
Dryvit Edit:  I have carefully reviewed each and every rank complaint comment. As I said I made some mistakes and those were corrected. Some were over looked and I apologize for that, and have promoted them. Others received a promotion and still felt the need to complain. Those soldiers I do not understand. I feel those people will never be happy with any promotion. To the very high ranks that did not get promoted, I apologize. There is very little room to move up once you reach the high ranks. If you missed this month, you will not miss next month unless it is by your choice. Please review your ranks and I hope everyone, ( but 1 or 2 ) will be happy.  Promotions are now closed for the month. Thanks.


Well ACP here they are. The promotions. This was my first time ever doing the promotions and I tried very hard to be fair and balanced with all the ranks. I requested all Warrant officer and below to comment on why they deserved a promotion, and all who commented were promoted. The higher ranks were very difficult. So many good active soldiers for so few spots. I did the best I could but I am sure I made some errors. All I ask is you give me a chance to correct them before you feel you were slighted. Just comment below this post and explain your reason for deserving a promotion. I cannot promise all who comment will get their wish , but I do promise to consider each comment before deciding. That is all I can do. Out of 1500 plus soldiers, with over 500 active, I cannot make everyone happy, I truly hope the soldiers understand that. Without further ado, you will already find the ranks page updated with the new ranks. Congrats to all who earned their promotion.


161 Responses

  1. 1st

  2. 2nd :O

  3. 1st!

  4. This is cody765 and 1st!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! finally

  5. btw me and luc were testign some of your ranks, quite a few low ranks are fake O_O their not real penguins..

  6. oh nvm
    im not first 🙁

  7. -.- i should get a promo i was active -.- i went to battles -.- and went on chat -.-

  8. i think i should be up 1 rank because im very active and loyal threw tuff times during my acp career i have still been loyal.been waiting for half a year to go up 1 last rank befire i deside to retire and im still waiting on my last wish before i quit sometime next year

    noka acp master general

  9. CP Username: Snowballpink

    Current Rank: Sergeant Major General

    I think I deserve a promo because I have attended all practice battles,drills,wars etc ever since I joined!

  10. i think i deserve a promotion, i go to every battle and im SUPER active. thanks
    itunesgeek1 Lt. coronal

  11. CP Username: Pengreen1234

    Current Rank: Captain

    I think I deserve a promo because I have attended practice
    battles,drills,recruitings,wars etc.

  12. OMG I GOT A DOUBLE PROMO THANKS DRY U ROCK UR THE BEST I CANT BELIEVE IM NOW A CAPTAIN THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. name:Mr icefin
    Current Rank:lt.colonel
    why?: i have been on chat at least 2 every day and im active as in recruiting mini wars. thank you 🙂

  14. I also go on chat everyday!!!

  15. Name:Johny 4
    Current Rank:Brigadier General
    Why I deserve a promo?:I deserve a promotion because i didn’t get a promotion last month and I was very active.Infact last month was the month that I was most active.This month I was also active.I will start with last months complaint:

    I was very very very active that month,I went to every recruting session,went to the practice battles,I patrol alot,I even went to that competition with games were were we did sled races,find four and card jitsu against Stev.I always come in this page every day.
    That was a copy of the last month complaint.

    This month complaint:
    I check the site every single day I read every post,I go to every event on club penguin.I recruit when ever im on Club Penguin.I advertise the site whenever im on CP.


  16. me

  17. Thanks for the way-unexpected promo Dry 😀

  18. my name is candycloud19 and my rank is Lt.colonel and i deserve a promo because ive benn ultra active and havent got a promo since may

  19. im nacho892
    im a corporal

    i think i should be promoted because i work hard and i have been in allot of acp wars


  21. Where are the promos :s

  22. Spongie555
    I deserve a promo becuse i go to battles and is recuits on servers.

  23. Coolguy12348

    Lt. General

    I have been active all month, and I havent been promoted in 4 months, I have been in ACP for almost 2 years now, and I think I deserve 1 promo after 5 months of not getting one…

  24. Why have i Been taken off the ranks?
    Your not off the ranks…I found you just fine

  25. 20th and 21st!

  26. Chekmatter


    I attended Practice Battles (same as divisions),the War,Recruiting.

  27. I got promoted 😆 Thank you

  28. I’m not gunna bug you for a promo. I just wanted to tell you that I’m on the ranks twice xD

  29. Pikachuboo

    Rank: Captain

    I helped acp through tough times in the past. I hope i can help them further. I try my best to be active and work hard. Let me prove myself for old acp and furthermore!

  30. hey i couldnt comment on the NEED HELP page because iwas grounded for the week. before that i was very active.

  31. Name: Dopefacedbro
    Why i deserve a promo:
    I need something to cheer me up about Saint retiring and i was active this month

  32. thanks for makeing me Catain Dry

  33. Captain

  34. i didnt get a promot dry ccerrect it please

  35. My CP Name: Redrarehound
    Your Current Rank After Promo/Before Promo:SMG

    Why do you think you deserve a double promo?
    My gut sorta hurts because I am making this comment. But I really think I deserve Maj. Gen. Also Dry I want to aplogize to complaning on Chat. 😉 Sorry.

    I think I deserve to be a Major General, because well, I have been ACTIVE this month. I am currently confused due to the fact Adav, is now a Maj. Gen, when she was a Bri. Gen, also my old rank. I think I have been as active as her. Also, I also think I have been active as Iasage, who also now is a mod. I highly respet these 2, but I think I have been Active aswell. I have never seen my friend Bugsbruno, on ACP chat or at battles, at all. So Houndy is confused. Dry please consider this complaint, even though I had got a promo. You have done a good job with these promos. I Just think I should be Maj. Gen. Also I have been a LOT more active than a lot of the SMGs. You must admit that though.

    ~Houndy66 aka Redrarehound

    This is a complaint about promos. This has nothing to do about Dry’s promo seletion, as I highly like Dry as a future leader.

  36. rexrider

    i think i should get a promo because i am active and i deserve it.

  37. Penguin Name: Go Run Fast (Name on ranks: The Flapjack or TheFlapjack)

    Current Rank: Bridgadier General

    Reason I Deserve A Promo: I come to many battles and I know it took me a while to comment on these last few posts, but I forgot I had to log in and I got really lazy. I hope you can promote me, if you do I’ll really appreciate it.

    Also, I come on chat a lot.

  38. I get no promo??? 3 months in a row without a firsthand promo. Please give me one. 🙂

  39. Name: Pengbro2
    Rank: Warrant Officer
    Promotion Reason: Because I parade CP every day and get us joiners. 😉 I am an active and loyal soldier.

  40. Requesting a promotion to major. Marine9077 currently rank of Lieutenant.

  41. I havent been all that active on chat at the begining of the month, but i couldnt get on because when i could i had baseball and when i didnt the chat wouldnt load…. i have been patroling on acp servers for the whole month though. I request a promo to Lt.General. Currently I am a Major General

  42. thx bro two ranks above warrent officer FINALLY im above warrent officer

  43. Give Batin a promo or I will swallow ACP whole

  44. i think i deserve a promo cause i make ACP my number one army and i came to almost all of the events and those i didnt come to was because my mom is part time working for this summer and i have to go to my grandmas house which has no internet or even a computer there.

  45. Thanks for the promo Dryv! Just one more promo until I’m general!

  46. hay my friend rexrider did not get a premotion. can u fix that?

  47. username:smiley8years
    current rank:Corporal

    I think i deserve a promo because i’ve been to almost everything since i’ve joined. And i’ve been a great solider!

  48. farsight

    dry good job first on doing the promos based on how many people are in acp!!!!!!!! but one thing it seems that many soldiers did not get promos! snowball pink needs one because she has been attending battle and houndy also but i also need a promo i have been poised to get a promo for three months now and have not got it! i am not trying to sound like kyle but this is very strange because you do know how active everybody is so please consider that!

    Rock on acp!

  49. I have be gone alot this summer at camps and vacations but whenever I was here I came to everything that was available. I have been active and I have been faithful. I get on chat eveyday and I hope that is enough for a promotion.

    Major Great Akoo, Delta Division, 2nd Brigade

  50. Cp Name- Saiyaman Xc

    Rank- Seargent Major General

    The reason I think I deserve a rank is because I have attended almost all acp battles. I am always on acp chat when im not busy. (except in the beggining of the month because of computer problems.) After that I go on chat. I always recruit for acp and patrol with my friends. I am really active in acp and would appreciate if I got a promotion. I won’t let you down dry id you promote me 😉

  51. dude, i have worked so hard in the last month. i have been extremely active and very cooperative with the whole walrus situation. i show up to every battle and tried my hardest everytime!!!!!


    Lt General

  52. im so happy i got a double promo to captain this is awesome u rock dry 🙂

  53. Iron gets one but not me and noka?

  54. hey you promoted me to warrant officer but you said my name was rogueunit11 thats my wordpress name could u please change it to rogueunit10 which is my CP name and ACP name

  55. Name: Cristiano50
    Rank: Smg
    Reason: i tryed so hard this month o cant believe adav and red have betean me adav got a triple promo i thought u said no double promos after colonol i just want to be noticed i dont care if im not a mod just plz dryvit make me maj gen ill do anythin watch me for a week please dry i tryed so hard but i never got so far.

    I do not understand your complaint, you received a promotion.

  56. im very depresse my gramma died couple of days ago and i just try my best to let go but i cant

  57. please dry accpept this complaint itry so hard plz dry im very active i go to battles alot and recriut and go to parties and am ready wen its time to battle.

  58. good work to everyone who got promoted

  59. Quit the whingeing. You’re making yourselves sound like you’re desperate and have no life. This is seriously advocating noobism.

  60. This is GPH136 I have attended every battle and recruitment and war and so on since Febuary and I started off as a seargent and I still am a seargent can I please have a promo I worked hard for it.
    ~Seargent GPH

  61. I work so hard to the ACP. Im also loyal. Im also active.
    im a Captain and plz i think thats i deserve a promotion.

    ººCaptainºOmar Bsaibesº

  62. Name: Oberst543
    Rank: Lt.Colonel
    Reason for Promotion:
    Well…ever since Flappy hacked our site I have stayed as a Lt.Colonel. I have been very active in the ACP Chat and on CP. My account was glitching for some reason so I used a non-member penguin. I have been constantly patroling ACP Servers and being Active on the ACP Chat. I say that for taking my personal time to do this that after 2 months I deserve a promotion. Thank you….

  63. Thanks for the promotion! 🙂

  64. thank u so much dryvit u r the best

  65. dan 9765 well ive onley just rejoind but you gave me the rank of sergeat but i was a high ranking officer in other armys you coud at least give me the rank of warrent officer

  66. Name: Zx1996
    Rank: Captain
    Reason: During the 3 day war I took part in each of the 3 days. At some points I stayed at home rather than going out so that I could help out. My army EACP also helped out too. Me and other ACP from Britain went around CP in the early hours of the moring to check for any activity.

    I also feel that a guy called SWIMMER needs a promtion.



  67. well my name is Ice5660 and I must say since im In new zealand ive been having a hard time going to drills and battles but if i was in america or england id be to much more wars.So the reason why cos i know ill be more responsible more active and one of the best soldiers ever to hit ACP if i break that promise u can always make me go back to corparal.
    Who knows I might be leader!


  69. Hi im Charliem21 and im a corpral.I have never ever got a promo on this site but i am active and checking the site everyday and i think its a really good army and never knew it had like 1500 troops.I have my own army which is called the CPWS our site and I hope you can join. I am okay if you don’t give me a promo but i would be really happy even if you just promote me 1 rank



  70. i used to be sergant and now im not on the ranks atall!
    and ive been to every training and real battle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    please put me back on to sergant or warrent officer!
    email me back please.

  71. I commented and did not get promoted my penguin name is Jordan502

  72. name: obi wan 4321
    rank: SMG

    dry, i really deserve a promotion, ive been the rank under the mod line for three months, out of all the smgs who deserve modship i think i do the most, thats not just what i think but what a lot of other people think like jedi seth and jingle jay, dry, ihope youll make the right decision as saint never did. thanks dry

  73. WHAT DO I DO TO NEVER DESERVE AQ PROMOTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  74. WHAT DO I DO TO NEVER DESERVE AQ PROMOTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  75. Motor20
    Major General
    Ive been active everyday and have lead patrols nearly everyday and i have lead several battles in the 3 day war.

    I have also been defending the acp in arguements against NGA.

  76. Wow Dry, thank you sooooooooooooo much for teh promo!

  77. Hey, I think I deserve a promotion. I’ve been a Lieutenant for about 2 months now, and haven’t complained, and I have been to almost every battle, so I think I (Clack iii, Lieutenant) Deserve one.

    -Clack Iii-


  79. yah im active im a corparal i should be a major since i gradutiated acptr

  80. Thanx for updating them so fast Dry! 😀

  81. Name: Bluebirdboy1

    Current Rank: Lieutenant (Although, for some reason, I’m put on Lieutanant and Warrant Officer)

    I think I deserve a better rank because I have been very active in the ACP, I’ve been checking the Chat regurally, and I took part in the 3 Day War. I’ve also always tried to work to my full potential, so that the day I retire from CP and ACP, I will look back and say I achieved a lot of good things in ACP.

  82. name:mrchisp10
    current rank: warrnt officer
    i think i deserver a rank because i was on this for 2 months and last protion day i didnt get one i really really want a protion this time and i help acp and all

  83. Name: Sklooperis
    Current Rank: Captain
    I think I deserve a promotion because I go on chat 3-5 times a day for at least 1 hour every time, I recruit 3 times a day, even on day I know when i’ll be busy I will do it when I wake up and before I go to bed so I get it done at least twice. And i’m always at the battles/ practice battles and I was on for hours each day of the 3 day war. Dry, you’re doing great, Boomer or Saint never gave me a promo no matter how hard I worked, thanks 😀

  84. why wasent i promoted im active

  85. frostbeetle8


    i should get a promo becuse im always active and atenned everything i can

  86. i should get promoted because ive been more active than ever!

  87. PinkGirl1114

    Seargeant Major General

    I think I deserve a promo because I was very active and went to many battles and went on chat nearly everyday. I tried really hard to get promoted this month I would be very happy if I did get promoted.

    Thank you for your time


  88. Thanks for the promo! 🙂

  89. Thanks for the promotion but noka should be a general more then me, iron or seth. I am willing to sacrifice my rank to him if that is possible.

    Bob, Noka knows the reason he was not promoted and agreed. He is working hard towards next month.

  90. Eh Wth. But I Am….The…FURRY KITTEH OF LIFE!

  91. THNX DRY U ROCK! U got me my Lt. Colonel Rank…..Ur the best leader yet dryvit

  92. I only commented for a promotion 6 hours ago and i’ve already been promoted.



  93. And heya, sorry if you already promoted me, but I’d just like to mention, I haven’t been as active these past two or three days because I had the flu, hopefully not the swine version, but IDK. I’m almost all bettah!

  94. YESSSSSSS! Thanks for promoting me, one more to the mod line!

  95. I didnt get a promo but i was at every practice except 1 or 2 but i was always a little late!

  96. dry please i know youve closed the promotions but please

  97. Name: Rock71
    Rank: Major
    i deserve a promo because i have been to all 3 days of the mass 3 day war, and that was the last war we had, i also went the the war before the 3 day war. so i have made the bast 3 battles. i also comment on almost every post.

  98. thank you dry for considering my complaint thank you so much and guys who didnt get promos keep trying i know how you feel!

    Rock on acp!

  99. Hello ACP:

    As you may know, Nachos are invading Tundra again :roll:… We need all the help we can get. The time is today at 12:00 PST. If you could be so generous and join WW/BB/RPF, it would be greatly appreciated, and we could win this battle. Please help defend Tundra, for the Tundra Union’s sake. Thank you.

    ~Ṿịḉẋẏʓ, WW Field Marshal, BB Brigadier General.

  100. Thank you for reconizing my hard work, sir! 🙂

  101. I guess that would be colonel now. 🙂

  102. Thanks for the promo Dry!

  103. thanks for the promotion!!!1 ur were gr8t, itunesgeek1


  105. Woah! thanks dry for the promo! I already like you lol 😉 anyway, i cant be as active cause my parents banned me from chat, but anyway, ill still come to the battles and comment on post

    S.M.G (one rank from mod!) Lsund

  106. Now I am back to SMG, Promo, demo? in 2 days…

  107. thanks Dry

  108. I want to be promoted but i dont want to sound pushy. im happy where i am for now. i will always be loyal to acp no matter wat rank i get. Im just proud to be a supporter of the ACP. Ive served as both a medic and a field soldier. And I had a great time. I’m glad that I came to ACP where I am treated much more fairly. I’m glad to be a part of the chat as well as soldier anticipating for battle on the field.
    “There’s strong, then there’s ACP strong!”
    ~Yellow Oreo1

  109. I think i should get a promation beacause i checkt this site 2 times a day i go to every thing i can and im on chat alot

    penguin name Blue Nev1
    rank corporal

  110. Hello Dryvit,

    I know this is your fist attempt at doing promos but you missed me out. Everyone knows I’m on chat for almost and hoiur every day. Eberyone knows that I go to lots of battles,

    I would appreciate a promo

    Twingy, hopefully not major

  111. Hello Dryvit,

    I know this is your fist attempt at doing promos but you missed me out. Everyone knows I’m on chat for almost and hoiur every day. Eberyone knows that I go to lots of battles,

    I would appreciate a promo

    Twingy, hopefully not major.

  112. Maxi96203

    Brigadier General

    I went on chat i went to battles Pb’s and others
    Check again Maxi

  113. Rank- Seargent Major General


    This is my current rank, but im not the ranks. can i be readded, im extremely active.

    Checking the most recent ranks, which were just drafted and archived yesterday 07/26/2009, it shows
    your rank to have been colonel. I have added you back as a brig. General. I have not seen you on chat or any practice battles in quite some
    time. I do however see you on the NGA site often.

  114. I’m retiring from the ACP for a few reasons. I’ll make my retirement post once my comp gets fixed. (I’m on my mom’s work computer.)

    Wow Nate, I am very sorry to hear that. If there is anything I can do , please let me know.

  115. Ive faught in the acp for 2 years. I started at sgt and worked my way up. I’ve been at every practice and real battle for the last 5 months. I skipped one of my baseball games to go to the nacho war. If that isnt enough to become a major then i dont know what is.

    Lucky 888- acp captain

    I agree lucky, I fixed that. Sorry I missed you.

  116. i wasnt promoted! 🙁

  117. i didnt coment but im sergant

    Check again

  118. Rank:Colonel
    Why: I have been “active” alot. Ive attended the majority of practice battles and battles since i joined Acp. I went to that 3 day war thing. I also check this site for updates everyday to see whats going on. I have also been a colonel for about 4 monthes now! why cant you give me a promotion i hav been overlooked by every diffrent person who ever did the promotions

    check again

  119. Rank: Lt. Colonel
    Name: Trooper7890
    Why: I’ve been active everyday patroling and with other acp soldiers. I’ve attended all practice battles and wars and prepared always before they started. I check the page everyday. I’ve been a Lt. Col for 5 months. And I was never checked by Saint or other people who did promotions. I go to chat everyday and talk and check if theres alerts.

    check again

  120. thanks for the promtion u rock

  121. Name: Kong236
    Rank: Captain
    Why: I have been active. Not only going to the scheduled events and going to the non-scheduled ones. I also go on chat everyday. I am loyal.

    check again



  124. heh heh i commented thanks twice becasue it was a double promo

  125. I know the promos are closed, But I worked really hard this month to be promoted to Major General. I have been the most active I could be this month. Even though there wasn’t many wars I still came on chat each day. And I know theres still August, But next month i’m going on vacation for 2 weeks and I’m not sure if there is internet connection so I can’t be active.
    I’d be really happy if I could get promoted.

    Thank you for your time


    Pink, you are good for August. Enjoy vacation and have no worries.

  126. Username: Zelmania
    Current Rank: Seargant

    I deserve a rank completely! I have went to every single PB and I mean every PB ever since I joined ACP! Plus the PB against Nachos a couple weeks ago I went too. And Saint1119 said that the PB against Nachos had a big effect for your rank! And guess what? I was promoted and I went to the PB! So it would be great if you would promote me at least 1 rank! But I beleive that I deserve 2 ranks!




  130. Check out my pimped up ACP name! lol

  131. Umm Dry why was I demoted, if it’s because of NGA why me then?

  132. dammit! stupid web my web was down and I dont get a promo DAMMIT

  133. NO wait i did W00T THX DRY


    kudos from Lt. engel boy 23 and Lt. colonel lucky 888

    lucky 888- my brother deserves it!

  135. Thanks S00000000000000000000 much Dry for the awesome prom0 y0u w0nt regret it at all


  136. Name: Mr Deedledoo
    Current Rank: Sergeant Major General
    I wouldn’t call myself a deserving person, but I could do a lot. I’ve been around in the ACP for almost 3 years and I’ve never quit. I’ll show everyone how an ACP soldier works.

  137. Closed? Alright then.. I’ll have to wait and do better.

  138. Thanks for correcting the promos Dryvit!!!

  139. OMG, I like, sooo have a complaint, Dry! Why didn’t you promote me to Godly Leader? GAWSH!


  140. Im not UMA leader anymore so now ACP is probably gonna be my New Main army so if you want u can give me a little extra promo 😀 XD See Ya around dry.

  141. please i have been in acp 3 years now

  142. ~jakesyl~

  143. thx For the promo.

  144. thx dude did i get promoted twice i dont know but i really happy thx so much Saint would be proud

  145. thanks for promoting me!

  146. well yes ive been back and active my retiremwnt wa scanceled and um i go too most battles now and i am on a lot

  147. how do i change that thing ……………………………………….>

  148. Dear Dry,
    I think that I deserve a promotion because I am always active and I am very loyal to you and to the A.C.P . I am going always to battles and wars to help the A.C.P. I like to be a Colonel or Brigadier General if you want.

    Thank you.
    Lt. Colonel Omar Bsaibes

  149. Penguin Name: Rhino25
    ACP Rank: Major
    Why I deserve a promo (long one): I officially joined ACP on the site last Summer, I was unofficially in ACP since Oagal was here and I’m only a Major. I have checked the ACP site ever since I found out about it. I’m 1 of the most active soldiers in this vast army of 600+ penguins. I deserve a promo more than anyone else in this army. I would like to be AT LEAST Colonel. My home server was Mammoth so my penguin grew up around CP Warfare. At the time that I was there it was like the Middle East of CP. Then I moved to Sabertooth about 2 years into my CP expiriences and there was still alot of warfare there too because many armies claimed it was their capitol. I am a leader of the Black Bandits so I know how to lead too. Thank you for your time ACP.

    ~Major Rhino25

  150. yo dry i have been working hard this past month and i think i deserve a promotion to lt. colonal. i deserve it because i have been trustworthy and responsible and i have been helping ALOT with things so i think i deserve a promo.

  151. Dryvit, if it weren’t for the rank of Sergeant Major General I wouldve been a Maj. General 3 months ago, and I really think I deserve this promo. I apologize for the late notice, I was on a short vacation the past 2 days. Please accept this notice, and consider my hard work. I searched alll of the ACP and Major servers during the Walrus invasion, and was able to make most practice battles, and even showed up to the ones that were cancelled. Thank you for looking.


  152. Name: LittleGuy04
    Rank: Captain

    I think that I deserve a promotion because I come on chat for over 30 minutes every day, sometime as much as an hour and a half. I have attended almost every practice battle, with the exception of when I was on vacation. I was at the 3-day-war every day for almost an hour, and the second day for two and a half hours.

  153. Oh, and I faked a headache to get out of going shopping with my mom so i could go to the nacho practice battle, so do i get extra points for that? XD

  154. Lol. Just kidding about the extra points, but I am serious about the faked-headache thing.

  155. Thank you Dry, I got a double promotion. I’m loyal no matter what you give me, even if i dont get a promotion, i will always be loyal.

  156. Why didn’t i get a promo?
    10Chuckie10 ACP warrant officer

  157. i didnt get a promo! why not!

  158. cdf 24 warrant officer ACP

  159. CP user: bblmjd

    rank: corporal

    I think i need a promotion because ive been in acp for a while and fought against a new armiy one day and we won it, but while we did, me and my sis made some peace with the leader and co-leader and i am a veerrrryyy good fighter in wars because i always run peps out in my sises huge snowball wars in her igloo.

  160. Thank you thank you thank you Dryvit for giving me a double promo!!!!!!!! U rock!!

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