Time Flies

Oh, how time flies.

October 23, 2007-Itachi tells me about Club Penguin and its armies. I join Red Raiders and the ACP. It is also my parents’ anniversary.

It is a day to be celebrated.

I have now been in Club Penguin armies for 2 years. Most of you don’t believe me, but some of you know me from back then. Three of these are:

1. Former UMA Leader Itachi6dark-Told me about CP and its armies.

2. Former UMA Leader Crazyboy86-A great friend and a great soldier.

3. Current UMA Leader Benu2-Also a great friend and soldier. A good leader too.

That’s just a few. (Fox: COLOR STEALER)

I have seen a lot in my time. Wars, alliances, the building of great armies, and the destruction of great armies.

I don’t really want to make this post 200 words, because it isn’t a retirement post or anything…

After 2 years, I am Division General of ACP and UMA Leader. I have achieved a lot. Now, I will share my secret to doing so much:

1. Be active. It not only will get you in pics for unscheduled recruiting sessions/battles, but it will impress the leaders.

2. Prove to the leaders what you can do. Just don’t be annoying.

3. Help in any way possible.

4. Don’t question what a high rank tells you to do. If they tell you to go on Club Penguin, you do it, no questions asked.

5. Be yourself.

Simple as that.


Now, here is what you all asked me for – a party. Here’s the info:

Date: Today.
Time: All of today.
Where on CP: Starting on Sabertooth in the igloo of Ennbay 0.
Chat: http://xat.com/Ennbay
Why: You should know if you read above.
Who’s Invited: Everybody.


P.S. Wow, I did exactly what I did not want to do.  Guess what my word count is. Yeah, it’s over 200. It is 300 words. (Fox: 307, to be precise.)

22 Responses

  1. 1st

  2. aww fox beat me to it

  3. E

  4. Oops. I wanted to say it was copied’n pasted from Uma site

  5. Congrats enn,



  6. IM BACK FROM SCIENCE CAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D! say hai to me and sorry for me being gone so long.

  7. Wait.. enn what if you normally as yourself wouldnt go on cp if a higher rank told you to?

  8. Congratulations Enn, Buddie 🙂 Let’s Party all night long!

  9. I made it there and it was an awesome party. Made friends with Ennbay!

  10. 1. Be active. It not only will get you in pics for unscheduled recruiting sessions/battles, but it will impress the leaders.

    so far, nothing to insult! good work!

    2. Prove to the leaders what you can do. Just don’t be annoying(WHAAAAAAAAT! IM ANNOYINGZ!~!!!).

    3. Help in any way possible(ANY way?).


    4. Don’t question what a high rank tells you to do. If they tell you to go on Club Penguin, you do it, no questions asked.

    so kiss up to them basicly? see this is why i love the freedom of speech bill! :mrgreen:

  11. uuuuuh, cool

  12. ok

  13. Active.

  14. Active!!!!!!

  15. Active

  16. Heh, my parents anniversary is sunday 😛


  17. I dont see the big deal in this. You acomplished 2 years, I complished 3 years. Its like saying you are amazing since you are 13 (D) preteens xD

  18. lol fox! and enn, whats the big deal? so what, you’ve been is acp for 2 years, i dont ask boomer to make a post about me because it has been exactly 3 years since i created my penguin today!

    ACP Lt. Colonel

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