The Dobby Returns

The Dobby has returned!  And guess what?  I have good news: We’re gonna have a PB!

Okay, I lied.  We’re having TWO.  But, sadly, everyone will only participate in one.

So, here’s what I got so far.  Expect another post later with the full details, but for now, enjoy the rough draft:

So, since Echo won our last inter-division PB, they get to be the ones who face a whole army alone.  So who is the lucky army that gets to face them?  None other than the Dark Warriors!

After a quick visit to their chat, I got the info.  Here it is:

When: Friday, August 21st, at 4:00 PST (I don’t know the other times.  Sorry, The Dobby isn’t perfect).

Where: Server: Slushy, Room: We didn’t say one, so how about we mix it up and say the Cove?

What: A Practice Battle (duh)

Description: Well, pretty straight forward.  Echo vs. DW.  Make sure that you go if you can and you’re in Echo!

Now, for all of you in Delta and Alpha that are thinking, “How come Echo gets to have all the fun?”, fear not, because I am prepared.

Alpha and Delta will be facing Da’ Fire Warriors next weekend.  Here’s the info that I have:

When: Sometime next weekend (Kj, I’ll talk to you on chat)

Where: Server: Snow Fort, Room: The Ice Berg (Kj, tell me if this doesn’t work for you guys)

What: A Practice Battle (Again, duh)

Description: Well, once again, pretty straight-forward.  Alpha and Delta vs. FW.  Be sure that if you’re in Alpha or Delta and can make it, that you go.

Now, I just want to say something quickly.  At Delta’s last PB against the ST, there was some controversy over who won.  Most armies seem to think ST won, however, it was said on this site that we won.  I want whoever makes the post about these PB’s to be completely honest when saying who they think won.  I don’t want anyone to take this offensively, I just don’t want what happened last time to happen again.

Well, on that happy note, I leave you with another catch-phrase:

If nothing is free, but the best things in life are free, then what exactly are the best things in life?


23 Responses

  1. I’m sorry, I might not make it because i’m on Vacation This Monday to Next tuesday. Which means there is not a very good chance i’ll make it. Anyway, I’ll try my best to make it.

  2. 1st!!!!!? maybe. and nice good post, GO ALPHA!

  3. darn 2nd and 3rd

  4. I’m coming to the Echo pb! All hail the dobby! XD

  5. 5th! Awesome!!!! I might come watch, not fight, in the Echo PB, and I can be there for the Alpha Delta one! Assuming it isnt like late at night or early in the morning, and if its on a weekend, not a weekday, I can be there. =D

  6. ill be there im in delta.

  7. lol nice post dobby XD.

  8. w00t goooo echo… ill try to make it

  9. WB, Dobby! I was thinking that there should be an Alpha vs Delta PB to see who is the weakest division (not a competition though lol) and they could have individual training?

  10. im in delta so i can prob make it and i might go to watch the Echo one to pik up some tips

  11. Delta FTW

    And Kt, Spongebob rocks 😮

    Fox: Spongebob totally owns. I like Squidward. “Too bad that didn’t kill me.” I’m gonna start saying that.

  12. i think i will make it to the echo practice battle
    echo rules!

  13. i want to defeat the smallest monkey and save the 1/2 dmention

  14. Ill be there!

  15. 15th I might make it !

  16. Did I spell demension right? Lemme look.. dimension, demension… Kt’s version looks right.. dang..

  17. Having trouble there Fox? “Dimension” 😛

  18. haha patrick

  19. I’ll probably make it. I’ll probably be allowed on chat by then, so all Echo be on Echo chat!

  20. I must do this does everyone have a go I do hope so I really want to face the whole army

  21. cant make it is on vataction tommorrow 8)

  22. we definetly won agenst st there was like 20 of our troops and maybe st had 8 thay retreated to the mine entrance then half of them left then there was like 4 just standing around doing nothing so i think we won

  23. the DW battle vs Echo waz a total failure no DW showed up

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