The reason I am retiring is because I don’t have the “kick” of leadership like I had before. If i continue being leader I feel like the ACP will fall and I cannot do that to you. I’m lazy, I will not do anything to help. I cannot get passed myself to help ACP any longer. I wish I was the old Saint, but I am not. The reason I’m writing this post is because of the rebellion.
If you must start this rebellion against Dryvit, then I will continue being leader. Thus the downfall of ACP will come. Dryvit can pick us up and save us from… me. Dryvit has the leadership skills of Seanehawk. The brain to lead of Boomer. The kindness of… the old Saint, if anyone can remember her. Now I sit here with tears breaching the brim of my eye and I tell you that Dryvit is the next leader. But alas, he will not be for I will continue to lead this army due to the rebellion, and due to me continuing leading, it will fall. But if this rebellion stops and accepts Dryvit as the new leader then I can resign and ACP will be back to full glory.
Back to the Boomer age, the Golden Age of the Army of Club Penguin.
Now it is your choice fellow army men and women of the rebellion, choose the downfall, or choose the glory. It’s in your hands.
I cannot lead this army no further for I do not have the will to lead it. I want ACP to rise, but my heart says no. Every time I enter the chat room I become saddened with grief, for I am indeed a loser. I can no longer bring you to the top, fight every battle and win every single one fought, for I do not have the will power to do so.
I am no longer happy in ACP, I am depressed.
Yes that too is another reason I am leaving, I am not happy, and I do not like being depressed. When I announced my retirement it felt like a huge boulder was being lifted from my shoulders (rhyme) and a huge smile surged from my body. I was finally happy. But as i write this post, knowing my, and ACP’s, fate hangs in the hands of the rebellion just shatters what’s left of my will, my… heart for the ACP. I was hoping I could make this post at least half the length of Boomer’s Retirement post but i see that is impossible.
Farewell, or Good Morning Sunshine
*~*Saint1119 ACP Something*~*
I would like to welcome…
Ktman as the new 3ic of the ACP
Filed under: ACP |
oh, let me read the post now….
1st. For the better of the army a toast to Saint 😀
Another glory stealer 😕 A Toast to Saint, whats right for ACP.
I feel for you Saint. I’m sorry you feel this way… I really hate the NGA…
I want the glory! Thank you, Saint, Good Luck in life after ACP. You really are one fo the greats.
Bye Saint, you were awesome. Great. When you became leader then …eh.. I could tell you were under TONS of preasure. But thats I was here for ya to help out… now I guess I have to help out dryv. Well thank-you for making me Army Advisor.
thats a sad post bye saint
I’m really sad that you feel this way. Anyways, Good Bye Saint. Thanks for all you did.
~SMG PinkGirl1114
First, Trick just shut that thing in your face. Your part of the rebellion too.
Second, CP armies havent been in their Golden Ages since Oagalthorp retired. Only an old war veteran would understand so dont comment on this you bunch of noobs.
Third, the reasons for your retirement don’t make this whole situation better. The sob story wont work on any other army. But I can say there is no reason to go against ACP. Anybody who does is just trying to kick ACP when they’re down. Every army has done it. EVERY army has done it. We did it when Fort rebelled and we did it when ACP changed their governments and everything else. This is just unacceptable. You all are a bunch of power hungry freaks. IF you honestly think CP just got out of it’s Golden Age then you are screwed in the head. THIS IS PATHETIC. Commando, Rapidy, and Hatt… just give it up. Rap it wasn’t meant to be, Hatt we’ve all seen how poorly you’ve lead other armies, and Commando we all watched your army fall to the ground and burn and roll over and cough up dirt. Pathetic. You guys want to control ACP and if you succeed, nobody else will join you. You will slowly see a bunch of Anti ACP just join the rebellion group but nobody else. If you guys are really that Anti-ACP, then just make your own army or something. I think it’s pretty obvious you can’t steal this one. Everyone hates your guts.
bye saint… i’ll be in italy when u are leaving….bye then…
p.s Trick I hope Dry FIRES you
You had the kindness of ever kind person in the world saint you were boomers fav co leader i hope you enjoy your new life this are hard times but be sure to check on us i never really knew you but i will miss from all my heart
o_O Pie
We are not a rebellion. Its just the fact that you advertise yourselves as a Democracy, and you dont act like it. Still on your nations page you say you are a Democracy. But, you arent. -Zecktroid
Saint I did not know you much, but i always thought of you as a friend here, you showed me what it takes to be a ACP solder. Where ever you go, may you always remember all of us, here at ACP. Even though your gone theres always a pease of you in our hearts, and with in the ACP. Enjoy your life out there, but be carful, around every corner theres evil. But if we look in to our hearts, and think of all the good in the world, we can see the light.
~Corporal Lincoln31543
Congrats KT!
Sorry saint I though you were a good leader. Check back now and then once you do retire.
Saint, if you need to leave us, you can leave. We respect and honour your decision.
we need boomer back to straiten this out!
Congrats Kt 😀
Good bye Saint.If this is the path you choose,then that one it shall be. 🙁 😥
ug saint! 😥 saint sorry to see you go 🙁 we are gonna miss you like crazy!
Rock on acp!
“Dryvit has the leadership skills of Seanehawk. The brain to lead of Boomer.”
Seanehawk doesn’t have very good leadership skills at all, and no he doesn’t have the brain of Boomer lol.
I bet Dry would make a box. Whenever you do something bad like say poo you go down a rank, LMAO. Thats what Dry will do to you guys, he’ll punish you for little insignificant things.
But anyway, Saint.
I didn’t know you well. I didn’t exact like you, but I didn’t dislike you either.
You weren’t a bad leader either.
And I hope you realize that you personally can fix this problem right now.
Just make someone who deserves to be leader like Rapidy or Hattrick the next leader. Like cmon, Dry is a noob who’s been in ACP under a year; he doesn’t deserve this at all.
He can’t do promotions, he has no war experience, he is way too strict; allinall, ACP will crash and burn under his leadership.
I know you want ACP to thrive, but the only way for that to happen is if you choose a good leader.
Meat: Congratulations! You have the most ignorant comment I’ve seen in over a month! Good job.
Saint. you have earned my full respect. You know what is good for ACP and what aint (i am not stating that you stink at being ledader and i think you are a great leader). You truley have my respect. I am proud to say that I was under your leadership.
We choose glory, were going to bring the entire dictatorship down. Not just one leader.
– Commando717
Break The Silence, We Are Alive
Ktman: You are quite an uncaring jerk. And now, just to piss you off, I am going to un bold all yuo r comments.
Why thank you Meat. I wasn’t even talking to you. You should try to mind your own business.
Lets face it; you like love Dry or something. Why don’t you let him stick up for himself, if he even can.
bye saint
i havent been active lol and bye saint 🙁
Well saint, In my opinion you were the best ACP leader we have seen so far, and it saddens me to see you go. I think that all leaders should be able to figure out when enough is enough, and quit.
This next portion of the comment is My HONEST opinion and is not meant to stop you from resigning:
1. You were the best leader of ACP i have ever known
2. You aren’t as dried up and useless as you claim to be
3. I will miss you a lot, as i consider you a friend
4. I hope you succeed in everything you do in life
Goodbye Saint
UMA 3rd in command
ACP Major general
So long Saint
good bye saint I wish you would have added me too the ranks though. I hope some of the ACP joins the burrito rebels! I’d love to help you as out as a leader, so my wordpress usernamer is iglookid18.
“Meat: Congratulations! You have the most ignorant comment I’ve seen in over a month! Good job.”
LMAO, Meat.
Bai Saint D: OH MY GOD WP BROUGHT BACK THE SMILIES?!? 😆 😆 Ah my darling lol smiley I missed you
Bai Saint 😥 Look I can cry and not look completely stupid!
You’re gonna stay on chat, right? RIGHT?!? D:
Hello Saint,
I… I mean WE like to thank you for all the hard work you have done for us….
You made good decisions during your time,
Now this is good-bye…
We will miss you Saint…
We salute you.
We will miss you.
FOR ACP!!!!!
~Sonic the 1
saint just saying… the boomer age wasnt the golden age, the boomer age was actually one of the things that brought on the current depression. it just FELT like a golden age at the time.
I disagree, Jungle. The Boomer age was one of our best, when was our last Golden age, honestly? Fort’s age was absoluten chaos from what I’ve heard, and Rap and Nono’s eras were both short and unproductive. Oagal’s age was great, but it was so long ago! I think we can seriously consider Boomer one of our best leaders and his age one of our greatest.
Sayonara Saint. I didn’t know much but good luck with life. You were good. Now it is time for a new leader and a moment for this to come again. I feel the same way of depression .
If you say it will fail then your already predicting your actions and putting yourself and the people who read this down. Be positive Saint you have been doing great since ACP is still at the top of the army list. No one should think of the worst of what will happen if Dryvit becomes leader and how armies will declare war on us. Maybe Dry is a legendary leader in disguise, but you will not find out until you give him a chance.
So saint do not go by what other people think because they arn’t the ACP leader. If you know you are doing the right decision then go for it. Also to everyone- Dont have happiness, have joy because you can be unhappy but there is no such thing as being unjoy.
Ps. Ktman Congrats on the 3ic, does this still mean the ACP congress VP needs to be replaced? 😆
Your doing the right thing retiring. Everyone has their time and your time has come Saint1119.
Your truly loyal friend,hoku645
u was a good leader but u didnt help acp. so no prob.fair well
Hey Saint
I no that ACP was a strong Army with you. I know this you know this, all of ACP knows this. We did not know each other very much but ACP was fun. When you took control I got a sudden erge to make a Army. I made the Marines of Club Penguin. To fallow in the foots steps of ACP legend and saga. So I recruited and recruited to get soldiers and we are almost a medium army. But will the knowlage I get from reading all the post of ACP I put into my army. But what I am trying to say is you and all ACP have inspired me and all soldiers and troops from ACP and I want to thank you. All ACP and all Armies will miss you Saint.
P.S Congrats Ktman on the 3 C. Good luck with what you do in your future Saint.
~Seargent GPH136
Saint, ACP was strong with you! It’s mostly in your hands in my mind. You chose the fate of ACP not NGA. We will all miss you Saint 🙁
i wish things could just go back to the REAL golden age, Boomer’s reign. everyone i beg of u to join this agency: to prevent the fall of acp
ill miss you saint but i do want you to stay and i dont want the acp to fall.if you meet me on the sever rainbow at 6:00 tonight i can teach you some me at the boiler room.once you read this post tell me yes or no you do want to meet.(salutes saint).see you later.
Saint, I regret you choosing to retire, but when you feel like you feel, I believe that you are making the right choice. If anyone who reads this feels like I am about to describe, then take my advice; when you come onto chat or the site and ask yourself, “Why am I here??” thats when its time to retire. So, Saint, I know that you have many soldiers to listen to, and you never really knew me, so I just wish you luck in the rest of your life.
Goodbye Saint, hopefully you’ll still come on chat and boot me to “yourmom” 😆
Sorry you’re depressed KissieKinz, we’ll all miss you 🙁
Saint your name does you justice you are a saint if this is wat makes you happy im happy too i kno it was hard for you becoming leader after the great Boomer20 if it was me i would be under pressure too but some are strong enough to rise to greatness while others collapse under pressure.. you Saint were neither. you had no will to go on. im sure everyone has those times when we think ” why am i doing this” everyone dreams of greatness Saint and you have the strength to be great. I think i speak for all of us when i say we will miss you. May we all remember the great Saint1119.
– Dopefacedbro
hey saint you didnt show or if you did i didnt.sorry i couldnt bring my laptop to get on cp how about tommorw at 7:00am on rainbow in the boiler room.ok bye
hey saint if you want to bring out your good side the leader side try ur hardest dont give what if the acp falls.we the acp men and women will rebiuld the acp until we get to the top agin.and dominate everybody ecept for our allies.they are ok.but are allies might help the acp get never no so keep trying to bring out the in saint in you.
I’m crying. On vacation. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because somebody has to stay here,be depressed and down fall the ACP because of some power hungrey rebels over their heads. Or the fact that those idiots don’t even care that they’re ruining somebodies life. Maybe because I kinda relate to that stuff. Anyway, I’m really sad and I know lots of other people are too. So stop it. Dry will make a great leader and it’s okay for ACP to change it’s goverment style. It’s getting old guys. Bye.
🙂 Saint I never knew you much,but I could just feel that you would be great and you were.Bye saint
P.S.The happy was for me getting to make a speach again.So 🙁 that better 🙁
ok i feel bad for you if you see the very recent post it says stuff that you wouldnt like im sorry for wat i said i never ment to hurt your feelings i was just pointing out i guess punish me in any way i am sorry
i feel guilty now but i am sorry saint
saint, i never new u but i must say goodbye
Bye Saint..
This is very sad and I will miss Kg to hopefully we can still talk to eachother through yahoo but alas this is goodbye :'(