You guys chose not to destroy this site. So, I’ll leave it to you. All of you get to decide the fate of the ACP, new leaders, ranks, servers, chats, etc.
I’ll be back tomorrow to make the new leaders Editors, then I’ll be gone for good.
P.S. I’d like to thank Fort57 for giving the ACP’s enemies a very good day.
P.P.S. I would have deleted this place, but thanks Akabob22’s newest post, I have been convinced that the ACP should be here to stay.
Filed under: ACP |
i dont get it
You guys choose what to do. Go for it.
go on acp chat oagal
hmm…yep…they all rebeled but yet they want to keep te site. Wow! they still have some love for the site. (maybe not for you oagalthorp. no offence).
nono or rapidy i might not be here tommorow but i need you to read my post on my sitew showing my qualifications on why i should be a higher rank. this is where my resume is
yay ty u soo much oagal for believing in us!!
we still have the site!! 9 comment
10th comment
ogal go on the old acp chat
thanks for leaving the site oagal…we only made a rebelion because you were trying to take over acp and were making wars and invasions you had no right to make, you can come on chats still its just you have too accept that you arent in control of acp anymore,and that it will happen to all of us some day.
Since the site is staying, I will run for leader.
I want to get all this chiotic mess over with.
P.S. If you dont want to vote for me, vote for Boomer. Boomer would be an excellent leader for any army and I would glady follow him.
wtf i got banned from chat cause i did a few cookies and cupcake icons!! thats soooo stupid
everyone stop leaving pointless messages..High ranked people run for leader.I think jedi jungle and um cooltiger should run
thanks oagal! thank you very much!
I know towards the end oagal was a bit diffenrent but he was a good leader at first probably one of the best ( Apart from pink ) 🙂
But still what the acp has done to him is extremly harsh and no one deserves to be driven away like that i am going to wish oagal luck and hope he lives a good life.
Best wishes Mouse.
oagal see the poll
Uhhh Oagal, Yes is winning 81 to 77….
and shut the f*** up kylecease Oagal made the decision so shut ur fat mouth
Look if u h8 oagal ure probably an idiot or Faggot urself and Fort if Oagal nver created d acp u wud never have had a chance to be a leader And u say you dont like Oagalthorp only people who are idiots would say that they h8 Oagal Oagalthorp is better i want him back & i dont care if you hate me i alredy reported some of u
Hate to break it to you…but yes is winning.
Ehh..I’m not even in any cp army. I think they are a little crazy, and every time I come here I see more drama over an internet kids game. Actually, it’s been entertaining me a little ever since the acp had that fight with the uma.
Well, good luck with whatever happens to the acp, but if I were you, I would go ahead and get rid of it. Everything has an ending time. And only a little under half voted no, some for it being historic anyways.
Hope things work out. 😛
Just delete it we all know that even though u SAY u will leave u will come back and do something retarded
Dont blame fort oagal, it was you who started ww4. fort ad nothing to with that, this is all your fault so dont try to pass the buck.
oagal we will take this site IF: you let us delete you from it.
guys look at acp were supposed to be strong, at this rate we will be attacked and took down. ACP Capt KC
W00T W00T!!! and i think rapidy nono tiger and cas should run for the leader
No just rap
yea its good its safe
…. I’m game. I don’t really mind the regime of Rapidly or Nono. Thanks for leaving us Oagal.let us follow ourown path.
Fleet Admiral/1 star General
Oagal you cant leave, reguardless of what everyone thinks i know that without you we kind of will fall apart, not sayin rapidy or nono will be bad leaders or anything. Although i doubt this post will change my mind but talking for the ACP wether they like u or not Thanks. Its a shame you never talked to me on chat , it has been quite a long time.
um… is there a poll we can vote on for who we want to be the leaders?
Im with you know oagal, fort sent his henchmen to ban us on the old chat and they banned us despite the fact that we were on is side, so ive switched sidesand will fight along you till hell freezes over
Fort and TomY joined my army!
Ill run for leader I dont want to be leader though so PLEASE dont le me be leader Im fine with sergeant I think its a wonderful rank
im going to hate you for life, oagal
Capuzzi, you shouldn’t be a higher rank…
Oagal, I would like to be a author, if its ok, I could cover army news.
you would suck
and laso i called the FBI ON SHLIEA GALLY reason cyber bully there on to you
times ticking
fbi on on your tail gally
guys acp has a new website
Tomtwelve for leader!!!!!!!!!!!
by the way since we get to choose what to do can i be a higher rank?
Thanks for leaving it to us Oagal. This site contains information that may be crucial to army success in the future. What better way to prepare an army for the future than to study the most successful army in Club Penguin history. Once again, thank you Oagalthorp.
“Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
~George Santayana
50th comment
This doesn’t solve the problem whatsoever. ACP is split into 2 parts right now. The Old ACP (Oagal’s Followers) and the New ACP (Fort’s Followers). So what side get’s the site?
51st!!!!!!!!!! I’ll also run for a position in ACP if Applicable. If Boomer agrees to this I’d like to run with him. [Him as Leader and me as Co-leader] even if that does not occur I’d be satisfied with a promotion.
People of ACP
1 I would be a good leader [co]because am active.
2. I have a cool mind and can make important decisons.
3. I have extensive technical Experience ranging from Chats to wordpresss.
4 My main commitment is to ACP.
5. I have never deserted ACP in times of distress.
6. I can maintain good relations with other armies.
1 star General/ Fleet Admiral
Adios Oagal. You have been a worthy adversary. I hope you have a good time the rest of your life. Thanks for the challenges you set me through, because it made me a better person in the end.
Oooh can i be editor rofl!
Make sure you read the newest post, Oagal:
Lol, it’s ogal who wants to keep the site.
He pretty much surrendered.
I mean COME ON! Eevry army in cp was going agains him, so all he can do is run. I’m so cracking up right now.
And to his clueless supporters, WITH him you would go through an impossible to win war against every army in cp. THEN you would fall apart, and I would start seeing acp soldiers in nachos, uma, and rpf. Mostly rpf.
Right. I’m running for leader, and if I don’t win, I’m quitting.
If I don’t win, don’t think I’m quitting just because I am bitter. It’s just that if the current leaders stay this army is gonna crash and burn, and I have no intention of wasting my time with it. I believe that I have the qualities that can ressurect this army, and I don’t wanna see this army fall. I don’t have time to type some other stuff that I wanted to say.
Oh, and if you aren’t allowed to run for leader, just edit this comment or e-mail me at and I’ll be out of your hair. Permanently.
I either need to move up, or move on.
Also, I’ll be supporting CasiusBrutus, Boomer20 and Headofpolice for leader as well. Just because I believe that they and them only can turn this mess around.
Unfortunately I…cut off my wireless internet access so I won’t be able to be on till Friday at the earliest. All I have for the moment is this dial-up, of which I have limited access. I can’t go onto the ACP Chat either.
If anyone wants to contact me before then, just post a comment here and put my name on it. I’ll read the comments here and here only, as I only have a little bit of time on this internet each day.
So…support me, and support this army.
-Kid Robot.
Kid, you do know you just insulted the current leaders of acp, and all the people running for leadership, right?
Jeez, jerk.
Turns out I have some extra time on my hands. Here goes:
1. I’m very active. Usually my longest hiatus in ACP comes in the form of a vacation, of which I have had my main one. [I will also be leaving for a week next Sunday, so I won’t be active then either].
2. I’m experienced. Sure I have only been in the ACP for around 6 or 7 months but in that time I have quickly gained respect, promotions and experience. I’m already a brigadier [actually with the new ranks, I think I am a Colonel now :S ], which shows that I must at least have some use in an army. 😉
3. My only army is ACP. I have never even considered deserting ACP in times of distress. Dedication. It’s a good quality. 🙂
4. I have links with people in other armies, and have friends and colleagues who trust me. I could forge allyships and alliances with other armies with relative ease.
5. I have a sharp, fast, and cool mind. I can make decisions concisively and quickly.
6. I’m a good leader. I have led ACP in a number of defences in the morning [I live in England, so I am on when most Americans are in bed] so when there are no higher officers on the chat, I may often have to defend servers with the help of troops. Plus, my real life name is James, which actually means leader. Coincidence? 😉
7. I am experienced with WordPress and Club Penguin. I joined Club Penguin in April 2006 and have been using WordPress for over a year [I had a couple of blogs that were non-CP].
Right, well, 7 is my lucky number so I am going to leave the list there. I hope you take these points into account and give me some consideration.
-Kid Robot
Yeah I know, Tidle Fin. I just wanted to get my point across without trying to be nice to everyone.
I’m just being honest.
I don’t know why I said “allyships and alliances” on my previous comment. What was I thinking?
I meant just “alliances”. My bad!
Sorry to comment again 😉 I just keep thinking of new things to say. If Boomer20, Headofpolice or CasiusBrutus become leader, I won’t quit, because I believe that they also have the qualities of a good leader who won’t let this army fall. Also there are a couple of other people who I think would make good leaders but I’m not gonna say their names.
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ARMIES ON CLUB PENGUIN. It’s a game meant for like 5-10 year olds and you are all taking it waaayyy too seriously. Armies? Battles? Enemies?
It’s a game meant for young children.
How old are you, Dewmann?
It’s fun to take things seriously and have these battles and whatnot. Trust me, I started out just like you.
have I been demoted to contributor???!
You know what forget helping ACP they’ve become too weak.
scene from Napoleon Dynamite on Date Movie Bfan212
Realistically, I don’t think we will be changing the organization we have right now with the Council, and it’s only slightly more likely we will be using this site. Personally, I hope everyone agrees to using this again, but the divide we have right now between the opposing sides may be unrepairable…
Plz just retire already, you’re like Brett Favre a few weeks ago.
Lol their right ogal people want this site deleted.
I don’t beleive this. Shame on you ACP soldiers who are doing this to Oagal. It’s as if you stole the very ACP itself. This is betrayal to your own army, to your own leader, and to the rest of CP. It’s gone too far. ACP now likes making it’s own trouble. This is one reason why Mammoth hates ACP. I’ve been in Oagal’s side for a very long time. He inspired me to make my own army, to make the Club Penguin United Nations, and to make CP a better place. Now…look at yoursleves ACP soldiers. It’s a disgrace. What happend to the law? What happend to the governemtn rules? What happened to the peace officers who are supposed to settle this? I can’t blieve this. You don’t anymore sound like those good old ACP soldiers. Yall sound like ignorant terrorists. Without Oagal you people wouldjust be going around making noob quotes and noob armies.
All of you have betrayed the ACP and the policy. Oagal doesn’t have to destroy the site because you all already did! This is foolish. If you dislike Oagal you shouldn’t be shouting out all those weak words you un-feeling monsters.
Shame people…shame…
Look at you’ve become. if you think Oagal is bad, gay or evil or nerdish, look at yourselves.
I’ve always thought ACP was the best…I’m having doubts now. It’s a disgrace. This army was always my idol…I’ve always sided here…I really can’t belive this…ACP has changed so much.
dont be so rough on ogal ppl he created the acp he should atleast be honorably discharged if it werent for him u ppl would still be sittin in cp dooin nuthin so ogal bye bye make another army then die 🙂
Fort and Oagal are both very good leaders. It’s the soldiers who aren’t disciplined.
i quit acp bye troops
What? Fort is with the rebellion mrdeedledoo! Plus we rebelled because oagal said he retired but he is still acting like the leader. That’s why.
wow Dee’s comment made me think about what were doing, everyone who said that type of thing is right, we shouldn’t have been so hard on oagal, Im gonna work my *** off to get him to come back.
Dee you are such an idiot .
You wanna know why ?
Well a long time ago when the ACP was created , Oagal was one of the best leaders ( if not the best ) , in March 2008 , he quit , making Fort the leader – and Oagal retired and did not have a rank – and did not ask for one either . Fort was the leader – he controlled ACP – but Oagal kept butting in , and almost made Nachos and IW go off our ally list . Then ACP was losing badly in the first war against IW . Look , retiring means – quitting –
So Oagal get the f*** out of here . Or to be fair lets have a poll – Oagal does whatever he wants vs Oagal leaves !
PS . When Oagal was boss he did not accept defeat xD
oogal leaves
i got banned on chat by saying tht
Ok one thing: I’m not an idiot. Former-presidents of many countries still have the right to change things. They have the choice to do so belive it or not. Well Corvette, yeah that may be true.
Here’s my point. Even if he did those things, why did you have to tunr your backs at him this way? Why do you all act to him in this rude pointless way?
Miroos, ok I understand. There’s always an option of talking to Oagal. This is just plain disgust. Doing that to your former leader. Why not just talk to him and settle things? Yes he may annoy you but…then if you all continue to act this way, why be a soldier? Why not be a terrorist? Why not be a noob? Also, Petty Officers should talk in a peaceful way. I didn’t want anyone to call me an idiot mister Officer. That’s called freedom of speech. I learned all that from Oagal himself.
I mean like, Why make another site, shut it down and estroy ACP just because Oagal kept butting in? If you all disagreed with his plans why didn’t you say NO instead? If he wouldn’t listen then tell him that he isn’t the leader! Not in this way! Oagal is like any other non-ranked soldier. He gives ideas and plans, though many may not accept all plans. Why be so serious? Why make a poll just for this? This is almost stealing guys. It’s as if, you gained the respect and the ranks here in ACP, and turn your back on it all getting away with the respect and the rank at the same time. Yes Oagal may want it to be his way. But hey, who can’t just say NO? Why do you have to do all this disgusting quotes about him?
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Thanks Boom.
I really disagree with this. It’s just disgraceful. To think of how ACP were so sensible and humble before. I don’t hear the citizens of Mammoth chanting ACP anymore. It would be cool if the citizens cried out for ACP’s help. THose bots are a big virus. They mulitply everdday. Two bots were finally on the ground. They kept repeating: a virus is coming a virus is coming. We are doomed! Yeh I used ACP’s name to defend these people. I did my best to get the citizens to side with ACP on this. Well some did. But my question is, if citizends DID respect ACP, would the present ACP answer their call or would they go hang-out and do some laugh-talkin’? Some people here remind me of some drunkards back in my home in the Philippines – a 3rd world country. Yeh lots of em go around drinkin’ and laugin’ and talkin’ aout un-nessesary things.
ACP was an organized army. Government laws and all those. My father is a diplomat and that means he works in an embassy abraod. I’ve spent my whole life abroad. Living in different governments and all those rules. I’ve been to almost 10+ schools with over 50 bestfriends. Well ok, to get to the point, ACP HAS NO MORE GOVERNMENT. I mean, look at this. Look at what ACP has become? Ignorant, independant, ‘un-cool’. The only thing I can describe about these acts against Oagal, etc. is = ‘POINTLESS’. It’s absolutely pointless! Saying those things to your own leader?
If you got a rank in Oagal’s time and no hates him and curses him to go away here’s a summary of your life in the ACP:
-He/she joins
-He/she works
-He/she earns repsect of Oagal and the rest
-He/she becomes good friends with Oagal
-Oagal trusting him/her
-Oagal thinking of him/her as a reliable and trustworthy person
-Oagal gives him/her a well-earned rank
-He/she turns his/her back at Oagal, spits at him, curses him, pushes him, bullies him, and destroys his reputation.
See? That simple! Backstabbing!
There’s only a few things that could describe people like that:
Abecedarians, abominable snowmen, aborigine, anachronisms, anacoluthons, anamorphic aardvark, anthracite, anthropophagus, anthropithecus, arabian nightmare, artichokes, autocrats, aztecs, baboon, bagpipers, Balkan beetle, bandit, bashi-bazouks, beasts, belemnite, big-head, blackamoor, black-beetles, blackbird, blackguards, black marketeers,blistering barnicals, billions of blue blistering barnicals, bloodsuckers,blue blistering barnicals, body-snatcher, bootlegger, bougainvillea, breathalyser, brigand, brontosaurus, brutes, buccaneer, bully, cannibal, carpet-sellers, caterpillars, centipede, cercopithecus, coconuts, coelacanth, corsair, cowards, crab-apples, Cro-Magnon, crooks, cyclone, cyclotron, diplodocus, dipsomaniac, dizzards, dogs, doryphores, duck-billed platypus, dunder-headed ethelreds, dynamiter, ectoplasm, ectoplasmic byproduct, egoists, fancy-dress fatima, fancy-dress freebooters, fat faces, filibusters, flaming Jack-in-a-box, freshwater swabs, fuzzy-wuzzy, gallows-fodder, gang of thieves, gangsters, gibbering ghost, gobbledygooks, gogglers, goosecaps, guano gatherer, gyroscope, harlequin, heretic, highwayman, hi-jackers, hooligans, hydrocarbon, iconoclast, interplanetary goat, invertebrate, Jack pudding, jellied-eel, jelly-fish, jobbernowl, kleptomaniacs, Ku-Klux-Klan, lily-livered bandicoots, liquorice, logarithm, macrocephalic baboon, mameluke, megacycle, megalomaniac, miserable earthworms, misguided missile, monopolizers, moth-eaten marmot, moujiks, mountebanks, nincompoop, nitwits, nyctalops, odd-toed ungulate, olympic athlete, ophicleides, orangoutang, Ostrogoth, pachyrhizus, paranoiac, parasites, Patagonians, phylloxera, picaroons, pickled herrings, pirates, pithecanthropuses, pockmarks, politician, poltroons, polygraphs, Polynesian, prattling porpoise, profiteers, prize purple jelly-fishes, psychopath, pyrographers, pyromaniac, rats, rhizopods, road-hogs, ruffian, savages, scoffing braggart, sea-gherkins, sea-lice, shipwreckers, slave-trader, slubberdegullions, squawking popinjay, steamrollers, swine, sycophant, technocrat , terrapins, toads, toffee-noses, torturers, traitors, tramps, Troglodytes, turncoats, twister, two-timing Tartar twisters, vagabonds, vampires, vandal, vegetarian, vermicellis, villain, visigoths, vivisectionists, vulture, whipper-Snapper, woodlice, wreckers, and zapotecs
There. That’s what you are. Look at yourselves now. They call you evil. I never would’ve sided with those people saying ACP is EVIL if I didn’t know about what you were all doing to Oagal and the rest of ACP. I duno…I duno what I should do now. All my idolizing and lookin’ up to just dropped.
Thanks again Boom
Dee over and out for tonight.
wow dee nice speech
and i mean that…
Listen up people. For all of you who still support Oagal and think that this rebellion is stupid, please come here and join the Old ACP. We will attempt to restore the ACP to the way it was when Oagal ruled it.
I guess it takes more than one to make a point, so I thank you Dee for bringing up what you said. You are completely correct in every way imaginable. I am shocked and appalled at the way my fellow soldiers have treated Oagal, and it’s not even the rebellion that bothered me. It’s that Oagal gave in to everything we wanted and we still nearly ruined the site and the army. Oagal picked the new leader, Rapidy, just like Fort told him to do when he retired. Oagal then agreed to an election for leader where ANYONE could run. How much more do you want from him? He had nothing left to give, yet we took it all away. This is not the army I joined back in January. We have lost site of all our morals, we publicly harassed a leader who was the most dedicated ACP soldier ever and gave everything he had to the cause. We too, have lost site of the cause. What was ACP created for? I don’t think it was rebellion and shameless desecration of a leader. That is everything we used to be against. We went to war with armies who were traitorous and cursed repeatedly because we were protecting Club Penguin from these armies who did nothing good for it. I spoke against the rebellion from the beginning. I said we could settle this diplomatically. Oagal did everything he could. He gave in to all our demands, but we rebelled nonetheless. In the end, we nearly lost the most important site in Club Penguin army history. Once again, I say “What have we become?” Now that Oagal’s gone, I guess we can do nothing more for him. The rebellion was a success if that’s what you want to call it. Unfortunately, we did not just lose a leader and a legend. In the process, we lost everything ACP stood for.
Boomer 20,
Disgusted ACP Soldier
I agree Dee, the ACP government organization was amazing. I went around to every major army’s site and analyzed their government. I joined the ACP because everything was planned out and I could tell that the leader knew what he was talking about. The government page was the most detailed I had ever seen and I knew the army had to be successful. And it was. We need to get back to that.
im so confused ogal is good but so is fort but fort quit and ogal retired leaving acp without a leader then they both choosed one and then things got messed up right?
So, ACP must die down right?!! Please Please!