Hi, Oagalthorp here. First of all, I would like to accept an offer made by Fort: He and I will both be leaders during this war. Don’t get too excited, this is only temporary. We just need to win Mammoth back and accomplish a few other objectives before I will continue retirement. So if you’ve ever wanted to fight side-by-side with me, this is your chance.
Ok, down to business. The Nachos have conquered Mammoth. The server where the ACP was born, raised, and has defended for almost two years. Are we going to let these guys take our – and Club Penguin’s – most coveted server? I should think not. So let’s do this in the name of the ACP, and the name of Club Penguin!
- SERVER: Mammoth
- ROOM: Start at the Snow Fort
- DATE: Thursday, Aug. 7th
- TIME: 1:00pm PST
- —–4:00pm Eastern
- —–3:00pm Central
- —–2:00pm Mountain
- —–1:00pm Pacific
- REASON: Taking back Mammoth
This very well might be the biggest battle in the history of Club Penguin. So I want every ACP soldier to be there. If you want to join the ACP, what better time than this? If you want to just attend a record breaking battle, show up in ACP uniform.
Here are some tips for this battle:
- Be on the ACP Chat A LOT, especially during the battle. That is where the commands will be given.
- When fighting, stay in the open, and stay in a group. Be shoulder-to-shoulder; don’t over-lap each other.
- When fighting, attack close and from below. This way you can cover them up with chat bubbles and emote bombs.
- Follow Fort and my commands.
- Constantly check this website, because we could add an update or piece of advise any minute.
- Fight hard, and don’t give up.
Nachos, we expect you to be there.
Filed under: ACP |
second. Well since I’m loyal to Fort. I’ll be there. Oh and someone record the battle.
W00T! Just like the old days! Good Vs Evil! W00T!
I will try to be there! 😀
i’ll be there
nachos dont have mammoth? kg and abers army does
Oh yeah..time to blow up Nachos and take some names boys..this meansd WAR!
*Grabs 35K Machine gun*
is UMA invited?
ill try my best to be there, when did they take it over? We must win, our reputation and possibly our existence is at stake.
i dont think ill be going there cause its always full and im a non member. T_T
I know you hink I’m deranged but I’m not. Also I’d like to teach the ACP boot camp, where is it?
Ummmm Uma invaded it yesterday and defeated the nachos with help form upfa while acp was in brumby
UMA got bak mamoth yesterday. We whooped the nachos!
Ugh you idiots…..
We swapped mammoth for brumby and whitehouse ugh
I will be there !
~! Dido !~
welcome back sir!
U can count on me being there!
We don’t have Mammoth Oagaldork! And it looks like Sheila finally admitted ACP was evil! Finally you guys tell the truth.
I cant wait and il be there as a friend of mines peng Baseball182 if thats ok fort and oagal.
Uh Person, I didn’t say what side was evil, because nachos think ACP is evil and ACP thinks Nachos are evil. 😛
I cant go there Im not a member and if your a member you cant go at that time so I wont see u there sorry
ACP ambassador out
that’s awesome because i just got another membership yesterday 🙂
p.s. if you like lucky charms, join my new army! the lucky charm republic (no joke)
I’LL try hard to make it if not ill patrol snow fort
ACP WILL “RECLAIM ITS DIGNITY” “Is that a new flavor of thrice cream?” — Chowder
if your really mad at acp right now join my army the cpf and we will have five leaders and change alot i need three more leaders so hurry up and join
this is one battle i can finnaly come to! ill be there but i wont be on chat alot unless…
oops forgot my rank is lieutenant
also lets try to arrive a bit early and ambush them that means like thirty minutes before the battle
p.s. ill record for acp to
i will be there as saintnicksc2
im will be there
GO Nachos. ACP are the worst!
nonmembers will patrol the other servers, i guess…
or maybe ill get membership for one month just for this battle! 😀
Ill be there Mammoth is ACPs although I cant get on ACP chat because it breaks my computer I know I know just give me a break
Ill capture us an Australian server NOW.
hey, uma specialist wurburt here, and i will come to aid the ACP!
uuum UMA and UPFA took mammoth…
Hi Tome and fort i just made a army and i need some help i got some land i have 4 servers no one has taken yet so plz plz plz plz plz plz help me with my army my website is “podog.wordpress.com” and PLZ help me i got no troups yet lol and we need a LOT of advice
UMA and UPFA conquered Mammoth from the Nachos yesterday, but since we’re allies, I don’t think we have to go to war with them over it.
Ho-Ho Oagaldork! Go ahead a surrendur u no that the Nachos R gonna PWN U
And with the nachos in controll…
I can take them being a smaller army. and then….
so we are gooing to be fighting the ice warriors and then take back mammoth one word AWESOME we have this in the bag
we are so gonna beat theyre @$$es
I keep trying to get people to join but no body ever stays with ACP! They all go to the ninjas!