cause I’ve already served two terms, and I wanted to serve a third term helping my beloved people
About 2 years total…
I have gotten to know alot of people. I’ve had close friendships with leaders.
I am very active.
Penguin Name: kpkrocks1
Xat Registered Name: thorg12345
ACP Rank: lt.General
What is your MAIN Penguin Age: 650 days give or take 5 days
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator: I want to serve the people of ACP, I want to bring in new ideas into acp like making new soldiers do a crash course on how to be a soldier and not a n00b and I am aresponsible and organized person
How long you’ve been in ACP: nearly 2 years
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?: yes
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles); yes
Penguin Name: Icey Cold27
Xat Registered Name: Mchappy2
ACP Rank: Major General
What is your MAIN Penguin Age: 679 days old!
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator: I believe I should be in the senate, because I’m active and I believe in a better system for ACP. I am willing to take my time to help ACP and I would like to let the people talk 🙂
How long you’ve been in ACP: Almost 2 years I believe
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?: I think I have. I think that I can get along with everyone!!!
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles): ❗ I am very active ❗
Penguin Name:
Xat Registered Name:
ACP Rank:lt general
What is your MAIN Penguin Age:1300 around there
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator:i listen to the soldiers and make good decisions im fair and im nice to everyone and got alot of experience
How long you’ve been in ACP:2 years
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?:ya pretty much
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles):ya
or and my registered xay name is candy
Penguin Name: hgob
Xat Registered Name: hgob
ACP Rank: corporal
What is your MAIN Penguin Age: 1341 days old
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator: Why do I want to be a senator you ask?, I have always wanted to be part of the DRACP and because I want to help ACP by making the right decisions and making sure that the bad laws and things aren’t passed by voting against the bad stuff and voting for the good things in meetings. I am very committed to ACP and promise to participate in all meetings. If Senators need to have been in Club Penguin for a long time and have a lot of experience in Club Penguin armies then I am the perfect Senator.
How long you’ve been in ACP: since late january and ive been a seargent last time I was in ACP durring the time Boomer was in charge
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?: I know solders inside and outside of ACP
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles): of course!
Penguin Name: hgob
Xat Registered Name: hgob
ACP Rank: corporal
What is your MAIN Penguin Age: 1341 days old
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator: Why do I want to be a senator you ask?, I have always wanted to be part of the DRACP and because I want to help ACP by making the right decisions and making sure that the bad laws and things aren’t passed by voting against the bad stuff and voting for the good things in meetings. I am very committed to ACP and promise to participate in all meetings. If Senators need to have been in Club Penguin for a long time and have a lot of experience in Club Penguin armies then I am the perfect Senator.
How long you’ve been in ACP: since late january and ive been a seargent last time I was in ACP durring the time Boomer was in charge
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?: I know solders inside and outside of ACP
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles): of course!
to the have you gotten to know a lot of people add the”yah mostly”
Penguin Name:
Xat Registered Name:
ACP Rank:
What is your MAIN Penguin Age: around 1100
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator: I am on chat at all times and I also make good decisions… most of the time >_>’
How long you’ve been in ACP: Since September 08
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?: Yup.
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles): Sometimes my CP won’t work, but im on chat every day except sunday
Penguin Name: Kstar Olivia
Xat Registered Name: I’m not registered yet but I use the name – →_яaωя_←кѕтaя||тнє_ωσяℓ∂_ωιℓℓ_єη∂_ωнєη_тнє_ѕυη_єχρℓσ∂єѕ
ACP Rank: Staff Sergeant
What is your MAIN Penguin Age: 190 Days, (I should be much older (years) but club penguin deleted me)
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator:Though I may be a low rank, I would like to become more involved and help as much as I can. I would be a senator who listens to Acp soldiers opinions, also it’s important to have my own opinions too & to be one of the senators who enforces the reasonable and appropriate bills. As Barack Obama says “Yes We Can” xD
How long you’ve been in ACP: 3 months, 1 day
(Though I found ACP 2 months before that)
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?: Definately, I’m very social. 😀
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles):
I am active, as much as I can and will be.
Penguin Name: Pinkgirl3919
Xat Registered Name: Pinkygirl3919
ACP Rank: Major General
What is your MAIN Penguin Age: 876 days old
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator: I think I should be senate, because I have experience, I know most of the soldiers, and so on. 🙂
How long you’ve been in ACP: Ever since maybe June 2009
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?: Yup, tons of people over the months..
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles):
Yesiree 🙂
Penguin Name : Diaa Lotfi
Xat Name : Diaa/Rey
ACP Rank : Lt.General
MAIN penguin Age : 1256 days old
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator: Well, I really think an ACP Legend knows how to help and Improve the army and its future ; I have lots of experience .
How long you’ve been in ACP: Umm, I first joined a long time ago , I recall it was October of 2007 . Then i quit . And came back a while ago
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?: Yea , alot !
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles): *nods* 😛
~! Diaa Lotfi !~ ACP Lt.General !~
Penguin Name:
Xat Registered Name:
ACP Rank:
Lt. Colonel
What is your MAIN Penguin Age:
Around 3 Years Old
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator:
Because I come up with ALOT of Ideas for 1. ACP 2. ACPTR and 3. other armies. Also I want to help ACP in it’s Government
How long you’ve been in ACP:
Well I join ACP in July 20, 2009 at 4:10 so now I have been in acp for… around 9 months
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?:
Yes, and
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles):
Yes Every Active, I am on Chat about 24/7 (well do not count School Hours XD)
Thank You Ganon and Capn
~Timmy0000, Lt. Colonel~
Penguin Name: LittleGuy04
Xat Registered Name: LittleGuy04ACP
ACP Rank: Brig. General currently, but i was a lt. general before i retired for 2 weeks.
What is your MAIN Penguin Age: 1236 days old (since October 27, 2006)
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator: I should be a senator because i care about ACP and the future of club penguin armies. i retired for very good reasons and came back for good reasons- i missed acp. that shows true dedication, doesnt it?
How long you’ve been in ACP: I joined ACP on May 8th or 9th, 2009 for the first time, and rejoined yesterday after my retirement.
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?: Yes, i can get along with many people in ACP well, and usually can talk to at least one person on chat that i know well.
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles): Yes, i always am. Actually, for the past two weeks i havent been, seeing as how i was temporarily retired.
Penguin Name: Lillie Rose
Xat Registered Name: Q Lillie Rose
ACP Rank: Master General
What is your MAIN Penguin Age: 1134
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator: I have had some experience and mostly i wish to prove myself 🙂
How long you’ve been in ACP: about 1 year
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?: Tons and tons and most of them like me 🙂
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles): I am active in chat and i try to make most of the battles.
Penguin name:Zues109
Chat name:Zues109 2nd luietenet
Can’t spell good
Acp rank: 2nd luietenet
Club penguin age:1231
I am very active and love serving acp at all times. I am loyal, smart, a great leader and loves the army of cp. Thank for letting me sign up.
Penguin Name: freddy257
Xat Registered Name:fredman257
ACP Rank:brigadier general
What is your MAIN Penguin Age: 1184 days
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator:
I believe I should be a senator because I think only for the best and can really come up with some good ideas and/or bills. I am not the best leader but can help and ove helping make things easier and if things need some changing then I willl do my best to help make that change happen in all ways possible. I also want to show that the noob on xbl can acctually do something XD.
How long you’ve been in ACP: almost a year i joined april 5th.
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?: Ya a lot of great people who helped me and some that still enjoy to pc me and bother me XD but ACP is full of great people I know and have fun with.
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles): Yes I am as active as i can be I always try to make battles and i always enjoy coming on chat.
Penguin Name: Rock71
Xat Registered Name: Rock71ruLes
ACP Rank: Master General
What is your MAIN Penguin Age: right now im 1330 days old
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator: I am a very trustworthy soldier to ACP, i am also very active and a long time member. i help recruits train daily by being a drill team leader in ACPTR. and i have led 2 armies before (one being a top ten medium army) i have never won anything to become a senator or president or anything in ACP, and i feel my time i now. i already know some great things that we can do for a ACP.
How long you’ve been in ACP: A year and 1 day (JOINED MARCH 14 2009)
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?: Yes, A TON
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles): Yes very, i make a majority of the events monthy. and when i have free tim eon the computer i ususally go to ACP chat to see if we r having an unsheduled event. or just chat with my friends.
Penguin Name: Icebaer10 aka Nina
ACP Rank: Major General
What is your MAIN Penguin Age:
about 1000 days
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator:
I want to CHANGE things in ACP. If the soldiers have problems, i would be there . I think im a very loyal and trustful soldier, and I want to help people who are new, and listen to soldiers when they have problems.
How long you’ve been in ACP:
About 1 and a half year
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?:
Yes. I know a lot of people. I talk to new soldiers, to my best friends, to the leaders, and to all the other people who are friendly!
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles)
Yea, I try to go to every battle. Im very active on chat, too.
Maybe im not at every battle, but thats because im 1+ GMT time, and most of the battles are pretty late for me. But thats one of the´things i want to change: More battles for people in diffrent timezones.
Thank you!
~ Nina aka Icebaer10
Penguin Name:
Xat Registered Name:
ACP Rank:
What is your MAIN Penguin Age:
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator:
I want to help make ACP the strongest and stay the strongest army in club penguin. I would love to conquer all other armies and be the best (too bad we already are) army in club penguin.
How long you’ve been in ACP:
About 2 years now.
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?:
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles):
auburn dude how could u be in acp for 2 years when ur penguin is only 387 days old. a year is 365 days. 2 years is 730 days. ur saying u joined acp before u joined cp? UHMMMM
so true rock
ive had two penguins derr migrater and auburndude aub is my new one :/
That is a possibility for him, rock…. But how come ur only a colonel then? I joined last may, less than a year ago, and I’m way higher rank than u.
Penguin Name:kkneat
Xat Registered Name:kkneat warreent officer
ACP Rank:warrent officer
What is your MAIN Penguin Age:172
Reason Why You Should Be a Senator:to atlest show people that i can we need to reform so i think i could do that.also we need to help so let us stand
How long you’ve been in ACP:1 month
Would you say you’ve gotten to know a lot of people?:no
Are you active in ACP (Meaning both chat and battles):
Little guy, just because I joined way before you doesn’t mean I was always there. When I joined I wasn’t very active and things and now I’ve started activity.
1. Hawkboy15
3.Bridgader General
4. Like 388 or something
5. I am always helpful. I listen and dont hold grudges. I do on occasion get in to a fight but just stop. I have been very successful in the ACPTR as co-leader. As well as the SSACP.
7.Heck yesh
1. saku1234
2. saku1234
3. Coporal
4. 700 days old
5. I want to be a senator to lead us to many victories ,and maintain our position as the number one army in clubpenguin. I also want to be the first coporal to ever to become a senator to show that all soldiers are equal.
6. yes
7. yes