Where are we heading?

Recently I, as many others have noticed, our beloved chat is becoming more and more unrecognizable as the ACP chat. What was always the mainstay of chat is slowly eroding into something I am not proud of. ACP has always been the number one army in the CP community , and this is for several reasons, the biggest being the leadership and our safe, friendly chat. But that is becoming a bragging point of the past.

The past few weeks chat has become more adult oriented and less CP friendly. We recruit as THEE ARMY OF CLUB PENGUIN, we represent all that is good with CP. We are not the Nacho’s with their lawless society they call chat. We are not UMA or IW where cursing is expected and encouraged. We are the ACP. We do things differently and it shows. We garner many recruits because they know they can come to our chat room and not worry that their parents are looking over their shoulder, it’s a comfort not found on other armies chats. But lately we have been sliding down a muddy, dirty slope. This has to stop, and it has to stop from the top down. I know there will be those who argue chat is no place for the younger ones, if that is true, why do we even recruit on CP? Why do we call our selves the ACP? If your hormones cannot be kept in check, there are plenty of chats where you can go until you can control them. I am tired of leaving chat because a few decide their fun must over ride that of the majority. I am tired of seeing Divotoo having to leave chat because others decide the rules no longer apply.

This will stop today.If our current mods cannot control themselves or others, new ones will be found who can. Same goes for our leaders, myself included. The ACP will not become just another perverted chat room on the sliding scale of right and wrong. ACP will always stand on the side of right, it is who we are and always will be. If anyone has a problem with this moral obligation, I invite them to visit the other chats with your parents, and see which they prefer you participate in. Lets see if we can’t make ACP chat the best chat for all of CP again. Thanks. And long live the ACP!

Dryvit  2ic.

Boomer’s Edit: Thank you Dry, I believe it is time to tighten up the rules again.  The problem starts with the fact that the mods, who are responsible for keeping chat under control, are being inappropriate, and even those who aren’t are not enforcing the rules enough.  This is going to change.

88 Responses

  1. 1st

  2. its a good idea im only 10 and loads of peopleare just swearing all the time and they dont get stoped even boomer isnt stopping people use the flip emote

  3. i know blob ur right i hear everyone swearing

  4. well bye

  5. Great Speech Dry.you’re right.


  6. LONG LIVE ACP! and your right, acp chat has become very bad, i’ve even missed a few battles beacuse my parents diddn’t want me on chat cause… cause it was, erm, inapropriate.

  7. I remember back wen ACP was actully the number 1. Your right, its going down a slope. I think we are sharing the same minds.

  8. Dry, although you are very correct in writing this post, if I were you I’d be much more conservative on how I’d word it. I know some armies may take offence from this. therwise Dry, i totally agree with you.

  9. I agree with batin and dry and that chat is becoming something of a mess and if this continues ACP will become a mess too…

  10. Dry’s right.. eh…

  11. im 12 and a unknown person on ACP chat swore and cussed when my mum was looking over my shoulder and she had a go at me and i shouted and i got grounded, SO DONT SWEAR OR CUSS, YOU DONT KNOW IF PPL’s PARENTS ARE LOOKING OVER THERE SHOULDERS!!!!

  12. but eric a.k.a boomer and gen yanksule does the same.

  13. I agree that our chat is a bit adult oriented, and less child friendly, and i personally don’t like it. I haven’t quite been here a while (I joined 2 days ago my rank is sergeant, one above lowest) so i dont know what chat used to be like, but I think it could use an improvement.

  14. ur right dry

  15. For the children who just joined, chat used to be all godie two-shoesm but people got “crazy” (especialy for ACP chat) So, if you like cussing, ACP chat is NOT the place.

  16. I speld shoes wrong -.-

  17. I spelt spelt wrong xD

  18. mkayyy i’ll be good (A)

  19. I agree dryv ppl are going crazy on chat.

  20. (goo) I enjoyed that speach very much.

  21. okk.. I’ll be a little more child friendly.. And i’m sure others will too.

  22. lmao, beloved chat? dude are you going out with the site or something?

    what next? ‘My girlfriend ‘ACP SITE’ ‘ ?

  23. I agree ! The ACP needs to set a good example for new recruits, where ANYONE can join. Also we need to be strict, because this comes with a price, A price of 5 year olds thinking they are the leader because they got to join and stay on chat. Even my parents don’t like me on ACP chat. Not that much happens when I’m on………….. But still, some people are far too extreme

  24. I agree with everything you said Dry. The ACP does need to set a good example if we don’t how can we even say our motto “Defend Freedom Preserve Justice” or even call ourselves the ACP. Thanks for making this post Dry.

  25. ok

  26. Nice post Dry. I agree chat has WAY to much fighting.

    Dan Popper
    Rock On!

  27. Adding to what Fan Popper said, there’s also WAY to much cursing an innapropriate stuff on chat. I not trying to advertise but I’m using the CPST (Club Penguin Sun Troops) as an example of what chat should look like. If you want to see what the chat should look like then just head on over to CPST chat. I’m not asking anyone to join so I’m not advertising.
    Mobius 4
    Black ‘n Black

  28. Dan*

  29. sadly ur right, and no one even does anything about it. even more sadly boomer wont ban u for swearing.

  30. i know it kinda sucks we have to act a bit younger if were like 13-15 when theres 8-9 year olds on but we just have to calm down face the truth and act nice i know around night time people act up because they think the youger ones are sleeping and all always not the case

  31. that waz beutiful dry :0

  32. Good speech Dryvit 🙂 I will keep in find that little kids are on Chat from now on!

  33. where’s Matt when u need him?

  34. i wish that i could say that everyone on chat behaves perfectly, but i can’t, because that’s just not true. its not fair to the people that are told by their parents that they cant come on chat ever again just because someone started swearing or talking about inappropriate things.

    my mom told me that i can never go back to iw chat because she saw icey swear once, and she knows that i look up to all the cp armies leaders, so i hope that she never sees anyone swear on acp chat, because then it will be no more chat for me! and i don’t want that to happen!

    i think its just sad that the leaders and co-leaders swear and talk about inappropriate stuff on chat, its not appropriate. and for those of you who say that younger kids shouldnt even come on chat, what do you have against kids that are, what, a year, two years, three years, younger than you? what would you do if you were one of the younger kids and you saw someone talking about inappropriate things that you didn’t learn about until you were in middle school health class? seriously, i was on chat yesterday and fox was talking about writing a story about that kind of stuff.

    we should be able to keep chat at least PG rated, because i think we are developing into another of the R rated chats, and that is not good. really, we need to stop all this bad behavior on chat.

    i have a suggestion to significantly decrease the amount of inappropriate behavior and cursing. we could say that the chat we use now is for all the time, but we could make another chat for people to go on if they feel they need to talk inappropriately and such. its a stupid idea, but it COULD work, right?

    i think we really need to do something about this, but i don’t care if we make a new chat or ban someone the first time they swear or say something inappropriate. seriously.

    i dont come on to chat very much anymore because every time i want to come on my mom or dad is in the room and i really don’t want them to see me talking on chat, because if they see someone swearing or all that other behavior that is not appropriate, then i risk never being able to come on chat again.

    this problem is serious. i have a friend from school who i told to come on here and join, and her parents are a lot more strict then mine, and they saw the h-e-double hockey sticks word on a post, and her dad saw it while she was reading the post, and told her she couldn’t go on sites that have bad words on them.

    we should really do something about this. and now, not later.

    Stop the swearing on chat!

    ACP Lt. Colonel
    CPPA Leader

  35. Wow, i didnt realize how long that comment was! Wowza, lol.

  36. THANK YOU! Maybe Finally I Will be Allowed On The ACP Chat b/c my parents dont let me do to all the ppl who cussed! I had really wanted to go on and then i started to notice how people started to not listen to the rules which were RIGHT BELOW THEM! Thank you dry for maybe finally i will be able to chat once again

  37. I cannot make it to battles because the chat always has swears that is why im not on that much cuz my parents wont let me cuz of curses

  38. Great post Dry, Tom and I have not been allowed on chat much cause of the appropriateness. Tommy is also sick with the H1N1 flu. Another thing is there are some owners/leaders who are not being good role models.

  39. You’re right about most of this.

  40. Thank You Dry For Such A Great Post. My Parents Are Not Strict but only a little stricter on the coputer. I Had gone on the ACP Chat before but i would minimize it when they came by. I did not want to do this continueoulsy so i showed them it and they evaluated it and they told me no. 🙁 Now, I Am In Great Hopes to finally meet my fellow soldiers at last. THis is a great speech but what matters is Pushing This matter and having it actually happen. Becaouse Club penguin is a thing suitable for ages 8-14 so that means that an 8 year old could be on chating learning “new Words”. I joined this army because i loved how it was a CLEAN army. I used the ACP CHAT rules to try to convince my parents before but when they saw they were not being followed….

    So Please Dry and ACP Leader. Implict this Speach and make it happen. For the Kids. For ACP.


  41. only thing guys is if your parnets around quickly log off chat and parents freak out to much these days not are falt people die over myspace and face book plus xat is a lot safter then some other stuff

  42. not only are the mods innapropiate, but ive seen alot of owners on chat (leaders as well) being perversive

  43. You should have a chat without rules.

  44. and one with rules

  45. well yes i have to agree and adding boomers little edit at the bottom that is very important but i must say i have been noticing 1 mod that has been doing his job and not that this is the only one but i cant just complain cuz they are mods for a reason but back the my point. ok so this one mod well guested me bc we were taking about someone who led acp for like 2 days that i will not say cuz something is going on and i plan to not get a virus but once again back to my point.so i got guested on the topic i just mentioned bc i hit enter half way through my sentence then put the rest latter on well like 5 secs l8r but my first comment was not on the screne so i didnt see anything wrong.but out of nowhere im guested by none other that yanksrule14 and some would be mad but i am not bc he right away looked up(scrolled up i guess) when i pc’d him saying wat was that for? and he felt bad but got over it lol and i just want to point out that for every bad mod there is a good mod and hopefully i will be writen about like this from a member when i am a mod
    mafia bonez on chat

  46. I agree completly with you Dry.My mom wouldn’t let me go on chat because she thought it would be “innapropriate” but I proved her wrong.But the last couple of days have proved me wrong ;thats why I havent gone on chat much.And if I were a mod I would really try my best to keep order on chat,because since I was a small child I was told to follow rules and to convince others to follow them aswell.

  47. Ok no prob I’ll be teh most enforcing-est moddeh on chat… 😀

  48. Here, Here! XD Yh, its been getting worse lately. Hopefully i’ll be able to control mehself if I become a mod XD

    ~Skloop, King Of Things~

  49. if u want to be on youtube tomrrow come to me sever where war is tommrrow if there is and if not sever snow forts at snow forts bye

  50. EXACTLY!

  51. This is ENDLESS! I can’t take anymore of cp being turned over we have to do something about this.

  52. i dont een go on chat anymore cause im sick of all the perverted gross disturbing and down right crude insults that happen all the time and the mods dont do anything about it! heck half the time the mods are the ones making the problem sir

  53. Tightening up the rules…
    Good idea overall, but now people are going to start saying “ZOMG TEH ANTI CLUBPENGUINZ IS TEH STRICTX0RS!!!1111ONEONESHIFTONEONE!11111ONEONE!” Careful, Dryvit. Careful.

  54. Haven’t been on ACP chat in 5 days. I’m not to blame 😯

  55. O rly person… then it must be your cat.

  56. ya if you do that you’ll have more on chat

  57. I hate how ppl are always cursing and stuff on chats and cp im not a member in this army but i follow it and stuff its pretty cool. if you want i can be a mod if you want me to. by the way my email isnt real i dont have one sorry bye
    🙂 Islandkid 99

  58. I looked on the nacho website and they recently put up a post that said that the acp makes you work to much and they like to relax and curse in chatrooms its insanity ckeck it out just type in nacho army or something like that i was tempted to join until i heard about all the cursing and relaxing bye
    – Islandkid99 a secret spy who isnt even in the army

  59. sence i live near chicago i should know what a pie is by now but i do not

  60. CPU invites ACP to the CPU Halloween Tournament comment on the post

  61. I know you will probably never read this, but i care about keeping cp safe so much! So I will help this army forever!

  62. youre right. its time to tighten up the rules on chat again!

  63. nice dry! and im a good mod really (GOO)


  65. nice speech LONG lIVE ACP!!!!! lol 🙂

  66. Like everyone says i agree!I think this might be another reason we lose soilders.CHAT IS in CHAOS!Breaking rules,And saying they can be as much innap as they want.I think this peeps dont follow school rules.So then the dont care of rules.Well If this doe’s not STOP ACP or soilders that are not following rules MUST BE BLOCKED AND DELELTED FROM ACP!!!!Which counts other Leaders like Meat.Bye

  67. Im predicting their are these many bans per day:

    Members: 120

    Mods: 67

    Owners: 6

    Main owners(rarely): 1

    B(BANS)= 194

    Per year? 10,6842?

  68. ur right.

    Go ACP!!!!!!!!!

  69. i think people dont follow rules is because its a chat room where people are free from the world to say what ever they want from being traped up in school all day and everyone wants their own freedom before home work dinner and bed time

  70. I agree, the Nacho’s site says cursing right on it!

  71. Im not proud to have been a nacho! So I now join acp!
    Ps dont worry i told nachos i quit and they where acting bad

  72. Hey..I used to be in this army.. I was 2nd Leuitenant(idk how to spell it lol) and for some reason I got kicked out… But THats not my point.. I agree with you dude whoever you are who wrote this post xD… A lot of people swear and everything on chat.. So I stopped coming on(that was after I got kicked out of ranks) and yea…I should be put back in,…. peace out ya’ll -Trc1296

  73. Lol. You deleted my comment which was one of the earlier ones.

  74. Thank you for posting this. I have not WANTED to go on chat…Even if I have a choice I decide against it. As I seem to remember when I joined (Possibly still now) it was at the heart of all retirements…I have hoped it would stop but it has got worse…I think this post will help.

    ~Major Blizzardbox~


  76. soo true. I was on the chat week ago and was just talking normally to someone who I later found out was 10. 10! That is how young some people r in the acp so yeh all the mods should really pull up their act no swearing etc.

  77. profanity is the main sign of a small vocabulary.

  78. Good speech Dryvit I will keep in find that little kids are on Chat from now on!


  79. My sister goes on chat and she is 8! One day she asked my mom what a f*** was! It was a very long speech. And yes, profantiy is the sign of a small vocabulary.

  80. I completely agree Dry. The problem lies in the current mods who wont stand up to their friends. Btw sry for the other day boomer i was crazy that night

  81. @extremeskis Those numbers are REALLY off.

  82. The chat ughh. Mods abusing power kicking people they didnt even see swear or do ‘said’ act just believing other members who have something against those innocent people not to say all mods r like this but some r and i believe they should be de modded they don’t have the responsibility to have such power.

  83. whens the fight

  84. i have 3 hings to say








  85. Dear Boomer20,
    Are you going to post some photos of the Battleof Klondike if you are I was in it and I stayed there for 4:00to about 5:45 so if you add a photo I will be in it so thats it.
    Yak broke the NUMBER ONE RULE Attacking a fellow soldier just to let you know…well bye then

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