Practice Wars

Ok This is how Practice Wars are going to go. The is going to be 4 different Practice Squads. More info of about Practice Wars and the squads will be given at a later date, cause I’m still unsure of how I’m going to do it. But the Practice Wars will be kind of like a tournament. There will be a regular season, and then a post season, which will include a tournament, and Fort57 & Tom Yellow are judges. 


A.N.T.A Meeting

Ok just so everyone is sure about the meeting. The A.N.T.A Meeting will be on Saturday the 3rd of May, 4:30 pm pst, and only people who I allow to come can come, which isn’t very many. (Only Army Leaders who I talk to, not to people who talk to me). The 2 BIG things I wanna go over is about Servers & The Elites. Now I would like nobody fireing at Elites, until I say otherwise.
