First Patrol

Leoblue’s Retirement speech:

Wow, that was random. One second, Sherbet was cleared of any ACP soldiers. The next, we were patrolling every room on that server in massive numbers. This is only the first of the ACP patrolling that will occur.

We met at the Snow Forts, then continued to move from the Plaza, Town, Lighthouse, Beach, back to the Lighthouse, Town, and Cove. It gained us around 10 permanent recruits, and it wasn’t nearly as big as it could have been. Despite a small Rogue Nacho attack and ambush, we continued patrolling and recruiting. Ctar was the main leader of this patrol.

Here are a few pictures:




P.S. Don’t forget about the battle! (Read below. vvv)

25 Responses

  1. 1sy comment and one thing 😯 HOLY CRAP

  2. 1st comment and my comment is 😯 O MY GOD!!!!

  3. I said Ctar is leading they’re highest ranked

  4. tis is the worst day on CP ever first one of my penguins gets banned and now sherbert is full

  5. Check out the town now, Oagal! Lol.

  6. Maybe you shouldlcheck sherbert town X)

  7. yEAH, Check out the town xDD

  8. u call that a few pictures 🙄

  9. Maybe you should check sherbert town X) We are all there

  10. everyone i am leaving so good bye

  11. Were totally uber-pwning them at the beach!!! :d

  12. i got a new site plz add me to blogroll

  13. We were dominatting IW in the town.

  14. *Cough *Cough A few!?!

    Anyway, you could’ve gotten a few less pictures of my penguin in the nude. 😕

  15. Btw Nachos, noone cares about Shebert town now lol. We already got like 20 new recruits from that patrol; noone cares that theres 2 or 3 Nachos there now lol.

  16. I led my first patrol. I feel so good.

  17. It was pretty cool! I din’t appeared in all photos because of a Nacho and then my PC was always blocking down. I have lucky, because I get my dad’s computer before my sisters for the battle and it was successful =) =).

    I liked the patrol. It was pretty pretty cool!

  18. lol im nachos stfu your guys didnt have a chance we won and one of your guys even said you lost lol!!

  19. nachos are attacking at mammoth.i dont know why

  20. Ok cheesy girl, I want to see a picture. 🙂

  21. its not the nachos idiot

  22. Ogal I think it is in upmost i,portance for the RN to be deystroyed. I have created a new Army. Club Penguin Airbourne Army. Website Coming Soon….

  23. Please join it we want to ally ACP Soon.

  24. Congrats on winning and sorry that CPAF couldn’t make it. We were illprepared. We’re working on some new projects soon so expect to be seeing us in the battlefield more often, though.

  25. I CAN MAKE IT!

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