My first post as 3rd In Command of this great army is not about me nor is it about the leaders. It is about you, the soldiers.
Most of the time, it is the leaders and our enemies that get talked about on posts and in some ways, even our enemies, are given all the glory. But without the soldiers, none of this would be possible. No one would receive any glory if it weren’t for you backing them up.
You come to every battle, practice or real, to fight for this army and Club Penguin. You come to every drill session to practice our various skills and strategies. You comment on every post, showing your support or opinion. You come on chat and make this whole experience what it really needs to be, fun.
But what amazes me most is what happens recently, the fact that all of you have been able to resist the bribes of the evil ACP Next Generation rebellion. This organization is disguised as a group of people trying to get the ACP to bring back the elections of old, but is obviously just an organization of soldiers and leaders looking for a quick and easy rise to power.
But no matter how much propaganda and lies are spread, you remain true and faithful. You remain caring of your fellow man. You prove that you care more about the better of Club Penguin and this army and this group of people and friends then of power and greed.
So this post is to the soldiers who have remained true to this army thick and thin. To the soldiers who have never backed down from a challenge. To the soldiers who care more for others then themselves. To the soldiers who are truly soldiers of the Army of Club Penguin.
Because if you are apart of the Next generation, you are no longer a true soldier of this army.
To the soldiers. To you.
Filed under: ACP |
Can’t be bothered to the read post and I am a soldier I just want an election!
1 comment??!! I thought this was ACP..(Wary)
Inspiring Post Ktman
And Yeh it is a rebellion – if they wanted an election then they should of gone to congress (like shab said)
And Also Is Since Commando Is Supposdly Sticking up for the Soilders
Why Does he have to do it for ONLY Acp and not another army like the Nachos Who Also Do not have elections for leaders.
Why is he going for acp and not any other armies . ..
you dont reall have to worry about me switiching for 2 reasons. 1 I love this army and wouldnt turn my back on it and 2 They do their bribes and advirting on chat which im temporarily banned from (parents great idea)
~Brigader Genereal Lsund
Great post Kt! You’ll be a great third in command!
Wow, easier to say Thank-you soldiers but I would rather have that post kt. That was a great post. Glad to have you as the 3rd in command. 😉
we want elections!
wonderful post kt nad congrats on 3ic.
~sown man~
Great Post Ktman! Really inspiring.
~SMG PinkGirl1114
Ktman, this is probably the best post that I have ever seen. None of the others can honestly top this. Thanks for recognizing the soldiers, that was really cool.
Very nice post
kt we can already tell that you are gonna be a good 3ic! 😀 and thanks for the complements! this is and the rebels you guys would go well with jam because your toast!
Rock on acp!
Lmao Dry deleted my comment. Obviously. He’s too afraid to admit the truth.
thanks kitman
just ignore next generation, and the will give up like the renegade did.
-Chuckie~warrant officer
Very nice post, Kt. Better than I could’ve done, and I’m a writer! 😆
Now let’s see how many of you can read what I have to say without jumping to conclusions and hating me.
I do agree with Commando on a certain level. I wish there was some way we could bring back elections and also have them safe, only ACP. I know we have senate elections and everything, but if I’m ever leader (Which is a slim to none chance, seriously) I want to win because my people want me, not just the leader, you know? I want the excitement, the suspense, of a real election, and also the control of one. Yes, those are stupid reasons. The suspense, who cares about the suspense? But I remember the election between Shab and Ank, and that was actually fun! I liked not quite knowing who would win, and who would you rather be liked by? A retired leader or your soldiers?
Well, that’s just my point of view. I’m not gonna start a rebellion or anything over it, though.
Guess theres no point to Switch anymore, eh Kt?
I delete nothing. If you curse or even censor it, it goes to spam. We do not edit or delete posts like the Army of NGA does.
impresive kt i liked ur post i do that alot
Maybe we could get one of those “protected posts” and only give the passwords to ACP soldiers in Private Chat, so the rogue, hacker Nachos, Commando and his “New Generation” (which is stupid if you think about it, only 5 people in there are ACP, everyone else is Nachos, Rpf, and other noob, one man armies, who think that if they join the Nachos, they will be safe from attack! I Liked the old battles! Just one on one, no noobs! But if that doesnt work, oh, well.
If you are reading this or any other good acp left, I just want to inform that there was a war on mammoth todayof old acp (and those loyal to you) vs new acp (next generation). The ninja army is kindly helping us, so we have allies. Unfortunately, we were outnumbered, so we need ur forces. We need all the troops we have left to help. Plz help us.
Pikachuboo: Captain of ACP
That… Was so amazing. Thank you. But you do deserve the glory you have. 😉
Dry we are not an army
Yes you are an army , your commander says you are.
I will never turn my back on this army no matter what!
I love this army and I don’t want anything to happen to it.
Kt, you always have the best posts 😀
inspiring Kt. I will never join those noobs.
I think Im Gonna Cry 🙁
great post
I wish the post wasn’t half lies and didn’t imply to hate Next-Gen. =/
Well first off, most of the medium/low ranked soldiers don’t get any glory PRECICLY because they”ll probably like 2 of the ones in those ranking sections that’ll ever get a shot at leader this way. With democracy, ANY of them can get fairly noticed and given said glory.
(I’ll skip the next paragraph simply because I CAN’T argue that the ACP soldiers arn’t doing a good job.)
Okay, well, lots of stuff wrong there, 1) There was only that one guy Kj who ever really bribed anyone, and he quit. 😛 (Atleast that’s what I heard.) 2) I’m not sure where discusting came from. I’m guessing you made that up while you were writing. 3) Quick and easy rise to power? Ya right, I wish. 😛 This is going to be hard because we have to make a whole new system to stop bad presidents, and long because the comment votes we have decided on are going to take FOREVER, because they have to be IP checked, and rank checked, ect. And the power thing is kinda weird, because that’s pretty much exactly what Meat and Dry want. =/ And we’ll probably never even get a canadate to office unless some MAJOR change happens
Well Next-Gen doesn’t really like, but okay? (You know Shab lied about that us going to attack ACP servers and you can find propaganda against us anywhere. I mean the post I’m responding to is propaganda. 😡 )
Next-Gen is ACP, so thanks for saying I stayed through think and thin with this army. ^_^
What? No… That’s like saying that PETA members arn’t really true Americans. 😛 We’re just a “campaign” in ACP. I can ashure you of that. And I can ashure you that all that ACP propoganda is miss leading too. I’ll gladly provide an explination, just PC me. 😛
AGAIN wow I cannot believe how many people are brainwashed by this NONSENSE(brainwasher!) again ,it is so easy to detect propaganda. from you guys. you try and butter up everyone up,can’t you notice it troops?
“it’s so inspiring !” and about shabs election…he won and then GUESS WHAT!? srry to dash yoour hopes n00bs but OAGAL STEPPED UP and APPOINTED SOMEONE ELSE!
(btw shab is just staying here because he’d get fired :roll if he joined ngacp. again do you see obama saying “oh I appoint pailin to be the governor” without a fair election?! LOLZ!
I do agree with the fact that without your MINDLESS ZOMBIES WHO CAN”T EVEN THINK FOR THEMSELVES you would have NOTHING!
SO ZOMBIES(no offense) would you rather change the world for the better OR a weakling.
Dry Next-Gen doesn’t delete posts, and the only time we edit them is when we what something said. The only time we came close is when Trick (ya that hot-head) lost his cool and deleted Shab’s post about how greety we all were from the Next-Gen site. He put it back up, although he never appologized like I told him too.
Dry, what Stev and Commando ment by that CLEARLY means that they have a size of people like an army. If you’d thought about it you’d know how they said it. Notice you also cropped the pic from the rest of the chat screan and so we cannot see if Commando or Stev made any corrections to further-more explain what they had said to any of the viewing people or to eachother.
Edit: I posted the picture just as I got it. And I can see no other meaning. He said you are a large army. So when are your elections? I bet all of ACP will want to run and vote.
Who cares what he meant emperor? You guys don’t mind twisting Meat’s words around, so we shall do the same to you.
Emperor shut up .U think that were in a real world no we aren’t.This is just 7 years old kid game so yea .
And saying to everyone that the NGA is a rebellion and completly seperate from ACP isn’t propaganda?
Mario ACP Isn’t the U.S. Governmwnt….
I joined ACP as something to do. But now I feel ACP as something more. It is fun and a place where we kids can give are opinon. ACP RULES! LONG LIVE ACP! 🙂
DONT WORRY! Never in my entire LIFE will i join the rebellion or any other army. I am one of the most loyal soldiers you can get! ACP FOREVER!
– Greeniedude1 –
great post
Nice post kitman
Long live ACP
ACP is the Army for me. Im not dreaming of joining any army that threatens the sanity of the Great ACP Nation
“There’s strong, and then there’s ACP strong!”
~Yellow Oreo1
Why thank you! Inspiring post, Kt!
yellow oreo did you get that off of me? because i said that at the very recent 3 day battleP.S wats the point of that post the first three paragraphs are about how the big kahunas are always the ones who get posted about the part about the evil acp next generation rebellion was some wat important
Eh, well Dry, they’re right we you let them.
*when you let them
Errr, I mean when you let them. 😛
Congrats Kt. Nice post , I know you will do a great job. To the current leaders keep up all your hard work. Lastly, I am sad to see Saint go but know that she is doing this to make herself happy. Good luck in life Saint.
I only hope that the next generation can understand that they are important too. They feel like they have no power, but rebellion isnt the answer.
if this is army is for 7 year olds then why are you still here ? XD!
again ngacp is not a rebellion it’s an orginization of course this isn’t the US. but the US is a democracy!
Mario65889, on July 26th, 2009 at 3:31 pm Said:
if this is army is for 7 year olds then why are you still here ? XD!
again ngacp is not a rebellion it’s an orginization of course this isn’t the US. but the US is a democracy!
Yeah and Democracy is doing wonders for our economy isn’t it? I mean I do want a democracy in real life but will it work in an army? We’ve done that. I trust Saint, so I trust Dry, and I will never join the rebellion. What, whats the worst bribe you can do? Hey, you can be a major of an army with fifteen people,
well said anirko 11
Oh yeah KT, that was one of the best speeches I have ever seen, and I play Cybernations, where you get awesome speeches everyday.
Dude You Rock