We might have a new flag here are your options;
– New Flag
– Old Flag
By the way, The Jungle N made a Flag. IF you made a flag and want it in, give it to me by the end of today, and I will give you a chance to put your flag in the voteing.
Filed under: ACP |
I’ll try to make one Fort.
1st Nacho! xD
I like the new one better.
Oagal is old and boring
lol jkjk im just saying i wish he would just leave
Here is mine! http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc32/Furuta-BASKET/acpflag1-1.jpg
mine is actully . Sorry for wrong link
Make sure to give credit to whoever made which flag, I want to make sure I don’t vote for the Jungle N’s.
i like the new 1 way better
but i like yours speed mobile. good job
i like speedmobile’s
but the old one is the best
New flag. Join my army at http://secretservicesofclubpenguin.wordpress.com/
cool flag
Ok Fort, here’s my flag:
first flag
i still think that we should go with forts new flag
those flags aren’t gay at all…
i memory of all of acp…
If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds are against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves.
thanks guys
HI!I am a new soldier.I hope I get promoted!Really I joined from 1 month but I haven’t posted.We won the battle vs the Gold!I am ready to fight more.In the battle I saw some ppl who were citizens that were throwing at our own and so I told a higher rank but he said get off of me and just leave them destroy us!You will never work here.Then he started to throwing snowballs at me.I hope they kick them out.BYe!
id pick the new one but the old one is good too
Hey Head Why The Hell Would You Disrespect My Reason For Quitting ACP?
Don’t Say You Didnt,
“Thats why you quit ACP?”
Do you see ME going around and LMAO at why you quit?
My Reason is just as good if not better than yours 🙄
Luc, you should be a witness for me and Maz on the ACP Supreme Court Trial. Do you accept?
arroso’s is cool
yup rapid
snowandice that was really mean. what have i ever done to you? that is seriously insulting.
here is mine
i already gave u mine fort but here it is again