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Lets Get Things Straight | Finalists for Leader

Yo ❗

Today the ACP Council chat was ruined by an unknown hacker so I made a new chat heres the link:http://xat.com/ArmyofClubPenguin_Rocks Fort and Kg there is someone impostreating u.He is a main wner and the chat is now ruined(ACP Council Chat).I created this new chat for a good reason.All mds and owners will become what they were on ACP Council Chat.Jamie Hacked the ACP Council Chat.I will immidiatley get it off the Chat Page in ACP.Here isthe link to the new chat: http://xat.com/ArmyofClubPenguin_Rocks. Jamie Saved The Chat The chat wa shacked then she guessed the password Jamie will have a Promotions right away good job.Jamie You earbed the ACP Medal Of Bravery and Honor.

Now for another subject, all you people who teased sheila yesterday be cae reful u had a good chance that I wasnt on.If i hear a guy or girl teasin sheila he will be banned.We arent in love or we werent going out we didnt even ave a dance or a date!Just understand this . Nakib & Sheila ARENT going out,They WERENT going out. All of you who were teasing Sheila yesterday please stop.You think I’m stupid I heard that someone said: Nakib and Sheila are living love they are both authors on the ACP site. First, I’m an editor.Second, when the leader elections end I have an anouncment.

–Now that we finished that–

To the Leader Elections.The top 2 in the poll are…







Kg007 and Shaboomboom!

Now let the Voting Begin!

Who Should be the ACP Leader?

Link: http://poll.pollcode.com/cyT

Vote the best and not the pest 😉


82 Responses

  1. 1st! At 3:26 A.M. !

  2. Yeah, thats true. No offense to Boomer or otherwise, but unfair it may be, Kg is probably the most qualfied of the options. The rest Tiger, Nono, Shab etc… They have stuck with ACP, but do they have the judgement? Do they have the temprament? I’m not anti any of them I’m just making a point. Lets take Barack H. Obama. He’s a total newcomer to the national stage, has only been in the US Senate for 2 years [active= not counting campaigning], yet he’s most likely to be president, and wanted. Kg as much more experience, and will bring change, thus giving a combo of both Experience, Change, and a proven record.
    Advice to the other canidates: If you guys want to really be leader, and defeat formidable opponents like Kg, Tiger,and Rapidly, you have to play hardball. You have to give what your going to do. Not just have your friends vote for you
    I’m an arrdent supporter of Kg007, and if not chosen, Tiger, or Rapidly. I’d be all for Casiusbrutus but… his attitude puts me off. He frequently issues orders which have no base in logical thinking such as “fighting hackers” , and then refuses to take subordinates advice resorting to harsh tactics of fear, and imitimadation.

    By: jedimaster17 on August 25, 2008

    Kg would be a good Leader for ACP because..
    1. He has a lot of experience. RPF Leader, UAV Leader, ACP Field Marshal etc..
    2. He would rid armies of corruption, blant favoratism, and other such blemishes on the great ACP.
    3. He would not be biased.
    4. He has the correct temprament.
    5. He would be able to negotiate well with leaders of other armies ; whether hostile, or friendly.
    6. He would be calm , and generally think before issuing orders.
    7. He’s friendly with a lot of ACP soldiers.
    8. He can connect really well with just normal soldiers. Not just high ranking officals.
    9. He doesn’t abuse his power.
    10. He was arguably one of the greatest Cub Penguin army leaders in the history of armies.
    11. Much, much more!
    Kg , Can I be your Campaign Manager?/ adviser.
    I just really support you. XD

    By: jedimaster17 on August 25, 2008

    I’d be happy to organize a debate, and anything else. If my other favorites don’t win I’d also support Shab.
    Also as a note I’m not critizing the long record of service of the other canidates for the great ACP, I was just trying to highlight why Kg’s better.

  3. Kg is the right choice. For those who say its unfair he got a really high rank when he started well. If a person has more experience the person is generally given a better job then a newbie? Right? He has a lot of experience. He has lead RPF and done much more. Kg is the best choice!

  4. Some reasons why you ought to vote for Kg:
    Kg would be a good Leader for ACP because..
    1. He has a lot of experience. RPF Leader, UAV Leader, ACP Field Marshal etc..
    2. He would rid armies of corruption, blant favoratism, and other such blemishes on the great ACP.
    3. He would not be biased.
    4. He has the correct temprament.
    5. He would be able to negotiate well with leaders of other armies ; whether hostile, or friendly.
    6. He would be calm , and generally think before issuing orders.
    7. He’s friendly with a lot of ACP soldiers.
    8. He can connect really well with just normal soldiers. Not just high ranking officals.
    9. He doesn’t abuse his power.
    10. He was arguably one of the greatest Cub Penguin army leaders in the history of armies.
    11. Much, much more!
    He’s not an elitist.

  5. To people who think its unfair:
    Yeah, thats true. No offense to Boomer or otherwise, but unfair it may be, Kg is probably the most qualfied of the options. The rest Tiger, Nono, Shab etc… They have stuck with ACP, but do they have the judgement? Do they have the temprament? I’m not anti any of them I’m just making a point. Lets take Barack H. Obama. He’s a total newcomer to the national stage, has only been in the US Senate for 2 years [active= not counting campaigning], yet he’s most likely to be president, and wanted. Kg as much more experience, and will bring change, thus giving a combo of both Experience, Change, and a proven record.Besides a person has more experience the person is generally given a better job then a newbie? Right? He has a lot of experience. He has lead RPF and done much more.

  6. Me blackmail? Nope i didnt.

  7. Lol nakib deleted my comments

  8. Rap , I was your first voter ( You got your 1st vote from me ) :Lol: like it matters 😆

  9. Hey, I know you all must be upset with head, but maybe we should just put him on proation or something. Of course, this is out of my hands.

  10. of course, he’s done some bad things, so maybe he should be banned. All I’m saying is maybe you should think about other consequences before taking such harsh action

  11. Finally we will have a leader ! But the winner between these 2 will have to face Rapidy or what ?

    ~! Dido !~ ACP Bridigader

  12. hellow plz un ban me on chat

  13. Jedi made a very strong argument and thats won over my vote. By the way. WE HAVE TO BAN HEAD. HES BEEN NOTHING BUT TROUBLE.

  14. rapidy for leader!

  15. all right! rapidy winning by one vote! 😛

  16. Guys ! Guys ! STOP ARGUING ! If we want to regain our power , we must all agree ! If we want to become even bigger , we need to agree ! If we want to be the greatest army we need to agree ! If we want a great leader we need to agree ! If you want to tease Sheila then f*** off !

    PS . Sheila what happened with you and Kid Robot ?

    ~~ The Beast ~~

  17. it’s very close everyone. rapidy with 8, kg with 7, shaboomboom with 6 at 5:31 PST August 26.

  18. a.m

  19. i think kg should win i cant vote causei m in rpf but im just saying he was a good leader he didnt raise rpf he kept it were it was this is my 4 or 5 month in rpf and kg was a good leader

  20. Hey people, I voted for Kg. By the way, there was a huge war in mammoth. The ACP fought of a small army called the bots and the PSA. Its still going on, but the ACP pretty much won, no matter what the PSA says, because we made them retreat everywhere.

  21. Yeah, the war is over. We really won, but they are saying they did. Whatever. I least I got to lead the troops for a little bit. I thought I did well.

  22. this is counsler sora of uma if what you are saying is true then head should be tied to a tree upside down on fire

  23. Wow, harsh…

  24. and to the people that were teasing sheila, thats just sad. On this site and in this army, you’re supposed to me mature. Thats just babyish.

  25. Ugh! I did not want this two choices to be the final. >:(. This stinks.

  26. Also I still wanted to see what the two people thought about the matter. And since KG was the only one who gave an speech on what he wants to do, I voted for him.

  27. Thats a good choice Bridgett. I voted for him too. I think that the way he wants the ACP to be is good way for it to be.

  28. I dont think that…. I just dont like shab and rap XD.

  29. Well, he is, like you said, the only one who really gave me an opinion… but he also has experience with leading an army. That’s always good to have.

  30. Yeah like leading every single army, thats suspious.

  31. ha ha ha, I guess it is kind of suspicious *shifty eyes*. Ah, I’m over it.

  32. sorry guys i dont think i can be on alot anymore so i cant stay in acp. im not really interested


  34. SHABOOMBOOM FOR LEADER p.s. when do the polls close

  35. Thats pretty mean king jared

  36. or at least it sounds mean

  37. on the psa bot war you guys lost sorry i was rooting for ya but psa got real big and beat you you retreated everywhere sorry

  38. When does poll close ?

  39. nabkid i mean really get a life

  40. King, actually we won overall. We left them alone in the end, but we made them retreat so many times. And about the bots, we killed them.

  41. But if you wanna judge the war on that final battle in HQ, then yes, we did lose. But we all fought hard and in the end they scattered too. And thanks for rooting for us.


  43. Whats happening? And how do we fight back on chat?

  44. lol nice whoever hacked and nakib you just made a totale fool of yourself lol


    Oh the lines close tomorrow morning

  46. ACP Council Chat Hacked! Don’t go if . I order everyone under the rank of Fleet Admiral to NOT GO ON ACP Chat. Supepeiors I would also advise you don’t.

  47. Well, as we all know, its cleared up now. I’m happy for Kg that he’s winning the poll, but you have to feel a little bad for Rapidy. I mean, he got to be the leader for what, two weeks? (correct me if I’m wrong) I mean, he barely got a chance!

  48. hello ACP im Gwuggle204 (friend of king) anyway im from RPA(Rebel Penguin Army)and i just wanted to say,i was rooting for u too with king there but at the final battle i got a little confused at who wer bots and who werent and im sorry if i attacked u.im sorryand ya i was the guys in the knight armor and im kind of ashamed of it.i hope kg wins because if he does win then we might become allies because king is a good friend of kg.sorry again

  49. Gwuggle, dont be ashamed! Its alright! That last battle was really confusing, and I’m glad that you want kg to win. I do too!

  50. FIRST CLUB PENGUIN THEN ACP CHAT we need to get all the armies and fight on frozen so these so called ninja hackers can get teached a lesson

  51. I’ll check out frozen

  52. Hi guys I’m new here

  53. be careful very cureful

  54. I didnt find them. Sorry.

  55. dude i told cas who the person was,look i even have a pic http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm14/terrking24/WinterLeaves-21.jpg

  56. you cant fight hackers people. They hack and ban you, duh.


    There is an hacker in mammoth the last I saw him was in the dojo. So just to let you know since you were looking for him.

  58. Thanks Bridgett, but honestly, like you said there really isnt much we can do.

  59. Yeah, but you were making an fuss about it so I thought as an fellow solider I could help.

  60. Yeah, so thanks for the info.

  61. bravery and honor try some war heros like head ganger legocity200 and alot more i mean come on and another one is nafroe and hopper

  62. i want to be the leader


  64. I WANT KG007 TO WIN

  65. nakib how do you know she wasnt the hacker and knew this would happen.

  66. kgs got my vote

  67. Thats a good point warrior, even though I dont think you’re trying to help the ACP

  68. i am tryin to help acp

  69. ACP, I am Tom Bugeron, I have watched videos and read posts off different website. I have came to a descision on the Armies future… we need to Destroy the UMA! They are evil hackers that ruin fun for penguins! I say, if all the armies work together, we might be able to stop them! Talk to the other leaders, and maybe, we can destroy the UMA forever!

    Rapidy: Umm… UMA is an allie of us, and they were evil in the past… but not the present.

  70. Okay acp warrior, I’m sorry about what I said. But arent you the one who wanted to over throw the acp? If you arent, then sorry. If you are, then thats why I was suspicious

  71. Shaboomboom you can count on me

  72. go to my website cheats/ I.A. Ickeee Army at http://ickeee.wordpress.com

  73. go to my website http://ickeee.wordpress.com

  74. Im here and they think I am Acp and some hacker is ruining me

  75. Everybody against me as Always Then so be it Acp Nachos are number one not Acp nachos are real protectors and Ill finish you without them Acp warrior is not on my side not even My Army This will cause much destruction 🙁

  76. What?!? I think I sort of got that. Well maybe, instead of destroying the ACP, you should focus on recruiting troops and not being mean to people on this site.

  77. Oh, ganger, sorry, I think I meant someone else. But still, you shouldnt focus on destroying the ACP

  78. ganger im on my side my brother is tryin to turn us against each other

  79. acp is really just a big familey everyone has to understand brothers and sisters will fight but they will make up i mean i didnt like ganger for a while. acp has been great for years if we hadnt been he cp would be destroid now who has a person that you care about thats not acp i do. so stop were falling apart.

  80. Yeah, acp will pull through this!

  81. ganger lets see how kg does before we quit

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