Well there was a war yesterday that didn’t last that long, it was on short notice, if you didn’t show its fine. The Black Jackets had “Declared war on us” within a few minutes when i was on, i tried talking them out of it, but they wouldn’t, then I tried to make it on Saturday so they could have a chance but no, the thick headed army wouldn’t cut for it. So we got on club penguin at the Christmas Dojo, and we were fighting for “losing army must leave cp forever”. So the ACP troops got on quickly and stormed the Dojo. We pretty well won it within 45 minutes, So I tried to cut a deal with them saying that all they had to do was surrender, and they wouldn’t have to leave cp, and could keep a capital server, but the leader Johnhancoff, wouldn’t agree so he basically destroyed his own army, it’s pretty sad that they refused such an offering, but ah well.
Filed under: ACP |
♫Hopefully 1st.♫
♫w00t! First! 2nd one Today!!!♫
🙄 Balck jackets aka:loser n00bs.
P.S. I LUV BARNEY!!!!!! Meduim rare please.
🙄 Black Jackets aka: n00blets.
P.S. I LUV BARNEY!!!!! Meduim rare and a side of potatos please.
YEA WE KCIKED THEM SONS OF A BI*** there now in h*ll
♫We Won♫
rap how did u get the S.I. pass?
THAT LEADER’S DOG AS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we won lol
srry i wasnt there probally in bed :(+
LOL destroyed his own army!
😆 Ballack Jackets 😆
Well it is kind of sad to see black jackets leave cp FOREVER. The reason I helped ACP was because if ACP lost, then it wouldnt be the same on Club Penguin without ACP.
WW General Blueswill
i missed it srry
they are losers! LOL
Fort check out head’s post on firing Nakib and read my comment!
XD I’ve always known black jackets were n00bs. 😆
True fighters accept defeat when the know they’ve lost…
lol Black Jackets suck
its kinda sad but funny that john han coff destroyed his own army that noob u know hes gonna make a new army?
dude i suggest u shut up! the person u think is stuck up
lol. U declare war then u then u destroy ur own army. Wat a noob. Well Fort u gave them a offer.
well the offer was sh!t. this was the offer fort made
u can stay on cp if u give acp all ur servers
and give all ur soldiers to acp