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Establishing a New Government/Upcoming Events/New Chat

Dryvit’s edit: Before our town  lost electrical power last night, Boomer and I were in constant contact about whether or not to do this. It became more and apparent we had no choice. The circle of leadership was being pulled tighter and tighter around Seane with no air gaps left for any soldier to make a suggestion. Even the posts on the site were getting 20 comments at most when we used to get 60-80 per post. Our join page was down to a dribble from 15-20 on weekdays and 40+ on weekends. I had pc’s of soldiers saying they just quit, 2 last night. I hope they reconsider today. I truly feel this is the best thing to do for ACP. It was killing us watching it slowly die and all the while the circle drawing tighter and tighter. Long live ACP.

Edit: I just realized Dry doesn’t know yet, should be interesting…

New Chat HERE!

Ok, so yeah there was a coup.  Believe it or not, it didn’t go completely as planned, there was quite a bit of improvisation and lucky yet unfortunate changes in plans.  My apologies.  While it did not go perfectly according to plan, it went about as well as a coup can possibly go.  I would say the general outlook over the situation is first of confusion, then of moderate approval (just based on comments so far).  It might take some time to get things back together, but the future looks brighter than ever thanks to the willingness of our soldiers (and leaders) to help us out.

ACP will remain as it was, just with some new (or rather old) faces at the helm.  We intend to make ACP far more active, stay loyal to our allies, and above all, have some fun!

Anyway, we are in the process of setting up new leadership.  The news is quite exciting actually.  The problem is, we will have to revamp the government to make it possible.  I believe it will be worth it however.

Keeping this short since its past 3 am, we have potentially 3 (count ’em) former leaders returning!  Dry, who helped me set all this up, had agreed to be a Co-Leader in the new administration!  Secondly, I was able to convince Saint to rejoin as a Co-Leader!  Lastly, Kg expressed interest (though not definite) in returning either as a Co-Leader or a 3rd in Command!  The new government could potentially run like a Council (though it would be a true Oligarchy).  We will probably still have the two-tiers of leadership with 2nd in Commands and 3rd in Commands, but there will be more of each.  Nothing is set in stone yet, however.  I cannot give a definite number, however we will surely have more leaders than in the past.

The benefit of having more leaders is you can split up all the work and no one is doing too much.  I have already planned out how to work the join page, and with more leaders, we will be able to accomplish far more than in the past.  This style of government is still largely untested in armies, the problem being more leaders means more opinions.  With all of the talented leaders we have though, I think it would be worth a shot.

Here is a rough outline (so far) of how we may be running the leadership (Note: These are Potential, we will not be able to have all of them, and Acceptance may not mean they will get the position):

Leader: Boomer 20 (Accepted)

Co-Leaders: Dryvit (Accepted), Ktman (Accepted ), Saint1119 (Declined), Kg 007 (Declined)

3rd in Commands: Tylov5 (Accepted), Foxtails (Accepted), Ennbay (Accepted), Dragon 720 (Pending Decision),

Senate Vice President: Ennbay (Pending Decision), Ganondorf787 (Accepted)


Time for some events info, we still have the UMA Mass Recruiting scheduled for tomorrow:

What: Mass Recruiting

Where: Frozen (Tundra backup)

When: Saturday, September 26, 2009

Uniform: UMA Uniform

Chat: UMA Chat


11 am PST

12 pm MST

1 pm CST

2 pm EST

7 pm U.K.

Comment if you can make it!  We want a good showing to help out our allies!


In other news, we will be having some practices coming up (we need some tactic training again), and if Kt decides to rejoin as a Co-Leader, we may be able to have his Divisional Practice War.  Also, we have promos to come, as well as sorting out the leadership and government, dividing up tasks, and hopefully Senator elections.  On the ally front, we will be returning Fjord to the Nachos, and I will discuss with some leaders the options for the other servers.  I know I speak for all of the leaders when I say it is a pleasure working with you again!

Lastly, we have a new chat (actually it’s an old one) – xat.com/TheACP


P.S.~Comment if you’re active!

85 Responses

  1. Gph136

    P.S I think first comment! Also welcome back Boomer

    Boomer: Thank you sir, it is a pleasure to be back.

  2. I iz active boomer now where iz meh promo XD

  3. Now Guys, This is Getting Bit Silly, Because, I See Like 5 People who have been very inconsiderate on chat, very rude, and very irresponsible, and you make them possible 3ic’s?, when, theres many lower mods who deserve the position a lot more, even i, i know ive not always been the nicest person, or the easiest to deal with, but ive been here for nearlly 3 years, and i dont get any chances like other people.

    Kind Regards

  4. It just depends if it’s AM or PM.

  5. Bluesockwa2

    Welcome back Boomer! It’s good to have you back!

  6. Im Ias. Im active. 😎

  7. mrchips10 1st
    i am comming

  8. mrchips10 1st
    i am comming

  9. O Hai Boomer. I iz in Nachos, but welcome back!

  10. I disagree totally to this entire thing. You would think that having more leaders is only benefiting you, but do you know how long it will take for another General to become in the ownership spots. Roughly about one more year than they have already been here. Also, you aren’t thinking about other people, only people that you KNOW well. You should do a one month trial, maybe even two weeks of a highly expeirenced soldier yet a low rank (Any rank under the mod line) to be leader and second in command. Also another thing, Meat is doing a fine job as leader, we won a world war (Well a mini world war because those pussys quit) and we have secured a perfect alliance with the Ice Warriors. I think that Shab needed to calm down that night, not Meat, and that everyone ganging up on him made him stressed, only two people sided with him. Listen to my words please you won’t regret it.

    Fiasco 121
    Brig Gen

    Does this mean you will stop listening to my annoying pcs?

  12. Pengreen1234
    Lt. Colonel

  13. Blackpen1234
    1st Lt.

  14. Koolstear
    Warrent Officer

  15. Nikkimom
    Warrent Officer

  16. Snowballpink
    Lt. General

    P.S. I can make the UMA recruiting and welcome back Boomer!

  17. 1st!?? and

    Brigadier General

    Boomer asked didnt he?

  18. dang 2nd and 3rd


  20. im active and ready sir forget retiring in a few months now we all will be less strict and have more fun for once

  21. I’m active 8) But you’ll have to add me to the ranks again, my resignation was becuase of Seane, so yeah. 😉

    ACP 0ic 😆

  22. Noseycjr
    Major General (wants a mod rank!) D:

    This is great, Boomer was the leader when I joined 🙂

  23. Welcome back you guys. You lead ACP really well, and Im sure you will keep doing so.

  24. Uno148
    Adjunct General

    Sweet, now I can see what being lead by Boomer is like xD

    The only problem I could think of is the so many leaders might post on the site a lot.

  25. I dunno, it seems kind of complicated with all those leaders. But alright, let’s try it.

  26. noka

    acp master general

    active and im not gonna retire in a few months probly in like 1 or 2 years

  27. Houndy66 (Redrarehound) Lt. General Active

  28. Boomer is leader again =O YAY! I can make it 🙂

  29. rexrider

  30. The Divisional Practice War is coming back.

  31. Coolguy12348
    Master General

    Hey can I be a Senate Vice President?

  32. i might be able to come i have other stuffs to attend to ima try to come

    and yesh i active

  33. Great Akoo
    Brigadier General

  34. Bluey92123
    master general…i think

  35. Active sah!
    Looking forward to serving under you!

  36. Chris some What Active

  37. Wetty5
    2nd Leuienent
    Now that Boomers back I will become active again!

  38. Nono deserves higher then 3IC
    uuhhmm JOIN THE CROWD
    Master General

    P.S. Welcome back retired/resigned/ frustrated leaders

  39. why is everyone saying their ranks etc. Well I dont want to miss anything 😀


    This goverment will be awesome!

  40. The Flapjack (Go Run Fast awn CP)
    Major Gen.

  41. And I love the leadership. ;D

  42. Pengopopper
    First sergeant

  43. im active

  44. Mandalore
    1st lieutenant

  45. now the acp will be scary D=

    boomer ish back with millions of others

  46. I am still active

    Specialist ALbaro

    PS my real name is Albaro Lord, Dry made a mistake when he put me on ranks

  47. Im always active and i’ll be active forever.I can also make it to the recruit.ill be there!

  48. muesxaico
    1st Lt.
    Forver Active

  49. danny9632

  50. juneau2
    still a major O_O

  51. Weegee’s taking over, and none of you can stop me.

  52. Spongie555
    Sergeant Major Genral

  53. Good to have you back Boomer. You’ll do good in ACP again.

  54. with all of these coleaders, i think it will be too hard to get the job done in a way. i think we should keep it one 1ic, two 2ics, and at most 3 3ics. i hope you reconsider, because there will be more leaders then there are generals xD

  55. Coollove152
    Major General

  56. YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If this army wants to join cp onlympics go to clubpenguinonlympics.wordpress.com

  57. stton
    First Sergeant

    go ACP!!!!

  58. Matre10
    Brigadier General

    Boomer,its a pleasure to have you back! Welcome back you’re a great leader!

  59. Jjdj235
    Staff Sergeant

    so is Boomer and Dry gonna be leaders?

  60. wurburt45348
    Lt. General?
    Active for sure

  61. i was at a party til one in the morning and uze was all arguin… whoa =O

  62. You get rid of Nono and Matt AND Sean. Are you kidding me? Won’t ANY of you stay retired? It’s not even fair how all these 12 year olds and up get the stupid spots. Nono and Matt should get their spots back, the leaders can’t stay retired, and lots of younger people like Divo and I are what you think too young too be a leader. We’ve BOTh been in longer than Ganondorf. Nothing else too really say.

  63. I like Tylov and am not trying to be rude but why is he a leadert.He seriously didnt even do a good job as Delta General I moved divsions because the delta generals were so inactive. Packer was the only person who tried to fix Delta wow and now a leader WEIRD how things work out!

  64. Anirko11
    1st Liueuteneant

  65. That last comment was really me, Adav my computer got a bad virus from the |ACP chat and my hard drive is broke until I get a new computer I will be inactive so (HUG) to all my friends.

  66. Active! And cool! Boomer is gonna be our leader again! YAY! i didnt like meat anyway.

  67. i can make it

  68. ditto230 warrant officer active

  69. ditto230 active

  70. warrant officer too

  71. Pinkgirl3919
    First Sergeant

    And I probably won’t be able to make it 🙁

  72. zdoger lt general active

  73. LittleGuy04, Lt. Colonel, Active.

    I am there, and just fyi, i love the coup d’etat!

  74. Was active, except i quit, so im not! and this felt like a sign of quitting acp, ive been feeling like quitting this whole month, but havent had the will, well this time i did! GOOD DECISION DRY AND BOOMER!

  75. question, blaming everything on one guy? You guys retired to let new people lead,not to control them while they are leading, not to get angry at them, not to yell at them when they are doing something wrong, its called people learning there mistakes, and obviously, that hasnt happened to you dry,shab,or boomer 😐 so anyways, this is the concept that i am seeing right now. It is somewhat like a dad living his life through his son, except it is a retired leader, living his life through a new leader. The only reason why meat was impeached is because: Shab pissed him off, meat punishes him, shab has a hissy fit and complains to two other retired leaders, meat punishes shab again, shab gets even more pissed, boomer feels bad for shab and cherry picks pictures when meat doesnt look good, dry sees pictures and sides with boomer and shab, they impeach meat. The end… except then people get pissed at dry,shab,and boomer and quit (like me!)

  76. Pinki- Lt. General
    Active… Yay 😀

  77. Hi i will be on. I am not a soildier for this army, but i lead a small new army. Can you help me get bigger? if you can look for Bobspy8654

  78. First Seargent Red Jaguar 1! IM ACTIVE

  79. 2nd. Lieutenant Walewaf
    Reporting For Duty!

    Also, so Boomer is the new leader? I have never been under his command… Hope hes good! Well thats what I hear. Im Glad We’re getting it together again.

    2nd. Lieutenant Walewaf

  80. Eettuuyy

  81. Cristiano50
    Smg for 3 months now waiting for a promo to lt general

  82. Dueree
    Lt Colonel

  83. Rider4429
    P.S. srry i diddn’t comment erlier, ive been haveing reel troble wit my computer so getting on ACP s getting ver dificult

  84. Seriously people I’ve been looking for this post for like an hour how many posts were necessary between October 17th and September 26th 😡

  85. I remember this…..

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