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Happy Halloween!!




Happy Halloween Everyone! Did you know it was originally called Hallow’s’ Eve, and actually a supersition. People used to think, that on October 31st, real witches, and monsters would come out. The Pumpkins came from the Native Americans, but the tradition from the dutch. They used to use a Turnip :O.

Anyways, peace, and don’t eat that much, Candy 😆 Seriously, just a couple of bags. XD

~Jedimaster17 Aka Ankita

I’m coming back in maybe 2-3days :S


Have a little fun if you’re bored, because I know I will when I have to pass out the Tootsie Pops. 😛

I might even find out how many licks it takes to get to the center of the Tootsie Pop…

Anyway, here’s a typing activity, we will make a scary storie, it doesn’t have to have anything to do with Club Penguin or Armies. I’ll start off the story

T’was a dark and stormy night. The rain wouldn’t stop, and because of that, the streets were flooded. And you could hear this goulish sound in the air…

Let’s see what you got! Continue the rest in the comments!


Boomer Edit: You know what else is today?  THE PHILLIES VICTORY PARADE!! D  I went and it was crazy.  So many people, but totally worth it.

Aber Edit: Well everyone else edited this lol. Happy Halloween everyone!

51 Responses

  1. Happy Halloween to you to!

  2. ~PS. First!!!!!!~

  3. My senate and consulate election entry ( im gonna run for both )

    Name : Justinbronze

    Rank in ACP (Senator must be at least Lieutenant, and Consulate must be Colonel or up ^) : Colonel ( i figure that with that rank, i could run for both, plz correct me if im wrong. )

    Why you would be a good Representative. : Because im fair, and will hear both sides of the case, without inturupting the speaker, will only pass fair bills and things, and will be one of the most fair and just senators there is if elected. How can you trust i will do all this? Cause, “just” is in my name ( Justinbronze )

    How many months in ACP : Well, considering the months i was undercover as Darkrune72, 3 months. Hope those months count.

    Will, you agree with the administrations policies? : Of course. Anything shab and boomer thinks is good ill vote yes for, anything bad, i vote no for.

    What’s your strongest loyalty. : My loyalty to the army im in. I might be in mulitple armies, but i keep secrets between the army the secret came from, and that army only.

    3 people who will support you (name them) : Dj Layzie, shaqcena, and ormsbydroid


  5. wrong… it was called hallows eve, but before that it was 2 different holidays, Samhain(celtic new year) and All Saint’s Day (starting as early as 270 AD!)

  6. the turnip is right, but it was originally august 1st, then november 1st

  7. Thhanks for the info Jedi! Glad your coming back.

    Vote Ktman For ACP SEntae And Judge!


  8. ^I’m just saying what I got in an article, for homework 😛

  9. Actuallu Jungle, It was called Samhain
    thats what started Halloween.
    People were afraid of the spirits that would come out on this one night and they would dress up in masks and have a huge fire and burn animal bodies… hah

  10. happy halloween MOWAAAAAAA lol byebye

  11. Actually, Antika, it was fom Ireland.

  12. wow. it’s 6: 29 AM. and they say I never come on. 😆

  13. of evil pie! lol





  17. Hey guys, Miroos here!
    Anybody want to come to my party?
    It’s gonna rock 😉

    When: October 31st

    Why: To celebrate 5,000 hits for this site!

    Where: Icicle, Dock (we’ll move around) at 8:00 AM PST.

    Who: Everyone!

    It’s today and it may be a bit early for some Americans because for EST it’s 11:00 AM and that’s school time.

  18. Hey guys!
    It’s at Mammoth Dock instead!!!


  20. I was on the ranks for a day before the 2nd last promotion day 🙁
    now im gone, i made the acp recruitment bots so at leaset i should get a decent rank( i was petty officer before the promo)

  21. wow wow this is boring halloween is gay

  22. It takes 948 licks I’ve tried

  23. happy halloween

  24. as creatures came from throught the land, in search for blood and bones at hand. zombies and ghouls from every tomb, gathered round the graveyard…

    sry i just made that up as i went along 🙂 anyway ill leave that for someone else to finish or i might come back to it. (ghst) happy halloween! (ghst)

  25. sorry bout that (ghst) thing i was trying to do a little ghost ill try it again (gst)

  26. nope um (ghs)

  27. nope i give up

  28. you spelled German in german wrong its spelled deutch

  29. And you better believe me I was born in Germany I came to the United States when I was 7 i was speaking Fluint German THen i learned English I still speak fluibt German though

  30. Ok, here’s my story,
    Once apon a time, there lived an old hag (lol) named Hag lady.
    Hag Lady hated Halloween more than any thing else in the world, so one day, she went down to the village with a machiete (machetei) (I think), and she killed three children.
    One child was the son of the town hero, another was the daugter of the town hero. The other one was neither a boy or girl, and when he was killed, he returned to life as a vampire.
    Stay tuned for part 2!



  33. NOT at 8 cuz it will be ilke 11 O CLOCK in central time or 10 and i got to go some where on saturday so it will be AT 5 37 SHARP SAME PLACE ON MITTENS DONT GO TO MIROOS PARTY GO TO MINE

  34. Recently, Stev, DJ, and more have been hurting my campain by calling me a noob, liar, and sayin that I barely joined this month.

    Stev57 has been sabatoging my campain ecspecially by calling me a liar. He and others say I am a weak, selfish noob.

    Are you gonna take that from one that uses insults and lieing to win a simple campain? I think not.

  35. thats not evan HALF of the halloween story, i know all of it.

  36. Oh God… No more candy…..Please….. 😯 🙁

  37. I would appreciate if you spent a few minutes reading at least some of this. Actually, come to think of it, I would be amazed if anyone reads all of this. It is worthy in length of a final year medical thesis. If you think I am lying about any of this, keep it to yourself. I don’t have the time nor energy to attempt to convince you otherwise. All I will say is that CasiusBrutus, Blue Speed 7, Sheila Gally and other close friends of mine have all said that they have never known me to tell a lie. And seriously, how sad would I be to write all of this if it was all a big lie?

    So, it seems that my time is up. I guess this is sort of a suicide note to al you online guys/gals. This ‘army’, though fictional, has really helped me in the 9 or 10 months that I was in it. I’d like to think I gave something to this army, be it through any advice I have offered, any support I have given or any humour I have shared.

    The following may offer a small insight into why I did what I did. Just over a year ago, a car crash killed my two best friends. I was supposed to be on the journey with them, but I changed my mind at the last minute as I felt ill. It may sound cliché, but ever since that day, my life was never the same again. I suddenly found it difficult to make friends, sometimes even to talk to people my age. It is still essentially the same today. Sure, I have a few friends at school, but I am still bullied alot. I play alot of rugby and am actually pretty strong when I want to be. However, I have an odd reluctance to cause harm to others, even when they are doing so to me. This, when added with my pretty much constant loneliness makes me an easy target for bullies.

    I consider myself as being pretty dumb. Actually, really dumb. Last years Math paper achieved a score of 19%, with me trying to the best of my abilities. I got a similar score in chemistry, physics, french, geography and music. The only paper I got above-average in was English. It is the only subject I feel that I perform well in.

    Anyway, in early February I began visiting the chat more and more often. It became (quite literally) the one place i could come and not be bullied… not be mocked. I would come on after a tough day of school and a tough day of homework and would be cheered up within a few minutes. If it weren’t for this chat, I honestly think I might have killed myself 9 months ago, before I joined… it was the people here that kept my hopes up and made me more confident. At this point, you may be thinking that it is silly that I felt like this just because of an online game, but I must stress that my focus was not on the game, but on the chat, and the people on it. Besides, we established earlier that I am a bit odd.

    Later on however, when I started talking about how I felt and how I was considering suicide, many of the people I previously considered as my friends suddenly turned against me, believing that it was a vie for attention. You know you are. It was those people who eventually pushed me so far over the edge that I did what I did.

    Obviously, it all went a bit pear-shaped. Immediately after I took those pills, I regretted doing it. I actually called an ambulance, went into hospital and recieved medical care and social care. This did actually help alot. I started to think that things were looking up. Then two things happened which made me revert my mind. One thing was to do with a few of my friends, I am not keen on sharing this. However the second thing took place on the chat, on Thursday. I had just spoken with my doctor, who had said that ‘the situation was worsening’. After talking to my friends, I logged onto the chat to tell you guys. However from the minute I logged in, I was repeatedly kicked, guested and banned, primarily by Aber and Shadow but by others too. Having this and then the ‘thing’ with my friends soon after, I immediately began my negative state of mind again. I also soon discovered that Luc, Fort and several others who I had considered reasonably good friends also believed I was lying. At this point I was quite literally crushed, and, I don’t care how gay it sounds, cried hard.

    Why? The people like Aber, Fort and Luc were the people who I hoped to get the most support off. Being a similar age to me, they understand how much pressure comes your way when you reach this age. I was, at the very least expecting them to pretend to believe me or care about me… Clearly, I expected too much.

    Instead, lesser friends like Noka and Meat stepped up offer me their support. To them, and everyone else who helped me or has been my friend at all during my time here: thank you. Again, you know who you are.

    I have only put a fraction of what I wanted to put here, but your minds will almost certainly have wandered by now and so I will come to a close.

    So… as to what happens now. I’m not asking for a Medal of Honor or anything like that (after all, suicide is one of the most dishonourable things a person can do, and I know that), but a little recognition and rememberance would be greatly appreciated.

    Anyone can still e-mail me at mijd38@pipex.com with any thoughts, quotes or anything else. As to the rest of you… goodbye.


    I watched it online and almost cried for my team! lol


  39. Wow thats sad Kid Robot. I feel very sorry for you. If I knew you in real life, I would stick up for you but Im really sorry about what happened with your life.

  40. Kid Robot you were one of my best friends in the ACP. Without you i would not be where i am right now in CP armies. I know that you would NEVER tell a cruel sick lie like you were dying for attention. Thank you for everything kid robot… i will never be able to forget you. I’m starting to cry in rl so i’m gonna have to enter the comment now.

  41. i would like to run for GOVERNOR OF SNOW GLOBE.

    Vote Stev71 for Governor of Snow Globe. Stev71 first joined ACP in May 2008 under the name:Royalprinzes, but was banned forever in a fight defending ACP. Stev71 was his first penguin but was not a member on Stev71. Stev71 has 4 months of experience in battles with ACP and has recently on October 28, 2008 helped make ACP allies with Marines, and made allies with the Ninjas after being the first one to arrive at a war against the Marines(which lasted 2 hours) and beating them whith the help of the Ice Warriors. Stev71 has shown many times that he can be trusted and even when people insult him or make fun of him, he still maintains his cool. Stev71 should be elected governor of SNOW GLOBE for the following reasons:

    1.He will make sure ACP IS VICTORIOUS in EVERY battle that happens in SNOW GLOBE.

    2.Stev71 will be nice to the ACP members that live in Snow Globe and all other ACP members.

    3.Stev71 will help out on possible practice wars and their arrangements

    4. Stev71 WILL listen to ALL your complaints and make sure to ANSWER ALL OF THEM!

    5. Stev71 will be on chat everyday if you want to get to know him more.

    6.Stev71 will help out ACP members and future members and help improve SNOW GLOBE anyway he can.

    7.Finally, Stev71 WILL DO EVERYTHING IN HIS POWER to help out the penguins of SNOW GLOBE in need of something.


    “The person that works the hardest wins”-Will Smith.

  42. dang kid! that was so long it made my wii lag 😆 I’m going to play a game or 2.
    that sort of prooves I was on my Wii.

  43. lol rapidy

  44. Kid i know how you feel, I don’t know if you still go on chat or anything but know that at the age you and me are at it is a very difficult time in which we have all these thoughts and emotions and we are at war with our brain and heart. I think a lot of people have gone through that phase tht you have gone through. But, you have to remember the brighter things in life. Remember that it will not last forever and you WILL be able to move on. I too have had those awful thoughts of suicide and i thank god every moment i can to tell him thank you for giving me the strength to support what i go through. I hope you can cope with what you go through. It is true what you say. There were times when i felt that whenever i went on CP i felt like I had everyone’s respect.
    But it is in times like these that we truly figure out who OUR REAL FRIENDS ARE. I am glad you didn’t go through with the suicide and I hope you don;t get such thoughts again. Remember that our lives are sacred. Although i never resorted to pills to end my problems, i found that i could make my problems go away. I invented this place in my mind in which i go to whenever i am in deep thought. Like my own little world. I also remembered that such bullies will NOT inherit God’s Kingdom. And they will have to pay the ultimate price. I got your back Kid. If you have anything you want to talk about you can contact me at steve.graham71@gmail.com.

  45. Kid Robot I read that and want to say something DONT DO IT MAN I have lost all of my best friends in real life they all move out of state and besides YOU HAVE ALL OF ACP I like ya at school I am known as the guy that breathes different so what if I have something wrong with my lungs not everything in life is fair m,y best friend is special and he is the NICEST KID I KNOW
    suicide won’t solve anything
    waiting will

  46. Kid, please life goes on. Be happy about your life.

  47. Kid..i hope u pull through!!

    rap, i need to talk to you on chat…

  48. hiya im here to continiue (sry if i spelled that wrong) my halloween story

    …two children were coming home from the cinema alone,”did you hear that” said the girl “i did, maybe its that werewolf from the film we saw!” “come on michael that was only fantasy” just as a furry hand came out of the ground, grabbed here foot and dragged here all the way to the nearby pond, were a ghoul came out of the bushes and kicked her in …

    part two coming soon!But in the meantime watch this halloween video by michael jackson.


    great isnt it! 🙂

  49. wow kid, I never knew you felt that way about your life, on chat you were always happy and funny and cool, I never knew you were so sad inside 🙁 …

  50. […] thought that I would be getting lot’s of support from you people. But as my comment on this post shows, support was the opposite of what I got from the majority of you. You thought I was making up […]

  51. omg kid thats so sad. 😥

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