Here are the promos for this month. I apologize for the wait, I got grounded. If you see Dry, please thank him for completing most of them, it was a huge help.
Apologies that the promos are not in bold, but please look for your name and use (ctrl+f) or (Edit+Find) and search for your name. If you can’t find your name, ask for help on chat.
Without further ado, the complete list of promos:
General of the Army: Boomer 20
Head General: Dryvit, Ktman, Jedimaster17, Shaboomboom
Commander General: Foxtails
——Owner Line——
Division General (6): Batintrenche (Alpha), Bluey92123 (Alpha), Packer1 Nfl (Delta), Yanksrule14 (Delta), Thomas0270 (Echo), Bfan212 (Echo)
General (12): Axevolution, Divotoo, Ganondorf787, Iasgae56, Jediseth, Klug1234, Motor20, Noka 11, Oberst543, Person535, Pinkgirl1114, Snowballpink, Tylov5
Lt. General (16): Adav01, Apocolypse66, Capncook, Clintos007, Coolguy12348, Hattrick, Ironkid2894, John16126, Larry Guy 4, Lillie Rose, Noseycjr, Obiwan 4321, Peguin21795, Sonic The 1, Uno148
Major General (24): 24keyser, Aero Master, Amitc87, Chapa23, Coollove152, Fallingtail, Farsight, Hasanb123, Jcapp64, Johny 4, Kenneth1000, M3adow Sue, Matre10, Maxthepen, Monsterfully, Mr Icefin, Nakib, Pizzasox24,Shedinja 777, Snooper1999, Talyor455, Totaln00b, Twingy, Waddlebox123, Wurburt45348
——Mod Line——
Brigadier General: 143meg, Bluesockwa2, Bp98, Brad448, Cody765, Cooper30, Corymigs2, Cristiano50, Dan Popper, Djgtjvgyhxgy, Feephill, Fresca39, Frostbeetle8, Great Akoo, Itunesgeek1, Jackfrost357, Johnhandcoff, Juneau2, Kaisin, Leoblue33, Lsund, Lucario 564, Maxi96203, Mrchips10,Mrnooner, Ninja Shodow, Painttheskygrey, Rider4429, Robotizer1, Sklooperis, Sky Warroir, Smsm3, Soccergal688, Starwars5467, The Flapjack, Wafflemaster, Wolvetone,Wojanna2, Woton, Zdoger
Colonel: 123nico26, Aberacer, Adioboard, Blky3001,, Candycloud19, Chase50, Cody0112, Cooldude7401, Crazyboy86, Cuncer2545, Dan 9765, Danny9632, Danthemanr1, Dommo3, Dopefacedbro, Engel Boy 23, Fredfred Bur, Freepro, Happyman444, Harvin13, Hawkboy16, Hi Hi Byebye, Jjdj235, Littleguy04, Lucky 888, Mchappy2, Mexicool152, Mrtchy, Mxz100, Omar Bsaibes, Omega90, Pink23art, Pinkgirl3919, Rhino25, Rkjcbo, Robin888, Rock71, SeanCastle, Sergie717, Spongie555, Takashiemiko, Teeski11, Ticket22, Tinyfinn, Trooper7890, Tuxy9349, Waaffles
Lt. Colonel: 3liocon, 3yell, Ajk 89, Bluebirdboy1, Blizzardbox, Bluesockwa, Blupichu, Chekmatter, Clack Iii, Cold Pizza, Denzzil,
Donut67890, Dueree, Flipper 6998, Fooberedo, Greeniedude1, Heatblast401, Icebaer10, Ibarreche, Jupiter5, Leaderbird, Lincoln31543, Ocean Wave11, Pengreen1234, Penguin Pen, Penguiny 36, Redsox07, Rexrider, Rogueunit10, Shadowhero99, Spiff313, Stumpy Narf, Sweetlious, Terimea345, Xbd1, Xhuntercorey, Zack3166
Major: 111jb22, 1piplup2bu, As334, Abolerz243, Anirko11, Bighead2496, Blackyoshi, Cars48487, Chief145, Darknis124, Darthjao, Ditto230, Flipper7706, Goldmanager, Gph136, Igdogjr916, Jakesyl, Johnnyluke, Leumas454, Mandalore, Outdoorsman8, Patchy99, Pte Baron, Rice Caramel, Sammychi8, Scruffy516, Shadow4949, Ser Tiberzan, Soccer793, Sown Man, Stton, The Maniac10, Titanic95594, Unlimited307, Wenny123abc,Yould
Captain: Albaro Lord, Alfrondo1465, Andrew 100, Anthmike, Auburndude, Austin99038, Blackpen1234, Bluenev1, Brandonlf, Charliem21, Coolkiddo57, Cowbay, Eettuuyy, Fliperboy7, Jcman8, Jordan502, Jrobert5, Julia7070, Kong7, Littlebunse5, Mobius 4, Muesxaico, Nickelboy99, Oola Yoda, Penguin59213583, R2d2sw5, Randomness9, Riccorock, Riverboy879, Smiley8years, Srgt Flame, Thearmynoob, Wetty5, Why Mason, Xbox Jt1, Youg3
1st Lieutenant: Anthers Bas, Aweiy, Blackear5k, Bumpy1234, Dan91123, Dannyj22, Darrenkinz, Dewtster, Exblade315, Extremeskis, Fern1232, Fever1836, Flip223, Frazpen, Freddy257, Grunty5, Guymed, Hampton4Life, Joey Anthony, John458896, Juujoob, Kamino56, Keyser5, Paisleyo9 , PMaster 3848, Pengopopper, Puxido, Ron547, Rover Bot, Sjanetsky, Supercool116, T6 Texan42, Ttttoootty, Tomphas, Vio789, Walewaf, Yoda 1000, Zelmania
2nd Lieutenant: Adamster97, Blazeion, Brads 6, Btime6, Cca, Cin Con, Darthman10, Dorthel3, Dragons318, Dude18643, Ekpenguin9, Frankbode, Frog000, Giantsdude27, Greenday184, Guyperson22, HickoryTree, Hoopi2, Indy575, J55559, Jamie 4532, Johnny770, Jojordan12, Ketety, Kobzar, Koolstear, Lakerboy818, Lazlo1235, Liam Super, Lil Dude52, Mirmirburp, Monkey Ap, Neopen100, Nikkimom, Pemmy Leader, Purple Haste, Qjx2b, Red Jaguar 1, Reeceb, Shahked, Silver2253, Sky380, Slapshot Pen, Tireoin1, Werty1595, Wizzfizz1, Zappacozmo, Zebby Queen
Warrant Officer: Adam 13, Alybaba77, Behr1, Blackjack000, Bluey Mic 12, Bobby3459, Bubbahanson1, Cheese 679, Codymojisan, Coolroad Man, Cpkid8888, Cublikefoot, Chuckisthe2, Dalre3, Devastator5, Fun123fun, Gadunka345, Gilford5, Hiry, Igor1117, Jimney007, Joklo Yellow, Jordan787, Jtzink , Jumbo1201, Lookydude, Mangis The P, Martion231, Masterwindoo, Mcgrowlsgirl, Michshark, Minybuddie, Misslyss14, Misty907, Mjtmastercp, Moks4, Nate Iz Ill, Paint5278, Penguin 86105123, Pingux7, Pinnix95, Pod Red, Pokecatch, Pokemon237, Pyton Mannin, Radu97, Razza779, Rudolph dash, Secret Clone, Semper Fi95, Sir Baz, Smiley37face, Soundbooth, Sport12boy, Stanman169, Steve Tim, Toa Nuva 614, Trc1296, Treefrog1027, TuxyC, Uti98, Waldo Frost, Whatuva, Wiggles 2019
Staff Sergeant: 21pantherboy, 5Superstars, Agent P17, Akatsuki879, Bird Jay, Blacky90508, Bob17467, Bobeojoe, Cakepin, Captain501st, Carter347, Chinook54, Cjs51099, Con5051, Coolio135791, Dan Za Man1, Djlat, Double N1, Draganfire96, El Rey, Emco08, Emily7070, Emploneon, Erici97, Fire Mario90, Finakuamama, Forkpuff, Gailmonster, Gimmetri, Goofysoccer, Gugabyte, Hgfman, Hh 7, Hjd1710, I Am Wod777, Icecube92337, Jack48roo, Jango358, JimmyJones 95, Joeyboy08, John7777, Johntwok, Joshy7, Kiko 9989, Lfc43, Lilrj21, Mario2154, Maple50, Mat55san, Memee123, Mightymack7, Mondew, Mo Mo1357, Mr Quail, Oranga1, Oscar, Ottoj, Perkypen10, Perpeto, Pinky37555, Pouch Pouch9, Purple Slip, Ryry529, Ryu790, Shafik111, Shayminking, Sky1700, Skylarcruz, Snowball3032, Snuggles7122, Sparkplug508, Sugarshake78, Teddy50405, Totheconner, Utahpio456, Xxshadowxxh, Yak4, Yoda RULZ
Sergeant: 27hearts28, Ace Ee, AISHNAIDU1, Alawishis26, Alexander6n, Alfred40118 79, Andreas 14, Anniemoose98, Audy Man, Babyblast6, Ballywho, Bandicoot15, Binky111397, Biohazard701, Blackaq, Blakie236, Blob502, Bluedude2223, Bob Feet, Bond 104, Braebrae5, Cheesy1325, Ciclone3000, Cobra Elite, Cody234, Coll3, Compromise, Cooldude Joe, Crazzy0325, Delcattypoke, Doggyboy585, Fluffy1835, Fredman5, Gianthog, Guppy22143, Happyrocks56, Hawk2blu, Hawktwoblue3, Hmzah, Homeboy678, Igor11117, Jackie202, Jcasey2000, Jerabecca, Jerryrig, Joey1195, Katelin656, Lil Pg, Magicman908, Marbleman1, Mati1964, Meggy89meggy, Midge18, Mimi8107, Moca bean, Monkeyjuun, Mrflappere 4, Narutorock14, Ninja7 h, Ninjatsk, Numbuh 653, Peg12356, Pepchan, Pianofries00, Pimpster1, Ping Pong Ca, Polarcube12, Purple86036, Rex571, Riched May, Rollerboy2, Romeoman20, Ryan5124, Sam 1871, Sasuke752, Scott 1, Scythmaster9, Sir Baz, Skatewing 11, Snowball4851, Starsoccer15, Superemma124, Suyasa, Teddy50405, Tintin2376, Tiny Sara, Viksfan2000, Wii7191fan, Yugiohguy231, Zacktheman24, Zaxiodo
Corporal: 123armyman, 1pie10, 2seahorse7, 40cd, 51e36t4e, 5Superstars, 619 Kid 56, 08below, 84cat84, 9Crystal1, Agentpieface, AgumonZ3, Alexandr0 34, Android35, Annastar16, Antarcticold, Army70345, Ashdanmalar, Awsomey, Azelfii, Beerbelly44, Belak001, Benluke007, Bibbiadi, Black Dj 900, Bluey 5656, Blueychaz, Boby Sanders, Bobyo70057, Bolox 2, Boomer Jr, Brick60000, Buzz26651, Buzzm279, Cbklx110, Cena312, Chase470, Chaz85152, Cherryu, Club Ceo, Colm2001, Colorfulkids, Coucou5656, Crider4, Dan126, Digins, Diggins2007, Dino Extreme, Driftingking, Ducky Girl 1, Eddy Pablo, Elargentino9, Elijah Burke, Eskimo6789, Flame9999, Flamer1199, Gamer20000, Gbg10, Gemparty, Gijoe37, Go Fish 100, Glceon, Gongon555, Gorgelopez45, Green Day Up, Harvy C, Hbk399, Himatchu, Hotfire, Howdypardner, Hunter4690, Icecoo, Ike 13, I LOL, Investigator, Jasjojason, Jaydog, Jimney007, John7777, Jrpeace4, Just Cross, K Dance1997, Kiddo10, Kikep3, Kikochee, Kloy12, Kyle4fun, Lolispin, Loveg, Lsu Tiers53, Luigi30322, Luke Tarheel, Lyriana, Marshington, Masteryoshi4, Maulh, Maymaymayrup, Mia Belle, Milo Ng, Mitchjr22, Mm142, Mr Hunt578, Mqpb1, Mtvput8, Muddeles, Nacho892, Nadz7, Navyseal5647, Naxxramas1, Ninjaman856, Nintendo Dsi, Nixter500, Nour55, Opppolice78, Orgbk23, P60411101, P80130353, P99759677, Peachypops10, Pegoo Loly, Penguin19614, Penguinfur1, Piggey Jr, Pink Fliper9, Pinkangel41, Pinkpin4, Piroguy, Platapus007, Poppedreng7, Privatew, Qxdx, Red998, Redharsh9, Redspecial1, Richerd22, Rips 08, Rockie121, Sand Man 7, Sanmiasha, Santa415, Sea Wevle, Sinead12cool, Sk8r208, Smiles0319, Snowy1234567, Sonicxxx4, Stonetiger12, Summerald, Super Bat Bo, Superjenjen1, Tayzeroxs, Tissue Box 3, Tuakuan, Vinhemgreen7, Whityblu, Wonkadini1, Wyatt Slurp, Xcarrottx, Yobuby2, Yoepriglkjfd, Ythgjg, Zrt1998
Once again, complaints must be HERE, not on this post. Thank you.
Filed under: ACP |
1st boomer approve those comments on the other post!!! and promoted those ppl
Tyvm for the promo 😀
yay ty dry/boomer
no promo…. again… yayy… 🙄 ugh and when did the division generals get to pick the 2nd division general? 🙄
Man,thnx guys!I really appreciate it!
Thank you for the promo sir
Thanks and congrats to everyone who got promoted
no promo? 😆 jk
Thanks Boomer And Dry!I’ll try to even more active now! 🙂
Truthfully, I made it to all practice battles and division wars. I see many people who got promoted to general who were not at any of these events but they go on chat. I go to all the stuff I am just not allowed on chat as much because of all the inappropriate thingds that have been going on. The division genrals know who shows up for this stuff and I can guarntee people who haven’t got on CP all month but have been on chat got promoted to general. I thought that actually participating in army stuff is more important than chat. Also last week I had H1N1 and didnt get on chat but commmented on the site regularly. I turn 15 in january and my goal was to make general I have worked hard for this and it has gotten me no where.
My penguin’s username is Boie5
I have not been in any other clubpenguin army
I didnt go to any other army so i have no rank
yes i always will,do what im told and do my dutys
I did this because i really want to join and i have not been ranked and i did the same page on the join page! And is it possible if i can be put in division delta?
dude your not srs rite im really angry man
can i please be promoted to brigadier general ive been really active! my cp name is happyman444 active? hek to the yea been on everyone day sense Oct. 1st. 09
this might sound weird sir but im glad you didnt promote me i didnt deserve it this time couldnt make it to practice battles because i had football but thats no excuse ill try harder sir
I went to all battles today! but no promo lol
no promo 🙁
Promo 🙂
Thanks for the promotion Boomer! I won’t let you down 🙂
Congrats to everyone that go at promo =D
i have been the army for ever plz promo me
my name is engel boy 23
Join the CPKA! We LOVE ACP. Well…… at least i do. Please join! Thx! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Gz! To everyone else who got a promo! Im slowly climbing the ranks!
~Lt. Colonel Blizzardbox~
thx for the promo
Jedimaster’s back?
Can I get promoted to Captain? Im long time in ACP and I were at all the battles.Also Im friend with Boomer 20,the owner.I am called ” Octavian123 ” and I came a year ago to ACP from Red Lei Army.I were Co-Leader there.Can I get promoted to Captain?
I’ve been active and i didn’t get a promotion
good job to anyone who got a promotion
I retired, so please take my name off the ranks. Thanks.
can i be a corpral
yesss, i got promoted to Colonel!!!!!
ACP Colonel
Why was the mod line moved up? That kinda sucks… But it rocks that I’m sooo close! 😀
I wanted to say something on the other post, but you closed comments.
thanks for the promation boomer and dry
Hi I am new in the army.
I allways dress in uniform and participate in battles i also like to spread the news about acp i got one penguin to join.
THANKS FOR MY PROMO!!! i finally got one after 6 months thx dry!
What, no promo? 😆
lol idc, i’ll just try harder
Thanks for the promo, Boomer. 😀
Oh, did Dryv promote me then?
Being away for only 3 days surely is a strain, eh?