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Important Post Concerning the Loss of Troops

We all know that we have been losing troops lately, and the troops have good reasons why they quit.

  • “This army is too rebellious” We have been a rebel factory lately, and the Leader(s) (‘s’ still pending) do not have enough time to solve the problem. It is a fact that not 1 person, can lead the ACP perfectly, while holding a strong government, alliences, and still have time to go on the chat and talk to the soldiers.
  • “I wanted Someone to be Leader” Yes, there was a chance to become leader of this giant army, but to tell the truth, if you want to be leader, you’re crazy. I was working on the government system, practice battle, and a lot more. Never got to finish them.
  • “I’m mad about the Leader Poll”  If you voted, you have the right to complain. But c’mon! That’s no reason to quit.
  • “Soldiers are treating me badly” I have seen alot of this lately. This army is supposed to be a group of friends having fun. But for about the past 6 months, it’s been drama, or rebellions, or fights.

Advice to Kg: Have a soldier that you put in the next highest rank to be the person that can be leader when you are gone. This way, there will not be a rebellion.

Oh and one more thing,


Until next time, (if there even is one)

31 Responses

  1. 1st im actually drakebell46 nevada is my sisters wordpress account

  2. we’re doooooomed!

    nah that’s just fun to say. we’ll live.

  3. I agree totally Rap.

  4. sixth

  5. i wish rapidy was still leader and anyways thats why i quit.

  6. rap if anyone was treaten you badly a little group would like to talk to them

  7. Well put Rap , and it is all just a game so no need to get all emotional , just like Oagal said when he ” quit ” in March .

    ~~ The Beast ~~

  8. its not a game

  9. go to jfg123.wordpress.com IT’S AN AWESOME SITE! Girls, check it out!!!

  10. What is it then ?
    Is it a way of life ?
    Its a freakin game !

    At 9 PST , today , my party is at the Icicle Town !

  11. Good post Rap, it’s completely true. I think we need 1 main leader IMMEDIATELY and they can name two 2nd in Commands that can help when the main leader is unavailable. These should be the next best leader candidates. First we need to get a main leader in there quickly, cause the longer it’s delayed, the harder it will be to recover…

  12. You’re also completely right Koolaidman, but I guess that’s politics for you…

    And Miroos, please don’t quit. Everyone knows Kyle can be annoying, but he’s not in ACP, so that shouldn’t be the reason you quit.

  13. The only thing I am mad about is how we all voted for Kg but when he announced he was winner he dident even post. I know he is busy with tennis and stuff. But he could find like 5 minutes in the day to say thank you and tell us what he is going to work on.

  14. Or comment ^^

  15. Bridgett he wasn’t even on the site yet 🙄
    Anyways glad to see your supporting Kg ,Rapidly, and good advice.

  16. Well he should be on. The higher ranks need to be more active. >:(

  17. I dont get this isnt a “real” army, why dont we judt have 2 leaders who see eye to eye. We really should have more evnts like a weekly or 2 weeks event. And yes the higher ranks need to be more active and find away to NOT make everyone want to be leader because every single high rank begs and pleads and thinks they deserve the rank which none of them do ofcourse. Why cant we have a democracy where people who want to run, run. But ofcourse this idea 100% sure will be denied since the people in the leader position want to stay there even if it hurts the army. I dont mean anyone specific just saying.

  18. All i want is fair ranks. I mean how active do you have to be until some people notice you and put you as an petty office or somthing!?!

  19. Well not being hypocritical of my last post but I have been in the army for technically 2 years and practically started the army. And what I find most funny a few weeks ago when we had leader elections for like everyone (when oagal asked like 3 questions as a debate) one of the questions was : What would you do if the ACP ever became weak? . . . and everyone who ahs the right and priveledge to eithe rbe editor or leader hasnt done what they said this includes promotions, and tons of other things.

  20. i would of been in here but everybody hates me

  21. Ya know what ?
    Kyle Cease is being rude to me – he is saying nobody will come to my party . I am pi$$ed off with everyone , because nobody notices me except for Headofpolice which is not coming on chats or sites anymore … 🙁 I am so close to quitting – I am so mad I cancelled my own party . I am so mad I will probably quit ACP … and join Nachos – mainly because of Kyle .

    — The Mad Beast —

  22. Why do ppl call him Rapidly lolz

  23. jedimaster can i run acp boot camp??

  24. we should make a acp council and they diside how leaders are doin and they vote on ideas and all that stuff.

  25. Dident they use to have that with the president and vice president?

  26. Boomer , Kyle just pi$$ed me off , and ACP is in chaos – it is 2 different subjects .

    ~~ The Beast ~~

  27. what do we do then ask some acp boot camp ppl to come over

  28. how do i join and when are the meatings on cp?
    i would love to join but i cant find yall

  29. well, there really arent specific meetings a lot.

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