Overall our patrol went pretty well, although I was a little disappointed that people didn’t stay active on CP, so we ended up leaving people behind in rooms. Make sure you stay alert for commands. As for our turnout, I thought it was pretty good for a Thursday, we had 35 on chat and up to 40 on CP. Not too bad for 5 hours notice. Here are the pics:
We started off a little slow with people getting on CP (partially my fault for not getting there much in advance), but we still numbered a solid 30 soldiers:
We moved into the Ski Village:
Attacking the dock at the Dock 😆
That’s what you call “chain of command”
Into the Town, which we packed pretty well with a solid 35+ soldiers:
We then went underground to the pool, where we made a solid square around the pool with 30 soldiers:
Overall I thought it was pretty good, but we need to work on paying attention when we move rooms. I think we had around 40 on CP but we were losing people who weren’t paying attention.
Comment if you made it!
Filed under: ACP |
I think your right about the Paying Attention thing! We did good, knowing that n00bs were trying to stop us 😆
1st ~!
Nooooo ! I got 2nd ! And whatever this is. I was only there when we went into the pool, the plaza, the forest, and the cove. But I can still say I was there !
I came!
i made it
6th i made it
i made it.
I did! But only for a very little bit. I was the guy in black at the town(I changed). I had to eat supper.
Ha I quit!
I made it and I am in all of the pics (= we made it all the way to the cove.
i’m soooo sorry i couldn’t make it, but i do have a life outside of the computer! i wish i could have been there!
pie =)
Awsome! I was in every picture exept 2 of them were hard to see me also I will patroll mammoth right away.
I made it~Wenny123abc
I made it. Ooooodles of fun :LOL:
I made it later, not in any pictures tho 🙁
made it 😀
sorry i couldnt make it 🙁 i had school stuff to do
Hey ACP! We’re invading the Nacho’s server, Bobsled! If you help, you will get a share of Bobsled if we win. The post url is http://firesquadarmy.com/2009/10/23/invasion-of-bobsled/. The info is here:
Date: Saturday, 31st October 2009
Location: Bobsled (start at Snow Forts)
Who: FS, BB, WW, SW, RCP vs Nachos
* 10:00 am Hawaii
* 11:00 am Alaska
* 12:00 am PST
* 1:00 pm MST
* 2:00 pm CST
* 3:00 pm EST
* 6:00 pm Mid-Atlantic
* 8:00 pm UK
* 11:00 pm Moscow
(All time zones below are on Sunday, 1st November)
* 11:00 pm Moscow
* 4:00 am Hong Kong
* 5:00 am Tokyo
* 6:00 am Australia Capital Time
* No hacking.
* Allies ARE allowed.
* The battle will last 45 minutes.
* No claiming victory before the battle is over unless the opposing army surrenders.
i was waiting for thirty minutes for it to begin and it never did so i just left D=<
why what a incredible patrol but again too late for me
W00T i was in all ze pics!So yeah, i made it!
tried to make it
Sorta couldnt make it with time and all that(ONO)
i made it
I Was dere sir 😀 it wash AWESOME! 😀
I was there 15 minutes early.
i waited with a couple people but i couldent make it
Srry, I couldn’t make it, I had soccer tryouts..
I was there 😀
hey hey hey you see that guy in the midle of the pool, the ninja with a jetpack. He is Cp’s most wanted and he is unstoppable!
im goin to a sever
well i gtg and lets win war tomrrow and get ready soldiers i hope we win bye
freddy257 was there aka mafia bonez on chat
I made it
I made it. 😀
I was there!
I Was The Penguin with the new blue gangsta hat from series 5! You Can See me in pics 1 and 2 and in 5 joke bombing a fool who kept insulting ACp, and in the last pic saying “ORDER FROM BOOMER”!
It Was Lots OF Fun
i was there, but i found no one, so i just left 😕
I made it. But I had to leave early 🙁
Haley Wigglebottom is right. That guy (Allstar Bud) is too dangerous. He has showed up at all our patrols and recriutment things. He always is (out of the times I have seen him) Red, With the Karate suit on, with a Ninja mask and a jet pack.
i made it but, only for a short time.
you know allstar buds actually a she right?
Why not make music? after all music is green VERY VERY GREEN!
Green i tell you
I would like to be in a patrol! soon
can you send out some patrols soon please