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NOTE: This server is safe chat, so when we move from room to room, use clovers instead of words!

RPF is looking great!  We had as many as 25 soldiers on for the recruiting today with very little notice of the change in location.  Check it out HERE and make sure to Join!

Join TWA Today!

All Chat Owners And Senate Members: http://blog.armyofclubpenguin.com/2009/10/12/the-week-of-epic-unmodding/

This is my 250th post on the site!! 😀

As you may know, we were unable to invade White Out last week due to it being full, but seeing how it is an RPF server, I will see if we can share it with them.  As for our other server, I have decided to make it Ice Cube, an old Safe Chat server.  We will be able to practice new types of tactics there.

Server: Ice Cube

When: Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Room: Plaza


2:00 pm PST

3:00 pm MST

4:00 pm CST

5:00 pm EST

10:00 pm U.K.

Comment if you can make it!


Fox: BTW, please join Meat’s new army!! =D http://frclubpenguin.22web.net/

Also: Nono said to put this up http://drnonojr.wordpress.com/2009/10/12/invasion-of-snow-globe/

65 Responses

  1. 1st!

  2. i can come

  3. Uh for me too early. I live in europe

  4. I think I can make it.

  5. I can make it

  6. Good job Boomer on your posts. I can probably make it.

  7. boomer we also own dry ice

  8. i cant make it boomer internet down 🙁

  9. i might not be able to be there, but i might be able to, because i have school and get off the bus an hour before it starts usually, but i have to stay after to take a test from when i was gone, and i usually have quite a bit of homework, so i should be home by 3:45, but then homework, so….. maybe i will get lucky and not be able to stay after. oh well, i might be there and i might not, i will let you know later tonight if i know for sure, but…..

  10. I’ll probably be able to come

  11. i can probably make it i hope i can!!!

  12. I can make it!

  13. im pretty sure i can make it

  14. yay, only one post today so far, all right!! yeaah i can’t make it.

  15. chance ill make it are 30%.

  16. make that 50%.

  17. can you post my site too?
    It is my army that I allyed with you yesterday too.

  18. Finally!!! Something you didn’t schedule during school or a place I’m going 🙂 !

  19. i think i can make it

  20. i cant make it unless it goes on for more than 30 minutes because i have soccer until 5:30 EST

    JOIN NMOFCP AND GET A HIGH RANK: http://nmofcp.wordpress.com

  21. I might or might not make it =\

  22. Im defnitely going

  23. Violin Practice can’t make it

  24. Mr.Icefin, you said you can’t make it because your internet is down… How are you leaving the comment than?

  25. leaderbird he could be using a phone that has internet

  26. aw cant make it, my school ends at 3pm

  27. I shall be there!

  28. Boomer i might just make it, my school ends just before.

  29. I probally have a 40%

  30. O_O 250th post!

  31. ill try to get there

  32. Ill be there 😀 Congrats on 250 posts!

  33. I can make it.:D

  34. Depends on weither or not im still doing homework. :/ ill try to make it though.

  35. I can make it.

  36. im sorry but i cant make it. sorry!

  37. I can Come

  38. we should invade nachos the uma wants to have war with us so we should get uma and nachos

  39. i can make it Boomer

  40. ye i am comming

  41. i will defitnely make it

  42. ok, i can be there after all, i ended up not staying after school.

  43. i come!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  44. I can make it!
    Captain Mobius 4 out

  45. Im already there

  46. Ill be there but its full!

  47. can u like change it to mammoth?

  48. Im recording!


  50. yes got in

  51. ill be there u can count on it

  52. the vids done!

  53. k war on nachos they making recuirts in fjord and white house

  54. ok ill come

  55. i can make it cuz im home, sick

  56. im in fjord white house is full though

  57. k nachos said o their web k they had trubble last night i check its all week monday to friday

  58. is it over i just got on!

  59. I can come


  61. Where is everybody? ACP I’m in Ice cube

  62. hey amry im back and its almost halloween yay and tomorrow is a party to if u went on club penguin u should have mail and it will show u well just have a great halloween

  63. I cant make it i have school

    what time would it start if you lived in Missouri, USA?

  64. i dont know i will try to mak it

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