Hi guys,
If you havent noticed yet…
Promotionday is jumbled as Morraydpotion! The promotion day will be on THIS Saturday guys!..
As some of you know..I quit the Court trial in ssacp because im not sad like them…and i got a punishment for quitting..
I am no longer 3rd in command of ACP!
Maybe i will return some day as 3rd in command… I will be doing the Promotion Day and then i wont be 3rd in command any longer.
March On!
Chewits Edit:
You are supposed to obey my orders 😀 and you know that ❗ Check my site http://chewitttcp.com if you want to meet Rockhopper tomorrow. I will have a guide posting where he is, and I will update it every time I find him 😀
Head: Im not taking orders from you!
Chewit: Yes you are 😀
Head: Good luck trying mate 😉
Filed under: ACP |
lolz. Idk which one. new post by sean @ sheilagally.com
wow the acp is always argueing with its self and others. u guys should think about having less authors…
Thats cool. I’m sorry if I sound like a totall n00b but who’s chewit dude?
BTW join my army at http://secretservicesofclubpenguin.wordpress.com
go to http://www.mrmcgreen.wordpress.com
i hope he comes back ps we are loseing all our good acp troops
plz rank me
plz rank me
Hi 😀
So how do i apply to get promoted? The jungle n said i would make a great admiral based on my qualifications. The post says applying for corporal but im acctually applying for like admiral or a little lower so here is the url for the post i made on forums. I hope you check it out cheitt its pretty good 🙂
sir, take meggis1234 off the list. im banned so put darkknight 67 in her place plz. thnx sir, bye
cool-whateva its called! ROFLLOLZXDXP
head i so agree with u.Chewitt cant barge in here and give us orders.He hasnt been in this army and just cause he is famous doesnt mean he can give us orders
AS for promotion day when and how do we get promoted? Does everyone vote or is it based on personnal MOD thoguhts? And when?
Headofpolice, you did the right thing about the trial and resigning from your position. I, and many other people give you respect for doing that.