I’d like to tell everyone that I am sorry for what had happened over the past few days; I’ve been going through a rough time, including an unexpected tragedy in my family. A wise man once said that anger and sadness cloud your judgement, and one could say that two days ago my entire sky was gray.
I’d especially like to apologize to . . .
- Fort. It wasn’t all your fault over the past week or two. All of the pressure and blame was placed upon myself, and I didn’t feel that to be entirely fair; especially since most of the burdon was placed by yourself. I’m sorry for banning you from the ACP chat, I should have tried to talk to you privately about this matter than immediately blame you for the entire rebellion. It was especially unfair to Kg, who shares all of your accounts, including the chat account I banned.
- Aber. I’m sorry for some less than kind words delt two days ago. I was out of line and acting just like the people I started the ACP to rid Club Penguin of.
- Cassius and Headofpolice. You two didn’t deserve my immediate disapproval. I should have set up a new chat and spoken to both of you on how we could resolve this conflict rather than try to reason with you on that chaotic former chat of ours.
- Akabob. I’m sorry that you think that everyone defeated me.
- My loyal soldiers. You have suffered more than anyone else here i this ordeal, all because I couldn’t handle the situation like I used to be able to. I guess dying interest in CP armies has faded past the point where I can properly lead you guys. You have proved yourselves psychologically superiorto most of the rebels, and you are far better soldiers; any army that you would have joined would be a lucky army. The ACP knows this for fact.
- My rebelleous soldiers. You didn’t deserve to be labelled as evil. I know that most of you did what you did just because it was fun, and I should have accepted that rather than have tried to convince you otherwise.
I am now leaving for good, other than a few possible good-byes on the chats.
My last gift to all of you is this website: it has far more views, and will recruit the ACP far more soldiers than any new website could. Hell, you could just copy any paste everything from the new site onto this one. So I’ll gladly make Fort, Dr Nono, Rapidy, and anyone else Administrators here if you think it would be best for the ACP.
It was fun while it lasted.
Filed under: ACP |
2nd oagal how touching but cya!
Im so sorry oagal
Oagal I’ll miss ya but a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do!! 🙂
Srry oagal some spazes on chat still hate u wont mention names..ppl read the post 🙄
Ok, I forgive you this time, Twin XD
Your lucky I forgive some people easily.
Oagal you do realize that this is 100% NOT your fault. I dont know how you blame oagal. One, in the beginning it was so strong and so well based then he retired. ACP started ever so slightly going down under fort… and yetyou guys blame oagal. You gusy think he is mean, but atleast he is not putting on an act like most people in this army. You guys are mental if you blame oagal. ANyway oagal although you still havnt really talked to me, Bye from koolaidman7
You may be gone oagal but I am glad to say that I stood by you when few others would and wish that we loyaltists wil be treated fairly as a result of this post.
cya Oagal.
Hope you have fun in RL.
I’m sorry for judging you badly. I had no idea about your “Family Incident.” Sorry…
Bye Ogal! As Koolaidman said, this is not entirely your fault. But I’m wondering, who’s leader now?
bye oagal 🙁
ps: i feel good not to be a rebellious type
pss: hope your family is ok oagal
how :'( touching. bye
Oagal, you will be missed. I never did want it to go this far, but it did.
P.S.: My e-mail is rapidy.r@gmail.com
ACP Leader,
some of us saw you today when you said, “BOO ACP!” did you really mean it cuz i still don’t trust you, oagal… and i hope your family is okay(don’t tell me what happend)
oagal only if you agree to get removed
oagal im just saying u might have been bad at times but ur a good guy realy and good luck with ur troubles
koolaidman, don’t blame Fort. He was a good leader. ACP didn’t start falling apart until Fort quit. Anyway, see ya Oagal.
I knew something must have been up because your usually pretty funny to hang round with and are always laughing and to see you like that i should of known something was up but well i guess there is no turning back now
Best wishes mouse
Fake sarrows…
lies of confessions…
phony balony oagal…
you always were a loyal ACP soldier and when things take an unexpected turn you have to go for waht is best and tthis is your deisi0n I wont disaprove of your decision even if I dont like it:(
Ill tell u who should be labled as evil: hint ACP go look in a miror 😛
Well oagalthorp. I was 100% with you even through the rebellion. now im still wit ya all the way man. feelings can be written but not said……i think…..idk but ill miss ya
Hey Oaglethorpe, Cya Wouldnt want to be ya!
Bye Oaglethorpe, dont come back!
I agree with Zorbeon
Well, at least I got meantioned. I was #182 to join the ACP; I’ve always remembered that.
The enemy had to triumph sometime, Oagal. Don’t ever forget that.
that brings a tear to my eye
btw, whos leader now rapidy?
(Salutes Oagal)
Oagal, despite our… “rocky” relations in the past, I believe that, in your time, you were a great leader. You’re just past that golden age. That doesn’t mean I’d never like to talk to you again. I would like to keep in touch with the occasional email to let you know how the new ACP is doing. Good-bye, hopefully not for the very last time! March on!
Dr Nono Jr
ACP Second in Command
Oagal we’ll miss ya! sorry for calling you all those bad names in the past and telling you to go to a mental hospital. 🙁 U were a good, loyal soldier and leader! waddle on!
Yours sincerely,
wow ogal i never really joined until fort was leader but bye that speech i salute you and all the acp soldiers i am loyal to acp and will never let it die we are the LOYAL SOLDIERS marching into battle I WILL ALWAYS BE AN ACP TO THE END
goob bye ogal i will miss you i think you were a great leader and i dispise anyone who says other wise ok people GO ACP WOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ACP 1ST
oh bye the way that was farsight that said that lol
If you want to join my army go to http://www.clubpenguinwcparmy.wordpress.com
Well Oagal. CYA! Sry about ur loss, but that is wat happens when u corrupt a army for ur own personal gain. I dont forgive easily, and I will never forgive u for wat damage u have caused ACP, and other armies. WWIV, Fort retiring, no leader…………..
Despite our less than cordial relations in the past few days I will truly miss you. It takes a person with a lot of nerve to do what was happening. You gave me my first rank of Captain, I owe alot to you sir. You created ACP.Good bye, and hopefully history will remeber you kindly.
Wow im going to miss u even though i join right as u were leaving i always heard of the infamous ogalthrop!
Lol. Your still Oagledork. That is who you are. Forever.
You were the best leader of ACP ever. I never wanted you to leave. Even though at the time you semi-retired I was an enemy nacho soldier, I always admired you though. I thought you would be able to crush any army you wanted too if they stood in your way. And You Could. Oagalthorp you musnt leave ACP. We need you. For your the…… well father of CP armies. YOU have given ACP honor. YOU have lead ACP through their dark days, YOU created ACP, above ALL armies. You ALWAYS were there in our hour of need. Almost Atleast. Even if you did lose a battle here and there, you always won the war with acp along your side. Comrades, Officers and advisors. They were all equal to you, and you knew it. Every other army leader treats his lower ranks like they arent people, like their not equal to him. You treated us with friendship or in Akabobs case gave him an enemy to learn lessons from, even though you were more like rivals. Oagalthorp you were the dearest of comrades, and this I guess is farewell. Enjoy the rest of your life, and I wish you good wealth.
ACP Commodore
Nacho Colonel
RPF General
Good Bye
ogal bye good luck i hope that u will fell better ive been angry at u a few times but now bye ill miss u (and saying bye feals like saying bye to a brother) :'( :'(
🙁 🙁 oh nooooooo! this is not oagal’s fault! and you guys just told oagal to get out of here. shame on you. oh and uh boomer, you really need to sort out your, er, priorities, if you will. no offense.
🙁 you were always a great leader salutes
🙂 pleaze join my army at http://www.clubpenguinwcparmy.wordpress.com :):)
Im sorry about what is happening. You are the greatest leader I have ever taken orders from. It is an honor to fight for you. But as I say, A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do.
~Coolguy12348, A proud ACP soldier~
coolguy could you join my army plz
“success yes the passway is in the storage of the hanger you can departure
haha:) kotor stuff
“failure” no what are you doing with my head no dont you better stop wait no security!!!!!!!!!!
haha:) funny
oh and I really need a rank please
To start Oagal, I am so sorry about your loss. I lost my grandpa four years ago, but I know he is still with me, just in a different way. Whoever you lost, I’m sure they were a great person. I’m also sorry that people blame you for everything, even though you clearly do not deserve it. You are not only an excellent leader, but you are an excellent person. I hope you have a great life, in whatever you wish to do. I wish you the best of luck with your problems and your family.
Have no fear, your sky will be blue again. -Shades2you
Oagal it really was unfair that you were oppressed this way during this time of hardship. These people who are taking your site from you have really hated you recently. Though most of these people here are against you (apart from a few exceptions), some us of are still loyal to you. Through this whole situation from beginning to end, I supported you. Oagalthorp, I wish to carry on what you started. I wish to carry on your heritage, not the new heritage of these rebels. So I humbly request to also be an administrator here as well as the others. I want to carry on what you started Oagal. Thanks.
If you decide yes Oagal, my email is: zgames@live.ca
oagalthorp, i forgive you for anything you did. Good-bye oagal, it was nice to know you.
im so sorry abouut that but me and a buch of people quited
IS THAT A NEW FLAVOR OF THRICE CREAM?!?!?! 🙂 never gets old:)
bye oagal good luck with real life
Oagal we will truly miss you. It takes a big man to apologize for all that, even when it wasn’t all your fault. I will never forget you. You were the reason I joined ACP, and the reason why I will never quit. I carry with me your ideals of what an army should be and I promise not to let ACP stray away from them again. I wish it didn’t have to end, but I guess all things must come to an end. When this site was in danger of being deleted I spent nearly 6 hours copying posts to my computer. Even though the site is still here, those 6 hours of repetition were not wasted, for I learned how much you really cared for this army and how much you put into it. Your work will not be forgotten, we will maintain what you started. ACP will still be strong as long as we have loyal soldiers. Once again, thank you Oagalthorp.
*ACP Forever*
Boomer 20
ACP Soldier
who knows you would become ACP legend
Hi. I’m not part of the ACP. I was looking ont he site and saw the part about something in your family. I just wanted to say my father passed away 2 years ago and my grandpa this past January. Whoever it is, it always hurts but you will get better. It will never be the same, so keep that person’s memories alive. Best of luck,
Wow, have some respect, the guy lost a loved one and you still treat him like that…
that wasnt the real fort who said he quit!! his name shouldve been clickable because he has site!!
are you leaving club penguin or just acp? please dont leave club penguin!
dude i just joined acp. yet that story touched me.What happened in your family? Im sorry even if u dont tell me. Im gonna miss you because you really helped acp win. Goodbye.
From teltu1
and i want to say that something terrible has happened in my family. so what you should do is keep there memeory alive. dont ever forget them. Dont think about the sorrow. think about the good times you had.He will always be alive and with you.
Goodbye oagal !
Have Fun in real 😉
Cya !~
~! Dido !~
Oh and guys i think we should take back acp’s old site see the new post that oagal made :
~! Dido !~ =)
Im sorry about your tragedy …
Well for the 2nd time ( 1st was in March when you ‘ retired ‘ ) I salute you .
This time … No coming back !!!
sorry oagol
I have Remembered the name ”oagalthorp” ever since the gpr was created my first army and gu gu pengu taught us all to h8 u for doing what u did to gpr but i am sorry for what i have said and i apologise fully for my actions and i hope u have great life
I salutes You Sir
Cassius Von brutus
Vice leader of the ACP council
oh and plz add my email to the site
Srry oagal. wish u didnt have to leave
“It was fun while it lasted”
Yes sir. It was. Just like my old friend ACP Embassador 1, you moved on. He was just like you Oagal. He teamed with over 20 small armies and made them as big as they are today. He was also known as ‘Ideaman’, Jarlo777 and many more. Yes he said that part of his retirement to the ACP and CP were because he never got a rank that made him feel very hopeless. If I lead a large army I would make him a dedicated soldier! Just imagine! In nearly every army site I went to, ACPE1 was there. HE was there to help. He made Sleet into what it is today and so much more!
Some people say: “Why are we so serious in playing Club Penguin and making all these army stuff”. My answer is: “I don’t wana grow older. This thing is FUN! I wouldn’t wana grow mature enough to have wrinkles all over my face.” These things are meant to BE fun. Anyway rebellions are common. there’s always someone who wouldn’t agree with another. I remember some of the revolutionary groups in my country’s history who made small secret operations. Oagal, you don’t have to leave. Fort too. Fort seemed like a good leader. Why would a great leader like you Oagal, choose a bad leader for your great army? Yes. That is why you made Fort57 the leader. You trusted him. One thing I never understood was, all of a sudden everyone hated the ACP and you Oagal. Some places in ACP were just full of jokes and ridiculous things. ACP wasn’t as clever-thinkin’ as it was before.
If you have to go, then go. I myself would always be happy anytime you return to this site. You always can! Their’s no rule. I just have big doubts…How can ACP gain back it’s respect? ACP has to many enemies already! Why not, get together again like old times? The most powerful alliances? I lost two friends in the ACP. They just simply retired. The biggest reason: “ACP FELL APART”. Everything falls apart even the people who never frown eventually break down. Yeh that’s a cool line from the song: Pushing Me Away by Linkin Park. And it’s true to the ACP. I just don’t get it. Many people commenting here disliked Oagal in the previous posts and simply just ‘re-like’ him again. I guess that’s not enough. Oagal’s really had it. I guess I can feel how he feels now. Leading a great army training them to be wise and strong then watching them turn wrong and rebellious. I just like making long comments because this is how I feel. I guess after this, everyone will go back to bein’ rebellious again. If that happens, I might as well wuit. It would be hopeless for ACP to return it’s old attitude. I respect everyone who dislikes Oagal. Some people just aren’t serious anymore. What has happened eh? Those great masterminds are now gone! Ideal plans ruined! Pilicies broken! Ranked soldiers not doing what they’re supposed to do! There are hardly any sensible people now!
Smaller armies, are the future of CP armies. I am not saying this just because I lead an army of my own and a massive community of nations. It’s just, give them time. ‘Fund’ their armies. What would you lose? The more the merrier! From the CPUN, most dislike ACP. Here is the top reason: ACP never gave them a chance to speak or anythin’. Yeh, maybe some people are noobs but hey if you give them some attention and let them learn, you could have a 5-star general. It’s just like people who can’t go to school. It’s like people in school who people call nerds and geeks that are always left out. This is the cause of riots and rallys.
Oagal I wish you the best in your life. I wish ACP the best too. Any leader would do fine because we know that you would choose the right one. Fort for example was a great leader. To the rebels, I wish for them to ocme to their senses. That’s not how a soldier acts. That’s not even how a revolution acts. Not even a guerilla. That’s not fighting for freedom. That’s a plain rebellion. IGNORANCE. INDEPENDANCE. SELFISHNESS. POINTLESS. LOSS. “UNCOOL”. Hasn’t Oagal done enough for you all? Even if he didn’t, why do this to him? I guess there ARE people in the world who act this way.
Oagal I salute to you. *salutes*
If only ACP would be kind enough to at least ‘raise a flag’ for him on CP. I’m goin’ on CP right now to make a group. Back to the old Oagalthorp Recconassaince Team.
Oh yes and sorry about your family tradgedy. I hope that goes well too.
Oagal, I never really got to know you personally but I rebellioed almost every decision you made and told my army to fight against it. But now we we are allies with ACP and I guess that gives me the right to say that I always though you where agreat leader no matter what other people said. Very strong. Sorry about your family and may your lifes goals and dreams come true.
well im srry that yr leaving and well…..We all mis ya.And i know how ya fell bout the family tragedy one of our elders died two yrs ago. well bye ill well WE ALL will miss ya bye
WOW FORT, WOW. You can’t put this behind you can you? You know what? I think YOUR to blame for this mess. You handled head’s situation wrong, which in a way ushered us in WW4, THEN you left us when we needed you the most only to start a rebellion. YOU ALSO ordered anyone who went on the old chat banned which was an attack not just on oagal but on your loyal supporters. TAKE A LOOK AROUND FORT, everyone else accepts Oagals apology it seems like its only YOU who wants to drag out this little civil war. I have three words for you fort, IT IS OVER.
By the way dee, you should get a job as a professional speech writer.
For anyone who doesnt know what Im talking about these are Fort’s Words, cut and pasted from a comment above. “U REALLY DID SICK AND I DONT ACCEPTUR APOLIGY!U KILLED THE ARMY!ACP REALLY SUCKS NOW I PUIT TO!” See what I mean?
appeche stfu and oagal that took some guts to do. i respect that. hopefully acp can grow again and triumph over evil. i bet you were a great leader in your army days XD.
i know how u fell i hope u get better soon i sould make u a get better card if that will help
its sad that your leaving for good oagal but i guess no one can stop you so bye by the way i dont think any of this is your fault i thinks its forts and headofpolice
MAN ALL E HAVE LEFT ON THE right oof the computer is Tomy weird everyone else is retrired
I just wanted to say…….. good-bye Ogal (cry cry!) Although I’ve never been led by you in a battle, I know you led the acp well, and ummm I’m proud of you! Only a real man could have admitted he was wrong and must have been especially hard for you considering what you had to endure over the past few days. I think you leaving ACP forever is stupid, I’ll acmitt it but maybe you should only quit until you and your family recover from the tradgedy that just happened. So I guess this might be my final post on ACP too. So I just wanted say good-bye to Ogal and just about everyone else in ACP. Good-Bye.
Goodbye, Oagal. 🙁 I was only in a few
battles you commanded, but you were a great leader.
Oagalphorp I have fought with you many times in battle. Joining during the watex warriors battle in November was a great experience. January was when things were tough. People got mad but we were always there. I’m probably gonna forget about this but its always a good decision to make a proper good bye
Now that my time as an ACP soldier is about to end, I would like a moment of silence for both Ogal and me ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I salute you ACP soldiers, Ogal and everyone else but i’m sorry I don’t know what to do! Should I stay or should i start my own army? I’m so confused! Help! Please! I could really use a fellow to cheer me up right now! I’m sorry ACP and i would like to thank Ogal for the gift of this website! so for now i think this is Good-Bye ACP. I’m sorry.
Sincerely Forever,
Dee, a little rebellion now and then is good.
Like the American Revolution, perhaps?
yes it is good now and then well i wanna join my cp name is mowloft
wait is it closing
oh well
OK THE HACKER THING IS GONE well i was in the town my screan froze and i was on the top of the night club IM LIKE WTF I TOLD PEOPLE TO HELP me i keeped hiting buttons like crazy and i came back down they hacked me up there to get me in truble
hi i`m not in Acp or any army but Oagalthorp goodbye
awwww man ur leaving
noka! you were the one up there!?i saw that!
oagal im am always loyal to acp.not really rebellions im not that type.we are going to miss you. salutes :'(
ill miss u oagal ): too bad ur leaving
Bye sir we will miss you sorry about the rebellion dont worry it wasnt your falt
Your Loyal Solider,
Commander Jim456
oagl if you quit lots of peple will you wrote that like you were the nicest person ever now show it and dont put us threw this.
good-bye. i actually think im kinda sad that ur leaving. *slaps face*
A wise man also said “He who said the Pencil was mightier then the Sword has clearly not encountered automatic guns”. I’m going to miss you buddy. I know we had our fights but in heart i always admired you. I don’t know what happened to you’re family and i know i would be kind of rude to ask but…What happened? Whatever it is…Good-bye old friend
P.S Hey Berry Oagledork? You can’t get anything better than Oagledork? You should take whats left of you’re brain and shoot behind a shed
hey ogal il always remember you as the guy who got me into war games and i am an elite 13 in rainbow 6 and a major in call of duty 4. il miss u buddy:'( i forgive u.
oagal (if your reading comments),
from the time i met you on cpaf bribble, to the time we shared a chat, you have been like a role-model to me. you have brilliant ideas, you use superior words and correct grammar (lol).
you were the acp’s finest leader and no one can replace you (no offense current/past leaders).
the world of club penguin armies is crumbling, people are losing interest, and it’s just getting weak.
“it was fun while it lasted”. you were right.
i hope you have a good life, you’ll be come sucessful in something, whether it be in the army or shipping boxes for FedEx, you’ll do it great.
you were a good friend, you were a legend.
bye i will miss u u were a great leader
Lol, old post.
good bye i remember my first battle was with you :'(