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Summer School: Governments

Shab: Boomer and I updated the nations page and it is back on the site.

UMA made a post about ACP being a “dictatorship” (and the winner for least-original post goes to Crazyboy 😐 ), so I thought I would explain something about government.

ACP was created as a Democratic Republic, but Congress never had the power of a typical republican government. Once ACP had more than one leader under Fort (TomY), it wasn’t a Democratic Republic, it was an Oligarchy (a democratic Oligarchy), a government run by a group of leaders. ACP is currently an Oligarchy with a Congress, making it a Congressional Oligarchy. A Dictatorship would require a single leader with all the power, and since every major army I can think of has Co-Leaders, all armies are oligarchies, not dictatorships.

If you can’t follow that, here it is in bullet form:

  • Dictatorship = one leader with all the power, all major armies have Co-Leaders, in other words, no dictatorships
  • All major armies have Co-Leaders, so all major armies are Oligarchies
  • If you have a Congress in addition, that’s a Congressional Oligarchy (ACP)
  • Unless Congress makes all your laws and the people elect all your leaders, you are not a democracy
  • If the previous is true, you are a Democratic Oligarchy (still a Democracy)

And Kyle, you are a legend, but not all legends are mods, and you’ve proven that you can’t handle the responsibility countless times by abusing your powers and then writing accusatory posts every time you get punished.  Maybe you will be given another chance at some point, but the constant complaining doesn’t help your argument any…


40 Responses

  1. Still, thats not the point, sure UMA may have been off on a few facts, BUT the main thing is, they are angry about Dry(who UMA dislike) becoming a leader.

  2. 1st. Boomer Good Job! Clear this all up and this will be over. 😀

    2nd & 3rd 😎

  4. Zzz, if they’re pissed at it, why do they even give a care. This is ACP not UMA 😕

  5. Good job Boomer. And zzz, we could care less if you don’t like our leader. It’s NOT YOUR CHOICE.

  6. As always Boomer, an excellent post. Bravo!!

  7. @Tylo

    It really isn’t right that your nation page calls the ACP a democracy when you don’t practice democracy with electing leaders. IMO, that is.

  8. Commando thought of himself as a dictator.

    Shab: As you discovered about 2 months ago the stars in your name trigger the filter.

  10. Kyle is a army leader, and it says in the ACP chat rules that all major army leaders are mods on ACP chat, unless the ACP want to go against there own rules.

  11. boomer he wants to be moded because he is RPF LEADER HELLO!

  12. but kyle was a mod and he abused his powers and mods that do that get their modship taken away so there

  13. and we dont really care what UMA think of our knew leader that is like china crying cos barack obama is president

  14. Almost every mod and most owners abuse there powers, but no complaints are made when they are ACP :rolleyes:

  15. AHHH.To much polotics!

  16. obiwan4321, on July 24th, 2009 at 12:06 pm Said:
    and we dont really care what UMA think of our knew leader that is like china crying cos barack obama is president

    But Americans voted for him (WARY)

  17. xD pie, true though.

  18. Great post Boomer!

  19. I like stev, I just find it important to be fair and prove UMA’s points.

  20. http://poll.pollcode.com/AAg I made a mistake. That post is now deleted. I may retire after this mistake.


    People are getting annoying.

    (NOTICE: This is The Flapjack, just logged in. I don’t have a pic because I changed the e-mail of my account and I’m too lazy to change it)

  22. An excellent post Boomer, but still should have an election where Generals, 2ic’s and 3ic’s can run in.

  23. Hitler had his little “co-leaders” and minions, but that didn’t stop him from being a dictator.

    Think of it this way: If the ACP leader wanted to do something, but the co-leaders didn’t, he would still have the power to do it.

  24. Eh, you confuse me.

  25. But Boomer, thats why their called Co-Leaders. Their not the leader, their just the leader’s right hand man.

    But away from that, its not people like you to sway the people of ACP like this. ACP, the soldiers of ACP. Its your choice of what you want. Not theirs.

    If you want to continue being governed by a dictatorship, a dictatorship that all ACP’s allies hate. And continue being treated unfairly as it is. You can. But if you want to speak up, and do something about it. Make things fair. Give others a chance at the big leader spot. Get the rank YOU deserve. You will join the Next Generation, a better Generation. This is for the good of all ACP.

    We are not a rebellion, we are ACP. The ACP who have different opinions and are doing something about this.

    – Commando717

    Break The Silence

  26. i didnt read the post. i saw summer school and i said forget this (D) xD

  27. Saint said she’d srop it from happening -.-

  28. Phew…. I thought somebody had to go to summer school. But I guess not :mrgreen:

    ~SMG PinkGirl1114

  29. Commando u r a rebellion and guess what ur not going to be the gosh darn leader u were never in ACP Rapidy u were an ACP leader and now u want to be ACP leader again in the end this whole thing is madness we are the ACP doing walrus’s work to destroy ACP by ourselves

  30. Commando, it isn’t dictatorship, its called Oligarchy.
    So Commando, Shut Up, and go think about why you retired from RPF.

  31. Houndy you shut up, Commando is a legend the last time I checked.

    p.s. you do’t have to shut up XD it was a joke XP


  33. Who said I was going to be leader again?

  34. Wow… Hasanb 😕 What the heck 😕

  35. everyone read this post i made. especially the ACP rebellion

  36. Thats fine with me

  37. Good points, also join my new army at http://clubpenguinberrets.wordpress.com/ We are new, and looking for recruits

  38. WHY WOULD PPL REBEL AGAINST THE ACP!?!?!?!??!?!?! ACP RULES!!!!!!!!!!


  40. Nice post Boomer, keep it up! 😀

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