CP Nations: The RPF is moving to Tuxedo, so Commando717 and I were talkiing. We were thinking about starting an ACP and RPF Country, but we came up witha better idea. Club Penguin Nations. Many of our allies are moving to different servers, so I thought we should expand our server horizon. So here’s the deal: There are six Regions in Club Penguin, USA North (First USA Page), USA Central (Second USA Page), USA South (Third USA Page), Canada, UK (England), and Austrelia. Each region has at least 14 servers. Conveniently, there are six main armies, ACP, RPF, Nachos, UMA, GPR, and Golds. Each army will move to the Capital of each region (USA North: Mammoth, Canada: North Pole, etc.), and defend that server, and will be incharge of defending the entire Region. Once every army is in a Capital, we will all train new armies, and send them to individual servers in a perticular Region, and they will defend that server. If this works, almost every server , and most bad armies will be allied or die out in a matter of months. This means that in approximately 5 months, every server will have an army to defend it, and every Region will have a main army to organize the defense. If all goes well, these armies will protect these Regions:
ACP: USA North
RPF: USA Central
Nachos: USA South
UMA: Canada
Golds: Austrelia
Once this is all worked out, I will make a page about it. This will be BIG, and possible one of the ACP’s greatest achievements, winning WWIII, and setting up the alliances all over Club Penguin. We will have a Council meeting based on this topic.
New Ranks/Divisions: I have figured out, that all these ranks aren’t needed. All you need is a leader, commanders, and soldiers. So I am devising another new ranking system. It will include three divisions. Here are the ranks:
-Head General
-Commander/Division Commander
-Trooper: Soldier, Marine, and (We will vote on one) Scout, Recon, Calvary, Air Calvary, or F.E.R. (First Encounter Recon) <– Vote on which name you want for the last one, it wil have the same duty no matter what name, but you choose what it is called. So vote!
Vote for Akask13: Should Akash13 be a Commander? Vote here, along with what the Division name for the third Division should be.
RIANRJ IS LEADING THE ATTACK TODAY! But most likely he won’t show up. If he doesn’t, I will lead the attack.
A few people can’t come to their battle. If they don’t arrive, I will lead that particular attack.
Invasion information: This invasion will be a week long, against the Silver Surfers. Here is the order in which people will lead: Day 2: Rianjr, Day 3: Texas Vs A, Day 4: Tomtwelve, Day 5: Keelord, Day 6: Nakib, Day 7: Tidle Fin (Who is a girl). After each battle we will vote to see if they get to be a Field Commander. Time/Date:
-Sept. 9- Sept. 15
-Mammoth Dojo
-4:00pm PST
Until later,
March on!
Filed under: ACP |
i lead yesterday u wont there nor akash was there
rianjr is a nacho now
what exactly is the vote about??
you know make sure you are protecting not taking over
Oagalthorp: We aren’t taking over, everyone has just as many freedom as normal. We just stop all of the bad armies in our areas.
why do u need to “defend ” a server? what can an army do?
Oagalthorp: An army can get rid of annoying people, robbers, bad armies, and rule breakers, if done correctly.
Ummmmm do you meen that nachos rule all servers on the 3rd page because spartans home server is freezer
If you have checked the uma site, mpenguin doesnt want to move. I’m still working on a way to change his mind. but for the time bejng , can you try to change his mind. i don’t think he would listen to a private lol.
And i will be on this site more, as to with the uma site.
well how do u “get rid” of the army? “by throwing snowballs” not likely
Oagalthorp: If you outnumber a small army by enough, they will leave. But if you don’t, I have my ways of getting you to go away. But I don’t really need to, a two man army is as good as nothing compaired to the ACP and it’s allies.
I’m not voting for Akask, cause I’m voting for myself!
Oagalthorp: You can vote for more than one person.
I dont now if I like the idea I might stay were I am.
Oagalthorp: Well if so, we will find a way to get a different army to guard USA South. I would act fast before someone takes it before you.
Ok but we keep blizzard and have small recons in mamoth.
Oagalthorp: Thats fine with me, as long as you stay loyal to protectin ghte South and training new armies. But you don’t have to worry about Mammoth, once the ACP is through with it, it will be one of the safest places in Club Penguin. But it’s your choice. PS: If you stay in Blizzard, it will still be USA North territory, and an army may be appointed to protect there.
Well its kinda of hard to leave mamoth after almost being there for a year and I cant just leave blizzard we made it a miltary base where we are sending troops to other servers.
I think it should be Scout (for where we vote)
I dont care if nachos are in the south usa cp servers but theres one server i dont want them on can you tell them to keep off server freezer that is spartans home server, so can you tell all the nacho to keep out of it. thanks
Oagalthorp I have two things to ask
1. Why didnt you sill put up im a red belt?
2. Can Can I be A Commander? If you say Yes Tell people to Vote for me please!
Oagalthorp: I have told you this a million times: There are too many Red Belts to keep track of. I’m not just going to add you, because then everyone would ask, and there are too many. And you need to lead a successful attack that I assign you to be voted a Commander.
Dear Oagalthorp,
I can never make it to battles because Mammoth is always full! I am a non-member, so it is impossible for me to get on Mammoth. Will the non-member battles be on Fjord the main non-member server?
Your sincere true soldier,
P.S. Check out my blog at juliannecox.blogspot.com
mdogg, SHUT THE HECK UP ABOUT THE RED BELT THING!!! and, this is pretty big, in my opinion, this wouldnt be as fun or as easy as protecting just one server, leader, god/godess,etc.it wont be as fun because everyone is going to stay in one server, the one your in. besides, all the capitals are full to nonmembers half the time, if the population of all these armies went ot the capitals, they will always be full. i say the capital is the least popular server. it also wouldnt be as fun because you wont fight that much.
Oagalthorp: Actually, the ACP will still mainly fight in Mammoth, because that is our base server/USA North Capital. And there are plenty of places for non-member ACP soldiers to fight.
Oagalthorp: Comment deleted, too much cussing.
hi tidle fin havent seen you in a while. if your allies with rpf cpsr might be able to help you 🙂
Mdog your loyal but you show no leader skills. Youll never be leader of anything with that kind of attidude. Your just begging over and over to be some rank. your sad.
wow that was not nice but instead of taking your anger out with words you should scream in a pillow. 🙂
hi sir i am gonna be uma for a while but i will be at the battle…
haha u guys are so annoying iits just a computer game u get so mad and serious
HA No Offence but ur kinda nerdy u think your so tough by being a leader of a computer game 😛
Oagalthorp: Mdogg, don’t be a hypocrite. You were the one cussing it out for a comment made by someone else, and you asked to be a leader (Commander).
By the way i waz kidding but obviously u dont understand cuz ur like addicted to the computer and u wont understand what “joking” is
Oagalthorp: Comment deleted, it was too offensive.
no he wasnt even there
“tew man army”? that better not be me, cause i just recieved 100 troops, and more will come, from an army, one of your aly’s by the way :), that is helping me.
Oagalthorp: You mis-quoted me, I would never spell a word as simple as “two” wrong. And I doubt your little ally actually gave you that many troops, you are bluffing.
Oagalthorp I Quit ACP this time its final
And General Borja said he has classified Information to tell you He said its super important
Oagalthorp: This is the third time you have “quit for good”. Just wait for my reply before making any stupid decisions.
Oagalthorp I Quit ACP this time its final
And General Borja said he has classified Information to tell you He said its super important!
Oagalthorp: This is the third time you have “quit for good”. Read my response to your comment before making any stupid decisions for now on.
o sorry i rote it twice
🙁 🙁 🙁 oagal u never listen to me i said that i could go to breeze and get recruits but u never anwsered and who got the field commander position???????
texas vs a
Oagalthorp: I always read your comments, and unfortunately many of them are spam about your website (I reccomend you don’t do that). And go ahead to Breeze, I already said you could. And no one has been votes Commander yet.
hey mdogg you should join cpsr! but anyways i agree with you it is just a computer game and its nothing to get worked up about.
ok Chessman Ill join Just
Give me the Site
And Thanks
Oi Oagalthorp The Australian servers don’t need golds!!!! We The Pirates are protercting them!!!!!! Move your troops out of our territory !!!!!! If there is an attack we are more than ready for it. We dont mind the help but the Australian servers are ours!!!!! So keep out unless u get permission from me!!!
The Commander Of The Pirates
wut the heck all this new army territories and stuff is gay. i like the old days better, where all u would do is fight, there wasn’t much planning or anything. it was funner. i quit ACP.
Ik oagalthorp its fun to get u guys mad and happy and ill rejoin and i quit its hilarious no offense
hey ogalthorp i vote to not make akash a commander he didnt even show up thanks midnightmoon
i mean, no offense oagal, but it does seem like the armies r taking over. i say we just leave the fights at mammoth and that’s that.
Tommorow is 9/11. We should get school off!
I am not moving out of Mammoth. You are doing this just so ACP can gain power it is starting to lose! You don’t have the authority over me to do this. I absolutely refuse and there is no way I am agreeing. Your not a dictator that rules CP, and i am not a slave to you. Find some other army cuz i am not doin it. The nachos control Blizzard and some of mammoth and i plan to keep it that way. You can’t kick us out of the two main worlds so your army can take over. No Way No How! Not Ever!
U tell him Shadow IM JOININ THE NATCHOES!!!!!!
Shadow is a good leader!
am not moving out of Mammoth. You are doing this just so ACP can gain power it is starting to lose! You don’t have the authority over me to do this. I absolutely refuse and there is no way I am agreeing. Your not a dictator that rules CP, and i am not a slave to you. Find some other army cuz i am not doin it. The nachos control Blizzard and some of mammoth and i plan to keep it that way. You can’t kick us out of the two main worlds so your army can take over. No Way No How! Not Ever!
I re-said this message b/c you might skip over it on accident.
I believe it wasn’t Akash’s fault.
hey romans are a main army too
any army with 100 troops and up are a main army gpr barley have any troops
plus there are some servers that already belong to the romans
heres a list freezer ice burg mittens and some others
any army allies or not who dares try to take over these servers shall be attacked eliminated
Shadow U rock And I dont have the Site so can you give me the site to the natchos?
except the golds best allies ever
What the heck do we need an invasion for? There was no ACP there. I agree with Shadow. I may join the Nachos or some other army. ACP is becoming power hungry now.
I dont have the Site so can you give me the site to the natchos?
I am not moving out of Mammoth. You are doing this just so ACP can gain power it is starting to lose! You don’t have the authority over me to do this. I absolutely refuse and there is no way I am agreeing. Your not a dictator that rules CP, and i am not a slave to you. Find some other army cuz i am not doin it. The nachos control Blizzard and some of mammoth and i plan to keep it that way. You can’t kick us out of the two main worlds so your army can take over. No Way No How! Not Ever!
The site is on rpf blog. I cant remember the web address. Look up Zipp500 nachos on google. it is not tom wolf’s blog, it is zippy500’s
ok thx
ok srry sir
i vote marine
I am not moving out of Mammoth. You are doing this just so ACP can gain power it is starting to lose! You don’t have the authority over me to do this. I absolutely refuse and there is no way I am agreeing. Your not a dictator that rules CP, and i am not a slave to you. Find some other army cuz i am not doin it. The nachos control Blizzard and some of mammoth and i plan to keep it that way. You can’t kick us out of the two main worlds so your army can take over. No Way No How! Not Ever!
I repeat these comments b/c you are ignoring them.
sorry bud but i dont do canada im staying on mammoth so tough luck
I am not moving out of Mammoth. You are doing this just so ACP can gain power it is starting to lose! You don’t have the authority over me to do this. I absolutely refuse and there is no way I am agreeing. Your not a dictator that rules CP, and i am not a slave to you. Find some other army cuz i am not doin it. The nachos control Blizzard and some of mammoth and i plan to keep it that way. You can’t kick us out of the two main worlds so your army can take over. No Way No How! Not Ever!
Oagalthorp: Did you not read what this is about? And Zippy already agreed to it. It is fully voluntary.
Shadow has made a point.
Oagal what is my rank.
It seems like im one of the ACP soldiers that always gets pushed around.
I am never mentioned on the site
I’ve been part of the Army for at least 5 months
I’m buds with basically the top five people
I have a ton of ACP soldiers on my buddy list
How come I’m never ranked?
Oh yeah and also never said i quit like some of the other soldiers
dude dude dude dude dude.dude. nachos are going to get a bigger population of they get usa south. they will be flooded with nonmember troops.FLOODED.flooded like me flooding on the chat box. ( its fun try it lol )
i might even quit acp and join nachos if they keep usa south.
also, what was zippys comment that was too offensive, and what was mdogg’s comment that had too much swearing?
cause heck, read all the other pages, thousands of swear man,thousands.
also, ogal, if your going to have usa north, your going to have to move your base server. this is getitng rediculus.(sp?) ive defended acp’s honor by comebacking haters and enemy troops on the pages you no longer moderate. you have never up ranked me though when i was a member i followed every order and went to every battle i could. it wasnt even you who upranked me. it was someone else, i think he was a general. there are a bunch of acp nonmember troops waiting for you or EVEN BORJA to give a command or plan a battle!!! we are just useless rags!!!! also, have you seen how many people are pretending to be you and saying “hi im ogal i suck.” ALOT. i have to stick up for you by burning them or telling them to shut up. im serious ogal, if you dont stop this nonsense, im going to quit.
move the base server to a less populated server and maybe ill try to get to battles finally. i speak for all nonmembers when i say, im pissed.
oagalthorp pink mafias was one of the first ppl to join cp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ur a newb compared to pink mafias!! the 4 main armies are vikings romans UMA and nachos because there the oldest and u copied pinks idea of an army u copier of the great pink mafias.
Oagalthorp: Wow, you REALLY are out of the loop. Do you know when the ACP was made? September 29, 2006, on the old Club Penguin Miniclip Forums. Now look at Pink Mafias site: http://PinkMafias.wordpress.com/ It wasn’t even made before the ACP first started, let alone the UMA. Get with the program.
and why does ACP get all the good servers like mammoth iceberg blizzard and white out?
so if u guys try to open a base in those servers youll have to either get through us or house a meeting with me to have some bases in that server
go romans were a main army
O_O ………. ummm comment 73 is kinda sick/funny also
Oagalthorps tell the nachos not to go on server freezer that is spartans server.!
Well I’m staying in Mammoth with My Grand Army (have you seen it yet?,if not then you missed it, we had about seventy soldiers online at the time, it was crazy). I don’t care about that. It means those will be Nacho servers. ONE thing you can’t do is take over Blizzard adn Mammoth. You can do that to other suck-up armies, but not me. All my soldiers will stay in mammoth like it or not and wether or not acp gaurds the dojo or not, I DON’T CARE WHAT YOU TELL ME! Mammoth is my world, and I’m protecting it, even if it means war.
Oagalthorp: You don’t have a grand army, you are just member of the Nachos. And we aren’t taking over mammoth or Blizzard, we are defedning both, and we aren’t making anyone do anything.
Yea Just Like Shadow said Me, Shadow, And The Rest of the Natchos Will Not Let The ACP Take Over The Mammoth Server All for themselves
Oagalthorp Your Very Greedy Your Were not Letting you Take Over Mammoth!
oagalthorp i might need your help a little i have a big imvasion on silver surfers ok plz edit my comment
oagal if zippy dosent want to guard blizzard my army will plz this is my chance to shine its my moment plz give me a chance
by the way its me fredpepe
oagal can you nominate me for general or head general i promise to be a great soldier
that actully is a good idea regions so everyone will have a server to guard
Tidle’s not the only one. I defended ACP’s honor too. And all I get is a lousy lietunant rank. I can go join the Golds and get treated better. Oagal ACP is going down the drain, and u have to fix it.
I’m not kidding, Green and Texas and loyal troops may not say it but……… UR ACTING LIKE A JERK!
No offense, but ur becoming power hungry
akash shouldnt be one hes a jerk
Akash13 SHOULDT be commander. Reason why:
Hes a jerk
Hes a selfish person
Hes in CPFA!!
oagalthorp put me on there my team is fire warriors we allied with gpr even read it for more info visit firewarriors.wordpress.com we also allied with ewp cpa and golds beleive me i promise putme on the uk im english so i will help uk
Bobsled is the official AOP server so one don’t send anyone there and two I’m sorry but I’m not listening to any other armies and AOP will frequently be making trips to Mammoth to see what is going on. Remember, we are not exactly against you, we are against everyone fighting, which basically is every army, but we are going to go easy on you. I may live in England but I have a talent for staying up late whenever I can.
Leader of AOP and all things CP good,
The silver surfers,now a common enemy,heh heh heh,me and the romans will still be on mammoth,but…i think i know something…something that’ll happen on the eleventh of september…the day when there were exactly 6 years since the World Trade Center fell…what if they’re plan is to blow something up?
im uma and mpenguin is back
see ogal?
nobody else thinks this is a good plan.stop this nonsense before its too late.ive seen a post on the uma site that says ” we will never move, we will forever stay in mammoth ” even some rpf didnt want to move. here’s MY plan. ive been thinking. we might be breaking the ancient laws of cp wars. by which i mean, giving armies too much territory and leaving the ancient war servers. seriously. but! i have an idea. we move our war server to brumby, or some server in usa south. this will appeal to members and espicially nonmembers. the one server we wont put it in is altitude, because its usually full, and, there might be unexpected enemy armies. seriously, i might quit if you dont say yes to my plan.
P:S this wont be breaking the ancient laws of cp wars, for you see, we all must yell out brumby or the new war server in mammoth and blizzard, then it shall begin the age of new wars.
Ok i can be a jerk but im not selfish and WHAT THE FUCK IS CPFA IM IN ACP U BITCH
you mean being a jerk like just now? lol.
this is it.100TH COMMENT!!!! WOOO HOO HOO HOO!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOTTTT!!!!!!!!!!1 CELEBRATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 NEW RECORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOORAH!!!!!!!!!
Akash isn’t a jerk. U people just need to stop coming on here will all that mess saying ” Acp sucks or ” I want to rank up”. And I know I’m not the only thinking that comment I said in 86,87,88.
OAGAL DE MOD MOMO HES A BAD BAD MOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
So CTAR people can’t say the Akash is a jerk, but they can say Oagal is a jerk?
Oagal You probably should have talked to more people than just Commando
Uh.. YEAH! Akash nvm, Oagal is becoming power hungry. He that we…nvm
AND HE KEPT ASKING U TO BE A MOD OAGAL WITCH ISNT THE WAY TO BE A MOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ctar in febury people like you thought the same think then one of his genrel started a civil war. He might fire all of you to see it doesnt happen again.
Oagal ain’t gonna do anything to me.
Thats what all the other guys said and then BAM! I would be carful of what you say.
What is this all about!?we are fighting when we should be battling the ancient battlefields of mammoth,tidle fin is right,how many soldiers do you intend to put on each server!?10?im telling you oagal,if you dont stop this one day hopefully later than sooner,will someone start talking about mutiny!what are you going to do then?go on some shows we put on for retired and senior ACP’s?tidle fin is right!and CTAR,you dont wanna be overthrown.people have been in this army as long as they remember…and you just suggest we…we start spreading out our army’s and let the enemy take servers one by one?
111 comment by the way!
Yeah u better watch your back Oagal, u don’t know who is planning mutiny……
That’s not what I said. I just mean that Oagal is trying make Mammoth ACP’s terriority only
mutiny actually sounds good right about now….. and reply on our comments oagal.
Heck yea mutiny sounds good
If we did have mutiny Oagal would lose most of his soliders
i mean seriously ogal is making us sound like uacp.
indeed, he would loose most of his troops.
Oagal better do something quick.
oaglthorp i need a server to guard plz can i guard big foot
put uacp as a main army cause we are more popular than the acp right now go uacp!!!!!!!!
Oagalthorp: That is a 100% lie. You have about 7 soldiers, and you have as many total hits as we get each day.
amen to that
fuck u acp im 2nd command of uacp were allied wid da uma woooohoooo
The nachos are defending Blizzard and Mammoth too. And I do have a grand army behind my back mostly loyal to me, not Zippy500. Sorry Zippy. I have more power in the nachos then you think Oagalthorp. I have had more nachos online then how many soldiers are in acp. lol. look who talkin now…
And you are making somebody do something. You are sending the nachos off down a road that will make them weaker. That’s right… WEAKER!, while you are sending yourselfs down a road that will make you stronger. You are just trying to make up for the lost soldiers that have quit b/c of YOU!
1: We have more soldiers in the ACP than any of your Nachos. You just have random people with sombreros that fight to be in the “in crowd”.
2: You obviously didn’t read my actual post, and read the comments under it. If anything the Nachos would get bigger in USA South. the reason I think people should move is so our new soldiers don’t run into eachother and fight. The more armies we have on Mammoth, the more unwanted fighting we have.
3: We haven’t been losing many soldiers lately, only two really. And we gain about 20 a day. Yeah, we are really losing troops.
your just mad. lol.
20 a day? bite me.
And they don’t come in just to be in the crowd. they come becuz of people and their armies like you who think they are so big and bad.
More than two people have quit too.
And I read the post too. That’s the only reason i read the comments and post them.
I saw something funny today too, three lime green people against three pink people. Do we really have to go down there and ruin their fun?
ogle if you like it or not we are gaining tons of troops a day. We will have more then you some day and our troops are on more. Shadow whn were both on all the nachos go by me not you so most of them now i am leader.
Sir, I’m making my own web site and im publishing ACP in my web site some of myimages are of this site everytime I put images texts or something like that i put : All copyrights from ACP. Do I erase all the images and makes my owns? Ah here is the part of my site i dedicated to ACP: http://tquiero.wordpress.com/about/ .What do you think? Can i still publishing your images?
Oagalthorps all we want are 2 servers Freezer and Snow Cone apperantly they are in the southern usa where you say nachos protect can you tell them to STAY OFF THOSE SERVERS they are each spartan servers i dont care if nachos are on any other server just not those ones reply to this if you read it thanks
They know you are the leader, but they know me better.
Oagal ur so selfish bossing everyone around and making other armies to other damn country.You just want to be the biggest cp super nerd there is.
oagalthorp im not trying to offend you or anyhting but you becoming way to seriouse and showing off how your army is bigger than others and one time eventully you will be bossed around by a army smaller than you
fly4flife your rite hes being a big jackas
sorry but the golds are going to my land if we have a problem we are going to have war with them so please move them somewhere else
my computer crashed!it was displaying the *blue death screen!*
I have a few things to say.
1. The UMA deserves better than Cannada!!!! I think that it should be like this: The 3 most powerful armies (UMA, ACP, and RPF) should get the USA servers and sence you came up with the idea the ACP can have USA North. Then i think that the UMA should have USA Middle and Rpf should have USA South. Then the other servers can be divided whatever way you want.
2. Cpdude will you cool it!!!!!!!!!!! Seriuously why are you so pissed off?
3. Akash13 SHUT THE F**K UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
UMA 4 EVER!!!!!!!!!!
UMA General Ice King 21
fuck all acp im never going to autrailia
Hey Oagalthorp should’nt my army CPDA be in the council you said we could ally?
Hi There I Dont HAve A VEry Big Army But I Was Wondering Whether I Could Take USA Deep South (4) When It Arrives And Until Then MAy I Have A Land Grant On Summit? As I Just Started My Army And I WOuld Like A Bit OF Space OR I’ll Just Take Any Spare Servers OR I WOuld Be HAppy With Just Thermal
[…] Before I give my speech, read this post:http://acparmyofclubpenguin.wordpress.com/2007/09/10/club-penguin-nations-must-read/ […]
[…] Read this: http://acparmyofclubpenguin.wordpress.com/2007/09/10/club-penguin-nations-must-read/ […]