The new author…

You’ll never guess who it is.  It’s Admiral Tomtwelve!  Yup, I’m the new author on this site, here to give Club Penguin updates whenever necessary.  I’ve been in ACP for a while, so Fort said I deserved it.  In fact, I guess it has been a year since I joined. So anyway, I’m going to be doing the CP updates from now on, since I have another blog.  I’m not going to be scheduling battles and stuff like that.  Just updates.  We clear?  Excellent.


32 Responses

  1. w00t w00t 1st and nice tom

  2. omfg im quitting ACP *runs out door and shoots tomtwelve* lol jk good job time you earned it *looks suspiciously around* lol

    Tomtwelve: Don’t let your guard down too soon! 😆

  3. 3rd! Congratulations Tom! 🙂 😀

  4. I’m glad that someone like you got it! But be careful…… Someone might stab out in the back 😆

    Tomtwelve: (Salute)

  5. congrats tom, ur updates better be good, or else

    Tomtwelve: I have more than a year’s worth experience of doing updates on I doubt that these could be bad.

  6. Congrats even though I don’t know you :D.

  7. Lol ive still been in acp longer than u xD

    Tomtwelve: Yeah, there’s people who have been in ACP longer than me…

  8. WOW TOM

  9. Well Fort made the decision to make me an author very fast. 😀 It was just like, “Do you do updates?” And I said yes, and then, “Wanna be an author?”

  10. I like how you comment on comments… it shows that you actually read what people say. I don’t know you well but I have seen you around and stuff so I’m glad that someone who actually has been in ACP got it. (remember chewitt?)

    Tomtwelve: Yeah, chewitt… that was an interesting dilema we had. Well anyway, I’m pretty bored, so I’m checking back on this page a lot and seeing what people have to say and responding. Heh heh.

  11. look out stabs back 🙂 heh heh heh

    Tomtwelve: Oh my gosh! Jedi knows the future…

  12. just kiddin
    or am I ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    Tomtwelve: Me too. I doubt Jedi knows the future. Lol.

  13. well welcome to the team now bro so lets make a deal ok you can make me happy bye baning saint 1994 on acp chat for life and all that

  14. so welcome on the team im happy of you but i have ben in acp sence may 26 of 2007

  15. Good job tomtwelve u deserve it!!

  16. Well Done Tom!!!

  17. Nice work Tom ! You should take TomY ‘ s rank 😀

    Tomtwelve: Nah, I don’t deserve it. He’s been in ACP longer than me. But for the record….I made my penguin first.

  18. Wasnt there a Noka 7 ? Then one day I logged into CP and saw a Noka 8 , and Noka 7 thought he was an imposter xD

  19. I had the weirdest dream ever :

    One day I was walking down the street when I saw fort , and he was like Hey miroos dude , and we went to this house , there was 2 evil teenagers holding guns , and one shot me about 20 times and blood ran down , but I could hardly feel it lol , and Fort got seriously mad and shot one in the head and he died , then I got a gun and shot one in the heart and he covered his face with his arm and went uggggggh , then he fell down and died . LOOOOOL ! !! ! Sometimes I can schedule my dreams , I can tell my brain what to dream lol , and whenever it is X-Mas or my school starts or ends , the day before or the night before i see what will happen tommorow ( lol it dont happen )

    Does anybody believe in Santa ?? I dont 🙄

  20. Congrats Tomtwelve! I know I am not a member of this army but I would like to congratulate you. I remember the first day you joined ACP, the day we became enemies in the world of CP War. But no since all the small armies are united with ANTA, we can be allies once more. I like your site and go on it everyday. You inspired me to make mine!

    Tomtwelve: Yes… the approximate date at which I joined was July 6 2007, the day Oagalthorp announced the infamous attack on UMA to end WWIII. Oh, now I’m having a flashback…good times.


  22. Congratulations tom. I dont even know you but hey congrats.

  23. Nice Job TomTwelve! 😉

  24. ^ It’s head 😀 ^
    | |

  25. are you going to post a lot on here



  27. Tomtwelve!!! Can i meet you someday plz!!!
    Hows tommorow at husky?
    2:30 Club Penguin time
    Cya there

    Tomtwelve: Doubtfully.

  28. Tomtwelve this is for you. It’s a bird! (;

  29. PLZ PLZ PLZ!!!!!!
    How about 3:50 Club Penguin time or umm?
    4:50 Club Penguin time. ANY TIME JUST PLZ PLZ PLZ!!

  30. At husky

  31. booooo

  32. Tomtwelve congrats! Hey today at mammoth can you show on the war? Your choice.

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