The Retirement of Saint1119

Ktman: Check the post below for all the info on today’s IW Practice Battle!

NOTE: The B in thebest is NOT capitalized.

Ktman: John16126 is starting a Club Penguin armies fantasy football league.  If you want to join, PC him on chat with your email.

We would like to welcome Rapidy, Hattrick, Clintos, Acatosh  and Trickster back to the ACP. Welcome home guys!!

Be sure to check for new posts below.

Hakuna Matata

What a wonderful phrase

Hakuna Matata

Ain’t no passin phrase…

The penguins, in fact, stole my sanity. I am truly sorry that the time of me being the leader has come to a short, abrupt, end. Yes two months is a short time, but it was long enough for me. The reason I have to retire is the reason of past leaders before me.  I just can’t handle it. Being leader of the ACP was a tedious job, and I had to force myself onto the computer everyday. Wednesday, July 22, 2009 was the day I made my final decision. I had to force myself to get on chat that day and I only managed to do that at about three o’ clock in the afternoon. I couldn’t handle the stress, the discrimination, the constant struggle to keep everyone happy, everyone safe, everyone satisfied. I dreaded doing anything, and in fact, I was lazy. Too lazy to check emails, too lazy to do anything. My laziness along with my constant desire to stay away from chat is the reason I am retiring today. Yes, you may call me anything you want: a baby, quitter, loser, freak, anything at all because, I probably deserve it. Two months is all I could handle, and those two months were the worst of my ACP career. You may be rejoicing at my leave, or saddened by the event, either or I’m sorry I couldn’t stay and help you through more decisions and fight till the end with countless enemies. I’m sorry my leadership wasn’t the best and we didn’t have the most fun. What can I say? You guys drove me crazy! But I should have been able to handle that, and yet I still love the craziness in each of u.
That still doesn’t really get my point across on how I felt about going on chat. Think of yourself going to school, say you hate school, and every single day your teachers criticize you and continuously give you homework. That’s sort of how I felt. If u like school, too bad, pretend you don’t.

I wish everyone could know the real Saint. Not many people knew her; she was once “the nicest person in ACP”, Believe it or not. She would try to help the members as best as she can and she would have fun. That’s the main thing, fun. If only I were the Old Saint in the days of being General and 3rd in Command, then maybe I could have stayed longer. I lost myself in this and I wish to have myself back. I’m sorry for those who have never seen the real Saint, and I wish I could bring her back. But I’ve tried too many times to do it and they have all failed hopelessly. The only people who know the real Saint either hate the new one now or are long gone. I’m sorry this happened.

I would like to thank Boomer for believing in me, but, I would also like to apologize. I’m sorry I failed you as a leader, Boomer; I just never had it in me I guess.

My friends in the ACP ~ those I will never forget.

Kg 007 – I love you, thank you for all the help during my leadership, I would have never stayed as long without you. I don’t know how you became so perfect but I couldn’t manage without you.

Seanehawk – The best friend anyone could ever hope for. Yes he can be strict but when u get down to it he’s a great friend to fall back on. Okami ftw.

Dryvit – My favorite member xD. The next leader of the ACP. I feel that Dryvit will become the next Boomer20. He will fight through the battles and deal with all kinds of threats to come. He would stay on the computer for hours completing the Join page. It would be up-to-date every hour on the hour. He would be there battling at every war, practice battle, recruiting session, everything. If Dryvit can’t lead, nobody can. A born leader rising through the ranks, the fastest in ACP. He became Co-Leader faster than I became General. He was dedicated, he deserved it. Dryvit was the perfect Soldier from Day One. His whole family will rise in the armies and will be remembered for generations to come. If Dryvit fails at being a leader, then it is only my fault, nobody elses. If you call Dryvit a “n00b” for becoming a leader so early, you’re just jealous. You’re jealous he got so far in such a short time, you’re jealous that he beat you. He beat all of us. He is the next leader and he will take us to the top! If anyone disagrees with that, they can tell it to my face.

Abercrombe29 – I’m sorry. You were my best friend in ACP, TOTW, I wish you were still here, maybe you would be leader and I wouldn’t be retiring. I miss you every day Aber and we are still Taking Over The World.

Nicole6754 – You were my best friend also, quitting at an early pace. I was sad to see you go that day and never saw you again. Good luck with life.

Jedimaster17 – Nerds for life~. We had major plans for ACP too bad you retired early, we had so much fun and I wish u good luck with everything.

JojoFishy – My best friend. We made it to General together! We were the best ACP team. If only you stayed ACP would be in it’s Boomer days.

Pop – We had awesome times on chat xD. I hope u come back before I retire so I can say bye.

Tostipotato – You lying alksjfldhgjgha. The n00b of the century we had so much fun on chat, keep perry safe. Good luck with your corn.

Mcwofin – My best friend skater dude xD. We knew each other since the beginning! We still talk every now and then, good luck with skating!

Fort57 – Eh~

Noka7 – We joined together. Thanks for showing me ACP. Maybe I’ll get brooke to beat you up next time~

ReyRey – My Nacho friend xD. It was fun talking to you on chat, hope to see you too before I retire.

DjKrayzie – You were always awesome, and cool on chat. We were great friends.

Peguin21795 – Your dreams are moneymakers man. All thanks for letting me help with The Lost Saga. It was fun to write!

Foxtails – We had THE BEST times on chat. I always looked forward to seeing you the past couple of days. I hope you make it far in ACP.

Missfrog4 – We were great friends for a while, then we just sort of went our ways. Good luck with life lol.

Theorignalme – You and Kg were tighter than the Jo Bro’s pants. Always a lot of fun talking to you on chat.

Fallingtail – You were a crack up on chat xD. I think after Dryvit became a mod I needed a new favorite Member lol.

PaintTheSkyGrey – My best frann. You were so much fun to talk to, I hope to see you too on chat!

Shadow2446 – The Army mastermind >D. You and your brother were a power team man.

Dragon 720 – Ha my sister xD. We had fun times on Palringo. Hallelujah! Good luck with Shab

Shaboomboom – I always hated you. But you had some good inside, Thanks for helping me in my army career.

Wicket1235 – I’m sorry I was so rough on you, but I had to do what I had to do. You were always nice, and kind. Sort of shy on chat. You probably wont see this anyways.

Ennbay 0 – You always got on my nervs. You were always fun and cool to hang out with! I wish you good luck in ACP.

Hattrick – Uhmm, sorry for yeah okay. You always lightened the mood in the chat, thanks for that lol.

Spaceybirdy – You were A LOT of help during my leadership. Thanks for all the advice.

The soldiers ~ You fought till the end and you never gave up

Divotoo – Ahh the mini Dryvit. You always made it to the battles on time and on chat even though you had to get off during a swear.

Matthewmsh1 – You always were dedicated, good luck in the leadership.

Thebest22 – Always dedicated to the ACP too. You were never afraid to voice your opinion.

Ktman – We never were always on the same page, though you are very loyal and always wanted the best (no pun intended) for the ACP.

Axevolution – Nobody kill him, you would turn into an Axe murderer. Always at the battles no matter what time of day it was. Though, seriously, you should get some sleep sometime.

Fallingtail – Never giving up. Always in the mood to fight. Keep up the good work.

Ganondorf – The underestimated soldier, you pack a punch man.

Pinkgirl1114 – Always happy, and always fighting till the end.

Zdoger – The over-excited leader. Always at the battles keep it up.

Adav – Always on the right track, keep being that role model.

Batintrenche – If first impressions could kill lol, smarter than you think.

Noseycjr – Loyal, dependent, and very loud.

Tomtwelve – Smart dude right here, Mormons rock.

Swat Bandit – Very loyal, see Noseycjr.

Packer1 nfl – You are one of the most loyal soldiers, though you did annoy me a lot.

Speeder109 – You had spunk, very dedicated.

To the rest of the ACP soldiers ~ I’m sorry I didn’t mention you I will miss you all and you keep fighting till the end.

I’m not going to be on ACP chat anymore, yes I’m giving away my stuff, you know who you are.

It means no worries

For the rest of your days

Its our problem free philosophy

Hakuna Matata


131 Responses

  1. Saint I want to say first and foremost, thank you for all you did for ACP. It is my belief that you were the most helpful 3ic or Co-leader I had while I was ACP leader. You always asked if you could help me with anything, and you made it your responsibility to help ACP in any way you could. No one can fault you for your work as ACP Leader. It is an impossibly hard job, but I do think you are too hard on yourself. If nothing more you were a great role model for the soldiers, you were well-liked, and the soldiers respected you greatly. You were a great leader, and a great friend to me as well. My only wish is that you could have spent more time with us. But we understand that you have more important things to do, as do we all, and I wish you the best in life. Good luck Saint, we’ll miss you. I have met the real Saint, and I know getting out of this pressure chamber we call an army will bring the real Saint back. You’re too nice not too.

    Your friend,

  2. Bye Saint 1st

  3. first comment

  4. i mean 2nd

  5. 6th and bye saint we will all MISS U VERY

  6. goood bye saint

  7. we will mis u


  9. Saint, I completely understand…. get out there and ENJOY life Saint, life is for enjoying. If you are driven crazy by this, then you should leave, like you have now, remember… just enjoy life.

  10. gb saint

  11. 😥

  12. ACP just lost a great great soldier, leader and more importantly, a friend. Your impression upon ACP will never be forgotten or diminished with time. Thank you for letting us all share a moment in your life. I feel lucky to have crossed paths with you.

  13. man saint… this is the second time in my acp history that ive cried…i cant believe how much this hurts… u rocked and were my mentor… and god strike me down if kg ever reads this comment but i used to crush on u… thanks sooo much

  14. “Ktman – We never were always on the same page, though you are very loyal and always wanted the best (no pun intended) for the ACP.”

    That describes me and you quite well Saint, I will miss you alot. No matter what you may think or anyone else does, you where a great and valuble soldier to this army.

  15. i suck at speeches………………. im sorry you had to leave so soon 🙁

  16. We’ll miss you Saint 😥

  17. Saint some of us just see a leader who couldnt handle it some see you as one of Boomers bad decisions…………But i dont Saint i havnt known you long but i know the real you theres kindness in everyone in you most of all Saint you are kind gentle and you love the acp you just couldnt handle being leader i think a lot of soldiers couldnt i kno i couldnt but Saint we will miss you and do what makes you happy Goodbye Saint

    Let us all remember the great Saint1119!

  18. “Packer1 nfl – You are one of the most loyal soldiers, though you did annoy me a lot.” xD thanks

  19. 😥 Goodbye Saint. You’ve always been one of the funniest people on chat, I’m really, really gonna miss you. Eh, I’ve never been good at writing these things, which I regret, but I’m sorry I didn’t try to get to know you sooner. I think I succeeded, I think I might actually sort of know the real Saint. D: Bai Saint, I know I was always happy to see you, you’re one of the only people who I’ve never cursed in my head for being an idiot… (Basically what I mean by that is the penguins will someday be the death of me too 😐 )

    Bye Saint, once again I’m really gonna miss you 😥


    (PS: Wow, I said bye three times. Is that a record?)

  20. And why wasn’t I on there? XD!!!

  21. Wow saint, i wish i would’ve been on to tell you bye and a few other things 🙁

  22. buhbye saint. you were/are still a great friend. i’d write alot more, but my dsi is slow xD. i still can bother you -smirk- xD have a great life my dear.

  23. This is Cody765 and 2 things number one good bye saint :'( and number 2 WHY WASNT I ON THE HARD WORKING SOLDIER LIST I WAS ON CHAT EVERY SINGLE DAY ISINCE I HAVE JONIED!!!!!!!

  24. : ‘(

  25. :'(

  26. how do i make thta smiley :s lol

  27. bucky now isnt the time for that you jerk

  28. batista first off im Cody765 and second offf i really care about saint going i was just wondering why i wasnt on the list ok sheesh relax

  29. well maybe your not there because yuo dont deserve it 😐

  30. saint u might not know me im danny9632 but ive been in acp since u started being leader of acp but im realy going to miss u (wiped tear of face)im really going to miss u : ‘(

  31. Same thing I said to Boomer on his retirement post. Goodbye Saint. You’ve accomplished a lot in these past few months. Being the first girl leader of ACP and all that. I’m sorry that your time as leader was so short, but the memory of it will live on forever. Yes, some might call you a baby, quitter, loser, quitter or freak. But I call you human. Enjoy the rest of your life, Saint. We will never forget you.

    ~Bluebirdboy1, Currently ACP Captain

  32. it was nice serving with you saint good luck

  33. Until tommorrow.

  34. until tommorrow. 😉

  35. thx saint. Im sad for u to go. Im leaving soon too.I wish the old saint was still here

  36. Saint adios hermanita, tu fuiste la
    Razón por la que yó me quedé y continúe, y eso nunca lo voy a olvidar.
    Gracias por todo

    ~Tu hermana mayor

    Draggy waggy

  37. Saint, 😥
    Well, it has been nice being under you Saint 😉 And the tests were fun 😮 Have a good life 😉
    ~Redrarehound (CP Username :wink:) Houndy66(Chat and WP username :wink:) 😀

  38. Bai Saint! We’ll miss ya so much! You were always hilarious on chat! Hope you enjoy life 😀 It was awesome seeing you crack everyone up on chat 😀 I hope you realized that you’ve accomplished a lot in the past few months from being the first girl leader. I’d say that is something to be proud of 😀


  39. Saint Boomer made the right chosse for you to be leader even though you werent leader long you awalys be rembered

  40. we, or atleast I know that u tried ur best, and that is wat i will remember u, that and the old saint, i didnt know the old saint well, but i knew her good enough, good luck in life Saint1119.


  41. saint i remember when i met you on breeze the day before you became 3ic saint don’t give yourself such a hard time you did fine and im lazy somtimes XD so im so sorry to see you go saint you were and are a great leader! and congrats to dryvit on being the new leader of acp!

    Rock on acp!


  43. Bye Saint, you cracked me up on chat all the time, and I’m sad that you have to lead.

    One thing I don’t understand is you said you’ve changed, and I agree, but I believe you have become a stronger, smarter, and even funnier Saint. You’re still the funny nice Saint you used to be and you were one of the first high ranks in CP armies to add me. When the new 3ic came, I had a hunch it would be you, you were a great role model and leader.

    Please come back now and then, because ACP won’t be the same without your hilariousness.

  44. Saint :'(
    No matter what anyone says, You’ll always be my favorite leader.
    Who knows, we may meet again in real life, and we may never know it.
    Good Luck Saint. 🙂

  45. Bye, Saint you did a great job as leader. I understand what you mean about the constant stress. It does make me wonder if I am capable of leading a brigade or even maybe being leader someday.

  46. she never new me. All the other soilders like dryv and boomer and tylov5 and more did but not her

  47. bye saint i will miss you

  48. goodbye Saint. You were a good leader. I will always have respect for you.


  49. Its so hard to say goodbye, saint. Youre an amazing person with a great heart. ill miss ya!

  50. Sadly I never knew you saint, But I would have loved to know you as a friend, but sadly I am un-known. I am only a leiutanant. But you did great as a leader!! Pce saint.

  51. good luck i never knew you but good luck and have a great life and i tried to talk to you but you were antisoacial 🙄

  52. bye saint

  53. Saint, Even though I just joined ACP a week ago, I was still inspired by you. You were a great leader no matter what you or anyone else thinks. Even though I don’t know you, I will miss you. Good luck with the rest of your life.

  54. Cya Saint.I hope you can go far in life. Good Luck


  55. This is a see you later saint, but never a good bye.

  56. bye saint. i think u were a grest leader.

  57. bye saint. i think u were a grest leader./

  58. srry double coment

  59. We will miss u, alot, u were an awesome leader

  60. i know i dont say much, or salute the highest ranks much, but for you saint, i Salute u. U where a role moddle to me, and to all of us here at ACP. espeshaley me. i dont ask for much, My great grand dad was in World War two, he was a proud colonal in the Marines. he was a good leader and i know good leadership and thats u. Saint i salute u for your leadership. u where a deteacation to ur leadership, and ensperation to me. And if my great grand dad was here right now he would salute u as well. Good luck out there in the world. dont get killed like my grand dad did in wwii, may he R.I.P. he was killed on Iwo Jima. But good luck and may you enjoy life out there.

    ~Lincoln31543 Warrant officer in acp, LT Geleral in MCP

  61. ps the MCP is Marines of Club Penguin

  62. Thx Saint

    we’ll miss u


  63. Bye Saint:cry:

  64. bye saint we will all misss u bye bye

  65. The thing that struck me was when you said you weren’t coming back to chat. That sucks. 🙁 Goodbye Saint, QSaint, and ZSaint. You and your 2 uber alter egoes will be missed. 🙁
    -The Loyal, Dependent, and Very Loud Noseycjr

  66. Saint, you were not the worst ACP Leader. I never hated you, yeah some people did but remember “Stick and Stones May Break My Bones but Words Will Never Hurt Me”. I know you must of have a rough time. Saint even after leader I still thought you were the nicest person ever. Saint . . . I will never forget your leadership. We’ll all miss you Saint even the ones who didn’t car much of you. Bye Saint 🙁

  67. Bye Saint 🙁 😥 .It is your decision to leave and I respect that.Take care,Saint 😥 .

  68. Bye Saint. You will be missed by everyone.

  69. Good Bye
    Saint. you Were a Good Kid 😉

  70. Respected. Good luck in life, keep up the good work.

  71. chat isnt working for me

  72. Isn’t there an invasion today?

  73. by saint. You make me feel bad cuz i know at least half of the reason u quit was because i kept bugging you in PC. I’m gonna miss you. Have fun at life!

  74. bye saint ill miss you (crying)

  75. stupid thing didnt work

  76. Dear saint,
    Saint, you have changed the clubpenguin army world forever. The first girl leader of acp. Have a good life. I can say that i lived in the time of saint1119. Bye saint!

  77. I’m really sorry your retireing saint but you cant blame this all on your self. That is what bugs me the most. You say this is all your fault and you talk like we will be happy your retitreing. Try to lighten up! 🙂

  78. I hate what caused you to retire, I dont know a single person that would want to have been in your posistion. You were ridiculed, harrased, had to deal with walrusses, blamed for everything. you didnt deserve any of that. I wish you well in Life!

  79. bye u were a good leader

    ps im going on my holidays so i wont be active for awhile

  80. Good luck in life Saint!

  81. Wow, Saint is gone. Hmmmm……
    I know this is off topic, but when do you guys fight other armies, beause in about 3 weeks, I want to have a good fight on CP 😀

  82. Dont forget to remind people of the FA invading breeze TODAY at the snowforts.

  83. Bye SAint! I never saw you on chat but I know that you were a great leader. Congradulations to dryvit On becoming the new leader of the greatest army CP has ever had!
    -Lt. Tobymac96

  84. Bye Saint!!!!
    You were a great leader!!!!!!
    I’ll miss you!
    Thank you,

  85. HI GUYS! i have a story that happened to me today at mammoth.
    “I was at mammoth and saw a bunch of ACP fighting ninjas and SF(sensei fighters). The ninjas and SF HATED ACP soooo much. I tried to make peace. only one of the SF said yes. all the rest and ninjas said no and attacked me. I pleaded that i wanted peace. They kept hating me. they said i was a lier, but im different then the other ACP who attacked them. i tried to tell them, but they didnt listen. i kept crying out “WHY! DONT YOU LISTEN, I WANT PEACE!!!!!”. but they never listened. the end.” Thats my story of wat happened today. I hate it when people hate us. I try to make peace, but they always act stupid and say no. They also keep telling me to get out. I wish they would listen. But all they wanted was for us to get out of mammoth. If you guys would consider it, i think ACP should loose mammoth. Those ninjas will keep hating us for that and people who like ninjas will join them. Can the leaders of ACP consider this? thx……. ~Greeniedude1 ACP Warrant Officer~

  86. This ninja problem is getting a little out of hand……

  87. Bye Saint we will miss you. : (

  88. bye saint have a good retirement

  89. Bye saint…/salute

    Good luck dryvit…people are giving you a hard time but i shall remain loyal to the end…no matter what anyone says.

  90. I never knew you….. but i know you will be greatly missed bye everyone. and i bet it is being tough being leader of #1 army leader in cp. so i am giving you the highest phrase i can give

    let the bunnie monopoly power be with you!

  91. NOOOO!!!!!!! Saint you were the best leader of ACP yet.

  92. Saint, You did a great job as leader. You did what you could and I hate to see you go. I won’t forget you and I hope you won’t forget me. You were one of the greatest leaders in my opinon. Good bye Saint thanks for everything you did for ACP.

    ~ Major General, Snowballpink

  93. Goodbye saint, have a nice truck free retirement, sleeping just aint my thing xD

  94. Oops hit enter…

    You were a greatly short leader,, wait, i mean you were a great leader for the short periodo time you were leader, not that you are short… have a good retirement, still comeon chat time to time though 😀

  95. dam it mrchips you disgrace don’t advertise that gay army on saints retirement post

  96. omg saint you actually made me cry. that was very touching!!!

  97. I completely understand! It is difficult to control an army! I should know! I have one my self! You were the best Saint119! I was trying to lead my army the same way as acp! Well, Enjoy your FREEDOM! I am upset that you are retiring! My mouth drop wide open when the title said Saint119’s Retirement!

  98. well……………good luck with life…….XD!!!!!!!!

  99. Sorry to see you go Mam, good luck.

  100. Dry, I know for a fact that you will beat the odds, and go down in ACP history as one of the best leaders, perhaps the next Boomer 20. And Saint, QSaint, and Zsaint, I will really miss you. And I don’t know how you could possibly say I was a crack up when you missed some of my best fails and jokes xD
    But oh well. It’s the first retirement post I’ve ever been in 🙂

  101. Yes, us Mormons do rock. XD

    personally, i wish we didn’t “have” to go on every day, cause then ACP would be a whole lot more enjoyable. you can’t build a lifestyle around this, you know.

  102. as an army leader i truly honor you

  103. always a pleasure talking to u too saint-o make sure u still come on palringo so i can talk to u :O

  104. thanks very much saint u ruined my modship by that stupid test, u made no effort to tell the new mods what to do so i had to guess most of the questions

    sorry saint but in my opinion u werent very good but good luck with life…

  105. In all my regret, I have to saya few words. Goodbye, Saint. Goodbye.

  106. bye saint u were a great leader.
    We all will miss u.

  107. Bye mom

  108. Saint,You Lead ACP Through Tough Times Sure It Was Hard But. You Did Not Give Up. Enjoy Your Life While You Can. Dont Point at People Saying Your Not What You Want Beacuse Him Or Her Cowards Do That And Thats Not You.You May Be Different Person Than What You Were Before But You Can Still Make A Differnce Take This Seoursliy Go Back To Being A General Its Not Has Hard Just Ask Dryvit


  109. a lot of us really liked Saint and actually care about her

  110. what fox said 😮

  111. bye saint. =(

  112. I just need to tell you that I’ll be gone from the 10-14 for my B-day. Im going camping. Cya when I get back.


  113. Someone edited my comment D: And thanks for deleting Token’s comment, whoever it was…

  114. gonna miss ya hope you can get on every now and then bye

  115. I am having a contest on

    It is awseom

  116. hey for the record am i am never forgetting saint’s words here. xD “mormons rock.”

  117. that was a short leadership, well i hope we will see you on chat still.

  118. Cya Saint. Gonna miss ya.

  119. bye saint. ill just now read this, and i am very upset by this

  120. Goodbye Saint, U were awesome, thanks for all the fun.

  121. Bye

  122. Saint, I must say that you were the best acp leader ever

  123. ACP, you are gonna die out soon… thanks a lot for ignoring me back in my ACP days. Now I’m Training Specialist (highest mod rank) in the Nachos. What a waste of a troop, huh guys?

  124. this is the retirment of rhino25. I hate to do this but now that my life is getting cooked up i need to retire from this army. im major rhino25 and goodbye to the acp!

  125. Bye Saint i always saw your battles but i was costumed as a normal penguin and you always fighted til the end You’re the #1 for me

  126. I care about you saint

  127. Just so all the newbies to ACP know, Saint was the smartest, funniest, happiest, kindest, most lovable female in my time in ACP, she is missed greatly by many, many people. She had no main haters, and she is most definitely the most beloved person to ever grace this army, if you’ve never met her I am deeply sorry for your loss.

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