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The reasons kyle wants/What NGA is now

Kyle here are your reasons why elections are bad:

1. There is no way to make an only Acp poll so the vote would be influenced by non-acp which just ruins the whole concept. Democracy is giving the citizens of a country a say in the way the government is run. This means that non-citizens have no say because they are non-citizens. Until someone can show me a way that can guareentee that the votes are 100% of Acp’s then there can be no true elections. Comment contests cant be corrupted by people commenting twice with different ip addresses. Password protected comments can be corrupted by a non-acp person getting the password and giving it out.

2. Elections pick the most popular candidate, not the best candidate. I’m going to use Commando’s opinions of Kg for an example. An election picked Kg as leader of Acp. According to Commando, Kg was a horrible leader for Acp yet Commando’s current campain says that elections pick the best leader. I don’t remember elections picking Boomer yet he was one of Acp’s best leaders.

3. If you cared about Acp you wouldn’t be continuing to split Acp apart. If you had really wanted to have an election you would have spoken to dry or saint and asked for a congress meeting about it. You wouldn’t have created a whole new site for it and you wouldn’t use a whole new chat. You aren’t an idea, your a movement created by someone who just wants to take over Acp. His close friend Kyle even said that they only want 1 election meaning just so Commando can take over:

If you are against dictatorships then go after Nachos, WW, Uma, BB, IW, and FW too because they all don’t use elections to pick their leaders.


Btw if kyle spent this much energy on RPF maybe it wouldnt be so small.

26 Responses

  1. 1st

  2. umm use comments and check if they are ACP duh

  3. oh yeah and who cares if it takes too long, in the end we would have a leader which the majority voted for!

  4. This is all very strange. Can someone please add me to the ranks?

  5. I do think we should have some sort of election, because it really isn’t fair that I have no say in the government whatsoever. The past two people we’ve picked and I’ve disliked have retired quickly (This does not mean Saint, I actually support Saint very much) and I’ve been right, they were unfair and mean. And most people have thought me cold and stupid to dislike those people, but I went with my gut and I was right. Also, don’t forget, when the leader picks, it can go very very badly. (*Cough cough* Rap and Nono incident) But I guess elections can go badly as well, in Ankita and Shab’s case. However, didn’t we get the best leader we could possible have from that? Has any bad come from a leader election in ACP?

    Well, that’s just what I think.


  6. 6th!?

  7. Well we could go after them, but we want to fix ACP because WE CARE. And no RPF isn’t small. We just don’t take pics to prove we arn’t. =/

  8. If we weren’t a threat to your power you wouldn’t be posting propaganda on us right now, would you Shabby?

    – Commando717

  9. I didn’t see one valid reason for denying an election. I dont care if non-acp votes, if the ACP is as GINORMOUS is it claims to be that shouldn’t even be an issue!

  10. Dude, if we had “talked to you” you’d have discarded it. Well fine, we’ll have a congress vote on it and when everyone in congress is forced to vote “no” because they’ll never be leader if they don’t we’ll start the organization again. 😛

  11. Commando, you just have no way to contradict these points. ANd Kyle, those were all valid reasons as far as I could see. And Fox, I get what you’re saying. But for the record, it the best leader we could possibly have was Boomer, we didn’t elect him. Sorry if I mis-understand you, but I think you’re saying we elected him…

  12. Ha even your allies are against you!


    P.s. Way to go Zzz

    ROFL Hasanb, you were just begging me for a promotion. Maybe Commando will make ranks in NGA and promote you.

  13. ug for petes sake how desperate can you get kyle XD completely stupid!

    Rock on acp!

  14. 16th, go CCPA and ACP!!!

  15. BB is having leader elections like right now… We started them last Week :s HEHE

  16. NGA Fail:

    Wow Commando and Stev both claim they ARE A BIG ARMY NOW!!
    When are your elections????? I wanna vote!!

  17. Tee hee

  18. Ohh so you deleted my post? eh? Cant handle the stress? I am reposting it: OHH SO ALL MAJOR ARMIES ARE DICTATORSHIPS?!! OF COURSE THEY ARE!! BUT OF COURSE ACP ARENT!! YEP WE ARE ALL DICTATORSHIPS, ACCEPT ACP!!! Epic fail Shab, I just lost alot of respect for you. If you delete this one… I might as well support the Next gen :/

    Deleted what post? Zzz, you may want to watch out, after ACP , Commando wants the Nacho empire next. You are not a democracy either…..that’s what they are all about isn’t it? Making ALL armies a democracy? Except the NGA of course , they are (cough) not a (cough) army so Commando (cough ) and rapidy can be (cough) dictators. I mean why can’t everyone be owners and admins on their chat and site? Be equal and all for one. If I joined I would question that.

  19. YOUR still here then shab? What happened with the ‘I will retire from June’ ?

  20. Btw if kyle spent this much energy on RPF maybe it wouldnt be so small.


  21. In my opinion, this is stupid. And kyle, they were all GOOD reasons.

    ~SMG PinkGirl1114

  22. First off if anyone here payed attention to RPF when Kyle isn’t making posts critisizing ACP, then they would know that we aren’t so small, and were the size we were in February when we were ranked #3.

    Secondly, what about the Shab era? you were elected by a vote, right? Do you think that you were just the mosty popular candidate, and not the best?

    Thirdly, does anyone even carew what I say? I make ranting posts about how Kyle and ACP are being stupid. I see both sides of the situation, but no one even reads anything unless it is negative.

  23. Amen

  24. I used to think Kyle was smart, now I think he’s retarded.

  25. First I support this plan. ACP is currently a dictatorship and will fall if we don’t have an election. Also the current Leader(s), 2IC’s, and 3IC’s aren’t even that experienced in leading (besides meat) Commando717 is experienced tho. Just look how he led the RPF all this time and they were huge. I think ACP can step up to that level if he is leader. Also a good choice is Rapidy. He led the ACP after Fort nearly dystroyed it after his lazyness. But Rap didnt give up, he made the ACP large again. No offence to Saint but shes just not up for the job =/

    DW leader

  26. kyle gave me a super sad face :(((((((((((((((((((((((((

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