Before I give my speech, read this post: http://acparmyofclubpenguin.wordpress.com/2007/09/10/club-penguin-nations-must-read/
At this day in 2001, 8:46 am, terrorists hijacked planes, crashing them into the World Trade Center’s twin toweds, collapsing both. This stunned the country, and the entire world. Over 3,000 men, women, and children were killed in these devestating bombings, affecting millions. The United States quickly responded, with hope and pride stronger than ever. Police and firemen evacuated injured and dead victims from the wreackage, risking their lives for the sake of their country, and those poor souls. Let us never forget this tragic event, so we may never forget those unlucky people who died in an attack on this country.
In light of this, I don’t want any of you ACP soldiers to fight on Club Penguin today, not even in the attack today at 4:00pm PST. I want everyone who can to dress as a fireman or woman and honor those who died, and those who risked and gave their lives.
Club Penguin Nation: In other, less sad news, I want all of you who participated in the arguing and flaming in my last post to calm down. We are not making anyone do anything, it is strictly voluntary. Those army leaders who were to go to a different area to help spread peace on CP, either you do it or you don’t, but if you don’t I WILL find someone else willing to do it, and after I do your chance will have been wasted. Everyone read this: http://acparmyofclubpenguin.wordpress.com/2007/09/10/club-penguin-nations-must-read/
Akash13: I am appointing Akash13 as a Field Commander, unless he got carried away in the fight yesterday and quit.
Fighting Over the Nations: Why are you fighting over something like these Nations? If you are arguing that you don’t want to leave, DON’T LEAVE! I have told you a million times, it is completely voluntary. Those of you who are quitting and joining the Nachos because “Oagal has too much power”, go ahead, you aren’t the kind of soldiers I would want anyway. I want peace, and those of you who say that I’m to power-hungry and fight me, are just delaying the peace by causeing war. Think these things through, would you?
Invasion Information: I will not be posting it today, because I want you to focus on remembering and praying for those victims of the 9/11 attack.
Until later,
March on!
Filed under: ACP |
first comment.
Goodness bless you Oagalthorp.
even though i was only like, 4 or 5 when that happened, i actually remember that on the news. i remember watching a video on the news of the building collapsed with the plane stuck in the downfall. the next day i saw plans on rebuilding it.
i have also seen people saying, please take a moment of silence for the twin towers. along with people being pro girls and asking to be rented.. *shiver of disgust * anyways, pretty much nobody wants to do it,but if you read my comment on the plan to move the war servers, please take in mind that plan, that will allow nonmemebers to actually do something.
Oagalthorp: I remember we didn’t hear about it at school, so it wouldn’t scare the kids. I didn’t really know what was going on, but now I know and am as sad as ever.
i also take back everything i said about you being mean, i thought you would ignore this whole event.
oagalthorp u r a american hero like those men that died in 9/11.u are a hero because any one that raises awarness 2 something like that
Thank you Oagalthorp.I didn’t quit.
yea, my princapal gathered the bigger kids around to say an Our Father. did i mention i go to a private school?
i never knew that
I was only in first grade and they told me. But we were like, “There are two towers?” I wish I could’ve been older. It would’ve meant a whole lot more. I’m try to show patriotism. (Meaning I’m patriotic.) But last year it was a huge deal because it was 5 years, and there was a bunch of shows about it.
Being an American rocks.
Ok Well Oagalthorp Can I please Be A Moderator Alot of people are and im not so plz can i be?
mdogg, you insult ogal, you were once and again were declared a wanted enemy. and youve only been commenting on here for two weeks. no you cant. but can i ? seriously icey needs to get banned he always makes momoriggs bann everyone and when no mods are aaround hes really annoying.
lol i reely dont cre bout ACP i just wanna be a mod for da chat
Oagalthorp: Thats a perfect reason as to why you aren’t a mod already. And read what Tidle Fin said, it has a lot of truth to it.
and yea bann icy he bans everyone else for no reason!!
mdogg, if you arent in acp you cant be a modd for the chat. duh. and you wouldnt even know your barely on there
i lived in ny at the time
as no one told us what was going on
we were rushed out of school and saw smoke from our windows
we thank those people who have risked there lives
we still forgive the day
R.I.P World Trade Center
also Two Twin Towers
um excuse me?
Tidle Fin Stop Being Such a Jerk Im Tring to agree wit u so we can stop FIGHTING!
for once, i agree with you Oaglethorp. i am a very proud patriotic American and I will not fight today either.
I am a canadien but every here in canada isvery sad too… what a sad and desitating day all those poor familys who lost there loved ones…sad
Oagalthorp: I agree, Canada is the United State’s neighbor, and is heavily affected by this too. You don’t have to live in the U.S. to be an American, if you understand what I’m saying.
mdogg be quiet, i dont wanna flame and get in trouble.
YOU MISPELLED AMERICAN LOL!! why am i laughing at that? lol
you edited my COMEMENT!!!?no!!!
ogalthorp the club penguin crusadors cpc are disiding to move to Usa central Sub Zero adn Snow Storm because the RPF seemed like a good army to get to know and learn from ( no offience ACP you are still great) and if you forgot we are a 4 penguin army
Oagalthorp: The first part of this comment has been deleted, it was innapropreate in this area, and we can argue about it at a different time.
R.I.P. Twin Towers and the Pentagon.
Let us take a moment to remember those people who stopped anothe flight that was going towards the White House. Three men called their wives and told them they were not coming home. They stopped the plane and saved the President. Truee story, they just tried to keep it away from the press.
yes i heard of the big crash and terrorists must be stopped!
Ya that plane missed the white house and it hit the Pentagon.But like 10 years ago George bush’s dad gave Ak-47s to Iraq cuz they were at war wit russia and we didnt like Russia.Is it just me or does dumbness run in the Bush family
Oagalthorp: Not really. He gave them to Afghanastan, to help them defend themselves from the occupying Russians, I believe. That was before the whole terrorist problem.
Oagalthorp: We can be allies.
it didnt hit the pentagon on accident. It was going for the white house and it crashed on a field near D.C.
God bless all the brave souls, the family, and the lost lives at this day.
you are doing a very good thing oglathorp
Yeah, there was a fourth plane too. It was aiming for the White House. What a brilliant plan by the Afghanistan’s. Good thing that fourth plane crashed.
Oagalthorp: Actually it was people in Afghanastan, not the actual Afghan Government.
i live in new york and i got out of school early that day because of what happened, i knew people who could have died if they went to work that day(my uncle)
wow islandershky that is really sad
just thank all of the soldiers that are still fighting today also! QUIT THE WARS PPL
oh come on shadow, isnt this the fourth comment ogal had to edit because of being offensive? and what was the offensive part? please reply on an edit.
and also, can someone PLEASE explain this who irag thing? they dont explain much to 10 year olds.
we thought the terrorists were making big weapons in Iraq, so we went there and found out they weren’t and now we cant get many troops outta there because the terrorists might follow us back
i live in ny, and probably always will thank you all the brave people
hey hey hey, nobody’s dying on the battlefeild. wars on cp are the only fun thing.trust me yo, if wars werent on, id quit. one of the reasons i quit vmk, a disney game that filters every other word. they stopped armies because it was aimed at a younger auidience. and i mean YOUNGER. this is aimed at tween/young teen/older kid.
but, right now this day makes my heart sob like nobody’s business yo. for a girl im though to cry, but im crying on the inside. my mom switched the channel cause it was showing a memorial of the twin towers, and it was sad.
everyone, i request you silently say a hail mary for the people who died, and a battle prayer for the terrorists out there who need to get their butts kicked.
hmm.. i guess that explains that. a little. cause im hearing all this stuff about afgahastan or whatever.
Oagalthorp: A quick timeline: We got attacked on 9/11, we entered Afghanastan to capture those behind it (We actually found over 90% of them, but of course the media doesn’t care about that, they just care about who we haven’t found). Then we found that some of them were is Iraq, so we enetered Iraq. We also entered Iraq to overthrow their evil dictator, Suddam Husein, and accomplished that mission. Then we tried to find the nuclear weapons he claimed to have made. We didn’t find any. And now we are trying to stop terrorists, and resotr order in Iraq, which is actually possible, contrary to popular belief. And we are there to this day.
I’ve done two posts about the whole thing on my site. It’s important to remember it, you know? And I think they made 9/11 a holiday now called Patriot Day. Also, they’re going to make a tower where the twin towers were. It’s going to be called freedom tower. It will be 1776 feet high. Hey Oagalthorp, ya know why that number is important? If you’ve been in 5th grade you should. (And I’m actually asking that as a question, just for fun.) I still want to know one more thing: Will I have my testing tomorrow?
Oagalthorp: 1776 is when they set up the U.S. government, or something like that. I always forget all the 1770’s dates, because there are so many of them in American history. Setting up a government, writing the constitution, signing the constitution, our first President, and so on.
Oagalthorp on november 11 can you make a rememberence day post i am i canaidian and live in the countrys cappital Ottawa Ontairo plz make a post for the soldiars that died for my country
~Agent Scar
Oagalthorp: What for? The signing of the WWI Armistice?
No one derserves to die. Not even hudam hussan. Many people would not agree to this sentence but its true. God bless the families whos loved ones died this day. One of my friends dads died today.
Oagalthorp: I agree, no one has the right to take a life except God. There are exceptions in situations such as war, but for the most part, killing is bad.
You seem to know a lot about it Oagalthorp. Do you watch the news all the time or something? I never really watch the news. Seeing all that violence is never uplifting. Of course, we watch the news when we want to know more about something. Like once, there was this kid with a bunch of explosives at the high school, and we watched the news, and we saw the high school on tv! And we watched the news when that bridge broke. Plus when bad stuff was happening in Israel and places like that. But we never watch it on a regular basis.
Oagalthorp: I like to know about my country and what it’s been through, what it’s going through, and what it will go through.
Well Oaglathorp, that’s not exactly right. 1776 is the year of our independence. On July 4, 1776, the U.S Deceleration of Independence was signed. I love asking people history questions! One time I asked people who said, “Give me liberty or give me death!” Anybody know that one?
Oagalthorp: Wasn’t it that Nathan guy? And pop quiz: Who said “We shall all hang together, or we will all hang seperately”?
i watch it on a regular basis, what i cant stand is that parents just go mad and stab their children. they claim to have heard voices telling them to kill them
well you know what i gotta say?
RANDOM VOICES MY *** ( excuse my french )
P.s. thanks for the timeline ogal
i knoe that one i know that one!!
Suddenly I felt impressed to say something.
God bless America!
i pledge alligance, to the flag, of the united states of america. and to the rebublic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisable, for liberty and justice for all.
Hail mary, full of grace, the lord is with you, blessed are you amoung women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb jesus, holy mary mother of god pray for our sinners, now and forever amen
i pledge alligance, to the flag, of the united states of america. and to the rebublic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisable, for liberty and justice for all.
Hail mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you amoung women, and blessed is the Fruit of your womb Jesus, holy mary mother of God pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, amen
Oagalthorp: I edited your prayer to have the right words. ^
Tiddle dont pray here there are athies and muslims and jewish people and all differnet religions.
Oagalthorp: She has the right to express her religion. Praise the Lord!
Oh, you got me that time! But, the person who said, “I know not what others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” was Patrick Henry. Now, who said the famous quote: “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your contry?” Or, can you answer this one: “I regret that I have but one life to give for my country.”
“Where liberty dwells, there is my country.”
This may be tough.
Oagalthorp: Oh yeah, Patrick Henry. The quote I mentioned was Benjamin Franklin. And your first quote: JFK. Second one: I’m going with that Nathan guy again. Third: No idea.
“We have nothing to fear but fear itself!”
Oagalthorp: FDR.
I think one of those was by president nicksen?
I don’t even know what hail mary is, because it’s not a part of my religion.
“No man is good enough to govern another man without that other’s consent.”
I’m researching for those quotes!
thanks for correcting my prayers i can never spell some stuff right. and yes, PRAISEEEE THE LORD!! and for the record, jewish people believe in god. go to altitude in dojo i got some people to say the pledge of alligance
“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”
– President John F. Kennedy
I think this is the way our armies should work, we would do better that way.
Sweet, you got the first two right! But the third one was from Ben Franklin.
“Freedom is never given; it is won.” I honestly don’t know anything about the person who said that.
Oagalthorp: Hmm, I don’t know that one. Who said this (Or something like it): “It takes 20 years or more of peace to make a man, but it only takes a day or war.”?
I deeply wish we still talked like some of the people who said these quotes.
“There is nothing wrong in America that cannot be cured with what is right in America.”
I’m reading that straight out of the book of lists.
I agree. “If only but one was free, freedom would still be real and achievable.” Lol, I made that one up.
I now they belive in god but but for the athies and other religions you should say your prayers to yourself at home. But on the record I am a crishtan.
Oagalthorp: Hey, I would be complaining if a Muslim came in here and said “Praise Muhamed”. Freedom of speach, and freedom of religion.
Never give up, never never give up.
– Winston Churchhill
That was a good quote which our armies are already doing.
actually Oagal, you shouldn’t because like us the islamic people had a successful religion and were very proud of it and their countries, we’ve now gone and destroyed their lives since we attacked even though saddam was a bad leader, the reason we hate muslims is because we are at war with a few of them and the muslims started to hate us for attacking just as we hated them for attacking us first, we have to learn to live with them because they are part of our world
Oagalthorp: We don’t hate Islams. The only Muslims that truely hate us are the Islamic extremists, and that’s less that 1% of all of the Muslims. Adn we aren’t at war with Muslims, we are at war with terrorists, who just so happen to be of that religion. If the terrorists were Christian, it would make no difference.
Oagalthorp: Calm down! I am honoring the 9/11 victims, how am I making it a joke? Rea more closely next time before overreacting.
Jeez I feel sorry for people who lost those that day. Either way we know God is with them. Bless The Lord
i was in kindergarten too oh and oagal plz can we be allies and godbless canada and america
Oagalthorp: We already are allies.
i was in first grade when it happened
i remember they showed it to everyone who was there… i couldnt believe it… one of my aunts was living there at the time and i was really scared that she was killed. luckily she wasnt but she saw it while she was on her way to work. but that frightening image of the planes crashing into the towers still haunts me… im still afraid to go on planes! but you have to remember how it brought us together and reminded us we are a nation united.
please accept my deepest sympathy for all that were lost. i couldnt possibly imagine what it was like to lose someone during 9/11…
again i will pray for you and your lost loved ones
luv star
“united we stand, divided we fall”
i cant believe it
i was walking around club penguin when a penguin went around saying
“usa drools, osbama rules”
I COULDNT BELIEVE IT. today is the day when we mourn the lost, and remember we are all a nation.
its unacceptable how rude some ppl are… 🙁
I saw an amazing video on Google captured from right next to the towers. The smoke that came from the towers was incredible. It looked like a beast coming to destroy you. And people were running away. This country will never forget it.
yparocks.wordpress.com check it out we need members
Have you been watching CNN’s EXPOSED “The Perfect Day” About Terrorists possibly attacking our schools in America. Not to scare any body
p.s 1776 is when we signed Declamation of Independence
Lol if those retarded terrorists attacked my school or came in and took us hostage or somethin i would punch them in the face lol
oagal can you please nominate me for general ive been in every war since i started acp please at least respond
Akash,very wise,beating a terrorist in the face…clever-_-
I dont care but if they didnt have guns then i really would beat the crap outta them and have all my friends join in on the fun beating! 😀
lol, akash. and who are osbama and muhamad??
akash u su** y even comment here 🙄 if u hate us?
akash i will beet the living shit out of you
oagalthorp say a 9th grader that was very tall and he was pickking on someone this guy was very small if he had more heart he would beet him up this very small person is me
Oagalthorp: Get an adult. I know it’s what everyone says, but it is the best solution.
i remember at 9/11 2001 i was in kindergarden
very good idea ogalthorp
oaglthorp can i please take akash13’s place as field commander
oagal, what state do you live in?
Ummm lol how are u gonna take my spot when im better than u and to tell u the truth ive never even heard of u
Same here I was in kindergarten when it happened too.
hey akash13 im equal to u and i thoght you quit sorry if you didnt quit
oagalthorp isnt a hero hes sum kid who plays computer and thinks hes so though because he leads an army of vitual penguins.
cries* i dont want to hear more of it*
No that wasnt me some retard was impersonating me cuz they know that they can never amount to my greatness lol
That was such a sad and tragic event. There were some stories by students at my school. One said that their dad was going to go to a meeting at the WTC but he decided not to go. Another said that their dad was scheduled to go on flight 93 but their was an earlier flight the night before and went on that one. It is so scary to think if those things didn’t happen..they would be dead… 🙁
Oagalthorp I’m sorry about that somewhat rude comment I mad awhile ago. Please forgive me.
Also here is a tragic video of the event:
all wrong, it was saudi arabia and afganistan