Well here are the poll final results
Should rapidy lead ACP:
Yes: 21
No: 26
Not sure: 5
So the ACP will officaly have leader elections.
You must have been in ACP at least 3 months
You must be ranked brigader or up
You must not be in an army that is an enemy of ACP
Here is how it will work. There will be 9 canidates at first who will be in 3 groups. Only one member of each group will make it to the final election. The winner of the finals will get to lead ACP. Here is the entry fourm,
How long have you been in ACP:
Why do you want to run:
Here are the current runners,
Group 1:
Group 2:
blue speed 7
Group 3:
Waddle on!
Filed under: ACP |
I win, jk I can’t enter… btw 1st
name: Blue Speed 7
Rank: Brigader (i wont win but i can give it a shot)
Time In ACP: Spend 14 Months Unranked then 7 Months ranked
Why I Want To Run: To help ACP expand And grow to be know as the greatest Army in club penguin history.
Name: Casiusbrutus
rank: Head Admiral
how long have you been in ACP: Since Jan 08
why Do you want too run: if u vote me things will change in acp
Name: Nakib
Rank: Co-Leader
How Long Have You Been in ACP:Since March 07
Why do you want to run:Because Im one f the most active ACP solders and I deserve to be a leader.
i cant run
Name: Jim456
Rank: General
How Long Have You Been in ACP:1 Year 4 mounths
Why do you want to run: I was once a Corporal and i felt really excluded from ACP never rising in the ranks and i want to help those Corporals and sergants at the bottom of the ranks to eventually rank up!
Guys, Rapidy deservers to be leader. People only voted no because they are powerhungry little whiners. If voted no because you actually think Rapidy is a bad leader, tell us, what he is doing wrong? If 26 people can tell me, we can get a new leader. If not, only power hungry whiners want him thrown out. Guys, what is he doing wrong anyway?????
going to be sergent
i think i should be leder because i will help the troops train and help acp become better
Name: Jedimaster17
rank: Fleet Admiral
How long you were in ACP? : We, I spent around a year unranked, and later got an offical rank.
Why do I want to run? : I want to run tpo imrpove ACP. I will represent the Soldiers of ACP and let everyone’s voice be heard. Ig I become leader, I will give people the ranks they deserve : Jim 🙄 , and be a fair leader. I will help a new recruits train, ge everyone unranked ranked, and restore ACP’s reputation. I just want to Change how things work. I want to make it so that everyone has a voice.
I STILL WANT RAPIDY.YOUR JUST JELOUS CUZ OGAL CHOSE HIM FOR NO REASON.i mean hes good.if tiger413 becomes leader I CALL IMEDIAT IMPEACHMENT!!!!!i mean who knows what tiger could do to acp,hes not letting us know,but blue speed is!!!!!!!so if rapidy is not going to be leader than i want blue speed!!
did u hear about the hackers banning everyones penguins!!!
and all so did you hear about the gayest deal ever by a made penguin!!!!
Name: Kg 007
Rank: Field Marshal
ACP Experience: 3 months
Why I should be Leader: I think I should be the Leader of ACP, because I have experience in leading a major army and together we can make ACP even better than we ever were before.
can u add me to im a commodore
Name : KingCallum I
Rank : Commodore
How Long In ACP : Since WW1 (Not raked)
Ranked about 1 yr and 3-4 Months
Why Do You Want To Run : Because I Will Be A Fair Loyal Leader Help ACP Become Stronger And Greater, Also I Will Help As Much As I Can. I Will Make Brigades Make More Patrols. Give People Ranks The Deserve And Plz Vote Me.
My Vote : Is Nakib
rappidly sould lead acp
Name: Chrisdude100
Rank: Fleet Admiral
ACP Experience: Since January 2007 (Not Ranked until July)
Why you want to be Leader: I want to be leader to change everything and get ACP back on track, I plan on giving us a new government(Not a dictatorship, a different kind of Democracy)ACP needs to take action and I’m the canidate that will get us back on track. 😀
vote for nakib!
i am not running. 😛
name Bfan212
reason to protect CP
been in ACP for 6monthes
current rank sergeant
and you actually think I want to be leader ha ha ha I DONT so dont get any ideas
Seanehawk, if your reading this. WE DON’T WANT PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name: Meggis1234
How long have you been in ACP: 7-9 months
Why do you want to run:
I want to make acp a secure democracy, not a dictatorship like rapidy was leading it too. I will have a strict and firm grip. I will have a highly trained army during war, and we would train 2 times a week during a time of peace.
If I were leader of Acp we would be greater than any Army and If you want to be put on the ranks I would put you on the ranks
But Now were enemies
Can my army GACP,Grand Army of Club Penguin,be ur allies?
Seanehawk said he wanted peace and then he declared three wars on the wolves and me. The good thing is we defeated him in every one of them.
He didn’t even have a big army with him. the most soldiers he had was about four. A couple of Nachos came to help us. Now Seane and his soldiers are gone and away from us. If any other ACP soldier messes with me, you’ll end up just like Seanehawk.
Yeah you duys do know that rapidy is still leader and tiger just wants to be leader and this was his desperate attempt. Kind of pathetic, why did he even get the privelegde of writing anyways. Tiger was wrong for posting this and it will not count. SO stop thinking you have a chance.
1. Baloon451
2. Brigadier
3. 8 months
4. SO we can get on with it and NOT keep being all confused.
Name: Pete852
Rank: Brigadier
Longness: I’ve been in ACP afew times but added all up together i wud say 4 Months.
I forgot what last one is ;(
1. Trickster
2. Sopose to be Brigadier when ranks Updates
3. About… Jan 08 at end of month but i was NEVER NOTICED
4. I want to run because It would be new experience for me. I would not give up or resign. I want to Help everyone out. I’m Second in Command for 2 armys and I think I should try to be leader.
tiger is in groups 1 and 3? also can I be in goup 1?
2.ya,should be Admiral demotion for unknown reason,rap wont tell me why.
3.no im not in any enemy armies of ACP.
4.I’ve been here since february 2007, but was only put in ranks february 08 by oagal.
5. I want to lead ACP because I am very devoted to my work and am loyal and always have been for almost 2 years now!also I am nice and would try my best to make ACP a democracy and make promotion days evened out with promotions for those who deserve it a whole lot.
hope I make it,
Name: Louistania
Rank: Commodore (1 under Brigadier) but I haven’t been promoted for the last 3 promotion days even though I have shown to EVERY battle and meeting!
How long have you been in ACP: July ’07
Why do you want to run: To lead the best army on CP to victory and into a peaceful era. I will schedule many Practice Battles, meetings to ensure all is well, and Battles/Wars only if absolutely neccesary. All who do good will be rewarded with medals and a promotion on the upcoming promotion day.
P.S. Group 3 Please
i say shaboomboom
lego if u become a leader make me co leader
Rapidy is a very good leader and hasnt done anything wrong!!
oh yeah,
Rapidy can u please put me on the ranks cause ive been in acp for about 4 months and no1 has noticed me 🙁
May 07
I want to be leader of the ACP because I think I could make the ACP a better army.
scratch that i dont want to be leader
rank:sgt major
months:since december after xmas
reason why to run: to protect cp and bring peace to it and have cp peaceful again and no enemys
in cp
this will be better for free roaming instead of having havoc.
enemys fought:iceyfeet excailbor santa fo 7 dave