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Chat Box Problems



Recently there have been MANY problems occuring in the ACP Chat. People are cussing, flaming, and openly defying authority. Many people say that it’s because the mods ban people for no reason, and others say it is because “Oagalthorp is a dictator”. Both of these are wrong. The problem points to Green Maflas and Jarariel, and many people who want to be mods. Here is what happened.

Green was a moderator, but then he “quit”. As his final wish, he wanted Jasariel to be a mod. So I did. But then Green came back, and I made him a mod. He kept breaking the rules by cussing, so I had to demod him. Later, he kept breaking the rules, and I asked Jas why she wouldn’t ban him. She said “I’m not going to ban my boy friend”. She wasn’t being fair. I banned Green for only a day, but Jas kept unbanning him. On top of that, Jas kept banning people for cussing, when she herself cussed. So I had to demod Jas. Then she STILL broke the rules, and insulting people, so I had to ban her too. Now all of Jas’s friends are telling mods to unban her and Green. They are also telling people who come on the Chat that Oagalthorp banned them for no reason (Which I didn’t).

This has got to stop. Now that you have read that, you know why they are banned, and you know I didn’t ban them for no reason. I have a solution though.


My solution is all of you stop breaking the rules this much, or I will become way stricker. If you keep breaking the rules, I WILL CLOSE THE CHAT FOR GOOD. So follow the rules.


Recently, many people haven’t been following the rules. You must all read the rules! I am adding a new moderator rule: Don’t unban people who are banned. Here are the rules:


-No spamming (Being annoying/advertising)

-No flaming (Fighting/arguing)

-No bad language

-No rebelling or joining enemies 

-No disrespect for anyone, especially mods

-Whenever a leader says “Go to the ____”, go there, in uniform

-If you get banned, take the ban with class, don’t get mad at whoever banned you

-No asking to be a mod or to get ranked up, I will have times when I do that for you


Moderator Rules:

-If someone breaks the rules once, give them a warning

-If the break the rules twice, ban them for however long you think they deserve

-If the “spam” (See the first rule), kick them from the chat

-If they continue to spam, ban them for however long they deserve

-Don’t unban banned people. If you think they have been banned for no reason, ask Oagalthorp personally 

-Be fair


 Rockhopper Tracker: Yes, it has been down. It should be fixed soon, so don’t worry.



Until later,

March on!

72 Responses

  1. yes sir!

  2. yay first comment lol

  3. yes sir jezee that was weird well

  4. Yep, Jasrieal was being a Jerk on the chat to me aswell, sir.

  5. hahahaha!!!! your being turned against!
    Oagalthorp: It’s two people. 🙄 Then again, that is also the number of people in your army. Go figure.

  6. this is the leader of the black pearl penguins and i would just like to say that everyone is pretty much allies now and cp is starting to have nowars. i am not saying i like war but now there is never any action
    leader of the black pearl penguins frankiebac

  7. oagal isnt advertising your site spamming

  8. explanation: jas usually swears when someone she likes ( in this case green ) is banned, sweared at, or shot.. or something. hey we girls get protective. natural instinct thing. yea
    Oagalthorp: Thats not good enough of an excuse.


  10. This is silly armys but no wars it is boring theres no point of armys if there are no wars

  11. oagal can I ask why you made me a mod? im just wondering(by the way that was a very good choice lol 😆 ).
    Oagalthorp: Whenever I go on the Chat, you are usually on. And you always seem to follow the rules.

  12. hey Brazziliianfan1 is swearing on the chat box!

  13. ghostrecon has the best fricken point so far.\


  14. Oagalthorp: sir i seriousl beleive in those rules
    Others: its oagals chat so if u dont like it then go to make ur own chat or something else cause we dont want u whining the entire time

  15. that is so tooatlyy unfair! jas loves green and green loves jas! that is ridiculous for you to ban them!!!!!! Positively mean!!!!!!!! Man am i mad!!!!!! they dont deserve to be banned! so what?!?!?!they cussed a couple times, doesnt mean yo cant just tell themnot to cuss! i will quit this army if you dont mod them again! they have every right not to ban eachother!!!!!!! i may quit today if you dont mod them back! i hate you!!!!!!!!!!! That was an unfair ban!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! infact ill qiut right now!!!!!!!!! I QUIT ACP FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!! NOW IF YOU MOD THEM AGAIN I MAY COME BACK, BUT IF YOU DONT YOULL BE DEAD MEAT, MY SIS QIUT TOO! KRISTINA199, AND ANIGHA1 OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Oagalthorp: Wow, you aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed, I’m guessing.
    1. They don’t love eachother, it is an online relationship, it’s not romantic, it’s creepy. They think they are in love, but trust me, they are not.
    2. I did tell them not to cuss. Green told me he didn’t care if I banned him for it, and he wouldn’t stop. Jas said she would stop, but every time I went on the Chat, she cussed again.
    3. Mods have to ban rule breakers, no matter what wierd relationship they have. The last mod rule is to be fair, and they wereb’t doing it.

  16. ok bye bye

  17. 🙄 did u not read the post

  18. lol texas and really 1 less person wouldnt make i difference especially if they hate oagal

  19. hahaha you are fighting with eachother and have 11 days to figure it out before the first attack on you and you shall then know fighting with eachother only makes u weaker. good luck and i hope you dont fall too quickly.
    Oagalthorp: I have seen it, and your site has eight hits. Eight. We have well over 200,000. You don’t really stand a chance. You are the only on in your terrorists group or whatever you want to call it. You are 100% talk.

  20. OH YEA ANGHIA!! SPEAK THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!! TELL OGAL LIKE NEVER BEFORE!!!!!! and ogal, that is a PERFECT excuse. if you cant understand that, then you really shouldnt be leading an army, espicially one with a site that has a chatbox. if you delete that chatbox i dont care. someone else has a chat box that all my friends and the two people you banned go onto.

    P.S i quit, but if you apologize,unban punk,and green as well, ill come back. and trust me i have ways of making people not join armies. im using one of them right now. its called, leader showing. leader showing is when the leader shows that he is not capable of dealing with the types of people that join his army. their are actually alot of ways to describe this way but it will take a while to name them all.

    Oagalthorp: Wow, you are just like your Anigha friend. Read my edit on her comment, I don’t want to have to write it all out again. And your little “Leader Showing” thing isn’t really working, especially when you have no truth behind it. If you would have just read my post, you would know why they are banned.
    PS. What Tidle said is NOT a good excuse. It doesn’t matter whether the cusser is a boy or a girl, they still cussed. It’s not like they can’t control what they type.
    PSS. I’m not unbanning them.
    PSSS. I’m almost positive you are a fake.

  21. i do not qiut!!!!!!!!!!! that was a my sister/twin kristina 1999 and yes i have a twin!!!!!!!!!i do not qiut

  22. oh right…. ogal is too lazy to moderate all his pages and doesnt KNOW about gva know does he?

  23. anghia but you were making a point!!

  24. but im very close to quiting

  25. very close

  26. good, cause ogal is getting a little tiddy bit on the off side yo.

  27. and jas and green might as well know each other in real life their pretty much the same age talk to each other alot and your probably jealous because you dont HAVE a girlfriend now do you?

  28. also.. did you just realise that you just called a soldier.. stupid???? i dont think you do but there, you said it. a good leader wouldnt call his solders stupid, unless he was leading a dark evil army… in which case soldiers are called stupid because, well, the leader is evil.

  29. tidle u know if u hate acp y comment


  31. because im making a point so butt out.

  32. i am no fake!! how dare you!! i can be a rebel!!!! besides with my experience i can join any army i want to.

  33. This is the leader of army Winner, SAA, and the Lifegurds and Surfers. ( I get bored on CP alot thats why I have three armies) and I would like to know how do u become a Mod? Because i beleive I would be a pretty good Mod.

  34. For Winner army the Website is rapidy.wordpress.com, SAA is SAArmy.wordprees.com, And the Lifeguards and Surfers are at surferarmy.wordpress.com.

  35. No offense, but IN YOUR FACE JASARIEL!! U thought u could get away with cussing, well u got caught. In your face. And Tidle, Anigha u guys gotta understand, mods aren’t suppose to cuss. So Tidle just calm down, and u too Anigha. But U guys can join my resistance. But I sorta agree about the love thing.

  36. Tidle, Anigha u guys need to join Silver Surfers. Omega is a good leader, and doesn’t call his soliders stupid. Tidle u know u wanna do it.

  37. ……………………… CRAP CTAR GOT TO ME!!

  38. Lol Oagal internet dating isnt creepy I have an internet gf and we love eachother. Ive even talked to her on the phone before.


  40. yea, and id like to say, click on my name and youll most likely see a place called pengspace. someone created it for people who play clubpenguin. its a safe, easy, and most importantly FREE system that allows you to know more about your penguin friends. on this site you can put something on your page called voice comment. this is when you get a phone( it doesnt have to be a cell phone, you can even use your home phone) and click on record by phone, say what country your calling from, and call the number. you will be able to record your voice and say whatever you want. this could also be a way of online dating, it makes it as if you know them in real life… so, still think internet dating is creepy? also, internet dating is how thousands of people got together, married, and lived long happy live.

    THE END.
    Oagalthorp: You are thinking of a different type of Internet dating. I’m talkinh about the Green and Jas “relationship”, not eharmony.com or anything like that.

  41. wait wrong link

  42. http://pengspace.ning.com try this

  43. THE MODS AREN’T ALWAYS ON!!When that happens people might say “no mods, we can swear” and that is a problem

  44. exactly. you see, if ogal made me a mod when he had the chance, this wouldnt happen. im on like, 24/7 . and yet ogal picks mods that arent on that much.

  45. i have 60 UMA is giving me troops :p in your face sucker!
    Oagalthorp: Oh no, 60 imagionary troops! Quickly, find the number of ACP troops! . . . . Oh no!!! Only over 3000! What ever will be do?!?!?

  46. wanna be allies with (sw snow warriors)
    plz edit my comment click on my name to go to my web or go to http://snowwarriors.com/

  47. no not that can you add wordpress to that

  48. Hi im Blackburnt with the CPC(Club Penguin Calvary) and we wanted to tell everyone about our site called http://www.cpcclubpenguincalvary.wordpress.com so plz check it out and I hope evryone gets along.
    Blackburnt, Leader of CPC

  49. oagal i have to go on a differ computer monday and thursday so i have to make a list of ppl who did the bad stuff and punish them later srry

  50. lol drew is such a fag. he said that uma is giving him 60 troops. that means that only about ten will show up to major battles and they will have to surrender soon. drew, advise from me, get a life you could never stand up to acp.

  51. omg! tidle fin is so not a fake! and i am not stupid i am in the girted program at my school! it is for highly smart people like me! so ha!

  52. Oagalthorp if the problem happins again you should not make anyone a mod unless you realy realy realy trust them.

  53. How do you ban people? This entry was really confusing for me.


  54. mdogg i wouldnt be talking. you arent even like, trusted.

    also…. i quit acp. im probably going to join rpf because i have ALOT of war experience, and ive been in rpf before so i could make friends with the old war buddies i left behind joining nachos and taking my war break. also, if anyone goes on pengspace, search Tidlefin64 and be my buddy.

    P.S I MADE CAMMANDO CLONE #5!!!! lol!!

  55. Oagle you dont have 3000 troops. At the most you have 300.
    Oagalthorp: Back when I stopper writing the list of soldiers, I had weel over 300. A few months ago we counted the number of people asking to join, and we had over a thousand. Now, sice we have been growing rapidly, we have at least 2,500, but most likely 3,000 or more.

  56. ???????????????????

  57. Zippy we do have 3000.

  58. and zippy is right, the most acp ive ever seen on a server was like….. 50? 40? wait no 25!! and the average for a decent army is like, 5 members that stay in the army.

  59. no way nachos are the same as acp. like 25? 30? ever since nachos alllied with us their population is almost bigger than acp.

  60. Anigha your in the gifted culb at school and yet you spelled it wrong? Pathetic.



  63. Not since we allied with the acp since the sumbroe came out again. We will soon be as big as the acp.

  64. The ACP is falling apart. And ACP don’t have no 3000 troops. If they did nobody would challenge u guys. To bad I’m a Surfer now. WE will become a powerful army.

  65. ACP does not have 3000 troops. About 200 max. About the same as nachos. lol. You are being imaginary. lol. In your dreams.
    Oagalthorp: Back when I stopper writing the list of soldiers, I had weel over 300. A few months ago we counted the number of people asking to join, and we had over a thousand. Now, sice we have been growing rapidly, we have at least 2,500, but most likely 3,000 or more.
    PS. I hate to break it to you, but the ACP has more official soldiers the the Nachos, by a long shot. Most Nachos are just random people with a sombrero, that don’t even know the name “Nachos”.

  66. LOL ALL THE LOL!! also, i must say… the silver surfers are growing. i mean seriously i saw like 15 of them in the dojo who knows what will happen now?ctar can you tell me how to find omega their leader so i can maybe join? and also, CONSTITUTION WAS APPROVED YESTERDAY!! thought youd make a post about that.
    Oagalthorp: I know it was, but I couldn’t really get on yesterday.

  67. What are you talking about oagle? They all say can I join and they now who we are. We have more troops then you in battles too and were on more.
    Oagalthorp: I have seen Nachos grow. . . . I really do hate to break it to ya, but most of them just don’t know anything about the Nachos. They just get a sumbrero and fire blindly.

  68. Silver Surfers are rising and rising, they start of wwith 15, then 20, then like 50 soldiers are there fighting.

  69. Oagle what are you talking about? They fire at the enemy. Look at your soldiers they fire at there own allies.

  70. Anigha,tidle fin and CTAR i admire your spirits for standing up to oagal…its unbelivable,oagalthorp,there you made the biggest mistake in your socalled “career” in controlling this army,pardon me for saying controlling but you’ve just been a angry lil kid the probably gets beaten up in school,but when he returns,he’s the mighty oagalthorp!Knock it off now!I mean people!look at yourself…you’re practicly licking oagal’s butt!serius guys,have a lil respect for yourselfs and start doing the same thing tidle fin,anigha and CTAR are doing!

  71. jas sucks

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