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Rockhopper came back to CP with more stuff for the fall fair.
The free item this time is not a new one but an old one ( It’s the first ever item rockhopper brought to CP, The eyepatch.
The other items are the:
Striped overalls (450)
Pirate Ship (525)
Jolly Roger Flag (200)

The boiler room has been decorated for the 100th Issue of the Penguin Times.

The new pin is a Jellyfish and it’s found in the Ski Lodge.

-until next time,

waddle on!


35 Responses

  1. first comment sweet!!!

  2. 2nd Sweet!

  3. 3rd sweet!

  4. fourth. and finally a new post that other one was on for TWO DAYS lol! ^_^ ^-^ anddddddd I KNOW MORE WARFARE THEN THAT DARKKNIGHT. and darknight arent you rpf? and dont nip us we bite back. SNAP SIZZLE AND A BURN!!!!

  5. oagal good job:!:

    yay oagal 😀

    oagal rocks ➡ oagal rocks

  6. oagal ➡ u rock

    yay oagal all hail oagal 😀

  7. Yay!


  8. oagal is 8)

    ➡ oagal 8)

  9. :mrgreen:

  10. stop spamming plz 😀

  11. i was comment 11 😀

  12. im 14 comment yay ogal is awesome :!

  13. I’ll tell you somthing. My last user was Iago but he got banned forever. And no i wasnt. I have the UK servers now. And i’m goin to take over tuxedo soon and crush the RPF Navy becuase they rejected me. You don’t know more warfare than i do!
    you don’t either Oagal! I’ll give until the 22 to get get out of america and into canada.
    Oagalthorp: Actually, I have way more war experience and I know way more about warfare than you, whether it is real warfare or CP warfare. Anyway, what is your army? And we aren’t leaving America, and the entire RPF is in Tuxedo, I’de like to see you try and take it over. And if there comes a time when the RPF actually needs our help against you, we could take you.

  14. Nellly here saying you are invited to join Myth Penguins,Oagalthorp what do you say and for more info here it is only strong penguins can join this team you are one of them.please reply on my site http://www.clubpenguindiamonds.wordpress.com


  15. het oagal congrats on getting 200,000 views
    mine has like 6,400 or somethin :happy:

  16. ok ill check it out

  17. im with CPC go to http://www.cpcclubpenguincalvary.wordpress.com for allyship

  18. wtp ogal you moded the three people on the chat box who are on the least amount of time. i rarely see those ppl. why dont you mod ME. i said all the reasons on your private chat, and, im not the only one who should be a mod. alot of people should be mods but you just left. seriously. i dont think leaders are supposed to just leave.
    Oagalthorp: First of all, I NEVER see you on. If you do go on, you should use your Club Penguin name. Second, I see the people I modded on all the time. Third, I have the right to leave whenever I want, I shouldn’t have to announce whether I’m leaving or not. If you want me to stay, say wait or just quit fighting. I don’t go on the chat to make friendly conversations anymore, now I just do it to stop the chaos I know is going on.

  19. wow so much credit to other ppl 🙄 im on just as long as u

  20. guys go to http://pog81.wordpress.com plz i need a lot of views plz

  21. go lucario

  22. Hi Pog81

  23. see i just went on and no mods. and a bunch of people were just flaming on rocket. even though rocket wasnt there.

  24. Hey Pog i need views too but i’m not complaining
    ( ok i might be )


  26. ok dude. 1. my name is quasako, i just made it like that so my name is cooler . 2. if you got a problem with that you can just say so. 3. i barely ever see YOU on. oh, and one more thing, now almost everybody hates you because you banned greean and punk. smooth move there slick! *sarcasim*
    Oagalthorp: I am making a post about your last statement.

  27. ?!?!!??!!?!??!!?!?!?

  28. um…..u really have to look at time zones tidle. oagal is on at least once a day from 12 eastern pm to 7 pm eastern (give or take a few hours) and u show at least put your name in parentheses like this quasako (tidle fin) or some thing like that. AND FOR THE LAST TIME TIDLE STOP BLAMING ALL ACP WHEN NOT ALL ACP HATES OAGAL CAUSE I DONT!!!!!!!

    they both deserved it.
    green cursed at oagal bad move
    jas cusses at ppl and puts cussing in her reason for ban.

    if you have any more questions comment!

    Acp Support

  29. o and oagal were u at berryc00ls fashion show? i noticed you were dressed as a pirate and that was a theme there? i went there for 15 mins or 20 mins!

  30. ??????????

  31. guys go to http://titans3.wordpress.com there is a brand new post that nakib needs ppl to see

  32. look at this site,

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