Vote for Tom Yellow!

I’m in Penguin Choice Awards season 8 (second time I enter to a contest)!

Please, vote for me!:


P.S: Also, vote for Texas Vs A! 🙂


Battle Information:


Here are the battle tactics:

-Follow Oagalthorp.

-Do whatever he says.

-Watch Oagalthorp to see if he has new orders.

-Charge when Oagalthorp says “Charge”. When you charge, hold the “Tab” button, and click at the feet of GPR people, so you will stand over them, to look bigger. Then say “ACP” A LOT.

-Say “ACP” A lot anyway.

-Don’t ask questions or ask to be Oagalthorp’s buddy.



October 14

 -Deep Freeze Dojo

-10:00am PST  


-Tom Yellow

24 Responses

  1. LONG LIVE RPF!!!!

    or acp

  2. thnx man put Diaa Lotfi and Lucario98765 if you want to ok

  3. XDDXXD third comment

  4. Its not the 14 its the 13 i checked on the GPR website its 13


  5. Oh sorry

  6. ya!i’lll vote for you tom!!!!

  7. sorry tom i voted for texas vs a you can only vote once but how do you enter the penguin choice awards by the way if Puffer19 entered it would be a hit and he would be famous and i mean NUMBER ONE HIT his videos are sooooooooo popular he could kick booty and become bigger than heatblast227 well heatblast is better heatblast is already better the rockhopper so heatblast?YOOOO!everyone would vote for him!I would definetly and how do you join it?

  8. Dear Ogalthorp
    As a a friend of acp I think that you should either set some guidlines for tom yellow or fire him. This sight used to be alot better but know its all advertisment for tom yellow,

    Admrial of the RPF Odor12345

    PS Tom yellow and ogalthorp this is just my opinion so delete if you disagree i dont want you angry at me.

  9. Oagal said he can advertise until Monday. Then he has to stop. It’s already been taken care of.

  10. HEY ACP we could use a little help at the dojo getting these ghost out of here!

  11. ok now im the only rpf there I could use some back up!!!!!!!!!

  12. i only need about five people

  13. OK NOW 6\

  14. 4

  15. 7

  16. nvm they won CRUD

  17. dude, ghosts will be popular. EVERYONE HAS BEEN WAITING TO JOIN! according to my caculations, it will be a two month long reign, which to most ppl is a long time, of course there is the possibility of the white color being available to everyone, which will extend it to….. a five month reign. or longer.

  18. TIDLE SUCKS BOOBS……..!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. i agree with tidle fin, on thier first day as an organized army at the end of the day they had ATLEAST 500 members and counting. remember it might not seem much but it is only their FIRST day.

  20. Sorry to everyone for the advertising.

    I am only beggining in the ACP Website. Plus, Oagalthorp said that I CAN ADVERTISE UNTIL MONDAY (Tomorrow)!. I stopped advertising my blog from friday!. Now I am helping other sites!.

    Anyways, I will stop advertising. And Odor, I don’t agree completely with your post, but I have to reveal that I advertise so much.

    Odor, i will don’t delete your comment.

    This is everything…by now!
    -Tom Yellow

  21. soccer u suck monkey balls

  22. hi tomY i didnt know about how ogal i letting you untill monday

  23. CLICK ON MY NAME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

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