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Tactic Session

Edit: Today’s Event THURSDAY December 17th:

Practice Battle (ECHO vs ALPHA AND DELTA)

Time: 4 PST, 5 MST, 6 CST, 7 EST

Where: Parka, Snow Forts

Echo will be Blue. Alpha and Delta will be Orange.

And don’t forget the party!

Wow that was fun, eh? Sorry to everyone who came on time, we went a little early, there might be a Recruiting Session still at the Town. We did pretty well! Our circle wasn’t that great but that’s because we didn’t really have enough ppl to go around the whole room I think. We can work on that next time 😉 .

Here’s what happened:

First we grouped at the bottom and charged the Clock.

Then we made a circle (I didn’t get a pic D:) and charged the middle.

Then we regrouped at the Clock following with a Clover Bomb.

We then charged the bottom and formed into one of the best lines I have ever seen ACP do.

And then HE CAME. We followed ROCKHOPPER all the way to the Cove and to his Ship, I’m so angry I saved over a clover picture we did on the ship!

The Ship:

And that’s about where we ended, I’d say we did pretty well and Rockhopper thinks so too 😉 . Don’t forget about tomorrow!

Comment if you made it!

*~*Saint1119 ACP Co-Leader*~*

63 Responses

  1. Rockhopper loves you!!

  2. I came.

  3. 3’rd That was fun p.s. rh is a staker

  4. Rawr 4th

  5. XDD rockhopper. club. :hehe: rockhopper should join ACP XD

  6. We did great!!! I might not make tomorrow, so good luck 😉

  7. i was there in the last pic i said JINGLE BELLS JINGLE BELLS you can kinda see my i have the brown spikey haird and hockey shirt xD

  8. Well, its great to see that CP is starting to aknowledge CP armies.

  9. i was there

  10. rockhopper is like stalking saint xD

  11. that was awesome!!

  12. I made it!!

  13. I made it hmmm I wounder if rockhopper joined acp?

  14. that was so cool i met rockhopper!!! AND NOW MORE PPL WILL JOIN ACP WOOOO

  15. XD that so fun but rockhopper said acp man i wonder if he’ll join someday? probaly not but awesome tactic session!

    Rock on acp!

  16. That should convince more soldiers to show up for ACP events lol 😀

  17. We should make a “Pirate Division” in honor of Rockhopper and this event 😆

  18. I came, I saw, and I conquered XD I met Rockhopper for like the 3rd time since He’s been here. He seems to like ACP a lot…

  19. Made it! Got the RH backround for the first time too!


  21. I think I know why RockHopper is always on then are battles are cuz at the start of the day he is at the top of the serve list and works his way down and this event was the same time as there other one.

  22. i came and said rockhopper socks and i got kicked off cp LOL then i loged back in

  23. Made it! We pwned today! 😀

  24. I made it! The lines we did were amazing

  25. I wash there, ROCKHOPPER WAS SO FUNNY xD


  26. I came (i was pinguey) Also rockhopper keeps on invading ACP practices 🙁

  27. i was there and rockhopper called ACP seaweed 😆

  28. rockhopper took all the attention from Oagal. Oagal was watching us

  29. I made it. It went well. Except for when we had leadership and listening problems 😕

  30. I made it!

  31. i was there

  32. There is now an ACP Twitter acount up and it will update what ACP does like battles and patrols

  33. made it woohoo! since i was seen clearly in the first picture do i get a promo???

  34. made it woohoo! since i was seen clearly in the first picture do i get a promo???ok wateva

  35. Argh sorry I couldn’t make it AGAIN!

  36. I think Rockhopper was a hacker.

  37. I made it 😀


  38. He’s stalking you to find your weaknesses for his diabolical plan.

  39. woot that was so fun i was there it was my first acp practice and i loved it! i will most deff be there tomorow

  40. Woot i was there it was greats, it was my first acp practice and i loved it, i will most deff be there tomorow (:

  41. woot i was there today it was my first acp practice and i loved it, i will most deff be there tomorow (:

  42. COOL ROCKHOPPER! I saw rockhopper too on a server but some lousy people wouldn’t get out of the room and it was full i know its rockhopper and he is famous but you gotta let other people to look at him too and get his background. P.S Did you guys tell Rockhopper what acp is maybe if you did he might have made his own army lol imagine that.

  43. hey freddy here
    ok i am so sorry about not showing up for anything this week. i no this seems like im lying but im not. so as i told Dryvit i am leaving for vacation on saturday.(last saturday) and that i will not have wifi till monday or sunday. well i stopped at a wi fi hotel saturday night and once gain confirmed my time to be back. I get to my house on sunday and the wi fi doessnt work. i cant play my xboxlive phone internet ect.so a guy from comcast comes to fix it and says we need a new cble so wait till wednesday. so wednesday comes and they say oh well that other guy was wrong u dont need a new cable. so they dont change iit they just do some stuff to it and my internet is back up. so i am on the site but had to close the links cuz it was a new setting. so i close it and i cant open it. so somebody is coming today but im so sorry cuz it could go down t any time beofre, even possibly after. i just tryed to open it now even though its 6 am and it worked so i just had to comment it. i will go on when i can and recruit and stuff.
    oh y i also had wi fi on tuesday for a little so i was there for something lol.
    ~freddy257~ acp major

  44. I made it, well sorta, part of it.

  45. Soundbooth: there!

  46. i made part of it, the part with rockhopper. once he walked up to me and asked me wat ACP is. i told him everything i hoped he would join xD

  47. I get that feeling that that is some sort of hacker, not the real rockhopper. I was there!

    sorry about the caps

  49. i was there it was awesome i think boomer wasnt there but rh was


  51. I made it, your pictures are at 6:00 EST when it started at 7:00 EST 😀

    -Thom, ACP 3ic

  52. me cant make it to battle me go to skate place yay

  53. that battle is no fare for echo!!!

  54. Yes, I will arrive there 20 minutes early

  55. Im already there. Also I need a rank. so i may choose a team.


  57. i was there today, but i have to leave now, a bit early.

  58. lol, pirate crew XD

  59. echo be ready for todays battle friday 18th

  60. I just fell off my chair and now my butt hurts.

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