Dryvit’s Edit: Just a quick notice that registration will end around 12pm eastern time today. This will allow ACP time to get ready for the biggest tournament battle EVER!! Thanks.
Dryvit/ACP co-leader
Just when things could not get any more exciting for ACP, they do! Election time. Like a rebirth for the new year, Senate elections offer a new face and voice to the ACP. Have you ever wished your voice could be heard on the ACP political scene? Well wish no more. Become a Senator for the ACP. Ever wish all the girl penguins or boy penguins on CP would scream for you to add them when ever you log on? Wish no more, become a Senator for ACP. Looking for respect from those neighborhood bullies? Wish your sister would stop bugging you? Got a brother who is just a pain? Solve all these problems by becoming a Senator for the ACP!! Wealth, Fame, Travel and free senate meeting tickets are yours for the taking.
How you ask? Simply fill out the registration form in the comment section and you are well on your way to a political career in ACP.
The election will be simple and straight forward. The first 20 comments will be slate 1, the second 20 will be slate 2 and so on. We will be electing 14 senators. Plus Boomers choice for senate VP will make 15 in all. The soldiers receiving the highest vote total from each slate of candidates will be ACP senators. So register early, press your best suit and pucker up for baby kissing, the ACP 2010 election season is about to kick off. Good luck to all !! As always, you may put your candidacy in your name on chat, but no advertising.
Dryvit/ACP co-leader
1. ACP name and rank
2. Total time in ACP/CP
3. Four words to best describe you
4. A promise to follow all election rules
Saint: Sorry for the delay on Divisions Registrations, it has been a very busy week. I will try to catch up tomorrow.
Filed under: ACP |
1. ACP name and rank. I was removed from the ranks by a wise guy but, 2nd leituant er however you spell it…
2. Total time in ACP/CP. 6 months I guess.
3. Four words to best describe you. Kind, ideal, sorta naughty, smart
4. A promise to follow all election rules. Yes
1. ACP name and rank
Rayman102 Sergent
2. Total time in ACP/CP
about 4 years
3. Four words to best describe you
funny wierd nice cool
4. A promise to follow all election rules
I will do my best at senent.
If I mess up, eh, noones perfect. 🙂
Kg 007
Since August of 2008
Sparkely Parachuting Kookie Gawd
John16126 ACP Lt General
I have been in acp for about in jan 9 months
I have played cp for about 2 years (sperate accs)
Trustworthy, Caring, Thoughtful, Good (as person/ on chat)
I promise i will follow all the rules! If i do not i know i will be disqualified! So i will not i repeat NOT break the rules!
1. ACP name and rank
ACP general
2. Total time in ACP/CP
Over 1 year in ACP
Over 800 days for Club penguin
3. Four words to best describe you
4. A promise to follow all election rules
I promise to follow all of the Election rules.
1. Greeniedude1, Colonel
2. About a year or so.
3. Kind, funny, caring, doesnt give up!
4. I promise to follow the rules of the election and play fairly. 😉
1. ACP name and rank
Timmy0000 and 1st Lt.
2. Total time in ACP/CP
ACP=5months, Cp= 3 years
3. Four words to best describe you
funny, smart, crazy at times, and kind
4. A promise to follow all election rules
I promise to follow all the rules and I promise to be fair
1. ACP name and rank: Klug1234, ACP General
2. Total time in ACP/CP: Been in ACP since December 08, been in CP since spring 07
3. Four words to best describe you: Amazing,toilet,klug,funny
4. A promise to follow all election rules: Yes i will and if not, i shall be struck by drunk porcupines.
1. ACP name and rank: Snowballpink, ACP General.
2. Total time in ACP/CP: I joined CP in October of 2007, and ACP on April 1st 2009.
3. Four words to best describe you: Extremly Dedicated, Intelegent, Kind to mostly everyone, Willing to do anything for ACP.
4. A promise to follow all election rules: I promise to follow all election rules.
1. Hawkboy16 Col.
2. 10months and 1 day
4.I promise
1. ACP name and rank Lillie Rose Lt general
2. Total time in ACP/CP 1 year
3. Four words to best describe you determind Forgiving Peaceful Loyal
4. A promise to follow all election rules I promise
ACP *(officially)*: since December 17,08. CP: August of 06
Dude who likes lemons
yes =0
1. ACP name and rank: Mtl Pete Corporal
2. Total time in ACP/CP:acp 2 months cp 3 years
3. Four words to best describe you: patient encouraging respectful and nice
4. A promise to follow all election rules:I promise I will obey the election rules
My rank is Semi-Retired Leader
1. Anirko11
2. I’ve been officially in acp since June, although I’ve been in ACP unofficially for much longer.
3. Intelligent, Kind, Trustworthy, Loyal
4. I promise to follow all election rules. If I do kick me out of acp.
I’m filling out a form for Speedy:
1. ACP name and rank
Speedyfatcat Leader
2. Total time in ACP/CP
Since forever
3. Four words to best describe you
Speedy the Fat Cat
4. A promise to follow all election rules
Yes, yes he will Fat Cat Priority Numero 1
1. Gir888
2.ACP= Since October CP= Since 2005
3.Debate, agressive, friendly, irritable
4.Yes i promise to follow all election rules.
1. ACP name and rank
Name on Chat: Twilicat Name on CP: Soccergal688 Rank: Brigadier Gen.
2. Total time in ACP/CP
CP: about 3 years ACP: Since Febuary 2009.
3. Four words to best describe you
Hotheaded, Clever, Cat-Like, Caring
4. A promise to follow all election rules
I promise to follow all election rules, and to treat my fellow Senators fairly, And ROFL at Kg ^^
1. ACP name and rank
Adamster97, Major
2. Total time in ACP/CP
A couple months
3. Four words to best describe you
Smart, Loyal, Trustworthy, Obedient
4. A promise to follow all election rules
I promise to follow all election rules, if I don’t, I will impeach myself and leave ACP forever.
1. ACP name and rank Fiasco 1121 brig gen
2. Total time in ACP/CP Rogue acp would be 17 months? 11 months like 22 days for official
3. Four words to best describe you Fair, Equal, Awesome , Grammar-loving
4. A promise to follow all election rules I promise
1. ACP name and rank
2. Total time in ACP/CP
2 years
3. Four words to best describe you
Fun, Outgoing, can be serious when i have to, very smart
4. A promise to follow all election rules
i promise to follow all elction rules, even if that means getting knocked over by a flying penguin
its 08 xD
Xeboxe1 i dont have an ACP rank yet because i have just comented and have not been approved yet.
no time in acp/ have been playing CP for 517 days
i absoulutly promise to follow the rules!
1. ACP name and rank
Icebaer10 , Lt. Colonel
2. Total time in ACP/CP
CP: 2 years ACP: 1 and a half year
3. Four words to best describe you
Smart, Active, German, Nice
(that sounds weird xD)
4. A promise to follow all election rules.
I promise to follow all the election rules and .
1. ACP name and rank
Dalek Cam-Staff Sergeant
2. Total time in ACP/CP
about a month now
3. Four words to best describe you
4. A promise to follow all election rules
i promise and i never brake a promise 😉
. ACP name and rank Ally Cally, sargeant
2. Total time in ACP/CP: ACP sice last Tuesday, Club Penguin 2 Haloweens ago (2007)
3. Four words to best describe you- energetic, smart, active, computer-adicted
4. A promise to follow all election rules- I swear to waffles, pie, cheese, and all things random I will follow the election rules.!
4 months 3 weeks/704 days
I follow all orders from acp leader
I promose
1. ACP name and rank: Kstar Olivia (Kstar) Sergeant
2. Total time in ACP/CP: Since 13th December in ACP & in cp they deleted me awhile back but i made a penguin 115 days ago
3. Four words to best describe you: Creative, Competitive, Smart & Hard-Working
4. A promise to follow all election rules: I promise (I may be a low rank but i will try to be my best)
1. well my name is jwdog 3 and i was removed from rank after you guys did all your drafting but i was a warrant officer.
2. I have been in Cp for 3 years and have been with you guys a little over 2 years
3.4 words that best describe me are, Loyal, trustworthy, leader, kind
4.I, Jwdog 3 will promise to follow all election rules if i don’t appear to follow them Acp leaders can impeach me from the #1 army in cp. I am loyal to acp rulers and leaders. I will understand if i get kicked. I promise.
Thanks for the great army. i feel proud to be part of it
And i respect all of ACP
1. Ohlie 2nd Lieutenant
2. 2 years at ACP my penguin 1202 days old today
3. smart funny fair active
4. I promise to follow all the election rules
D:< I didnt know id be this behind!
2.i dont no how long i been in acp because you got red of the old join page an i been in cp since 272 days.
3.ACTIVE most of the time, love pc, smart, creative.
4.i will follow all rules if not you may switch me with some other person you may trust
Jackie202/1st lieutanat
3 years now
awsome ,cool, acp adicted,love to partay! 🙂
i promose on my grandmothers grave for real and ill do anything to attend battles and meetings i promose!
1. ACP name and rank
Captain Fliperboy
2. Total time in ACP/CP
4months around 569
3. Four words to best describe you
loyal, active, clever, respect
4. A promise to follow all election rules
I promise to follow the election rules
oops here is my rank
1.bubbahanson1, captain
1. Chapa23 and ACP Lt. General
2. A year and 3-4 months
3. Intelligent, Kind, Funny, and Hard-working.
4. I promise to follow all election rules.
1. ACP name and rank ~ Mchappy2 & Brigadier General
2. Total time in ACP/CP ~ I’ve been in CP for around 3 years. I’ve been in ACP for almost a total of 1 year! If you don’t believe me you can PC me to talk about it 🙂
3. Four words to best describe you ~ Hard-Working, Honest, Caring, Cooperation!!!
4. A promise to follow all election rules ~ I promise, not to dis-obey ANY o the Election Rules
1. ACP name and rank: Kstar Olivia (cp name) or Kstar
2. Total time in ACP/CP: ACP: Since 13th December I think.
CP: i was deleted a while back but my latest penguin is 115 days old.
3. Four words to best describe you: Creative, Competitive, Hard-Working, Kind.
4. A promise to follow all election rules: I promise.
I will try my best in the future and now.
1. ACP name and rank
Mcgrowlsgirl Warrent Officer
2. Total time in ACP/CP
6 month
3. Four words to best describe you
honest, trustworthy, smart, and kind
4. A promise to follow all election rules
I, mcgrowlsgirl, promise to follow all election rules.
ACP name and rank Serpentpengu staff sergant
2. Total time in ACP/CP 3 years
3. Four words to best describe you awesome nice happy freindly
4. A promise to follow all election rules yes
i will do as the rules say
1. ACP name and rank: Tandy1 and i am a Sergeant!
2. Total in ACP and CP: Total time in CP is 3 years and total time in ACP is 1 month!
3. Four words that describe me: Loyal, intelligent, funny, and cooperative!
4.I promise to follow the election rules!
my name is sgt rock 4 and my rank is seargent.
ive been an acp soldier for about a month but i just discovered this website 2 days ago.
funny honest giving and noble.
i sgt rock 4 give an honest oath that i will follow these election rules and hope to be the next ACP senator.
VOTE FOR SGT ROCK 4!!!!!!!!!
sgt rock 4 and im a seargent
my total time in cp bout 7 months and ive been an acp soldier for two months but i just discovered this website 2 days ago
kind funny peaceful smart
i sgt rock 4 take an oath to follow these election rules or may i be disqualified.
1. ACP name and rank
Blupichu Colonel
2. Total time in ACP/CP
In CP was June 2007 and ACP was 1/4/09
3. Four words to best describe you
Wonderful Adventerest Friendly Misterious
4. A promise to follow all election rules
I promise to be fair in the elections
1. ACP name and rank: 24keyser brigadier gen
2. Total time in ACP/CP: 2 and a half years in cp two in acp
3. Four words to best describe you: funny nice fun friendly
4. A promise to follow all election rules: yea
vote for 24keyser for 2010 senate
1. ACP name and rank
Name: Capncook Rank: General
2. Total time in ACP/CP
Total time in ACP: Since middle of April 2009. Total time in CP: Registered for Club Penguin April 19th 2006. (But had penguin before that on March 13th 2006.)
3. Four words to best describe you
Wise, noble, unimpetuous, decisive
4. A promise to follow all election rules
You know me, of course I’ll follow the rules. =)
i mean i promise to follow the election rules
1. ACP name and rank Adav/ General
2. Total time in ACP/CP 11 months/11 months
3. Four words to best describe you : fair kind respectful teamplayer
4. A promise to follow all election rules
of course
1. acp name and rank:simi78049 private 2.since middle of 2008. 3.smart,strategic,idealistic,supportive 4.of course i will follow rules
1. acp name and rank:simi78049 private 2.since middle of 2009. 3.smart,strategic,idealistic,supportive 4.of course i will follow rules
1. Psimple 2nd Lieutenant
2. ACP: December second CP: 892 Days
3. Ambitious, Energetic, Humorous, LOVESPENGUINS!!!
(it counts as a word if theres no spaces lol)
4. I, Psimple, promise to follow all election rules
name and rank:99claudio99 rank sargent
total time: bout a month
four words that best describe me?funny, ordering,hard working,and a good friend.
I promise to follow all the rules. Plz elect me!
1. ACP name and rank bingybing staff sergeant
2. Total time in ACP/CP 1 year
3. Four words to best describe you leader funloving exited
4. A promise to follow all election rules
yes i promise to follow everysingle rule
1. ACP name and rank- Yoda RULZ, Warrant Officer
2. Total time in ACP/CP- 3 Months/ 3 Years
3. Four words to best describe you- Smart, Leader, Funny, and Loyal
4. A promise to follow all election rules- Yes sir!
1. ACP name and rank
Matre10, Lt. General
2. Total time in ACP/CP
on ACP: Officially 8 Months. Unoficially 1 Year and Half.
on CP: 3 Years starting on 8th January.
3. Four words to best describe you
Friendly Hard Worker Soldier.
4. A promise to follow all election rules
Yes,I Promise I am going to Follow all of the Rules & Become a great Senator and attend all the Meetings like my last period as Senator.
1.ACP name and rank: Snowball4851 rank: Warrant Officer
2.Total time in CP/ACP Time in ACP: Half a year or so
Time in CP: 536 Days
3. 4 words to best describe you
caring,determined, wise,wont give up easily
4.A promise to follow all election rules
Of course I will always follow all the rules:)
1. ACP name and rank
Johny 4,Major General
2. Total time in ACP/CP
Acp-1 year in January 25th and over 500 days in CP.
3. Four words to best describe you
4. A promise to follow all election rules
I promise to follow the rules.I never brake a rule,ever.
1. ACP name and rank: Smsm3 and Brigadier General
2. Total time in ACP/CP: acp: 1 year and 2 months cp: 1235 days
3. Four words to best describe you: Fun, exitcing, serious solider
4. A promise to follow all election rules: yes, no cheating, no hacking, no bribing
1.kiko 9989
2.1st lieutenant
3.i dont hack im loyal to all armies i never lie
1. ACP name and rank: Monsterfully, Lt. General.
2. Total time in ACP/CP: ACP: 9 months, CP: About 3 years
3. Four words to best describe you: fun, awesome, complicated, serious
4. A promise to follow all election rules: I will not cheat, hack, bla bla bla bad stuff….
1. ACP name and rank
GUSW warrant officer
2. Total time in ACP/CP
923 days
3. Four words to best describe you
loyal, awsome, friendly and honest
4. A promise to follow all election rules
2.ACP-1 month
3.Strong,smart,awesome and loyal
4.Yes I will not cheat and hack
Charliem21, Captain
CP 2 years ACP 4-6 months
I Promise not to cheat,hack,lie or any bad stuff
1. ACP name and rank:
Zues109 rank sergant also owns small acp army
2. Total time in ACP/CP:
about 3 months cp about 750 days
3. Four words to best describe you:
strong,leadership,reliable,and acp forever
4. A promise to follow all election rules:
yes forever and always i never cheat i never hack and i dont brib or beg all i want is to keep acp to the top of the list of armies
1. Cooldude7401 Cononel
2. ACP-8 CP- A Year in 18 days
3. Serious Reliable Friendly Fun
4. I promise not to hack cheat Or Bribe
1. ACP name and rank
Pinkgirl1114, General
2. Total time in ACP/CP
ACP: 10 months CP: 1 year and a 1/2
3. Four words to best describe you
Strong, Independant, Loud, Socializable ;D
4. A promise to follow all election rules
I promise to follow ALL election rules and let this be a fair election 😀
1. Divotoo, ACP Division General (Echo)
2. Over a year for both.
3. Funny, Friendly, Known, Clever.
4. I promise to follow all of these rules and to make it a fair Election.
ACP-since june or july so 6 or 5 months
awsome,kind,loyal,and smart
i promise to follow all rules and will not cheat and hack
1. ACP name and rank name is freddy257 rank is major
2. Total time in ACP/CP i joined april 5th at 2:13 r someting like that
3. Four words to best describe you
hardworking, co-operartive,caring,loyal
4. A promise to follow all election rules
i freddy257 vow to follow and respect all election rules and be sure to make and keep this senate election fair and fun,
1. ACP name and rank: name: 1122addme Rank:2nd Lt.
2. Total time in ACP/CP: about 3 months
3. Four words to best describe you: random, funny, nice, trustworthy
4. A promise to follow all election rules
I Addme promise to follow every election rule.
1.Name:Boie5 (1rst lieutenant)
2.3 months or 4 I cant remember XD
3.Clever,honest,jokes around,and independant.
4.I promise that I will always follow the rules,make fair elections,treat people how they want to be treated,and finish up what I begin.
Oh and in Clubpenguin 8 months
1. ACP name and rank: Dan Popper Major General
2. Total time in ACP/CP 10 months
3. Four words to best describe you Cool loyal honest caring
4. A promise to follow all election rules: I swear to God that I will not break any of the rules. Cross my heart
1. ACP name and rank,Pouch Pouch9,Staff Sergent
2. Total time in ACP/CP,ACP 1 year,CP,4 Years
3. Four words to best describe you,Fun Smart Funny Loyal
4. A promise to follow all election rules,I promise to follow all rules forever and always!!!!!!!!
Lakerboy818, Captian
About a year
i dont do drugs (4 words)
No Promises (jk, ill try to the fullest extent of my abilties to be a good senator)
ACP name and rank Mrtchy COlonel
2. Total time in ACP/CP YA
3. Four words to best describe you Friendly, Smart, Loyal and honest
4. A promise to follow all election rules ABSOLUTELY
ACP Name: Yankeerock27
Rank: Corporal
Time in ACP/CP: 10 Months
4 Words: Smart, Honest, Brave, Friendly
I promise to follow all election rules without a doubt.
oh ive been in cp for about idk, i dont go on that much unless needed to, like 4 years about
1.mr icefin
2.maj. general
3.like 2-3 yrs
4.potato coolio awsome awsomer
1. yak4,
2. 3 months
3. i am a quick soldier
4. I promise to follow all election rules
1.Jcapp64, Major General
2. One year in ACP totalled, 2 years in ACP/two and a half years in cp
3. Listening to all. A Man of his words.
4. I promise that I will follow all election rules.
. ACP name and rank Bfan212 Division General
2. Total time in ACP/CP 22 months and 3 days
3. Four words to best describe you fun funny loving caring
4. A promise to follow all election rules
I swear on the bible
can i have a promo soon ive been working hard and still havent got one
ACP name and rank yould lt colonel
2. Total time in ACP/CP acp 1 year cp 950 days
3. Four words to best describe you loyal, smart , outstanding liked
4. A promise to follow all election rules i promise to follow the rules of the election
Coolguy12348 Lt.General
2 years and 4 months
Cool, Fair, Smart, Responsible
I promise to follow all of the rules of the election
Jeter522 I dont have a rank even though I have been active for almost three years
Acp Almost Three years Cp 1121 Days
Responsible, a leader, Clever, Strict
I solemly Vow that i will follow all election rules
1. ACP name and rank
Suyasa Seargent
2. Total time in ACP/CP
3 years (ACP) and 4 Years (CP, missed Beta )
3. Four words to best describe you
Loyal,Trustworthy, Friendly,FUN
4. A promise to follow all election rules
1. ACP name and rankditto230 lt coloenl
2. Total time in ACP/CPacp for 4 months clubpenguin for 1 year and a couple of months
3. Four words to best describe you caring loving nice cool
4. A promise to follow all election rulesi promise that i will no matter what follow the election rules
1. ACP name and rank
Uno148 Lt. General
2. Total time in ACP/CP
26 months/38 months
3. Four words to best describe you
Honest, Loyal, Forgiving, Caring
4. A promise to follow all election rules
I promise to follow all election rules, and all rules of the ACP. Or else you can kick me in the shin for 3 hours. D:
1: Ryanbearsroc-1st. lieutenant
2: 3 days/14 months
4: I promise to follow all the rules,also by the way I have been waiting 6 months to get a rank. So please try your best. I understand completely that you try your best.
nessa lmfao xDDDDDD speedy’s gonna win xDD
I vote Ryanbearsroc because he attended all of the acp wars.And he is active in evreywar to!
1. ACP name and rank
Zues109 sergant
2. Total time in ACP/CP
about 3 months on cp 4 years
3. Four words to best describe you: strong,leadership,reliable,and acp forever
4. A promise to follow all election rules
I Zues109 promise to follow all the election rules and will not bribe hack cheat or beg on acp and cp and make sure our amy stays the best it can at all times so that no other army stands in our way
1. ACP name and rank corymigs2 major genaral
2. Total time in ACP/CP 1 year and on cp 367 days
3. Four words to best describe you. a true royal soilder to acp and a would be great in the sanate of acp
4. A promise to follow all election rules yes i promise i will
Oh, I forgot my CP days. Its been a year and a half since i started.
1. Pinkgirl3919 & Brigadier General
2. About 6 months for ACP, and for Club Penguin 802 days (Dec. 30)
3. Random, Friendly, Encouraging, Caring 🙂
4. I somenly promise to follow the election rules, promise.
1)steveiscool5 Sergant
2) two days
3) understanding reliable sensetive respectable
4) I promise to follow all election rules and listen to all veiws.
1. Eettuuyy a Lt. Colonel
2. One year and three months
3. Friendly, Enthusiastic, Honest, Creative
4. I promise to following all rules of the election, no matter what.
Sorry, forgot the time in CP. Joined on Febuary 2008.
1. ACP name and rank:||||||||| Twingy, Major General
2. Total time in ACP/CP:|||||||, ACP, 8 months or so…, CP, 3 and a half years ish.
3. Four words to best describe you||||||. Jolly, Loyal, Determined and Responsible.
4. A promise to follow all election rules|||||| I promise to follow the election rules unless tortured into not using them. xD. Oh and I don’t take any responsibility for anyone multi-voting for me with the same IP address, unless it is me using multiple IP addresses, which I won’t because I’m going to follow the rules.
Thanks Dryvit for making it a lot simpler this year, because the writing you had mto do for it was ignored and/or never used when people became senate. Cheers man.
P>S I know technically that’s five, with the added and in.
1. ACP name and rank
Dude49491 Seargant
2. Total time in ACP/CP
Acp:3 days Cp:Around 400
3. Four words to best describe you
Cool fun hard working and friendly
4. A promise to follow all election ruleI promise
1. ACP name and rank
Waddlebox123 Brig. General
2. Total time in ACP/CP
~ 2 years.
3. Four words to best describe you
Kind, Trustworthy, Fair, Honorful.
4. A promise to follow all election rules
Yes I will. I never don’t and never plan on doing it.
1. ACP name and rank: Bluebirdboy1, Colonel
2. Total time in ACP/CP: About 8-9months (Joined May 2009)
3. Four words to best describe you: Quiet, Smart, Kind, Responsible
4. A promise to follow all election rules: ACP’s honour that I won’t forget to follow all he duties that make a senator.
my total tim in cp is 200 days
1.) steveiscool5 sergant
2.)acp-two days cp 200 days
3.) Reliable honest friendly trustworthy
4.) I will always follow the rules and listen to every ones verdict
1. ACP name and rank
Ekpenguin9 Captain
2. Total time in ACP/CP
ACP-1 year and a half CP-2 and a half years
3. Four words to best describe you
Fair, Responsible, Friendly, Loyal
4. A promise to follow all election rules
I promise to follow all the election rules
ACP name and rank
Tuxy9349- ACP Major General
2. Total time in ACP/CP
10 months
3. Four words to best describe you
Honest, loyal, friendly, tough
4. A promise to follow all election rules
Wait I was on CP about 16 months, and ACP 10
My name is Plupypenuin . My acp rank is staffsergent I have been in the acp for a month and half I have had a penguin on cp 4 years. I am loyal,brave,smart,strong. And I promise to follow the rule of being a senate.
Name and Rank- Zeeco110 Sergeant
Time in ACP/CP- ACP- 2 months CP- 3 years
Four words to describe you: Loyal,Smart,Considerate,Friendly
A Promise to Follow All Election Rules- ‘I Zeeco110 solemnly and completely swear to follow all election rules,period.’
1. ACP name and rank Cheese 679 1st lietenant
2. Total time in ACP/CP a)august 18 09 b)june 12 09
3. Four words to best describe you honest, trustworthy, understanding and loyal
4. A promise to follow all election rules well, when you sign up you agree so yeah
@dryvit Im doing the sign ups k?
1. ACP name and rank
Umm… Trooper7890?
2. Total time in ACP/CP
15 months
1137 days old and started on late 2006
3. Four words to best describe you
Creative, Trustworthy, Loyal, Experienced
4. A promise to follow all election rules
why not
1. Rkjcbo Magor General
2.Acp time a year and a half/ Cp time 2 years
3. I-live-for-ACP!
4. Yes yes yes 1,000,000,000 times yes I have been in many votes but have not one any yet. I always lisen to orders and rules I have never been band on that on CP.
Not that lol chat sorry I was just so happy 😀
1. Rock71, Major General
2. I’ve been in ACP for 9 months | i’ve been on CP for 3 years & 5 months.
3. Leader, Kind, Loyal, Outgoing
4. I solomly swear as a member of the Army of Club Penguin to follow all the rules of the senate elections.
1. Dr Nono Jr, Lt. General
2. Just over 2 years in ACP; just over 3 years on CP
3. honest, intelligent, innovative, overachiever
4. I swear.