*IMPORTANT* – So please read all of it…
Boomer’s Edit: You have to comment if you can or cannot make the practice battle, and no one’s doing that, so make sure you do that ❗ ❗
That’s fine, sorry for the weird time, I’m going to be busy in the morning. Also, only 5 more recruits and we will have topped 75 recruits each of the past 3 weeks! We’re running out of rank space ❗ … which is a good thing! 😀 …I think… 😐
Shab: I cant make it tomorrow 🙁 I won’t be on much because I am so busy but it will pass hopefully soon. Nice job on the recruits :D.
I decided that there are a lot of new recruits who really deserve to be rewarded for their performance so far, so I have decided to do a mid-month Promo Day for Warrant Officers and under. This gives them a chance to be noticed because I don’t have to look back over the entire month to decide who was active and who wasn’t. So here are the midterm promos (in bold):
Captain: 1234jkl, Aiqa123, Annie290632, Astrowby, Benu2, Blackhawk458, Blast46, Bloobloo1, Cccorbally, Celticsean R, Dddd99410, Dxman9, Emilylondon, Fluffykeogh, Fresca39, Golaba, Gtracer, Hidude45, Jake717, Jatar, Jediseth, Jet the Hawk, Jordybarker, Kingjared, Koolsdpngin, Lsund, Macaroni Jim, Mcwofin, Meeaska, Nine Tailed3, Ojohii, Pengyster48, Person535, Polliwinkle, Satch, Seert3, Shades2you, Sheepman, Small Troubl, Soccerpr30611, Starwars5467, Takeda95, Tom Yellow, Tone739, Totaln00b, Unicow Rules, Wadler1, Wasabiix, Wombat 99
Lieutenant: 12345 Marine, 999pingu111, Aberacer, Andrewf2, Austin8310, Berrygood5, Bjzoo, Blueguy32, Bomber Man20, Bp98, Centar, Chas3r, Crazyboy86, Davy629, Dommo3, Dopefacedbro, Dryvit, Edman2299, Edwadu, Elmikey, Emperer Josh, Farsight, Fatest83, Ganondorf787, Gator58031, Geyer17, Halo Friek, Halo67890, Han Solo12, Happybelly3, Hawkey16, Hbk399, Hi Yellow Hi, Historylover, Icee Ellie, Icefactorx, Ickeee, Jacob6042, Jason Mcg, Jet Nugget, Joshzzzzzz99, Keyser5, Klug1234, Kooolmonster, Kuro Wolf, Leoblue33, Magiczeus, Magoo98, Money123 432, Motomike37, Motor20, Mr Gooff, Mr Icefin, Ninja4778, Ojso3, Orange Con, Ox485, Pegsusm, Peterpenquin, Pman Elite, Ribler, Rice44, Saphiira845, Shedinja 777, Snowandice27, Snowland202, Snowprince13, Soccer793, Sonic The 1, Spiff313, Spikeyty, Splotman113, Spyboy112, Super Blip, Super24daisy, The Flapjack, The Jokerman, Thunder562, Trooper7890
Warrant Officer: 27ht, Abolerz243, Adioboard, Andi1×1, Apedwards, Apocolypse66, Artemisfoul9, As334, Ashes1627, Band Guy1, Bedubu, Beeky128778, Ben166, Bloc Party97, Blue176, Blupichu, Botman6, Byero, Byuii, Cab8, Camowarrior, Candycloud19, Cca, Cccbbbnnn, Cheerbuger9, Chevydude, Codymody1, Cole59287, Colleen Man, Comit8907, Con241, Coo1Dude2, Cooltape, Cowgirl19975, Cupcakes 500, Deco539, Destany64468, Devandsean, Devin A 162, Edogg9800, Emperor Plup, Even96, Fallingtail, Fireball Ice, Footballhead1232123, Galaxynova88, Gangiel, Goofy Mac568, Goomba121, Grunty5, Gurgle528, Hamie111, Han Solo6789, Happyface141, Hasanb123, Hockjopper, Horsekrzi, Icee95, Icey Cold27, Ivan Jr, JadenandSy, Jennings7, Jessica40267, Jojo48545, Juujoob, Kairi1219, Kitty Cat04, Kj Bulldogs1, Koolkat12312, L900ipop, Late Me, Luigi36340, Luk 232, M1zw1z, Micewindo, Mimo 98, Misty220, Mix 1011, Mo Mo1357, Monkek Man, Mr Mario4, Naruto 721, Nick Jonas116, Ninja Chong, Ojoc, Oola Yoda, Party222, Pengapop4, Pimplego2287, Pipempoleon, Porterpeeps, Posywillos, Pouki888, Reconspartan 2, Red 744, Redblast1000, Rocknroll63, Rorokn14, Rovin 900, Rya4000, Silver2253, Skyguy008, Slosh12223, Sordman456, Spencers51, Stacy B, Starlorb, Starwarstrek, Stevebobal, Superchaser1, Superdude109, Supersoulja17, Tiki2196, Tiler232, Tiny Finn, Todd678, Tomking1, Treeko311, Wally4531, Wgfv, Wildnavy99, Wmb98, Wojanna2, Wrath Strife, Wtg2000, Yariza 32
Sergeant: 1run, 2chrisfarley2, 41codered, 7 Sparks 7, 78724599, A Dawg4, Aakiskool, Acolopse, Acp Maffia, Ally Cat2000, Andypat, Angel Nymth, Aqua Drift, Arotled, Axevolution, Bat007, Beckfan77, Blake7856, Blaze08, Blue Bella4, Bob17467, Brandonwags, Bread, Bri Bri16, Brooky2222, Buneary63, Buster8, Bvv8, Caf1007, Callmebob101, Captain Key6, Christiano50, Claude1997, Cogra1472, Crazy Raybod, Daiuf, Dalek485, Darth Destro, Deco1313, Dino Boy7, Dlp3, Dogey 77, Driver9, Dubz Rule, Dustindwd, Elliotfazza7, Exblade315, Fghj49286, Fireblast47, Fishman 97, Flame Berg, Fluffy29567, Flyiiingpie9, Franco888, Fray 101, Freezie56918, Frogjr, Frostbeetle8, Fuzy430, Gaminpenguin, Genus1, Geo5213, Glerkk, Gojm, Gold Clone 28, Golie Phil, Gopackgo8, Guyperson22, Guytd, Hornet241, Hsw98, Ibarreche, Ice Shreder, Jacks82, Jea1023, Jessierox49, Jett 123, Jr Rinney, Jrmrpaddles, Johnyjoe, Jonh Simth, Katana49, Kayla, Keano73, Khfinalmix1, Ladybug418, Laney Roo, Lavarr Jnr, Leftyman62, Liam Super, Limpbizkit30, Lt327, Martyfdz03, Mattboy0610, Maxsue, Michealb3567, Mifoo, Moon Person, Mr A39505, Mr Peteyk, Mr Scars, Muddeles, Mum2ble, Napoleon21, Naruto394, Nnylgcm, Noseycjr, Ohlie, Omar Bsaibes, Pablo124, Pat97pat, Pengeyz6, Peruses, Pete Wentz89, Peterjr1, Pingo10003, Pollybubble6, Puffs N Stuf, Purple Fart, Q Stein Gen, Rabo4, Rebeca Jr, Rottenstein, Rusty785, San Blu Man, Sea Squid, Sgt Capone, Shakybadger, Shinydeoxys, Shocp99, Slurp N Burp, Slyora, Smiky4, Snickers1240, Snowbomb545, Sourman, Spacersdude, Sparklemadey, Sparky Jr 25, Sportlover56, Stealth1555, Super Bat Bo, Sydney511, Theflames, Tholee, Timmy79918, Tinkawood, Tntclay, Top Agent009, Topstar1, Trace, Tranderrick, Tree380, Trex69, Troodon110, Turbscavator, Tux 308, Unauthorized, Uncle Army, Us Army34, Velcomrock, Vetsd, Wagon1029, Waldo Blue9, Weird Al 12, Wohoo10, Wolves25, Yo Mom 2, Yukon726, Zaenther, Zark56, Zazazzzzz, Zelly56
Corporal: 05bthompson, 1joe1, 1luvgreenday, 1tem Girl927, 123456popo, 123 Blu 321, 19sammy17, 2468simpson, 44gdog44, 44kwiz44, 5star Cookie, 719cam, Abominable46, Ace1002, Adam, Adam1947, Aero Master, Agentpingo50, Aleks60, Alexlikesjd, Alfonsoe, Alybaba77, Anaya306, Antarcticone, Arianajones, Army Gal, Autumnwalk1, Awerton, B56z, Baconzone1, Bane D, Bennnney, Bigsboy1, Bio Fusion, Bismi, Blackquick1, Blossom5679, Bob, Bonez15404, Boyjynx, Bruins67, Buggsyboy, Car Crazy 1, Caseyboy97, Ccntty4nts, Charzaed, Coldblast27, Colorbeard, Coolbry, Cooldude6334, Crazytow, Crystal19999, Csi Agent 11, Cucu96, Daneswan36, Daniel G1, Dannywsa1998, Ddotue, Deso23, Dhfd, Dinoco Blue, Djmarvin, Dkary, Dominik33, Doohicky23, Drucle, Dubinsky98, Dudaogutaoju, Edwardbaby10, Eettuuyy, Eisner8, Elifb123, Elijah 147, Emperor P3ng, Erin, Ernean, Eskymogirl, Fanojames, Feng008, Fernando906, Fiasco 121, Fireflame02, Fireice10, Fluffball921, Fogo900, Geo Dode, Ggoa619, Giorgio12, Girlygirl583, Goldekey, Google Naf, Goulielmos, Green12345, Gybr, Hawk50 2007, Henery Pikes, Hershey Xoxo, Homer66746, Howlowcnyoug, Hunk 2, Hunt12321, Ice Police25, Icebear10, Iceburg3, Icee5184, Icerida1, Ihoo1, Invisable125, Jakey44, Jaller 57, Jarjarbinks0, Jdietle, Jellojake, Jetrob, Jimmy325jr, Jjohnson1, Jordan101011, Jr0315, Juliana8000, Karladino, Kcpb, Keeloglynn50, Kidvalar1, Kk9024, Koo102, Kooi, Koolb8, Kyle93, Lakerboii51, Lavaliker, Lena98, Leperkonwes, Loop113, Lovehearts17, Lppes 23, Martinsen5, Marvon, Maskatchi, Maxine2cool, Mccainpalin6, Mete Kni, Momjohi, Monstercjr, Morganlh1017, Mrboonie, Mvt Blue, N60storm4, Nathannj, Nb00, Negrutul, Nentendo123, New Bel, Ninja 703, Ninja1475, Njustin, Nog3, Norma Jean65, O1o2, Of Pie, Offspring23, Oggerzs, Oliball, Ospreys55, Outdoorsman8, Oxytaurus, Party Sycic, Peaceofme208, Pegymar, Pengui25, Penguin10305, Penguin48850621, Pickledud, Pindo34, Pokebag, Poww10s, Puppyluvisis, Puufle96, Qazwsx432, Radrobot, Randy260, Redron135, Reima2, Riot Pengy, Rntl, Rocker5968, Rocker6501, Rocketer217, Rosy168, Roxs34, Rrla, Ruflles2, Samus9000, Sarster123, Saulemma1888, Scarlettboy, Scrappy, Scrathey, Shining Dark, Skater2, Skyburst, Sloppyjoe, Slushy357935, Snapper101, Snowdrop5278, Sonic Xx, Spanner5, Sparky Joe 1, Spongie555, Stan Butler1, Stone2cold2, Super Manj6, Swimmie614, Swordfight99, Team Black16, Teambb, The Yatter, Thehood117, Thelaw485, Timegirl4468, Tipidono23, Tonybrad1, Trinakat600, Tush, Tyraone, Ukikii, Uknow Me, Vio789, Waddlepal68, Wally470, Whatruup2, Why Mason, Wizzfizz1, Wjack10, Worker Man97, Wolvetone, Xbd1, Xbox Jt1, Xboy001, Xd 12345, Xelaro, Xlr8 64, Yello132, Yesguy, Zach, Zeppen5, Zippy2001
Hopefully I got everyone. I tried my best 😐 . If I missed you, you can still get promoted at the end of the month… 😉
Next are the Divisions. I think we totaled 172 soldiers for the Divisions, but there are way more who still need to register, so if you have not yet registered for a division, please go here:
Ankita and Shab, if it’s okay with you, I would like to keep the Divisions to just two for right now, in which case, Rap and Aber would lead them. As of right now, we do not have enough Generals or soldiers in general who registered for 8 full Brigades. Next promo day (end of the month), I can promote two more people to General so that we can expand to 4 again if you would like. For now you can be considered a Leader or whatever with me so we all basically command together. Let me know what you think if you see me on chat.
Here are the Divisions as of right now:
Supreme Commander: Boomer 20
Field Commanders: Jedimaster17, Shaboomboom
*Division I* – We can pick the names
Field Marshal: Abercrombe29
Alpha Brigade – 28
- General: The Jungle N
- Lt. General: Dr Nono Jr, Manjensen
- Major General: Ctar, Talyor455
- Brigadier General: Djgtjvgyhxgy, Fishguitar11, Penguin2380094
- Colonel: Crytd10, Jmmr88, Znozeberry
- Lt. Colonel: Biokid0, Lucario564
- Major: Csdfbgdhgg
- Captain: Benu2, Jordybarker, Totalnoob
- Lieutenant: Bp98, Dryvit, Mr Gooff, The Flapjack
- Warrant Officer: Goomba121, Late Me, Stevebobal
- Sergeant: A Dawg4, Genus1, Us Army34
- Corporal: Emperor P3ng
Delta Brigade – 28
- General: Cooltiger413
- Lt. General: Tomtwelve
- Major General: Lucario98765, Seanehawk
- Brigadier General: Arosso13, Borja, Corvette 360
- Colonel: Nate950000, Magic077
- Lt. Colonel: Foxtails0, Purpur5222
- Major: Wicket1235
- Captain: Bloobloo1, Meeaska, Unicow Rules
- Lieutenant: Crazyboy86, Gator58031, Ickeee, Mr Icefin, The Jokerman
- Warrant Officer: As334, Han Solo6789, Micewindo, Tiny Finn
- Sergeant: Axevolution, Golie Phil, Zark56
- Corporal: Fluffball921
Echo Brigade – 28
- General: Casiusbrutus
- Lt. General: Clintos007
- Major General: Jojofishy, Penquin Jim
- Brigadier General: Aang777, Chapa23, Jcapp64
- Colonel: Coolguy12348, Mattewmsh1
- Lt. Colonel: Jcd484, Seancastle
- Major: Starlorb3
- Captain: Dddd99410, Polliwinkle, Wasabiix
- Lieutenant: Dommo3, Han Solo12, Klug1234, Ninja4778, Thunder562
- Warrant Officer: Ashes1627, Hasanb123, Pimplego2287, Wildnavy99
- Sergeant: Beaverflute, Noseycjr
- Corporal: 44gdog44, Trinakat600
*Division II*
Field Marshal: Rapidy
Gamma Brigade – 27
- General: Hattrick
- Lt. General: Blue Speed 7
- Major General: Baloon451, Ktman
- Brigadier General: Ironkid2894, Mr Random1
- Colonel: Js Thgrourhg, Mrnooner
- Lt. Colonel: Jlm435, Sgt Jor
- Major: Divotoo
- Captain: Fresca39, Sheepman, Tom Yellow
- Lieutenant: Bomber Man20, Hawkey16, Kooolmonster, Peterpenquin, Trooper7890
- Warrant Officer: Band Guy1, Jennings7, Pipempoleon, Wmb98
- Sergeant: Captain Key6, Shakybadger
- Corporal: Crystal19999, Tush
Kappa Brigade – 28
- General: Nodear
- Lt. General: Sheila Gally
- Major General: Bigpeng92, Shad 8
- Brigadier General: Black Icer, Peguin21795, Tommer651
- Colonel: Bfan212, Pete852
- Lt. Colonel: Khalgar1, Tex9m
- Major: Thomas0270
- Captain: Gtracer, Small Troubl
- Lieutenant: Austin8310, Hi Yellow Hi, Icefactorx, Kuro Wolf, Saphiira845
- Warrant Officer: Apedwards, Cab8, Jojo48545, Silver2253, Wojanna2
- Sergeant: Exblade315, Super Bat Bo
- Corporal: Daneswan36, Wolvetone
Sigma Brigade – 27
- General: Meggis1234
- Lt. General: Db Penguin, Headofpolice
- Major General: Noka 11, Saint1119
- Brigadier General: Jim456, Jonnyboy432, Npeppersn
- Colonel: Braves Z, Stev712
- Lt. Colonel: Alpha 315, Tylov5, Zdoger
- Major:
- Captain: Astrowby, Jake717, Starwars5467
- Lieutenant: Aberacer, Dopefacedbro, Icee Ellie, Soccer793
- Warrant Officer: Adioboard, Candycloud19, Kj Bulldogs1, Slosh12223, Wtg2000
- Sergeant: Fireblast47, Tntclay
- Corporal: Eettuuyy
You can also see a copy of the Divisions here:
Next is the practice battle everyone has been looking forward to! Here are the details:
When: Saturday, January 17, 2009
Server: Snow Fort
Room: Snow Forts
Teams: Red vs Blue – We’re goin old school 8)
1:30 pm Pacific
2:30 pm Mountain
3:30 pm Central
4:30 pm Eastern
9:30 pm U.K.
This is how it will work. There are two teams, Red and Blue. Each Division will represent a color. For this battle, Division I (Alpha, Delta, and Echo), led by Aber, will represent the Red Team. Division II (Gamma, Kappa, and Sigma), led by Rap, will represent the Blue Team. Please arrive at the battle in appropriate colors. If you do not have a Division yet, names starting with A-M will be Red, and N-Z will be Blue.
Here are the uniforms. They can be adjusted based on what clothing items you have, but you must be the color you are assigned. Nonmembers can wear the winged viking helmet, maybe the card-jitsu belt to match your color, and pretty much whatever else you want. Just make sure you are the color you are assigned.
In case one of the team leaders cannot make it, here is how we will work the battle leadership. If the first leader on the list cannot make it, the second will lead, and so forth. Once a leader has led a practice battle, they will move to the bottom of the list so the next person on the list can lead. Make sure you know who is leading so you know who to listen to, and if you are your team’s leader, make sure they know you are in charge.
Red Team:
- Abercrombe29
- The Jungle N
- Cooltiger413
- Casiusbrutus
Blue Team:
- Rapidy
- Hattrick
- Nodear
- Meggis1234
Please comment if you can or cannot make it to the practice battle. If your name is listed to be a possible leader, you MUST comment if you can or cannot make it. I need to know who is available to lead the battle. Thanks.
For the practice battle, Ankita, Shab, and I will be the judges. The battle will last approximately 30 minutes. After the battle, be ready for a recruiting party. Good luck everyone! I hope to see you there!
P.S.~Don’t forget to register to be a Senator/Consulate!!
Filed under: ACP |
maybe- I am not sure because its past 21:00 but ill see because it is Saturday
2nd? 😛
^Lol, Oagal..you were lucky this time (D)
I might make it, my dads out of town and my mom is gonna be at a shower but… Im gonna be with my uncle steve and his comp is slow, I will be on if I make it 10 mins or so cause its gonna be slow but… Thnx
I’ll make it. Only prob is…I dont got the winged viking helmet. what do i wear?
Boomer: Just wear the color, anything else is fine.
ill b there, boomer 😛 sounds fun
im coming
I can probally make it.
to lazy to log in any way i might make it
i’ll make it
maybe, not sure.
You guys have an awesome army! A new army has just formed! It is called the Blue Army Of Club Penguin (BAOC)! Our leader is BAOC Leader and we would wish to be your allies.
I think i can make it but its 9:30pm so i might not be able to… BTW thanks for giving me a promotion 🙂
I’m realy comfused
Aw darn no promo. 😛 Lol jk I apologize but I can not make it it’s my birthday party so 😉 gotta do that but I promise I would make it if i could. Aber is prob’ly gonna be a good leader, so GO RED! (That’s my team lol)
I’ll probably be able to make it. Thanks for the promotion!
I am pretty sure I can make it
Yeah I can make it. Also Axevolution’s power got shut off so he wont be able to be there. 🙁
I SHOULD be there. I am going to work with my dad and I dont really know when I wil be back. For now count me as 70% sure.
Lets hope that I make it this time
now tom yellow is equal with me. yay! im in delta brigade! i will be sure to make it to the practice battle!
Wow…THATS GOING TO BE AWESOME!P.S thanks for the promotion Boomer 🙂
I can’t make it because it’s on Saturday 🙁 .
Oh, and for some odd reason, I played hockey as blue team and other sports, and now im doing it as ACP! Well for a practice battle.
Can I be in it?
Idk yet. I have to go to a b-day party, and I dont know how long it will last. So.. idk
I’ll be able to make it 😛
Boomer, I need to talk to you. This is Trickster. Meet me on acp chat around 3:00 pst. On saturday 17. Unless we meet before that …
im sorry i havent been on much butim really busy and tomorrow im going somewhere but ill try to be on more anyways thx for the promo!
I will try to make it.
Cool, thank you for the promotion, sir! Also, why am I not in the divisions? I completed the test twice!
Everybody steals meh ideas!
– Commando717
Fight The Good Fight
Rapidy: That just means they’re good ideas 😛
🙂 thanx for putting me on blue team sir! mdy friend Trooper is also there.
Boomer Im a major. Jedi Promoted me.
I can make it to the practice battle! BTW, why am I not on the list? I was a Lieutenant.
I’m sorry! I didn’t see myself as a Major on the ranks page!
-Woton, ACP Major
I’m sorry! I didn’t see myself as a Major on the ranks page!
-Woton, ACP Major
Lol, sorry about double posting. 😉
thanks i didnt get promoed i didnt even get in a squad!!!!
ok i should be able to make it unless something comes up BTW thanks for the promothion
I don’t think I’ll be able to make the practice battle. 🙁
Where:Club Penguin
Time 7:00 est
Location: Forest
ill squeeze time in and oh ya if all the leaders are gone who is the next leader?
I’ll try to make it.
Most likely, a yes.
I should be able to make it
I will try my best.
can you wear what you only have
umm quick question =] i think i wont be able to make im sorry but if i can ill message maybe 15 min before drill…. cya tommorow then! cant believe im in division W00T!!!!
thank you so much
umm, and i also cant make the practice battle, sorry.
maybe, however i wouldnt be able to stay for anymore than an hour.
I don’t think i’ll be able to come, since it will be very late where i live. But I will try to come next time to a battle.
im tired of being such a low rank please give me a pormo 🙁 im not asking for a highr rank :S
yes I am poliwinkle
Boomer: The promos were only for Warrant Officer and under, and you are a Lieutenant, so you weren’t going to get one. You will be able to get one at the end of the month.
I will be able to make it p.s. I wanna join red
i will make it!
I’ll prob. make it.
I mite be able to make it!
idk if I can
I can probably make it.
Leo You just lowered your chance of getting a promo
I don’t have the right clothes but i will try to dress the best as i can!
I am also ACP red i think.
I noticed Sigma Brigade didn’t have a major. Could I be the major for it?
I will probably make it. I’m not sure though.
I didn’t get a Division, and I registered yesterday. When do you think I will be getting one. (yes, I know I will be in the Blue Team cause my nam starts with Z)
i just got on that sever and it was done alredy so idk if theres going to be an other time if there is i might not make it. Crazytow
Hey ACP its me Ninja Logan (leader of Black Army) i was wondering if it was alright if some of my troops could come out and train with you. Comett back! JOIN THE BLACK ARMY AT http://ninjalogan.webs.com/
TomY will be there. 😀
i cant get in its full!
Will be there sharp and ready!!
i relly made it now
yes im going to make it
[…] forget to register to be a Senator/Consulate!! Refer to the post below for additional Rank, Division, and Practice Battle […]
i am SOOOO sorry i couldnt make the battle yesterday. my bro & me went to his frends house, and he beat me up while we were over there… we came bac at like 5 pm im so srry i missed it 🙁