Header: Yes, we have a new header, check it out! I think it’s pretty cool.
Forums: I am now officially opening up the ACP Forums! Here is the link: http://acparmyofclubpenguin.myfreeforum.org/ . It is not completely finished, I have a few more stickies to install, and other stuff like that. But you can sign up and post threads and everything. Enjoy!
ACP Falling Apart: That’s just a rumor. A few ungrateful soldiers are disappointed with what is going on. 🙄 . Its only a couple out of thousands. But since they have already quit, I might as well point this out. Here is what an ACP soldier has to do: View this site every once and a while, and come to battles. Here is what I (Oagalthorp) have to do:Manage this site, clean up the spam comments, delete inappropriate comments, manage the new forums, set up invasion times, deal with soldiers and their needs, set up alliances, constantly edit this site, make at least one post a day, deal with enemies and allies, view their sites, add new widgets and updates, keep control in the Chat Box, train new Commanders, and lead soldiers in battles. So next time I would think twice before saying “This is unfair”, even though it is; for me.
Invasion: Tomorrow I am setting up a weekend invasion to take care of the Silver Surfers, because the last one was pretty weak. So check this site tomorrow for the Invasion information. It will be on the “Announcements” Sidebar.
Until later,
March on!
Filed under: ACP |
1st comment!!
ohh yeah CPo wants to ally with u. my army
well i go threw the same pain trying to get more soilders to join ewf and so if you need help with it just talk to me about it and ill help yah
and nice work on the ammumation
oh please. disappointed?!? JUST disappointed?! their’s alot of things we are disappointed about. your wasting the nonmembers. thats pretty much the main reason i quit acp, not just because of the chat box incident. rpf uses tuxedo, silver surfers go to parka alot, and alot of secret armies are in non-populated servers. im actually trying to find them right now. you see, uma and you acp people are the only ones who use mammoth for recruiting. you made a nonmember branch, you, nor did borja, ever do ANYTHING. im surprised borja has ( leader_of_nonmember_acp) in his chat room name. also, still waiting for ctar to give me the site link or tell me where the silver surfer’s leader is.
P.S before you edit my comment, and say something about, like, ” oh you never said anything about changing the war servers ” well i actually posted up a few comments asking if we could move the war servers to brumby or something..
Oagalthorp: You obviously don’t grasp the concept of our non-member server. Whenver we have an Onvasion in Mammoth or any other full servers, non-members do it is Fjord. We will occasionally have Invasions in low-populated servers, but it is always better to have it in Mammoth because that is our base server, and we need a strong force there.
also, you do not have over thousands of soilders. you only have like, 50. half of which are nonmembers. ok, lets see… 30% nonmembers…. 60% members… 30% actually come to battles….
10% percent of that are lucky nonmembers who somehow get into mammoth or borrow a member penguin.
Oagalthorp: You don’t seem to understand. We have well over 2,000 soldiers that have joined. Brb, I have to go.
I agree with Tidle Fin, also, wanna be allies ACP??? I want a good ally, RPF has already agreed with us to be allies 😉 8)
SWEET HEADER! Can you make me one, like, with CPSR troops? Thanks 😉
Chill out with the CPSR and the Cyclone will wipe you off your feet!
hes got a point oagalthorp.
tiddle fins got a point dude oagalthorp.
Nice Screen Animation Oagalthopr howd u get it?
And Tidle Fin Is Completly right you do have many soldiers but many dont participate in wars only about 30
and oagalthorp im not bein mean by sayibg tht im just making tidles fins piont
can i please make it clear that im a girl? also, i saw THE SICKEST MOST TERRIBLE VIDEO EVER. this guy, like, college student or something? got tasered because he asked a strange question to kerry. this was from like, two years ago but still, trust me, and also, they tasered him five seconds after LIKE 15 COPS TACKLED HIM!! THEN THEY JUST TASERED HIM!!! SERIOUSLY!! 198+ PAGES OF COMMENTS SWEARING AT THE COPS. and you know what else? someone typed a very interesting comment. he said, the problem is that they educate the students too well. well thats just it because this kid just thought about asking this question, then cops just went and arrested him.. like, i didnt exactly hear his question, it was sorta muffled, but the cops moved in when kerry was like, uh, uhhhh…. um.. i dont know how to answer that.. than the cops just went, and the kid struggled, and i must say, he kicked some cop a** back there, at least before they tasered him. the news people were even like, “um.. kid tasered because he asked a question… how can you add that up? ” um. i need to go watch kid shows now…. enough politics for one day..
um no… you dont seem to underatand. those hits, those are from the same soldiers. they come on and on to go on the chat, see if you edited any comments, see if any typed any more comments, and so on. and you only have 50 soldiers. deal with it dude. and go check the nonmember acp page , nothing new. i go to nonmember meetings.BORJA ISNT EVEN THERE. im pretty sure he just blew off this whole nonmember thing. and no, its impossible for two invasions to happen at once. 🙄
Oagalthorp: No, we didn’t counted how many different people commented asking to join, not just the total number of comments. And you are really getting annoying, I have to comment of every single one, and none of them prove a point of any sort.
AND STRONG FORCE IN MAMMOTH?!?! dude, seriously. move the force to another server.. the enemies will follow… duh. 🙄
sir um ya well like since im the least famous person in cp history i will stay in the ACP and try to stop the madness
p.s. am i a colonel o field commande????
texas vs a
Oagle be resonble you have 300 soldiers at the most.
Oagalthorp: Sorry, the numbers don’t lie.
oagal can we meet on acp chat
wut type of comment would agal add on too????? idk. oagal wut would say??????
p.s. tidle dude if u dont like oagal why come to his site. i thought somewhere in ur retarded mind there would b a brain
Oagle I see how many soldiers you have and you have 300 dont lie.
Oagalthrop: You yourself saw my old list of about 375, and if I had a list, maybe I could be more convincing.
thogan atleast he has an army dee dee (wow so many retarded ppl on one site Dre, Tidle, Thogan, and Funny all retarded)
zippy shut up ur just jealus
texas shut up nachos could whoop acp. ( i say that now because now they actually have a pretty dang good population )
and texas, i didnt mean FLAME ON MY COMMENT BOARD when i said come visit my pengspace some time!! gosh. acp are so immature these days. also, im proud to say that because all my friend are either out of acp or near quitting acp
Oagalthorp: I beg to differ. Infact i don’t beg, I state it clearly: The ACP could whoop the Nachos at almost any time. You remember the attack on the Nachos.
Kg 007 is the going to be the leader of the ghosts if the ghost sheet comes out ( whitch it probably will ) Just so you know and hes got people joining. So hes calling the GHOSTS ARMY his. He has a wordpress, and he is serious about it.
And if anyone doesn’t like what Oagal does then why do you go here and comment? If you don’t like it just leave it and focus and whatever army your apart of just go there and comment on it.
Don’t whine about Kg 007 being leader of the Ghosts he has the wordpress and told people.
Shut da fuck up thogan theres no way in hell that acp has like 100 troops we have well over 1,000 u unedgucated prick
Just admit it Oagalthorp. You have not thousands of soldiers. If you did, 3/4 of them have quit or just got bored and stopped paying attention to acp. Half of them probably was just random people who thought it would be fun and they lost the website, and they didn’t bother to come back.
P.S. Stop deleting parts of peoples comments. You did that on my last few comments. lol. how pathetic.
Oagalthorp: We do have thousands of sodliers. And, even if 3/4 of them quit, we would still have over 700, more than the Nachos.
PS. The last time I deleted part of your comment was about 5 posts ago becasue it was inapropreate.
orgal tell me how to do that
~gugu pengu~
Oagalthorp really cool header !!
Diaa Lotfi
~CPUA Leader~
thogan and shadow talk sense people. listen to them. and also, if ogalathorp had 2,000 soldiers under his command, mammoth would be full even to members. if he had 2,000 soldiers, he would have as much hits as pink mifia’s site, which has over a million.
I WANT TO JOIN GVA. yea im starting to think he would delete these comments so the soldiers wouldnt find the truth lol.
Oagalthorp: Ok, lets do the math. 24 hours in a day, and 2,000 soldiers. . . . about 1/3 of them get on an hour a day, like most people. So, 667 soldiers, divided by 24 hours equals 27 soldiers on within one hour. Battles take 15 minutes, so thats only eight soldiers per battle, plus many others who don’t really know much about the ACP. That makes sense. And with 3,000 soldiers, thats 12 soldiers on at a time, enough ot win a small battle.
Hey, oagal, pretty nice header. Oh yeah and it wasn’t ME who banned you from my bribble that was sir jorge bo. And I need to nagotiate with you. If i erase the acp and rpf guys that my army is killing in that animation, would you ally with us? That would be great.
R2DP has the stuff you need 8)
P.s. leave a comment on my site if you are interested.
yeah i belive acp has 1,000 troops. but i dont think cp can let 1,000 penguins in one room lol. but it would be good for invading.P.S. sweet header
how do u do that could u give me the link so i can do it
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they could let 1000 if everyone who went into the room hacked but then theyd get banned
Hey Oagalthorp I just wanted to remind you about my army, called the CPC( Club Penguin Calvary) and our website http://www.cpcclubpenguincalvary.wordpress.com so plz check it out and plz become our allies soon before my army tells me to do something different. Thank You
Blackburnt, Leader of CPC
… no, people, can you honestly believe over 1000 penguins join one group? shadow at commment #28 explained everything, in fact, if he didnt say it, i bet i would have. even if i was still in acp, id say no, we only have 50.
Oagalthorp: The UMA had well over 1,000. adn So does the ACP and RPF (Maybe Nachos)
Tidle has a point. Oh and Oagal ACP is falling apart. Wanna know why? Here’s one reason. One u treat the non member ACP like dirt. U told me there would wars on other servers. That was like three months ago. And another thing ACP don’t have know freakin 1000 troops. Like someone said Mammoth would be full even too members. And like thirty show up. Oagal u really need to reflect on this. The ACP is crumbling. The non members were at that bottom…… And still will be treated like dirt.
Oagalthorp: No, it’s not. you want to think it is, because you don’t like the ACP. We are at the top of our game.
Oh and Tidle I got your message. I’ll talk to him.
texas u should know that tidle brains peanut of a brain cracks when ever she tries to think. her brains on um idk if i should be mentioning that part so its plain stupid. then when her brain cracks she cracks out and posts stupid comments just to annoy oagal.
this is how big tidles brain is>>>.<<<<< that dots her brain
😯 lucario 😯
ps her brains on some thing if u catch my drift lol
pss that ps is a jk
psss or is it
pssss jk
tidle dont u dare tell texas my brotha from a notha motha to shut up! thats wat all girls do cuss yell at boys kick boys thats the girls instincts
Oagalthorp: Tidle, I’m now blocking all of your comments. I hope you enjoyed your chance. Next comment I see from you will be marked as spam, and eventually you won’t be able to comment on ANY WordPress. If you continue to misbehave, you will be banned from the ACP forums, and the chat.
PS. And yes, you will listen to a boy, me. Because if you don’t you will have no way to communicate with you’r little computer friends.
tidle has big mouth and ugly pengspace no offense ut it stinx o and DISSED wut a sucker
🙄 tidle look in your mirror oops i mean your cracked mirror o and see tidles brain cracked again 🙄
tidle go on acp chat i wanna b.. i mean talk to u
all i have to say… im disappointed in some of you. not all of you, but a great deal of people have been swearing and being rude and insulting everybody in ACP and saying how oagalthorp is a jerk. im sorry but i cant take it any more.
im going to have to take a break from ACP.
i might re-join in the future, but for now im soo angry i dont want
to be on any website where a lot of people are being this mean.
you may think swearings no big deal but i look at it like this…
there are millions of words in the english language, and its seems pathetic to choose the words that insult, humiliate, and mock people.
i was thinking about posting some of the comments people wrote but i decided that it would be invading their privacy if i did..
oagalthorp, PLEASE believe me when i say its not your fault.
i know you’re trying to delete bad comments and edit others, but i understand theres a lot of ppl out there and you cant get all of them.
eventually i will return to this website and i hope that the conditions will be improved. call me what you want you really have to understand that swearing isnt funny.
its mean.
so for now, goodbye…
luv star
awsome header
WTF Star. Oagal is the cause of this. He shouldn’t have fired me for planning mutiny. I wasn’t planning mutiny. And another thing is Oagal is treating non member ACP like dirt. So yeah still think it isn’t Oagal’s fault. And another thing yeah u guys gotta stop swearing.
Oagalthorp: Read my edit on Tidle’s last comment. Same goes for you.
STOP LYING OAGALTHORP U DONT HAVE 3000 SOLDIERS!!!!!!!! U only Have 400 at the most
EVERYONE KNOWS YOUR LYING…….. Stop Being a show – off
And 3000 people means you have almost all of clubpenguin on ur army
AND U DONT!!!! haha sucks 4 u
Oagalthorp: You don’t get it. There are over 10,000,000 people on Club Penguin.
oagal i think acp is falling apart because i havent seen an acp solider in uniform on cp in weeks
Proof right there Oagal. Nobody fears ACP like they used too. Everybody is quitting because of how u have been acting lately. I wouldn’t be suprised if your most loyal soliders quit.
o and i think armys in cp are like getting old
Tidle Fin does have a point, Mammoth should be filled with acp at battles. I only see about thirty people per battle anyway. Most of them are the same.
I don’t like that Oagalthorp is trying to make other armies look bad. That is what really makes me not like ACP so much. They brag, lie, cheat, etc…
It just really make me ticked off.
Go to friecken comment 23. Oagaldork’s (my nickname for Oagalthorp) comment is a lie! We won and you know it. All of ACP and we still had about twenty nachos. You just pussayed out.
P.S. Don’t give me a smart allick comment. You know this is the truth.
P.S.S. ACP doesn’t have thousands of troops. If they did, Mammoth would be full all the time and the dojo would be filled with ACP soldiers. I have seen wars scheduled for over weeks on this blog and only ten people came to the battle.
P.S.S.S. Read my comment #27
Whatever Oagal. I don’t see u saying that to Shadow, or mdogg. I can mark ur comment as spam. Because I am the administrator on one of the sites u go on. ANd I can do the same to u.
Nvm CTAR. Oh and Oagal give CTAR another chance, and Tidle too. Everyone is telling the truth Oagal. We’re all getting all hyped up over a virtual game, when we should be doing homework, or studying. So let’s all forget this little incident. What do u say.
ACP,Nachoes let’s forget this
hi. im tidle fins friend. no, im not her trying to be a ‘smart alec’, but, i frequently go on this site to check out what acp and other cp armies are doing, or comeback anyone trying to dis Tidle Fin, a.k.a insult,harass,etc. ogal, i know you have good intentions, and i know your probably frustrated. but i agree with my friend, im disappointed in you. you take alot of things the wrong way, along with that shadow guy, your starting to tick me off. i also wanted to join acp, but i was a nonmember, tidle fin ( im trying hard right now not to type her real name ) said to me, no, they have a nonmember branch, but they pretty much wont listen to you and wont plan any battles. i said, no way im joining anyways. i checked nonmember acp, and i saw nothing. their were rarely even any new comments. i decided, well, guess i have to wait until my parents get me membership. i was really ticked off though. my parents ended up never getting me membership. tidle fin had it for a while though, and she let me use it by putting her account on my computer ( we had been friends for years, so thats why she trusted me ) i used it to go into acp and fight in battles, although their were very few. when tidle told me her membership expired i was really sad. i wouldnt be able to go on acp anymore. well now im glad about that. im not happy with anyone who blocks my friends’ comments. shadow and ctar are right. however, i was watching tidle fighting in the battle ( the first battle of the nachos )and talking on the chat at the same time. holy crap i never saw so many acp. and i never saw any more acp than that. you do not have 2000 or whatever, you have like 20 or so. well, at least 20 soldiers that go to every battle. every other soldier is bogus dude.
P.S her pengspace IS NOT lame. its quite colorful as she said..
OK AND MY FRIEND WILL NEVER LISTEN TO A BOY. i cant believe you even said that. tidle is sensative about gender stuff ( she can be a feminest sometimes ) also, i think there is a way to report wordpresses? i dont know i never really knew how. but still. reread the comments a few times and maybe youll start to understand. ok.. tidle fin doesnt know im commenting on here…. um… i should probably stop before i get her into more trouble. but still, stop annoying these people i think their starting to get pissed….
dude, oagal, RPF has just allied with my army PMA and i will be eraseing them from that animation where my army is killing everyone. If your ACP is willing to ally, i will erase that too.
Please respond.
~R2dpenguin66 leader of PMA
Lol my friend’s girlfriend doesnt like to listen to boys either.One time they were arguing and he said ”SHUT THE F*** UP AND LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE!” Then she kicked him in da balls.XDI was cracking up
The header wont show up it shows up the same as always
hey, is this the friend from across the street?
tidle jas and green are un banned so get a life~!
😯 u dont have one 😯
well go get one away from teh acp stuff~!
lucario nick
akash the was… unexpected this is a kid site
and yes tidles friend now tidles in way more trouble. thanks for posting junk comments~!
I’m not saying anything anymore. It’s not because I’m afraid of Oagal doing anything to me, it’s just I’m busy now trying to help OMega.
Oagal I got banned last night. I won’t be able to get on till tommorow.
yea, its the friend from across the street.
also, to make sure its me, heres the joke you made up in the two player part of the shadow game.
lol, that was pretty funny. and lucario, just because nobody likes you as a mod, its not my fault. and i never got banned on the chat, i barely go on it. but ill go on it now, i just got my homework done. and has omega let me join ctar? if so does he have a site i can go to?
10,000 o crap dats alot
OMG!!! 10,000,000
R2DP HOW COULD U!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
srry i banned u but it was because i thought you hated PMA