Ranks & Servers

Ok, the public has spoken, and majority has ruled…

We will use the old ranks.

So no more Resumes! Please! I have learned never to make new ranks again XD.

So, here they are…

Supreme Commander: Rapidy

Co-Leader: Dr Nono Jr, Nakib

Head General: Cooltiger413, Lucario98765

Head Admiral: Casiusbrutus, Tomtwelve, The Jungle N, Kg006 (XD)

Field Marshal: Shaboomboom, Nodear, Abercombe29, Kg007, Flameboy125

Fleet Admiral: Chrisdude100, Jedimaster17, Terrking24,

General: Brbocko, Penquin Jim, Shortykid8t

Admiral: Boomer20, Speedmobile, Arosso13, Bellehdewmah, Sheila Gally

Brigadier: Kid Robot, Clintos007, Baloon451, Jcs11, Blue Speed 7,Omega39, Shades2you Seanehawk

Commodore: Braves Z, Borja, Yellowguy458, Thebest22, Lousitania , Stg Jor, Orion Player, Islandershky, Diaa Lotfi, Jcapp64, Coolguy12348, Coolguy4442, Mamwen, Master Champ, Coleslaw7175,  Meggis1234, Motomike37, Superhighfly

Colonel: Keelord, Midnightmoon, Jayson23, Acacoroth, Alenwen, Nyg13, Lordcody56, Shad 8, Noka 7, Ev 007, Beta Robot, Jangopengo, Bc435, Jimmyjoecrew, Jazz77, Hattrick, Racegirl, Rianjr2448, Jackfrost357, Ctar, Znozeberry, Shnseymor

Captain: Lx72, Ephris11,Golaba, Blete, Emanuel2567, Zehroy, Wgfv, Rockstar74, Johanwillfir, Bobcatboy10, Pengui 202, Saint1994, Tommer651, Kingcallum, Mr Random1, Mr Nooner, Cycle22, Rainy, Penguin47212752, Batista1822




Lieutenant: Smartuin, Jet the Hawk, Db Penguin, Ajf77, Ambrosha, Paperman96, Podie99, Cccorbally, Deidara48, Jarlo77, Mastha Blak, Jet Nugget, Flarry Jerry, Themouse10, Greenday9991, Bigguyben, BigP, Rapid867, Blky2300, Ironkid2894, Abced101, King Pete, Buffontis, Gurlkiara, Mrgreen10000, Speedyjason9, Hero12985,Wadler1, Jim456 










Petty Officer: Reallyred53, Bid now SnowyOwl, Centar, Tone739, Stocic, Slider52 Rnemenja, Crazy Skater, Mod 59, Rocky3030, Danny606, Yankee225, Rlin, Coolster, Woton, Jakecat15, Splotman13, Starscreem 2, Js Thgrourhg, Ribler, Macopu, Blete, Pen122, Pinata246, Kingofty, Splot Man, Miroos, Lsund, Buford432, Marineman2, Zdoger

Sergeant: Kobiydoo, Nc735, Aalsdjf Gh, 789kqw, Stratman13, Solraidia, Bailey1217, Pengyster48, Sahfah, Paperman96, Splotman13, Goldraider, Snowland202, Fgf78, Mjoo7, Rulerguy, Orange Con, Jatar, Lemmy Koopa, Splotman113, Jazz474, Mrsquishy99, Fluffballbob, Emilylondon Joe Trevino, 7 Gameboy 7, Waddlebox123, Willnow, Thunder562, Takeda95, Soccerpr30611, Fiddyy, Annie290632,Bfan212, cismoy, Sgtpenguin13, Person1233

Corporal: Touchie, Meowcat1001,Goldfishrocks, Supersoulja17 , Dimimaster, Deoxys, beakerbill26, pacos315, Blueface9, Red Rocker, zzmasterchf, Cupcake2930, Geyer17, Pengu1, Icy9566, Mr blubob, Ozzyqualls, Rap 81, Cheruby, Maupi, Cp Army Dude, Ganandorf787, Santa Elf 10, coolgirl77289, Annie290632, Freemen777, Doom, Super Blip, 11Steven1, Metalblimp3, Kas130771, Ally190840, Cole779, Plaite, Drakebell46,Beeky128778,Consor8, Acp Warrior,Legocity200,Big Goonie,Candycloud19, Crazy Raybod,Chas3r,Drake70434,Hidude45,Rainyee,Linkdude519,MichealB1996,Gara326, Legocity1000, Jmmr88,AndyPat, Tuxfoo,Coolster114,Pinky25, Mrfreeze53 , Acatosh, Lot80

Noob: Tostipotato

If you think you deserve a higher rank, work for it. I didn’t beg Oagalthorp to make me leader, or even make me a General in the first ranking system. If I can do it, you can too.

Now, for the Servers.

Me and Nakib have decided to invade the following Servers, with the help of ACP.


-WHEN: Saturday, August 23rd, 2008

-WHERE: Entire 3rd Page of Servers, also Breeze and Snow Fort

-REASON: To have servers to call our own


–6:00PM Mountain

–7:00PM Central

–8:00PM Eastern


  1. Be on the ACP Chat. That is where orders will be given, and where you will be told to move next. It is very important that you be on the Chat!
  2. Follow orders, both on CP and the Chat.
  3. Be in ACP uniform.
  4. Stay in the open, and look big. Don’t over-lap each other; stand shoulder-to-shoulder.

See you there!

39 Responses

  1. 1st comment and were am I?

  2. 2nd

  3. Dude I even did that boot camp thing. (Even thow nobody pays attention to it)

  4. 3 and 4

  5. 5th!Going to acp boot camp!

  6. 6th

  7. i will be there

  8. Thanks so much rap

  9. hello just checking in u guys seem to be doing fine

  10. im supposed to be in bootcamp but nobody tells me where it is ive been in the war last week but nobody came there were 4 acp tuesday in the war on ice palace so i left after ppl banned me for sayin stupid

  11. hmm…..yeah, im not sure about the server thingy. to many servers. were not going to have all these servers. were not even going to go to all servers and anyways, GMA owns marshmellow, and icebound. you selfish ppl! xD

  12. Sir, umm That much? i mean… With all do respect,
    must we take over that many servers at one time?
    It will take forever to take over 5 servers if they are well protected..And i have more news… bad news….
    Its seems as though all club penguin armies are crumbling… losing members..this era of cp wars is almost over…first it was colour era, then a small pirate era,now its the army era,for as you can see less and less armies are active on a weekly basis…
    Soon acp will be getting less and less attention….
    kids who play club penguin will grow up and wouldnt want to sit down all day playing an online penguin game…….and less posts will be here… and eventually acp will stop getting attention.. and ppl will quit, or be inactive members….. soo thats just a prediction.. if we keep acp alive and its soldiers active, this might not happen….

    P.S Please read this…


  13. oh yeah not to be negative or anything….. WHO EVERS HACKING ME STOP IT

  14. thanks for adding me, lol like the signature

  15. o srry for double post but can you not add shorty its just short its getting annoying everyone aroud here is calling me shortykid

  16. aww man im still not in here

  17. Are you kidding me? Oagalthorp:

    allying almost all of the armies, and helping start the creating of nations within Club Penguin.

    First of all, everyone is treating Oagal like a CP God. I mean, he is ‘in control’ of all servers? And don’t you try to deny it, it is true.

    ACP makes all these “nations’ to make peace, but look who does the most fighting? ACP! You guys won WWII and WWIII. Is that even allowed? You even said it was WORLD WAR! That means you guys were ‘in a war’, which that means you guys fight more than you defend!

    REAL Peacekeepers don’t fight back, then go into the middle of the battle yelling stop and stuff. Don’t deny it…

  18. Well ACP IS an ARMY. And ARMIES do have WARS. And hey it’s not a world so we can’t defend countries lol. I guess you’re one of those people who say ACP means Attack Club Penguin. Now I have time to explain. Well the old ACP was a good one. They did their job. It’s just getting out of hand now. Too many wars. P.S. Oagal is gone. He meant what he said. And he did. ACP really HAs changed. The members in it have different attitudes. Old members retiring and that sort of stuff. It really depends on who GAVE the orders to attack ANYONE. Defending is fighting. Having fun too. Well let’s say people in armies are clever and creative. That’s what I like. I agre that peace-keepers don’t do those things. ACP is more of an ARMY than a peacekeeper though. They do what they have to do. Their policy is to keep peace and not to attack unless there’s a srict order or if someone attacks them first. Anyway…It’s a new generation.

    P.S. How exactly DO we train?

  19. Rapidy Im not even on there.

  20. Alright Rap cut the S*** NOBODY disliked the new ranks, They were great. The one smart decision weve had in a while is reversed?! YOU HAVE to be joking I cant take this Incompetence any longer, I quit.

  21. well now that rapidy the psyco is leader… I QUIT THE ACP!

  22. thanks this isnt as confusing and by the way did like HeadofPolice quit because he isnt up there

  23. my penguin name is stanleycar i joined ACP a while ago but i am not on the ranks can you please add me

  24. i might not be able to make it its my sisters birthday

  25. and really we sould ask cpun first if we can take the land

  26. ill ask cpun for a land grant then we wont have to fight and ask other armies can we have have of they re land cuz its going to be a bunch of armies we never heard of they re trying to keep they re land

  27. y have i been taken of the ranks so can u add me back to the ranks

  28. hey rap why am I Brigadeer?

    I’m an Admiral…:l

  29. lol, using the old ranks. nice sig, rapidy.

  30. Rapidy it would be very nice of u to add me back on to the ranks right now I would be a brigadeer

  31. ACP is so stupid.Why cant you be like the country of sweeden,where the keep peace.

  32. Can you rank me as a Noob? My name is Cocoa Bean45.

  33. acp is falling today there was a noob giving orders consider this my reignation

  34. (wearing a cowboy hat, red bandana, and has a tooth pick in mouth) Army of Club Penguin. (spits out tooth pick) I’m a calling you out (pulls out a western pistol) If you step foot on any of the third page places, I’ll declare a world war 5 on you. Gather you’re allies, on August twenty-third attack Iceland first if you know whats good for ya (if you don’t we will take over you’re land). I am the leader of Club Penguin Rebellion, and I pulled a few strings and now an army with experience of beating ACP in world war is helping me.

  35. Nice sig Rap, also, Terrking is a cool guy, but does he deserve a rank that high so soon?

    P.S.~Don’t forget to add Corvette back to these ranks, cause he was only added on the new ones…

  36. Please don’t invade Ice Age! My army worked hard to get it please don’t attack. My army is called the Glennion Army we are peacefull. Please don’t invade Ice Age!

  37. roger your such a dork

  38. put me back on the ranks im back my rank sergeant

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