
Um i know ive been camping but im back now !!!!! Here is my speech:

 I’ve been co-leader for Kg since august when kg was voted leader. I’ve created contests and a point system for acp. I know all the major leaders and Im good friends with most if not all of them. I think I’m the most experienced other than being equal to Nono. I will continue with my point system and my vla squad for acp idea if im voted leader. I have govenor elections all set up on my site and ill have my version of the ranks done by weds too. I do stuff fast and dont draw it out. I wont say who my idea for VP is cause its unfair to get ppl’s votes because of the co-leader. I hope this election isnt going to be like last election where we went thru 2 leaders before Kg. Whoever the leader i hope that there isnt a major fuss cuase that hurt acp. Im hoping to get servers for medium sized armys to help them grow like the WW. I hope u guys vote for me.

Shab, Army Party

Ps: How can Jungle run if he retired????  He has no rank right now.


I ask you all to vote Jedimaster17, as the Club Party Nominee, and hopefuly the next leader. We are in a time of change, of revolution. We need someone who can balance Politics, with fun, one who will listen to the needs of the people, one, who will surely put their nation first. I belive deeply, that that person is me. I’m aware of the probems, and aware of our accomplishments. I’m a fresh face of ACP, (10-11 months present), and am not on of those, who’ve had power for a long. I like many of you, started with a low rank, unlike others who already were highly ranked, due to personal preferences. I worked my way up serving ACP, in any way I could, finally rising to ACP Head General. I’ve always stood by ACP, in good times, and in bad. When the VLA affair came up, I stood with ACP. When Order 67 arose, I asked for peace and tried to negotiate, but I also did my duty. I’ve seen what goes on in ACP. ACP was, and still is one of the best armies in CP. But corruption, petty disputes have stood in the way of ACP becoming even better. I’ve seen how many soldiers quit as to being unranked, I’ve seen the disdainful ways that higher rankers treat the lowers. I’ve seen totally unnecessary bannings, and whie I’m not totally innocent either, I’ve at least tried to stay above the fray. I ask you al, to think about this, have we seen any of the changes that others have promised? Have you seen fair ranks? Have you? Have you been treated with absolute respect? Have you never been banned uneccesarily? Have you seen that power always goes to the higher ranked/friends o f the leader type of people? Have you seen reform on the chats?
I’ve seen all of this, and this fills me with great sorrow, because I’ve always regarded ACP, as one of the best armies. In Kg’s era we became more democratic, but no enough. It’s still like an oligarchy, without a judical system, or an elected vice president. We still don’t have courts. I will work as leader, to the best of my ability to change all that. I will give every task, that I have with my full attention, I will answer to you, the ACP people only. I will never submit to threats to the ACP , be it from IW, RPF, or Nachos. I will fight them head on. I’ve trained new recruits with ACP Training Academy, and have seen the vast potential in out soldiers. I’ve worked as an embassador of CPUN, and helped resolve issues. I know that the challenges facing me aren’t easy, but with your help, and your vote , together we can over come them.
Thank you


Well, my fellow friends (omg I just sounded like mccain) and soldiers. I am one of your candidates to be leader of acp, if you did not know. I believe that I have lots of experience from past leaderships and other major army fellowships. If I am leader, I will show a strong leadership, like we need, and continue with the tradition of the other acp leaders. I hope that other people who used to be lead by me, well vote and maybe even tell others how they thought and convince them to vote me. Also, Im not one of those type of people to go on other unknown chats and tell people to vote me, b/c I think that its fair to the others who also deserve to win, which is all of my running mates. So, well, hopefully you vote me!

Btw, vote for who you think would be the best and nawt what others tell you!!!



Fellow soldiers, allies, and penguins, lend me your ears.

They say that everyone deserves a second chance. So, why not me? As ACP leader I promise to restore the good times like of those we have had in the past with Oagalthorp. And no, this does not mean I will become the President/Dictator of ACP. But, I will schedule way more battles for the ACP so we can bring Club Penguin armies out of it’s peaceful hold. I didn’t join ACP to be in the state of peace or do nothing, and niether did you.

Thank you for your time.


My fellows ACP, as you probably already know I am running for leader in the ACP. You are probably wondering why I am running for leader of ACP, what I have done, and what I am planning to do. I am running for leader of ACP because I know that I can do great things. I have always and forever will want progress in the ACP. From allies and enemies, to game expansion, and so much more, ACP has always been my top priority. Here’s some of my history, I joined ACP August 27th, 2007. Here’s how I joined, I was a fan of a YouTube show call “CPTV” on the 10th episode they started an army (It never really caught on) I tried to join but nothing happened. So I searched on Google for other CP armies. That’s how I found the ACP website. Seeing this was real I joined immediately. My first battle happened on August 24th, in the war against nachos. It was nearly a tie, but we pulled through in the end! From then I have been in countless battles but my favorite was the watex war. It was where I met some of my best friends in the ACP, including Mazachster (retired), Corvette360 (retired), Headofpolice (semi-active), I was a part of the big battle for the dojo/town in the war. After taking control of the dojo I tried to lead a squad to take over the snow forts. We where able to win with RPF’s help and attempted to attack the town. In the town we helped IW and keep the WW in the town occupied. Due to the victory the snow forts and attempt at the town we where able to win the battle! Now if elected I will focus on many things. Here I what I will do first, Proper ranking, Lots of people complain about there rank. The ranking system needs lot’s of improvement. Game expansion, first do any of us really enjoy CP just for CP stuff and not for CP armies. I’m sure there are some of us who enjoy CP but expanding to different games is a good idea. Recruiting, ACP needs to figure out how to get lots more recruits. I’m open to suggestions on how to do it right now though. There are lots of other things I would do if elected but these are the biggest. So vote for cooltiger413!!!




We the people need relief, i will bring relief to the CP wars, only choosing wars if we need to! I would not be the person to go “nuke” some random CP army for the hell of it. If I were leader of ACP, I would make fun activities. And before some one says I’ll be inactive, shut up, cause I am goign to be very active from now on. If you are to lazy to read this is what i would do:


-More Ranks

-Fun Activities

– And much more


34 Responses

  1. first COMMENT not fair im a Lt. so i can run thats just not fair!!!!!!

  2. shaboomboom is going to win

  3. Vote for shab 2008

  4. ^Nice Speech, but I want to show mie
    Here is my speech:
    I ask you all to vote Jedimaster17, as the Club Party Nominee, and hopefuly the next leader. We are in a time of change, of revolution. We need someone who can balance Politics, with fun, one who will listen to the needs of the people, one, who will surely put their nation first. I belive deeply, that that person is me. I’m aware of the probems, and aware of our accomplishments. I’m a fresh face of ACP, (10-11 months present), and am not on of those, who’ve had power for a long. I like many of you, started with a low rank, unlike others who already were highly ranked, due to personal preferences. I worked my way up serving ACP, in any way I could, finally rising to ACP Head General. I’ve always stood by ACP, in good times, and in bad. When the VLA affair came up, I stood with ACP. When Order 67 arose, I asked for peace and tried to negotiate, but I also did my duty. I’ve seen what goes on in ACP. ACP was, and still is one of the best armies in CP. But corruption, petty disputes have stood in the way of ACP becoming even better. I’ve seen how many soldiers quit as to being unranked, I’ve seen the disdainful ways that higher rankers treat the lowers. I’ve seen totally unnecessary bannings, and whie I’m not totally innocent either, I’ve at least tried to stay above the fray. I ask you al, to think about this, have we seen any of the changes that others have promised? Have you seen fair ranks? Have you? Have you been treated with absolute respect? Have you never been banned uneccesarily? Have you seen that power always goes to the higher ranked/friends o f the leader type of people? Have you seen reform on the chats?
    I’ve seen all of this, and this fills me with great sorrow, because I’ve always regarded ACP, as one of the best armies. In Kg’s era we became more democratic, but no enough. It’s still like an oligarchy, without a judical system, or an elected vice president. We still don’t have courts. I will work as leader, to the best of my ability to change all that. I will give every task, that I have with my full attention, I will answer to you, the ACP people only. I will never submit to threats to the ACP , be it from IW, RPF, or Nachos. I will fight them head on. I’ve trained new recruits with ACP Training Academy, and have seen the vast potential in out soldiers. I’ve worked as an embassador of CPUN, and helped resolve issues. I know that the challenges facing me aren’t easy, but with your help, and your vote , together we can over come them.
    Thank you

  5. nice speech WE DO NEED CHANGE NOT JUST IN ACP BUT IN CP ARMIES IT SELF WE NEED a leader that can slove stuff and end wars and make peace and i think jedi is one of them ive been in races with jedi alot top senators cpun governor but what about Jedi. I think that she should be supreme leader

  6. Thats so unfair. Shaboomboom and all the other authors get to post thier speeches while others have to settle for comments.

  7. To much reading

  8. Well capuzzi you do have to read in life.

  9. i came back for the election

  10. hey im samual97 some of you may have seen me it the battle a few days ago and may we be allies my web site is samual97wordpress.com and my team web site is sgphelpers.wordpress.com you guys were fighting the ice warriors and anyone who hates them is MY allies

  11. I think Shab,Jedi,or Aber should be leader.Mainly Shab cause he is ACP second in command,but Aber has more experience.And Jedi has been in ACP for along time.

  12. Also can someone add CPW’s site to the ACP allies? http://www.hero12985.wordpress.com

  13. 13th

  14. I like Shab, Hes Active and unlike aber he only has one army to focus on. Jedi I think would make a good coleader but unsure about her being ushered into leadership so fast.

  15. My speech XD

    We the people need relief, i will bring relief to the CP wars, only choosing wars if we need to! I would not be the person to go “nuke” some random CP army for the hell of it. If I were leader of ACP, I would make fun activities. And before some one says I’ll be inactive, shut up, cause I am goign to be very active from now on. If you are to lazy to read this is what i would do:


    -More Ranks

    -Fun Activities

    – And much more


  16. ok can i join the run for leader i want start my one party the mamouth party!plz let me be in my own party and run for leader!if not i might quit!

  17. Goooooo Jedimaster!!!!

  18. Rapidy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Igdog u cant run ur not high enough rank…

  20. Great speeches! GO JEDIMASTER!

  21. go jedi! or aber, or shab, not quite sure exactly but meh, go JEDI!

  22. Btw, I dont run Uma anymore and not in any other armies, so whoever wrote that comment about this army to worry about,

  23. i like jedimaster, shab, and cooltiger’s speeches. but i think shab is gonna pull out the win

  24. ok, i am going to vote for jedi for that party, and rapidy for his. but i don’t know about the third party…

  25. you know what, i figured it out. luc, jedi, and rapidy. yeah. 8)

  26. go jedi and abercrombe! yayz for all of you! im gonna throw a HUGE GINORMOUS AWESOME SWEETO COOLIO HUMONGOUS BIG GIANT FUN party if either of you win! yayz!

  27. u new comers dont know about the good old days in acp when tom y and oagalthrop was leader and tom y was co leader i think that if we come together as one and change are ways that we can over come these times in acp that are hard even know im not running i think the voice of the ppl sould be heard and that lower ranked troops voices sould be heard i think that small armies on mammoth tundra and snowy river sould be heard i think the voice of the penguins sould be heard i think the voice of every troop in not just in acp but in every army sould be heard and i think jedi will make that happen so get out they AND VOTE FOR JEDI FOR ACP LEADER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. vote 4 jedi and abercrombe! ITS TIME FOR CHANGE PEOPLE! both of these girls have lots of experience in armies, and Jedi has been in ACP for so long. abercrombe WAS leader of UMA. both these girls know what theyre doing

  29. oooo rapidy will schedule battles! YAYZ! VOTE 4 RAPIDY AND JEDI AND ABERCROMBE!

  30. Alright, lets get this straight. Think of this.

    If Shaboomboom becomes leader, downward progress will continue to grow. Doing stupid things for example parties. No real progress will be achieved and he will be criticized until he is forced to retire.

    If Abercrombie29 becomes leader, well, just look at what happened to UMA after she took over. And the army her and Kg tried to start up. UMA is two people big now and Kg and her’s army is… gone.

    If Rapidy becomes leader, imagine a world where Oagalthorp went to war with every army he saw, on every ACP owned server there ever was. Chaos would fill the streets of CP forcing ACP’s alliances to go to war with them. To stop the mayhem.

    If Cooltiger becomes leader, not only will he not know how to run this army. It will probably end up crashing within the first month due to inexperience. He also got the Watex War wrong, the first day basically everybody lost and were forced to retreat back to the starting rooms. But on the second day the ACP got wuped in the dojo and ran to the Town to help an ally for an excuse. RPF charged its way threw every room into the dock where at the end of the day, RPF won the fight. That was the peek of RPF’s career so far.

    If Luc becomes leader, nothing will happen. Accept for people joining because of the daily lottery.

    But think of this, Jedimaster17 has her eyes set on the future. Tomorrow being today. She is very experienced and could lead ACP to victory in mean wars to come. The communist outlook on ACP could be easily lifted by the introduction of Democracy. The ACP servers could turn from marshell law and anarchy to a democracy where the people can get to decide the future. Imagine YOU have a say in what happens. YOU being able to decide ACP’s future. Every vote counts in this related. And dont forget, along with this democracy comes everything the other candidates are offering, not what will happen if they are elected.

    I endorse Jedimaster17 for ACP leader, Vote for the Future.

    – Commando717

  31. yup, I endorse Jedimaster17 too. at http://tomtwelve.wordpress.com I have the whole big long thing, which is too opinionated for me to post on this site.

  32. you mean peak, commando. not peek.

  33. 1st) I vote for Jedi. Good work focusing on whats ahead of us, whats happenning now, and what major problems we have in this army. You are the first person who has ever considered how unfair most of the mods are. And thats excellent that you can recognize what needs to be fixed.
    2nd) Rapidy, that is so true! All this peace is LAMESAUCE!!!!! I want war!!! idc what army its with just gimme somethin to do besides type these stupid comments!
    3rd) Cooltiger, no one, NO BODY cares about your experience and which war was your favorite!! We care about what your plans are for the future!!! All you said that interested me was the ranks, and thats what all the past leaders have said. Have I been promoted past my current rank, captain? NOOOO!!!
    4th) Save the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus!!!!!!

  34. I vote for shab So far a great leader and i want him here

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