Yo ❗
There will be 3 more NEW candidates. Shaboom,Cas,Cooltiger.The 2 Top Winners will face Rapidy in the final poll.
Who Should Be The New ACP Leader?
Link: http://poll.pollcode.com/sVyj
Vote For the Best Penguin!
Filed under: ACP |
Yo ❗
There will be 3 more NEW candidates. Shaboom,Cas,Cooltiger.The 2 Top Winners will face Rapidy in the final poll.
Who Should Be The New ACP Leader?
Link: http://poll.pollcode.com/sVyj
Vote For the Best Penguin!
Filed under: ACP |
Um the link does not work.
Also why arent you up there. You would not be too bad.
ok now it comes up. But where is Rapidy? He was an canidate
Lastly, (I know I commented alot but I keep forgetting what I was suppose to say) As an voter I would like to hear speech from the canidates to make my final choice.
Can we have that? Or just ask questions to them like in real elections. Becuase Im lost right now on who to vote for.
ya where is he
rapidy must win!
Rapidy deserves it. Everybody voted they wanted a new leader because they all wanted the power.
rapidy rapidy! hey you know i think nakib would also be good. 😛
Rapidy is not Smart some 1 else!
why isn’t nakib a nominee?
cus he stinks toooooooooooooo
duh, man
you are acting like a balerina
hey lego i voted nabkid for leader
are u comeing to indy11 b day
Aww I missed elections 🙁
Anyway good luck guys. No offense Kg, but how can you be leader if you’ve been in ACP for 2 weeks…I think that’s a little unfair to people like Rapidy and Tiger…
rapidy for leader!
join my army at http://www.clubpenguinwcparmy.wordpress.com
kg007 forever
shaboomboom even know u banned me on chat im still voteing for u i hardly get on chat anymore
whyd fort quit even
one, the two top people in the poll will move on to face Rapidy. Two, I’m gonna go vote now.
Tylo congrats on voting but we dont really need to know that you are going to. WE dont care what you do every second of every day so please stop commenting about it.
XD Sorry if that sounds mean. I cant help it.
Also they changed the post, so we dident know until after we commented.
okay, and geez,
lol tylo is having a fight with bridgett! oh and vote kg dont vote shab cause he bans u on chat for no reason!! why isnt nakib on there he deserves it more than any1!
I voted for Kg. I talked to him and I think his idea of what a leader should be was very good. By the way, I dont see whats so funny.
By the way Khalgar, I think that Nakib isnt on there because since he made the poll he didnt want it to seem like he was trying to overthrow Rapidy. Also, I wonder why people arent making a big deal over this poll, although they did when tiger made one
Nakib there shouldnt be a poll againest Rapidy. They voted yes they wanted a new leader. So rapidy is out. Who ever is 1st Is leader, whoever is 2nd is Co leader k?
Im not fighting with Tylo I just found his comments pointless he is acting like this is his blog or somthing.
I apologize Tylo if it came out rude and hurtfull. I cant help it when I think of somthing I just have to say it. I hope their is no differences between us in the future.
I wanted to runXD :d
Bridgett, its okay. I took it a little too harshly. Are we friends?
what do you mean “we?” bridgett? i have NO idea who you are.
I wish I could run for leader… but no one ever puts me in the ranks. If someone actually put me in the ranks, I would gladly run. And also, am I still allowed to run? If not, I’d like to run for governor. When can I do that?
there might have been other people tom.
Can I run? I’ve been in the army about 5 months longer than Kg, and he is ranked high enough to run, but I’m not even ranked? What’s that about? I’ve probably been at battles more than he has. By the way, if you’ve never seen me in the pictures, it’s because I’m in the F.E.R. which is First Encounter Reconnaissance. Or First Encounter Recon. Either one, I always fight at the front lines, and I also finish the job. I “Encounter it First, and then Recon it back to you,” on the chat. You should really let me run for leader, or at least give me like a Brigadier rank, or something like that, because I think I deserve it. (Ive been in ACP for 6 months by the way.)
Well, first, Kg has been in other armies that ally the ACP and have a lot of experience. Secondly, you also have to get noticed. Post very often, not only fight in the F.E.R., but also as a regular soldier.
Yeah, thats true. No offense to Boomer or otherwise, but unfair it may be, Kg is probably the most qualfied of the options. The rest Tiger, Nono, Shab etc… They have stuck with ACP, but do they have the judgement? Do they have the temprament? I’m not anti any of them I’m just making a point. Lets take Barack H. Obama. He’s a total newcomer to the national stage, has only been in the US Senate for 2 years [active= not counting campaigning], yet he’s most likely to be president, and wanted. Kg as much more experience, and will bring change, thus giving a combo of both Experience, Change, and a proven record.
Advice to the other canidates: If you guys want to really be leader, and defeat formidable opponents like Kg, Tiger,and Rapidly, you have to play hardball. You have to give what your going to do. Not just have your friends vote for you 🙄
I’m an arrdent supporter of Kg007, and if not chosen, Tiger, or Rapidly. I’d be all for Casiusbrutus but… his attitude puts me off. He frequently issues orders which have no base in logical thinking such as “fighting hackers” , 🙄 and then refuses to take subordinates advice resorting to harsh tactics of fear, and imitimadation.
Kg would be a good Leader for ACP because..
1. He has a lot of experience. RPF Leader, UAV Leader, ACP Field Marshal etc..
2. He would rid armies of corruption, blant favoratism, and other such blemishes on the great ACP.
3. He would not be biased.
4. He has the correct temprament.
5. He would be able to negotiate well with leaders of other armies ; whether hostile, or friendly.
6. He would be calm , and generally think before issuing orders.
7. He’s friendly with a lot of ACP soldiers.
8. He can connect really well with just normal soldiers. Not just high ranking officals.
9. He doesn’t abuse his power.
10. He was arguably one of the greatest Cub Penguin army leaders in the history of armies.
11. Much, much more!
Kg , Can I be your Campaign Manager?/ adviser.
I just really support you. XD
I’d be happy to organize a debate, and anything else. If my other favorites don’t win I’d also support Shab.
Also as a note I’m not critizing the long record of service of the other canidates for the great ACP, I was just trying to highlight why Kg’s better.
I am voting Kg , only in this round , and the 2nd roun d , whoever qualifies , my choice is Rapidy . I like Kg and he is a great friend , he would be a great leader , but I just did not like how he joined ACP and got an extremely high rank because he had a high rank in the RPF , and because Fort is his brother so he ranked him high .
~~ The Beast ~~
Well, I’m rooting for Kg:
1: Because I like what his idea of a leader should be (he told me in the comments of another post)
2: Apparently, he is very qualified
Why Mason should be the leader
ya Why Mason should be leader
Why Mason leader
oh ya Why Mason should be leader
YOU KNOW WHAT, I agree, Why Mason should be the head leader
whatever, GO WHY MASON
Why Mason is cool
Wow, a lot of people like me, If I make it, call me fire
woot woot why mason
Why Mason is cavsfan1031
Why Mason is so gonna win
which is me, lol
I saw Why Mason before and hes good! He’s so gonna be head leader
WHY MASON is so nice and sweet, and cool and strong, he would make a great head leader
why mason would be a cool head leader!
yes Why Mason head leader
fine Why Mason Leader
Fort, if you were sick of the ACP, then why do you make comments sometimes? I dont get it?
i thought id just check it out
NOT acp sucks
well, you can have your opinion and I can have mine. But I just have one question: Are you completely done with armies, or are you gonna join another one?