Patrol of Snow Fort

The video is up! 😀  Go to the bottom.

Our patrol went great, we packed the chat with 50 soldiers and had as many as 55 on CP and it was a MONDAY!  It wasn’t even like we recruited a lot those soldiers, we were on a server with only two bars and it was deserted!  Great job guys!  I took a video which I will try to upload shortly.  In the meantime, here are the pics:

We started with around 35 soldiers beforehand:

ACP Patrol of Snow Fort 1

We continued to grow up to the start of the patrol (now over 45 soldiers):

ACP Patrol of Snow Fort 2

Third-largest chat!  I can’t believe we broke 50 on a Monday! 😛

Chat Size 10-19

We moved across the server, ending in the Cove, where we had nearly 55 SOLDIERS!

ACP Patrol of Snow Fort 3

Here is the video of our patrol!  Look at Saint and Dry’s comments on chat at 2:00 lol 😆

Great job everyone who came!  Who moved efficiently through Snow Fort, and we proved we are clearly the largerst army in CP!  We’re on our way back guys!

Comment if you made it!


47 Responses

  1. I was there in all of them Boomer, I was Adamster97, wearing just a seaweed belt and a clover hat!

  2. aww, 2nd, now 3rd. I made it

  3. 1st and 2nd! Whoo- hoo!

  4. P.S. I was there with Fallingtoah, we were the first ones there. I was there around 6

  5. I was in all the pictures 🙂 Thanks Boomer, we did a great job!

  6. i was there!!!

  7. I was there in all of the pictures!

    Boomer did a really great job leading the patrol!


  8. boomer before u came i tried to take charge on a recon mission. Yet they said i couldn’t be leadersince im to low in rank. I cant show them how good of a leader I can be since they won’t give me a chance. 🙁

  9. OMG! I was sitting on the log on the left 😀

  10. in the last pic…

  11. Yes I was there (duuh)

  12. I came! 😀

  13. Oooh my hat stands out

  14. i came i guess

  15. I was there

  16. i was there for all but i guess the cove one was still loadig u can see me in the mountain to the right

  17. I was there

  18. i was so there! i was by ur side on the mountain and u can see me just below the rock at the cove im martion231 i had a green belt,headphones,a bracelet,and sandals also c my site its

  19. I WAS THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW i wont be here Oct. 20-23 so dont demote me while im gone!

  20. so sorry i couldnt be there, it sounds like it was really fun!

  21. i was there dryvit accepted my friend request there!

  22. I was there on another penguin that scruffy gave me

  23. sorry boomer i wasnt there

  24. I was there, im in all 3 pics 😀


  25. i was there!

  26. I was there

  27. MADE IT

  28. I was there once we got into the town, cp wouldnt load before.

  29. i was there! yoepriglkjfd. i know my name is weird. 🙄 but i had the safari hat,night vision goggles, and a green shirt.

  30. ACP 4EVA

  31. I have to admit you guys are probably bigger than IW, and definitely bigger than the Nachos. I know that Boomer accepted the invite-that-never-was for ACP to a battle with the Nachos(I’m actually not sure if it’s a war or a PB, I think it’s just some random thing to keep us all entertained), but really you guys can just come anyway (not that what I say matters =/), I would understand if you’re bored like the rest of us… I don’t know ALL the armies that are taking part, but I know that Nachos are fighting everyone by themselves (ooh this is gonna be fun)! So, if you want to come check the WW site (or the Tacos siite if you want) for details, and just make a post…. oh, and turn up obviously =D. I would think you guys would want to come, as it’s against the Nachos 😉
    ~Lje98 WW General IW I can’t remember…~
    Oh damn, the IW site was screwed up by Gjh… damnit damnit damnit…

  32. In the ski village I saw another SF guy. Why are they always crashing our patrols, invasions, and pretty much every event we have?

  33. I made it!!!!

  34. thats a cool video and only 4 more days till the 4th anniversery YAY hope we have fun soldiers bye

  35. hello sp;diers and it says im patrol of the snow forts i think its me or someone else

  36. made it

  37. I was there. I was wearing a clover hat and seaweed belt. I was also one of the frist to move when we moved to another room.

  38. I did

  39. i made it i was in the entire video i think

  40. I was there!

  41. i made it for like the last 10 minutes 😮

  42. im there. im in some pics

  43. I made it!!!!
    I wasn’t in the pics but I was in the video!
    In part of it, I had just logged on, so I was changing into my uniform
    ACP RULES!!!

  44. lol on the top pic, I’m in the nacho uniform 😆

  45. i was the first there at 5:47

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